
Chapter 888

hk876 officially signed, angry Intel!

Xia Nation Time, May twenty one day, late at night close to 0:00; Li Jian Nation time, just just noon on May twenty.

Emerald Building, 38th floor, except for a small number of Ruling Security Company’s value night personnel, as well as the Izual-controlled Security Monitoring program, the rest of the staff members got off work early. But in the conference room of Dream Entertainment Company, Shi Lei and Mu Shuang are still working on Network Video Conference with seven high-level Stockholders of mCompany.

mCompany’s seven high-level Stockholders, which have been agreed with the Dream Entertainment Company aspect, have only waited for the final formal signing, and Dream Entertainment can take full control of mCompany and become the controller of mCompany.

“Ms. Mu Shuang, we immediately booked a flight to Xia Nation Shuangqing City. It is expected to arrive twenty hours after twenty.” Dirk Mayer responded to Mu Shuang’s issue and then hesitated for a moment before finally asking: “Mu Ms. Shuang, may I ask the Dream Entertainment Company, after splitting and reorganizing mCompany, what adjustment plan is there on the management staff aspect?”

This issue is a temptation by Dirk Mayer and represents the doubts of other mCompany executives. If Dream Entertainment wants to make management adjustments for mCompany, how should their location be arranged?

As the current senior management of mCompany, they don’t really want to leave mCompany’s top management position.

Mu Shuang turned to look at Shi Lei, and Shi Lei nodded, indicating that Mu Shuang was doing according to the original plan, and Mu Shuang nodded, indicating that he understood.

“Mr. Dirk. Please don’t worry, our Dream Entertainment Company. It won’t play chaos. mCompany’s current management arrangements will only make adjustments for a small number of personnel, send a small number of inspectors. Then, also to mCompany The Internal Management System was adapted to be integrated into the Mirror Science and Technology system.” Mu Shuang spoke out a good adjustment plan with Shi Lei. [

The main thing is to dispatch inspectors and Internal Management System adjustments.

The Internal Management System Extremely Advanced of the Mirror Science and Technology system, including the Financial System, will be largely protected from unnecessary issues by Izual.

Mu Shuang continues to add: “Mr. Dirk. Your original team management team at mCompany will continue to manage mCompany, including the pu project and the gpu project. These two projects are merged and are still managed by you. Mr. Dirk, you are still Is the CEO of mCompany, we will not change the internal structure of mCompany.”

Seven mCompany executives are all sighed in relief. Their current status will not change, then the Dream Entertainment Company is in the mCompany, everything looks perfect!

They become rich and have status, what else is not perfect?

“Ms. Mu Shuang, we still have…” Dirk Mayer has not asked. Shi Lei interrupted the question.

“Mr. Dirk, what is the issue, wait until you arrive at Xia Nation and talk. It is already in the early morning of Xia Nation Time, we need to go to rest, you are also ready to have lunch for Right?” Shi Lei said in an undeniable tone “That’s the time!”

When Shi Lei finished speaking. The projection light curtain on the projection cloth disappeared and Izual cut off the contact with the seven mCompany high-level Stockholder. Mu Shuang gave a white glance to Shi Lei and whispered: “Shi Lei, we should discuss it with them once.”

Shi Lei looked at the face “color” a little bit of Mu Shuang, the language temperature judo: “Shuang Shuang, time is not early, I will send you back!”

Mu Shuang nodded and glanced at Shi Lei. The moment of the moment, coupled with the darkness of the night, made Shi Lei take a step forward and hug Mu Shuang.

“Ah~” Mu Shuang snorted, his face “color” blushing at Shi Lei, his eyes gradually rising a “fog” of mist, and his breathing became a little rush.

Shi Lei sniffs Mu Shuang’s breath, like a deep breath, deep took a deep breath, with a bad smile, whispered: “Shuang Shuang, hello!”

Mu Shuang didn’t answer, but the body in Shi Lei’s arms shook slightly.

“hēi hēi !” Shi Lei felt Mu Shuang’s trembling, the eyeballs turned slightly, deliberately closer to Mu Shuang, and the two could feel each other’s breathing and hit the face directly.

Mu Shuang has closed his eyes and seems to have accepted his life and acquiesced in Shi Lei’s movements. Shi Lei had a smirk at the corner of his mouth, slightly over the head, and his lips were printed on Mu Shuang’s lips. [

Before Shi Lei moved further, Mu Shuang took Shi Lei and left Shi Lei’s embrace. She whispered: “Shi Lei, the sky is not too early, go back!”

Shi Lei was a little disappointed. He knew what Mu Shuang was scrupulous about and he didn’t blame Mu Shuang’s opinion. The two drove from the Emerald Building, Shi Lei returned to Jingya Garden, and Mu Shuang returned to Sunlight Garden.

On the following day, on May 2nd, 12, Shi Lei devoted his energies to writing the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. I wrote the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine one day earlier and upgraded Image Processing System one day earlier.

Shi Lei Hope Mirror Science and Technology’s Image Processing System finally formed a reliable monitoring network. Shi Lei has already thought of a pulling name for this monitoring network – Eye of Eternity!

Shi Lei Hope Eye of Eternity, all over the World Monitoring System, so that Mirror Science and Technology needs any intelligence data, or query what role, Eye of Eternity can quickly find the relevant data and personnel.

For the Eye of Eternity plan, in order to get more intelligence information, Shi Lei is determined to compcomplish the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. On the second day of 12 Day on May 2, Shi Lei is writing the source code of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine.

On the second day of 12 on May 2nd, seven high-ranking Stockholders of mCompany and some Think Tank personnel arrived in Shuanghu District of Shuangqing City and stayed at Emerald Lake Guesthouse.

Shi Lei received a call from Mu Shuang before going to sleep. The official signing ceremony of Dream Entertainment and mCompany will be officially held at 10 o’clock in the morning on May Twenty-three. Shi Lei originally wanted to chat with Mu Shuang. But Mu Shuang hangs up the phone, apparently what happened on nightnightday. Let Mu Shuang still remember that in the heart has its own scruples.

Shi Lei put down the cell phone and looked at the source code of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. After a whole day of writing, the source code’s accomplish degree, almost reached the percent of Sixty.

It can take up to ten days to compile all of the Core Source Code and work on the rest of the code. Completely handed over to Izual, Izual takes about a day, fills in all the underlying code, then validates the complete program and performs the full test.

Izual has mastered wnMiwang’s huge computing resources for verifying and testing the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, which takes a day. If you let the Ordinary human accomplish this work, the time required will be calculated in units of ‘years’.

May Twenty-three, 9 am.

Shi Lei arrived at the Dream Entertainment Company’s conference room on time, and also attended Mu Shuang, Dream Entertainment Manager’s Deputy General Manager Xie Hui. Even Ling Yumo is sitting next to Shi Lei’s. She found Mu Shuang’s anomaly in her nightday, and she was wary and decided not to continue to let Mu Shuang and Shi Lei get along.

In the conference room, Dream Entertainment and mCompany’s senior management discussed the final issues.

Dirk Mayer said: “Ms. Mu Shuang. After the Master Entertainment Company has mastered mCompany, will it reduce the benefit of the personnel? We have learned in particular that the labor costs in the Xia Nation area are quite high compared to the Li Jian Nation area. Low. Does Dream Entertainment Company cut investment in mManany’s labor costs?”

mCompany As a High-tech manufacturing company, the number of personnel in Worldwide is huge, and if labor costs are cut, it will save a lot of money.

Dirk Mayer is more worried about Dream Entertainment Company’s reduction of the treatment of grassroots personnel. If the treatment of grassroots personnel is cut, the grassroots personnel may be dissatisfied and even cause serious consequences of the strike.

Mu Shuang did not answer the issue, but let Shi Lei answer.

Shi Lei smiled started talking: “Mr. Dirk, this issue, you don’t need to worry! Our Dream Entertainment Company, has never been a sly company, we will fully promote personnel after we take over mCompany. All the grassroots personnel in the first line The treatment is promoted 5%. The middle and high-level personnel are temporarily unchanged, and the middle and high-level personnel will face an inspection. If the inspection is not completed, it may be transferred from the current position, and even severely will be dismissed. Of course, the stockholders do not exist. This worry.”

Dirk Mayer sighed in relief, “So best, promoted 5% salary, this is good news!”

Ten o’clock in the morning.

Dream Entertainment Company and mCompany executives came to the Press Conference Room at Emerald Lake Guesthouse, where more than one hundred news media have gathered in the Press Conference Room. Since the internal space of the Press Conference Room is too small, there are some media laws that enter the Press Conference, which makes the media reporters who can’t get in the way complain.

Dream Entertainment does need its own Headquarters. Otherwise, the Press Conference is always held in the rented place, which is too damaging to the corporate image.

At the Press Conference, Shi Lei held the microphone and formulated a content of a series Dream Entertainment Company’s acquisition of mCompany.


“Dream Entertainment Company, on behalf of Mirror Science and Technology Group, announced that mCompany is formally incorporated into the Mirror Science and Technology Group and is one of the holding company companies under the Mirror Science and Technology Group, and Mirror Science and Technology Group controls the shares of mCompany 90%. mCompany’s integration into Mirror Science and Technology Group will not change the pattern of mCompany. Most of the status of mCompany will remain the same. The management is still the original team. The salary of all the grassroots personnel in mCompany is up to 5%.”

“mCompany’s Headquarters remain unchanged, mCompany’s new product will increase the Xia Nation area as one of the starting places, and the Xia Nation area will enjoy a certain degree of mCompany product price concessions.”

Shi Lei announced that after the Dream Entertainment Company, in charge of mCompany, announced all the information, it was the turn of Reporter to ask questions.

Gold-medal Scooper David of Li Jian Nation Wall Street Journal first wanted to ask questions, Shuangqing Television Station’s gold medal Host Hu Ke, for some reason, did not appear at the Press Conference, David was honored to get the first round of questions.

“Mr. Shi, your company signed a Personal Game Server contract with ntelCompany. You just announced that you want to hand over the Personal Game Server project to mCompany for manufacturing. How do you face ntelCompany?” Gold-medal Scooper asked directly The sharpest issue.

Shi Lei spread out both hands ,said with a smile : “Our Dream Entertainment Company, in violation of the cooperation agreement signed with ntelCompany, in accordance with the provisions of the cooperation agreement, we will compensate ntelCompany 500 US Dollar breach of contract damages. Our contract It’s very clear that our Dream Entertainment Company will definitely follow the contract implement!”

Shi Lei’s statement shows that there is no room for change between Dream Entertainment Company and ntelCompany.

The distant Li Jian Nation, ntelCompany received the scene of the Dream Entertainment Company’s Press Conference in real time. When Shi Lei stated that compensation for the helmet of contract damages, ntelCompany’s High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General Craig Beret angered the coffee cup On the expensive carpet, roaring in the mouth: “Damn Dream Entertainment Company, we ntelCompany, we must not let them go so easily!”

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: Mystery Jun: If there is an afterlife, be a tree. I don’t want to be the tree itself, but want to be the meaning of it.


Mengg: There is no sorrow and joy, half in the dust, half in the wind, half in the shade, half in the sun, very silent and very proud, never rely on never looking for…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗