
Chapter 884

hk872 Rep. was forced to resign and gave Shi Lei’s problem!

Shi Lei’s mind has always been meticulous, especially after having Izual, Shi Lei’s plan has almost never made any mistakes. Including this time against the House of Representatives, Bodales. Clise, Shi Lei and Izual joined together and succeeded Bodales. Clise’s peach color news was successfully guided.

House of Representatives’ OffiCIA l Website, Shi Lei announced Bodales. Clise’s peach scandal also revealed the scandal of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

After doing this, Shi Lei left the House of Representatives’ OffiCIA l Website without any other damage and left the System Back Door. All the traces of the invasion, Shi Lei cleaned up very clean, did not give Li Jian Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Department, leaving trails of tracking.

Li Jian Nation At nine o’clock in the evening, the two scandals of the House of Representatives OffiCIA l Website began to produce powerful power. The fbFederal Bureau of Investigation was the first to bear the brunt. As the evidence provided by Shi Lei was quite sufficient, some of the Li Jian Nation netizens who knew Network Technology, the intuitive and clear determination, the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation did make a big mistake, and they also retaliated afterwards.

This behavior of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation has been resisted and rejected by numerous netizens. Li Jian Nation is a Ruled by Law Nation, even if the privilege of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is very large, but when their fault is placed in front of the public, they will not be able to go down.

The scandal on the House of Representatives OffiCIA l Website was published, leaving the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation in trouble. At the same time, let Bodales also. Clise is quite annoyed.

Members of the House of Representatives, each term of office is only two years, Bodales. Clise has served for three times. He is very authoritative in the House of Representatives, although not Speaker and Vice-Speaker, Bodales. Clise is already a powerful competitor to Vice-Speaker.

This time, Bodales. Clise’s peach color scandal was exposed, Bodales. Clise has been affected a lot, although there is no definitive evidence of the scandal. However, Li Jian Nation’s integrity department has found Bodales. Clise, Hope, he showed relevant evidence of absence.

House of Representatives aspect, in Bodales. After Clise’s peach color news broke out, it was announced that Bodales was suspended. Clise’s House of Representatives until Bodales. Clise provides evidence to prove his innocence. [

Shi Lei pays close attention to the dynamics of Li Jian Nation, who originally thought that at least one day later, Li Jian Nation’s House of Representatives aspect would handle Bodales. Clise, Shi Lei did not expect that, just less than an hour, Li Jian Nation’s congressman dealt with Bodales. Clise.

In fact, Li Jian Nation’s House of Representatives aspect, the speed of processing so fast, Shi Lei broke the peach color scandal is only one of the aspects. Another aspect, Bodales. Clise’s prestige in the House of Representatives is not low, and has threatened Vice-Speaker and Speaker.

Now is such a good attack Bodales. Clise’s chances were sent to Vice-Speaker and Speaker, how could they not deal with Bodales. Clise ?

The struggle between political opponents is always the cruelest!

Bodales. Clise became the victim of this political game, not under the conspiracy of Shi Lei’s, and Shi Lei only had a chance to create him.

House of Representatives As one of Li Jian Nation’s two Exceed Grade authorities, the privilege in their hands is very large. They naturally know that their OffiCIA l Website has been invaded by Hacker, although it is impossible to find out who is invading. The scandal of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and Bodales. Clise’s peach color news is indeed released by the Hacker invasion. This information, the person-in-charge of the House of Representatives, is quite clear.

Can you know clearly?

For the Speaker of the House of Representatives and Vice-Speaker, and some other privilege personnel, this scandal is not a good thing.

Li Jian Nation · Washington DC, a hidden address.

Bodales. Clise and Intel Company’s High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General Craig. Beret, currently, talks about secret. Bodales. Clise behind the scenes supports the Financial Group, which is exactly as stated Intel Company.

High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General of ntlCompany, Craig. Beret’s face is a bit ugly, and he is not good-natured: “Mr. Clise, about your trip to Rainbow Manor, don’t know what you have to say?”

Rainbow Manor exactly as stated by Shi Lei, Bodales. A special service location for Clise. ntelCompany in order to support Bodales. Clise, paid a price. ntelCompany aspect Hope Bodales. Clise’s bill for restricting Dream Entertainment is actually to prevent mCompany from taking the opportunity to rise.

Shi Lei’s means smart, and the timing is right, plus Bodales. Clise is in a bad situation at the House of Representatives. So let Bodales. Clise is in direct trouble.

“Mr. Beret, I am being framed!” Bodales. Clise said directly, “My eyeliner in the parliament told me that the truth of this incident was the Hacker invasion. It was not the decision made by the House of Representatives. I was framed by others.

Craig. Beret lightly snorted, “I certainly know that it is Hacker! And I also know that it is Hacker from Xia Nation Dream Entertainment! Hey, do you think that what you are doing is hidden? Dream Entertainment will not know? How did we instructs you?” of?”[

ntlCompany really wants to suppress mCompany and Dream Entertainment Company combined, it can be completely Bodales. Clise This idiot is ruined!

Bodales. Clise’s face is slightly white. If he loses the support of the Intel Company, he will definitely spend it from this crisis.

“Mr. Beret, what should we do now? If I lose the identity of the House of Representatives, my proposed decision of the Dream Dream Entertainment Company to control mCompany is very likely to be suspended.” Bodales. Clise said anxiously, as if he was worried about the Intel Company, but the opinion expressed by the words was obviously for his own consideration.

Craig. Beret said with a sneer : “I am afraid Mr. Clise, you are reluctant to be the identity of the House of Representatives? Mr. Clise, I only ask you an issue, have you gone to Rainbow Manor?”

Bodales. Clise’s face “color” is uncertain, he would like to deny to the Rainbow Manor, but he denied it because he did not have evidence of absence. On what other excuses he said, if you can’t get the evidence, nothing will be!

“It seems that the answer is obvious, Mr. Clise, have you done something Right in Rainbow Manor?” Craig. Beret’s tone is cold.

Bodales. Clise did not deny it.

“so it was originally this! Our law has saved the unfavorable situation!” Craig. Beret is too lazy to work with Bodales. Clise nonsense, because these nonsense has no meaning.

Dream Entertainment Company accepts mCompany and has full control over the current situation. It is already an unstoppable rhythm.

Xia Nation Time, May twenty one day, twenty a little at night. Li Jian Nation Time, May twenty, 9 am.

After a night of precipitation, Bodales. In order to alleviate the pressure on himself and to fade out of the public’s attention, Clise chose the most conservative approach, which was to resign to the House of Representatives to escape the blame of the peach scandal.

Bodales. Clise resigned and quickly gained the approval of the House of Representatives. Correspondingly, Bodales. The bill proposed by Clise, which is the discussion of restricting Dream Entertainment to take over mCompany, was also directly rejected by Speaker and Vice-Speaker of House of Representatives, and the rejected motion will be disposed of.

In this way, Shi Lei implement’s plan, a complete victory, not only let a Li Jian Nation resignator take the initiative to resign, but also lifted the crisis of Dream Entertainment Company.

The DreamCompany is fully in charge of mCompany and has reached a final Phase. Because the biggest problem has been solved, the Li Jian Nation “Government” aspect will also agree with the boat.

The only trouble is that only mCompany’s own executive staff. mCompany’s own executives hold a stake in some of the mCompany.

Shi Lei’s attempt to wholly-owned mCompany is clearly unlikely. Stocks controlled by mCompany’s top management will never be sold to Dream Entertainment Company.

This is also a big trouble!

Xiao Bo in Li Jian Nation, while helping Shi Lei acquire mStockany’s Stock, another aspect, is also preparing for the Dream Entertainment Company Li Jian Nation division.

The Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division, whose main function is to manage mCompany, and to provide more advanced network access services for Li Jian Nation and surrounding Nation.

Xiao Bo accomplish Task is in very good condition, mCompany’s Stock, except for the part of mCompany’s top management, almost all of the drift and fall are in the hands of Dream Entertainment Company.

The preparations for the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division also came to an end. After the completion of the mCompany, Xiao Bo immediately established the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division.

Shi Lei looked at the information report of all kinds mCompany. He dialed the phone number of Xiao Bo. After waiting for a moment, Xiao Bo connected the phone and took the initiative: “Boss, Li Jian Nation’s affairs are all right. Right. You told the investigate Bodales. Clise, I have found his exact criminal record. hēi hēi, this fat belly Bodales, there is still that experience!”

Shi Lei don’t guess, he knows what kind of opinion is what Xiao Bo is talking about.

“Xiao Bo, don’t talk about these useless!” Shi Lei snorted: “Tell me, the high level of mCompany, promised our conditions?”

Xiao Bo is not saying: “Boss, mCompany’s top management, can’t promise us.

Boss, IMHO, if we want to accept mCompany smoothly, we must leave the backbone of mCompany! ”

Shi Lei’s face “color” changed slightly. He understood Xiao Bo’s opinion. Now it’s his turn to make a decision…···

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗