
Chapter 882

hk870 FBI interacts with the Washington Post!

Shi Lei, after he was in the sleep of the Washington Post, was no longer concerned about the relationship between Li Jian Nation fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and Washington Post. However, Shi Lei does not care, does not mean that Izual does not pay attention.

Izual is Shi Lei’s most trusted assistant. Izual is involved in almost all matters related to Shi Lei. Izual as High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, its power is unquestionable, as for loyalty?

High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual, after all, is only the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. There is no ‘self-emotion and consciousness’, and there is no ‘selfishness and exhaustion’. It belongs to the emotion of real market creature.

Izual is fully capable of doing 365 days of the year, twenty hours a day, and providing uninterrupted service. Before Shi Lei slept, he told Izual to pay close attention to all the information of the Washington Post, as well as any network directive information issued by the Cybercrime Unit of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

Washington Post’s OffiCIA l Website and Data Server, Application Server, etc., all of which were embedded in the code at the System Ground Level by Shi Lei. These monitors are simulated by Shi Lei as System programs. They only record the “operations” in the Washington Post servers, including the “instruction” of the external implement after the intrusion.

These small programs in the System Ground Level code are quite difficult to find because they only record the “instruction” instruction. Even though the Security SpeCIA list Little Group of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, as long as they are not performing a full system detailed scanning analysis, they are unlikely to find the small programs left by Shi Lei.

Izual passes these small programs. Monitor the network status of the entire Washington Post.

As for the case of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, Shi Lei formerly is in the network war of Xia Nation and Li Jian Nation. The success of the black into the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, inside the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, leaving the System Back Door, Shi Lei next time to enter the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. [

Shi Lei’s System Back Door, which is left inside the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, is just a very simple Back Door. It doesn’t have any confidential System’s authority, and there is no authority to copy and move files. Even the authority for viewing some files is not. . The only authority of Back Door. Exactly stated as entering the Internal System of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

After entering the Internal System through the System Back Door of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, you need to do Shi Lei second time to crack the authority!

Even if it’s just a simple System Back Door, it’s still very big in Shi Lei’s hands. Shi Lei entered the Internal System of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation through the System Back Door of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. Within the Intelligence System of the Cybercrime Unit, a monitoring program that differs from the Washington Post is set up.

The only difference is that the internal monitoring program of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is more subtle, requiring Izual to take control whenever and wherever possible.

Based on the monitoring procedures left by Shi Lei, Izual grasped the network trend of the Washington Post and the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit. Shi Lei confessed to Izual’s Task. Quite simply, let Izual record all the movements of the two targets.

After Shi Lei made the decision to frame the Washington Post, he made a guess that the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation would be irritated by the actions of the Washington Post and take special measures. Eliminate the impact of Washington Post’s coverage.

This kind of thing, the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is not the first time to do. Shi Lei is quite aware of the means of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. It is also clear that within the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, it is generally the Cybercrime Unit.


The fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit, Assistant DIRE ctor Adler Kurt is the successor to Bruce Campbell, and Bruce Campbell is exactly the Uriel of the stated Angel Parliament. Due to the negative effects of Bruce Campbell on the Cybercrime Unit, Adler Kurt was not a good day in the Cybercrime Unit.

Adler Kurt has repeatedly wanted to make a contribution to establish his prestige in the Cybercrime Unit, but every time Adler Kurt is always counterproductive, he is humiliated.

This time, Adler Kurt got the hint of Bureau Chief Simon Baker of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation to get him to handle the Washington Post. In fact, Adler Kurt knew something similar to the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation long before he had previously been promoted to Cybercrime Unit Assistant DIRE ctor. He used to be a main force personnel, dealing with similar public opinion against the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

Adler Kurt’s solution and Shi Lei’s guess, there is almost no difference, there is a non-Official identity, invading the Washington Post, come to ‘With Black, Cure Black’!

The so-called With Black, Cure Black, does not directly erase the Washington Post report by Hacker. That kind of practice is very Low Grade, not only has no way to solve the issue, but will further do the credibility of the real thing.

Adler Kurt’s With Black, Cure Black plan is actually preparing to use the Hacker method to invade the Washington Post and continue to report some more exaggerated false news. The more exaggerated the news, the better. Let the exaggerated news form an unreal atmosphere of the Washington Post news, so that the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation published by the Washington Post, the wrong report, was also questioned.

This approach is more effective and more moderate than direct harmony of relevant news reports, making the Washington Post hard to say, only to silently withstand the ravages of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. [

Even if Washington Post asks Central Intelligence Agency for help, it won’t get a response. The intelligence agencies compete with each other and help each other. Washington Post Since I dare to engage in the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, I naturally worry that the Washington Post will suddenly pick them up.

Adler Kurt told several cronies to invade the Washington Post from the secret channel of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit.

The Elc member of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit, composed of the Hacker invasion team. What is it that a media newspaper in the district can match? Adler Kurt has finally made a difference, the Elite members of the Cybercrime Unit. On the OffiCIA l Website of the Washington Post, a series of very unreliable news was released.

The least reliable news, there are some funny and absurd feelings. This most unreliable news shows that Xia Nation masters the mysterious spells of ancient times, allowing soldiers to practice ancient spells, so that soldiers can fly and become a terrifying army.

This kind of news should not appear on the Washington Post’s semi-Official “News”. It should be in the rumored media of The Sun that is more than rumored.

The Cybercrime Unit of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation also posted a lot of similar news on the Washington Post OffiCIA l Website. As a high-end powerful Intelligence Organization, the Elite members of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit, the OffiCIA l Website and Server of the Washington Post, are handled thoroughly and better than the real Hacker.

They are anti-Hacker’s Specialist. Naturally proficient in Hacker technology and proficient in anti-Hacker technology. They took the Washington Post’s OffiCIA l Website and took a mirror copy directly, and even the Washington Post’s OffiCIA l Website link, also made a backup jump.

What is the handling of the Cyber ​​Post personnel of the Washington Post. In a short period of time, I also won the Controlling Right of OffiCIA l Website, and I can only watch the Cybercrime Unit of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, and arbitrarily “follow” their OffiCIA l Website.

Unless the Cyber ​​Security personnel of the Washington Post are technically superior to the Elites of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit. Otherwise, there is absolutely no possibility of retaking OffiCIA l Website Controlling Right.

Cyber ​​Security personnel of the Washington Post. Is it possible to surpass the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation on a technical level? If the Cyber ​​Post personnel of the Washington Post have such technology, how could it be blacked out by OffiCIA l Website, and how could it be blackened by the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation’s Elite OffiCIA l Website?

The Elite members of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit, at the OffiCIA l Website of the Washington Post, arbitrarily released the incredible news, regardless of the truth of the news.

All they need is virtual Fake news!

The Washington Post is not without counter-attacks. They are not in the network, they are not opponents of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, but they have sharp counterattacks in Reality. In the real world, as long as the Washington Post, in the new issue of Newsapaper, announced that their OffiCIA l Website was Hacker invasion, it naturally cracked the Hacker invasion of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit.

However, in this way, the purpose of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is also achieved! Washington Post’s OffiCIA l Website was invaded by Hacker, so the scandal about the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, which was previously reported, is equally unreliable and naturally Fake!

So, how the Washington Post handles the Elites of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Unit, the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is always in a good position.

But it is the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, or the Washington Post. They both have fun together, but they never thought that the culprit of all this is Shi Lei!

Izual silently collected evidence from the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation invading the Washington Post, preparing to provide strong support for Shi Lei’s next plan.

Shi Lei’s ultimate goal is to crack down on Li Jian Nation’s Congress, block Li Jian Nation’s Congress, and pass bills for mCompany and Dream Entertainment Company. The method of blocking Congress, in Shi Lei’s means, in order to influence Reality from the network, there is only one way, precisely as stated, starting from the opinion aspect, causing tremendous pressure on the Li Jian Nation Congress, let them care for mCompany and Dream Things for the Entertainment Company.

The way to reach the pressure of public opinion must be based on facts before the Li Jian Nation Congress can be shaken to create strong public pressure on Li Jian Nation, forcing Congress to turn its attention.

And the best entry point, or fuse, is exactly as stated in the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation’s invasion of the Washington Post scandal!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

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