
Chapter 883

hk871 The ultimate goal, the scandal of the House of Representatives!

Xia Nation Time, May twenty, 8 am. Corresponding Li Jian Nation time, exactly as stated May twenty day, 8 pm.

Shi Lei wakes up from sleep at the alarm clock. According to Shi Lei’s previous schedule, he usually wakes up after nine o’clock.

However, Shi Lei’s plan under Li Jian Nation, plus the regional time difference between the two Nations, made Shi Lei have to wake up in advance, so as not to miss the wonderful play.

Shi Lei quickly finished the grooming and asked about High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual: “Izual, what happened to the two targets?”

“sr,target :Washington Post, the overall network information is in full collapse. OffiCIA l Website is controlled by the Cybercrime Unit of fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, Application Server and Data Server are destroyed by fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. OffiCIA l Website Homepage, malicious Hijacking jumps and reporting a lot of false information.”

Izual first reported on the situation of the Washington Post. This situation is basically inconsistent with Shi Lei’s guess. The Washington Post is not an opponent of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit.

“sr,target :fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit, according to the Monitoring Small Tool called by System, has now mastered the exact evidence of the invasion of the Washington Post network by the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit.”

Izual once again reported: “Washington Post has announced that their OffiCIA l Website has been hacked at the latest issue of Washington Post paper media Newsapapat Li Jian Nation. The recent network report is Hacker. Issue.”[

After listening to Shi Lei, he clapped his hands and slammed his face. He said, “It’s so good!”

The current situation looks from the bright side. Very good for the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. They solved the ‘dirty’ of the Washington Post and saved the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

The Assistant DIRE ctor Adler Kurt of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit was very happy. He finally made something that was rewarding, not always making mistakes.

The Washington Post is equally satisfied with the current situation. The top posts of the Washington Post are well aware that they have not reported on the scandal of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, and it is definitely what Craker deliberately planted for them.

Originally, the Washington Post was also prepared to explain to the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, and then the incoming attack made the Washington Post’s high-level officials suddenly extinguish the idea of ​​interpretation. The Second Round invasion was obviously made by the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. The Washington Post explanation is consistent with the results of the non-interpretation. Simply let the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation be arbitrarily adjusted to further the fact that the Washington Post was invaded by Hacker. Then Washington Post open to the public explains, creating a happy situation.

If there is no Shi Lei involved in it, the situation is now. It is indeed a great joy. The fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is satisfied, and the Washington Post is satisfied. Even the people of Li Jian Nation are satisfied. Shi Lei is not satisfied!

Shi Lei’s hard-working situation, how can there be a result that makes everyone happy?

Deviating yourself, never Shi Lei’s style!

“Izual, ready for all the evidence of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation invading the Washington Post, I will wait for a while!” Shi Lei hēi hēi sneered, telling Izual’s at the same time. Shi Lei Signed In Li Jian Nation Congress House of Representatives website.

Li Jian Nation Congress consists of Upper House and Lower House, Senate and House of Representatives, of which Senate’s authority is higher, on the all kinds bill. It is still the decree submitted by the President, all of which require Senate to agree before the implementation can be implemented.

The House of Representatives is more about submitting bills, passed by the House of Representatives itself, and submitted to Senate for review. Currently, regarding the restrictions Dream Entertainment Company, the motion to fully control mCompany is temporarily discussed by the House of Representatives.

House of Representatives has 435 members, and for the Restriction Dream Entertainment bill, there are already close to half of the House of Representatives, agreeing to the Restriction Dream Entertainment Company. There are also a large number of members of the House of Representatives who oppose this proposal.

After all, Li Jian Nation is a Ruled by Law Nation, and the investment environment and reputation are quite good. This motion, which clearly violates the principle of fair competition in business, has repelled some members of the House of Representatives.

Shi Lei entered the House of Representatives’ OffiCIA l Website and browsed the home page of the House of Representatives OffiCIA l Website. Li Jian Nation House of Representatives’ OffiCIA l Website, announced the progress of some bills, and some bills that have been passed and rejected.

In addition to the announcement of the motion, there is also a message area to facilitate the general public of Li Jian Nation, who can make different opinions on some proposals. This embodies the democratic system and fully demonstrates the House of Representatives as a “sexual” quality that is elected by the people and serves the people. [

Shi Lei looked at the House of Representatives’ OffiCIA l Website, and there was a bitter smile on his lips. If it wasn’t for his own interests, Shi Lei really didn’t want to black out House of Representatives’ OffiCIA l Website.

But related to his own interests, Shi Lei invaded the House of Representatives’ OffiCIA l Website. After the invasion of the Data Server of the House of Representatives OffiCIA l Website, Shi Lei did not arbitrarily modify the thing in the data library, but only the evidence of the investigate error occurred in the previous infringement case of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, investigate Network Entertainment Audit Department. There is evidence of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation invading the Washington Post. The two pieces of evidence were put together to form a bill for the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

In addition to this well-documented event, Shi Lei began to pave the way for his own interests. Xiao Bo’s motion in Li Jian Nation investigate House of Representatives restriction Dream Entertainment, in which the authority of this motion is called Bodales Clise.

It was this congressman who moved the Restriction Dream Entertainment to take over the mCompany bill, and it was he who was in the midst of it, so that more and more members of the House of Representatives supported the bill.

According to Xiao Bo’s investigate, the supporters behind Bodales Clise are ntelCompany. Li Jian Nation “Government” aspect, originally intended to accept the advice of Dream Entertainment Company, which is ’employed’ mCompany and Li Jian Nation defense orders related to Specialist.

However, when Bodales Clise jumped out and proposed the Restriction Dream Entertainment Company, Li Jian Nation “Government” was also the default of the boat, neither support nor objection, so that the financial community who pays attention to this matter can not find a half point. The reason for attacking Li Jian Nation.

Shi Lei certainly knows that ntelCompany is a dog jump. As long as the chess piece of ntelCompany is defeated, Bodans Clise, Li Jian Nation “Government” will default to a step back, and then Dream Entertainment Company will successfully take over mCompany.

‘Bodales Clise ! ‘Shi Lei in the heart meditation on the opponent’s name, “Izual, on the Internet, search for information about Bodales Clise. No? It’s a valuable information! It’s best to attack his information directly!”

Shi Lei is now a bit regretful. The progress of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine should be developed earlier, and the progress of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine is just over half. If you have the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, Izual can search for relevant information in Deeper Gradation based on Bodales Clise’s FaCIA l Feature and Internet World.

The development of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine is not a force for Shi Lei. But the overall project is very ambitious, and Shi Lei does not want others to participate. So as not to cause unnecessary trouble. It also caused an issue with a long development cycle.

Fortunately, there are Izual’s, otherwise the development cycle will be extended by dozens of times!

“Sr, Bodales Clise’s intelligence, currently retrieved, there is currently no clear evidence. Word Recognition Engine. Confirmed Bodales Clise’s license plate information,formerly entered a private clubhouse. System automatically carried out the background investigate and found the clubhouse to be special Industry provides a place.” Izual reports on information.

Shi Lei’s mouth is full of strange arcs, laughs cursed: “Izual. You Idiot!” Izual reported the information, indicating that Bodales Clise has entered the special Industry offering place, which is called the call girl, more straightforward Say exactly as stated Bodales Clise, playing a ‘big sword’!

Li Jian Nation’s law is quite complex, with different laws depending on the state and county. For example, the special service Industry in some states and counties belongs to Lawful’s Industry, similar to the State of Texas, which is precisely as stated Lawful’s Industry. If you play ‘Big Sword’ in State of Texas, you will not only be protected by Li Jian Nation “Government” but will be protected by “Government”.

But there are also some states and counties. The special service Industry is not a protected Industry, but an Ontario industry, subject to law. Washington DC’s special Industry is in a default gray state, neither allowed nor strictly checked.

Ordinary people are looking for a special industry to provide ‘Da Baojian’ service, basically nothing will happen. Bodales Clise is the House of Representatives. He represents the wishes of the general public. If he commits such a low mistake, it is definitely a scandal!

Li Jian Nation The attack between the political opponents and the peach color scan is a very common method.

Shi Lei Although there is no definite evidence, the Bodales Clise vehicle did go to a place that offers special services. As long as Shi Lei explodes this scandal in the House of Representatives’ OffiCIA l Website, Bodales Clise will be in trouble, and the investigate personnel of House of Representatives will investigate Bodales Clise’s specific whereabouts, unless Bodales Clise provides the night. Evidence of absence. Otherwise, Bodales Clise’s congressman identity is likely to be temporarily canceled.

Once Restriction Dream Entertainment took over the mCompany’s Rep. Bodales Clise and was temporarily canceled by the identities of the House of Representatives, then his motion would be equally questioned, thus allowing the motion to be suspended.

Then Shi Lei’s ultimate goal is reached, let Dream Entertainment Company succeed in taking over mCompany. Now, the only problem in front of Shi Lei, precisely as stated, has made Bodales Clise a “color” scandal. And paving the way for the peach color scandal, precisely as stated the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation scandal!

Shi Lei’s trick, one ring after another, a buckle on a buckle, let the enemy escape!

(To be continued.)

Ps: [Thank you for appreciation] Ting Yu Xiao Loli, reward 1176white clothed 丶 丶 灆, 灆 火, waiting for you next century, reward 588 evil man significant 2, reward 300 Zhenbei one, reward 100

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