
Chapter 885

The pros and cons of hk873, the negotiation of Contain Victor Victory?

Dream Entertainment’s acquisition of mCompany has experienced many difficulties. From the initial tradable shares, Mu Shuang used the scheme to get enough Stock. Currently, Dream Entertainment Company holds a stake in mCompany 70%.

The new acquisition of mCompany Stock, which is twenty percent of the four-eighth-eighth, is only 3US Dollar.

Because of mCompany’s Stock, it has been delisted by NASDAQ’s securities transaction market. At the moment of delisting, Dream Entertainment received a numerous mCompany Stock transaction, and Mu Shuang easily acquired mCompany’s stock of 4.86 percent at a low price.

mCompany’s remaining twenty five stocks, all in the hands of mCompany’s high-level management staff, including mCompany’s Director-General Dirk Mayer, Technology Chief Engineer Atwood Iven, High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General Tom Cruise, and a small number of original Board of DIRE ctors member.

Inside mCompany, the stockholder currently holding shares has only seven people, counting Dream Entertainment Company, which is eight stockholders, which does not meet the listing requirements of the NASDAQ securities trading market.

Shi Lei’s original plan, exactly as stated, wholly acquired mCompany, which included mCompany 100% in the bag, making mCompany his personal plaything.

However, when Shi Lei and Xiao Bo discussed mCompany, Xiao Bo proposed Dream Entertainment Company, and if he wants to control mCompany, he must leave the backbone of mCompany. The only way to leave the top level of the mCompany backbone is to accurately let the mCompany’s backbone executives retain the shares of mCompany and let them continue as mholder’s Stockholder.

After Dream Entertainment Company takes over mCompany, mCompany will definitely rise. Twenty percent of mCompany Stock, according to the current situation, is worth about 500 million US Dollars. But Shi Lei can guarantee it. As long as Dream Entertainment Company announces the full takeover of mCompany, mCompany re-enters the NASDAQ securities trading market, and the Stock price is at least four times more promoted! [

This profit should not be underestimated, Shi Lei does not want to give up easily.

“Xiao Bo, if we allow mCompany’s top management, keep mCompany twenty five stocks. Do you know how much profit our approximately lose?” Shi Lei asked.

The mCompany executive holds a ten percent of the stock of Stock. Not only stock value-added losses, but also a follow-up share dividend for series. Twenty percent of the twenty is one quarter, and mCompany earns a hundred US Dollars profit for Dream Entertainment Company, which is required to be distributed to mCompany’s high-level twenty US dollar share dividend.

This follow-up loss. It is very exaggerated to accumulate!

Shi Lei initially estimated that after McCompany joined Dream Entertainment, it was only the business of Personal Game Server, and the profit margin for at least one year was at Billions USD. Coupled with the emphasis on the PC market, mCompany’s one-year profit is likely to be as high as 2 Billion US Dollar. If one quarter of them belong to the mCompany level, Shi Lei is quite unacceptable!

Xiao Bo’s ability to do things is really strong, but Xiao Bo does not know the secret of some Dream Entertainment Company. It is also difficult to guess the combination of Dream Entertainment and mCompany. What kind of wonderful energy will erupt.

“Boss, allowing mCompany executives to retain the shares they hold, although we will lose some of the benefits, but we will also get great benefits!” Xiao Bo argued with reason.

“For example?” Shi Lei asked, Shi Lei is just the Hacker of World Summit Grade. Not the business management Genius of Mu Shuang.

Xiao Bo’s commercial innate talent is very strong. After all, formerly is the heir of the family business. He said in detail: “Boss, if we forcibly acquire the stock share in the high-level backbone of mCompany. First, it is possible to let them quit the company and even set up a The new chip design and manufacturing company; Secondly, mCompany’s existing high-level personnel left, we can hardly find a successor in a short time; in addition, if we allow mCompany to retain the current high-level shares, then mCompany also has a copy of them. Then they will naturally contribute to mCompany wholeheartedly!”

Professional Manager and Stockholder are absolutely different from the attitude of the same company. Professional Manager is just a good statement. It’s hard to listen to some of the High Grade wage earners. After all, it’s just to help people work.

Stockholder is different. Stockholder owns equity and has become one of the owners of the company. They will really strive for the development of the company. Professional Manager will only work hard at best, and if the situation is not right, they can choose the next company and continue to be the Professional Manager.

Xiao Bo’s opinion is very clear, as long as mCompany’s top management retains their own shares, mCompany can continue to run without any adjustments. Shi Lei only needs to send a part of the financial personnel and supervisory personnel to fully control mCompany.

This is the quickest and easiest way to take over mCompany and there is no loss.

Shi Lei After listening to Xiao Bo’s analysis, the face “color” is uncertain, Shi Lei is not Idiot, Xiao Bo said, of course, he clearly distinguishes the stake. As Xiao Bo said, there are so many benefits for mCompany to retain shares.

“Xiao Bo, this thing, I need to think about it! You first talk about the management staff at mCompany’s top level. I am now appointing you as the Dream Entertainment Company, the inspector of the special mCompany.” Shi Lei provided favorable benefits for Xiao Bo. Identity, convenient Xiao Bo Freedom enter mCompany, get more mCompany high-level support. [

Hanging up the call with Xiao Bo, Shi Lei called Mu Shuang, and he and Xiao Bo’s opinion were briefed to Mu Shuang. Finally, he asked: “Mu Shuang, what do you say we should do? Let mCompany High-level, keep the stock they hold?”

Mu Shuang carefully analyzed the pros and cons. As a business person with a lot more than Shi Lei, Mu Shuang analyzed it for a while, and started talking: “Shi Lei, I think you are right, the share of twenty five, Our future losses are too great!”

I haven’t waited for Shi Lei to be happy. Mu Shuang started again with talking: “However, Mr. Xiao Bo’s test is correct. If we don’t reserve a part of the mCompany executives, they will not be satisfied.”

“What should we do then?” Shi Lei asked, scratching his head.

Mu Shuang smiled and said: “You came to the company. This is a bit of a hassle. I can’t tell you clearly on the phone. We still talk face to face.”

“Oh, okay, I will come over soon!” Shi Lei just promised, Mu Shuang hang up the phone, making Shi Lei a little “touch” unclear, he said to himself: “Mo Fei, Little Mo and He Wanqiu is also?”

Shi Lei grabbed the car key on the computer desk and rushed to the Emerald Building. Nearly ten minutes later, Shi Lei came to the 38th floor of the Emerald Building, cautiously knocking on the door outside Mu Shuang’s Office.

This is Shi Lei first time knocking on the door of Mu Shuang Office. Shi Lei was originally prepared to eavesdrop. When it was originally renovated, the soundproofing “sex” could be done very well, and there was no way to hear anything in Office.

The wooden door of Mu Shuang Office was designed with a pneumatic component that automatically opened the door. After Shi Lei rang the door, the Office door made a slight ‘click’ and opened a door.

Shi Lei opened the door and walked around, looking around, only Mu Shuang sitting alone in Office, Shi Lei was slightly sighed in relief. The environment of three women in a drama really makes Shi Lei unable to stand up!

Mu Shuang put Shi Lei’s expression on the bottom of her eyes, and a faint smile appeared on her face. “Shi Lei, isn’t Yumo and Wanqiu absent, are you disappointed in the heart?”

Shi Lei 讪said with a smile : “Mu Shuang, hurry up and talk about how we should deal with the issue of mCompany’s top executives? Li Jian Nation blocks our control of mCompany, which has now been revoked, Li Jian Nation “Government” It won’t stop us. What should we do now to fully take over mCompany?”

“Shi Lei, my proposal is to synthesize your opinion with Mr. Xiao Bo. We can’t let the top level of mCompany master the shares of twenty five; but we need to leave a part of mCompany’s backbone. Equity is used to stabilize those high-level minds and to have more initiative.” Mu Shuang put forward his own views.

Shi Lei slammed his hand violently, his face “showing” a happy “color”, involuntarily went to Mu Shuang, hugged Mu Shuang from behind, excited to kiss Mu Shuang’s face.

Mu Shuang, such as the fat face of the sheep fat jade-like, immediately blushes like a tomato, but Mu Shuang is surprisingly not opening Shi Lei, but quiet enjoys Shi Lei’s embrace.

“Shuang Shuang, how are you smart!” Shi Lei praised. “Shuang Shuang, how many shares do you reserve for the senior level of mCompany?”

I heard that Shi Lei called himself Nickname ‘Shuang Shuang’, and Mu Shuang’s eyes showed a smile. “Shi Lei, how much to stay, you need to negotiate with the high-level leaders of mCompany.”

“What if they don’t agree?” Shi Lei said with some concern.

Mu Shuang chuckled twice and broke free from Shi Lei’s arms, and glanced at Shi Lei. “Stupid Shi Lei, mCompany’s top, he had to agree.”

Shi Lei doesn’t understand Mu Shuang’s opinion. If Dream Entertainment gives a very low reserve limit, for example, only 1% of the shares, let mCompany executives retain, will mCompany’s seniors agree?

Mu Shuang pointed to a stack of data on the desk. “Shi Lei, look at this data and you know that the top level of mCompany will definitely agree with our negotiation requirements!”


[Thank you for appreciation] Ting Yu Xiao Loli, white clothed 丶 shadow, swsw123, reward 100

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