
Chapter 886

hk874 AMD Company Stockholder takes the initiative to give in! 【anniversary】

Emerald Building, 38th floor.

Shi Lei sat at Mu Shuang’s desk and picked up the data prepared by Mu Shuang and looked at it casually.

Mu Shuang sits on the ergonomic health chair, on the delicate pretty face, and outlines a calm smile. “Shi Lei, although you are in the commercial aspect, you know too little knowledge, but these data, I believe you see I have to understand!”

Shi Lei was just a random flip. After Mu Shuang reminded me, I slowly read it. The data prepared by Mu Shuang starts from the front and introduces the basic situation of mCompany.

Since the beginning of the millennium, mCompany has been in a state of loss operation. Under normal circumstances, World famous companies rarely suffer losses. It’s incredible that a High-tech manufacturing company like mCompany is losing money for six years.

In the personal computer field, the central processor pu market, there are only two companies operating. Aside from the Intel Company, exactly as stated mCompany. Similar to this semi-monopoly “sex” quality of the Industry, mCompany actually operating losses, this is quite shocking!

In fact, mCompany is not as technical inspector as the Intel Company, and it uses a framework licensed by the Intel Corporation. Therefore, mCompany’s products, the innate profit margin is not as good as the Intel Company’s products. In addition, in the whole world market share aspect, ntelCompany overall lead, suppressing hrCompany, resulting in mCompany annual losses.

Up to now, mCompany has owed all kinds of raw materials upstream manufacturers, about Billions US Dollar. If the Antitrust Law of Li Jian Nation “Government” has been in effect, mCompany may have collapsed!

Dream Entertainment Company acquired mCompany, almost all of mCompany’s upstream supply chain was cheering, Dream Entertainment Company was rich, and after taking over mCompany, mCompany’s arrears of payment should be returned to Right?

The company’s upstream supply chain business, in fact, has long wanted to urge mCompany to repay, but mCompany is no money, I still can’t come out.

Shi Lei roughly looked through all the data, and his face was “exposed” with a relieved expression. Shi Lei actually knew that hrCompany had been losing money, but Shi Lei was not sure about the loss of mCompany, which was so serious.

“Shuang Shuang, according to mCompany’s loss situation, their Stockholder has not paid dividends for seven years. Your opinion is that as long as we can take mCompany out of the predicament, it is mCompany’s top management Stockholder, or grassroots workers, all will express a welcome. Attitude Right?” Shi Lei put down the data in his hand.

Mu Shuang nodded: “Yes! As long as we can take mCompany out of the woods, even if we ask mCompany to manage the Stockholder and dilute the shareholding ratio, they will agree. Stock more, if there is no circulation value and dividend value In fact, it is a pile of paper!”

Shi Lei said with deep feeling: “mCompany has withdrawn from the NASDAQ license transaction market. Before it was re-listed, Stock, which represents the ownership of mCompany, is indeed very cheap.”

“Sr·Xiao Bo sent information, the seven stockholders of mCompany, all negotiated, agreed to hold Network Video Conference · System automatically arranged the network conference, you only need to attend the conference.” Izual’s voice, ringing in the Bluetooth headset, reminding Shi Lei.

Shi Lei pressed and held the Bluetooth headset and responded: “I know, I will handle it later!” After that, Shi Lei hangs up and connects with Izual’s and explains to Mu Shuang: “Shuang Shuang, just a company Personnel, report to me about Li Jian Nation. We can now do a Network Video Conference with mCompany’s high-level Stockholder.”

Mu Shuang stood up and did not refuse Shi Lei. He followed Shi Lei into the conference room of Dream Entertainment Company. The projector in the conference room has been controlled by Izual. On the huge projection cloth, Izual is divided into nine small square light curtains by projection light. But only eight small squares of light curtains display the content, indicating that the image information is waiting to be loaded. The bottom right corner of the small square light curtain splits the screen without any image loading feedback.

The small square light curtain on the lower left corner is lit up, and the familiar figure of Xiao Bo appears in the small lattice light curtain screen in the lower left corner of the projection screen.

“Boss, what you have explained is already done. The seven Stockholders of mCompany have agreed to open the Network Video Conference. Boss, are you ready?” Xiao Bo said excitedly: “Boss, today, we will Take down

Company, let mCompany be the Child Company of our Dream Entertainment Company! ”

Shi Lei also took a touch of excitement, “Xiao Bo, the corresponding Network Video Conference address, the seven Stockholders you sent to mCompany, Right?”

“Boss, this little thing, how can I make a mistake?” Xiao Bo said affirmatively, “I promise that every mCompany’s Stockholder will receive my information. As for how they choose, Boss, I believe They will all come. The situation of mCompany is a little bit worse than we think.

As predicted by Mu Shuang and Xiao Bo,

The company’s seven Stockholder executives all appear on the light curtain of the Izual projection. When all the mCompany’s Stockholder members are in place, Shi Lei also accesses the Network Video Conference address, but in a light curtain square at the bottom right, Shi Lei’s image does not appear, but a black color appears. Shading, white “color” mark – ‘sunonly,, represents only the sound link, no image information.

In the face of Shi Lei’s next Mawei, mCompany’s seven Stockholder members, neither expressed dissatisfaction nor objection. Only the High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General Tom, which is most familiar with Dream Entertainment Company. Cruise, the first to ask: “Mr. Shi, why don’t you “show”?”

Shi Lei lightly said with a smile : “Mr. Tom, there are some technical “sex” issues in the route, and the image information is temporarily passed. Well, let’s not talk about these small issues, let’s discuss it now, about the future of mCompany.”[

Company’s current Director-General Dirk. Mayer, first started talking: “Esteemed’s Mr. Shi, before I discuss the future fate of mCompany, I have an issue to ask you.”

“What issue?” Shi Lei didn’t care about Dirk. Mayer, a less disciplined inquiry, I am afraid Dirk. Mayer’s issue should be an issue of concern to all mCompany high-level Stockholders.

Dirk. Mayer paused a bit, sorted out his words and tone, and then calmly asked: “Esteemed’s Mr. Shi, do you plan to move mCompany to Xia Nation? If you want to relocate mCompany to Xia Nation, this produces The issue is definitely not…”

Shi Lei interrupted Dirk. Mayer’s issue, “Mr. Dirk please forgive me, I have to interrupt your inquiry. Our Dream Entertainment Company, never thought about relocating mCompany to the Xia Nation area mCompany, all the status quo, all intact reservations. Acquisition of mCompany It’s our Dream Entertainment Company, not the “Government” of Xia Nation. All the previous information about mCompany was all the rumors that the news media rumored.”

In the screen of the Film and Television conference, Dirk. Mayer’s expression is sighed in relief, “so it was originally this, then I have no issue!”

Answered Dirk. After Mayer’s issue, Technology Chief Engineer Atwood. Iven, then with an unquestionable tone, suddenly asked: “Mr. Shi, I am the Technology Chief Engineer Atwood of mCompany. Iven. Everyone calls me Old Iven. If Mr. Shi doesn’t mind, it can be like this. Call me. I just want to ask Mr. Shi. When you and Dream Entertainment Company take over mCompany, what attitude will you use for the technology development department?”

Atwood. Iven just finished asking, and seemed to have noticed that his tone was wrong and then bowed and expressed his respectfulness. He continued: “Mr. Shi, let’s change a more straightforward statement, how much you will invest in the technical research department. R&D funding?”

Atwood of Supervisor Technology Development. Iven, very concerned about this issue. If Shi Lei gives too little research funding, he will have to find another way to make a living.

Shi Lei glanced at the projection display on the light curtain, Atwood. Iven’s image, smiling started talking: “Old Iven, I can only guarantee that one thing is that your technology research and development department will receive great authority during Dream Entertainment’s mastery of mCompany, and the research funding for each year, No less than the research costs you invested in! If you have made some achievements, our Dream Entertainment will only add more research funding.”

After answering the two issues again, I finally entered the formal link to discuss the future fate of mCompany. At this point, Shi Lei returned the negotiated privilege to Mu Shuang. For business negotiations, Mu Shuang is far more powerful than Shi Lei!

Shi Lei listened to Mu Shuang’s negotiations and couldn’t help but reveal the god of color. When Mu Shuang worked, it seemed to be a Queen. She only saw her easily with the seven of mCompany. Stockholder negotiations.

The seven stockholders of mCompany originally needed a share of twenty five, that is, the shares in their hands, and they would not let out at half point. However, half an hour later, mCompany’s seven Stockholders only required 15% of the shares, and the remaining 10% of the shares, they did not need Dream Entertainment to pay even a penny, they were directly sent to Dream Entertainment.

Shi Lei almost agreed to the plan, but Mu Shuang quickly stopped Shi Lei and continued to negotiate with mCompany’s seven Stockholders. After another half an hour, mCompany’s seven Stockholders again gave up 5% of the shares, they only held 10% of the shares.

This result is almost the best result of Shi Lei’s imagination. Mu Shuang is still not satisfied and continues to negotiate with mCompany’s seven Stockholders.

Shi Lei has a dizzy feeling. Is this the power of a professional person?

If you let Shi Lei negotiate, I am afraid I have been convinced by the seven Stockholders of mCompany!

‘Madam Queen, why are you so powerful? Shi Lei looked at the side of Mu Shuang’s smooth and jade-like face, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Because of such a powerful Madam Queen, it belongs to him!

Shi Lei is avaricious, looking at Shi Lei with a secular look, can criticize Shi Lei as a fickle ghost. Shi Lei has paid a sincere heart for every younger sister. Who can say that Shi Lei is just a vulgar dreg that plays with female “sex” feelings?

‘Madam Queen, we want to be together, come to the end! Shi Lei looked firmly at Mu Shuang, who was completely engaged in the negotiation work, in the heart silent promise…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗