
Chapter 875

hk863 He Wanqiu’s confession!

May twenty day, close to five o’clock in the afternoon.

Dream Entertainment Company has faced two times Cyber ​​War in the net world, and all won!

Ma Huatang Chief Ma Organization’s Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition has brought together nine well-known companies with a comprehensive overall strength. But the alliance they formed, the power in the net world, is nothing at all.

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, in the eyes of Dream Entertainment and Angel Parliament, is a clown, a blend between the two strong, or can be said to be a performer of the Yuxing show.

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition attacked Dream Entertainment and it seems to have leaped forward and even reached Dream Entertainment’s Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website ‘Data Server. However, Shi Lei of Dream Entertainment and Raphael of Angel Parliament did not pay much attention to Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition.

In the real situation, and like the strength of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition was easily killed by Shi Lei. A total of one hundred and five 12 intrusive Hackers, using the computer, were all attacked by the Moon Program. Although there are fifty Nanchao Nation’s Hacker, I am lucky to escape the fate of being counter-tracked. Xia Nation’s six major Network Entertainment Carriers, the subordinate Hacker forces, were completely seized by Shi Lei.

In the unlikely event that there is something to do in the future, Shi Lei can also hold them accountable.

Raphael and Angel Parliament’s Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, “Fucking” three Supercomputers, invaded Dream Entertainment, and were also annihilated by Dream Entertainment.

Shi Lei forcibly simulated wnMiwang into a Fourth Generation Supercomputer, which almost reversed the form between the sounds, making Raphael at an absolute disadvantage. [

Shi Lei not only found the real paddress of the Raphael, but also sent the Raphael’s Reality address to fb and hs. At the same time, the Supercomputer Holy was eliminated.

In the temporary voice communication connection between Raphael and Shi Lei’s, Shi Lei said with a smile : “Raphael, you have a lot of nonsense!”

After defeating all opponents, Shi Lei stopped thmfur, and wnMiwang aborted the simulation of Fourth Generation Supercomputer, which avoided the collapse of wnMiwang.

“Mr. M, you just won again! Tell you a reason, strong, the reason is strong, it is because the strong theory failed many times, you can regain the peak! And the weak, only one chance Once it fails, it will be ruined! I am Angel Parliament Blazing Sword Raphael, exactly as stated strong!” Raphael said with pride.

Shi Lei snorted, “Ghost words! The real powerhouse will not fail!” Shi Lei and Raphael’s gossip, not for morbid display, just to delay time.

Li Jian Nation’s fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, hsDepartment of Homeland Security, received an information about the detailed address of Raphael sent by Shi Lei.

Shi Lei is not afraid of Li Jian Nation’s three intelligence agencies, and they are not going to catch Raphael. Because that kind of situation is impossible!

Li Jian Nation’s intelligence authorities · While working together, there are also competing relationships. If the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is dispatched and the Central Intelligence Agency is not dispatched, it will be at risk of being investigate by the superior.

“Mr. M, I will prove to you that I am the real strongman. You are just…” Raphael has not finished, but was interrupted by a shout.

“Young Master, inside news, fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency, all come to us, we need to transfer!”

Raphael hēi hēi sneered , “Mr. M · You want to catch me through the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency, I can only tell you that you are too naive! I tell you, on the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, Or the Central Intelligence Agency, including the nsNational Security Agency, has the inside line of our Angel Parliament. Your little trick is useless to me!”

Shi Lei sighed, and the Angel Parliament’s tentacles were long. Before using the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency, Angel Parliament suffered a big loss and even killed Uriel, one of the Great Giants.

Today, Angel Parliament immediately filled the previous flaw, Shi Lei sighed, “Raphael, you are lucky!” After that, Shi Lei took the initiative to cut off the temporary voice connection. Anyway, catching Raphael, Shi Lei does not need to continue to hang with Raphael.

May twenty day, six o’clock in the evening.

Shi Lei just wiped out all the Hacker intrusion marks, and the cell phone on the computer desk rang. The Caller ID is a strange number, but the Izual’s prompt sounds. [

“The srcalls number is He Wanqiu.” Izual holds the telephone number of the numerous household. In the case of the number dialed by Shi Lei, Izual automatically matches the identity and then informs Shi Lei of the other’s information.

“He Wanqiu?” Shi Lei’s face is slightly different. What does this Superstar want to do? From a standpoint of fairness, Shi Lei is really not handsome, and there is no ability to make people fall in love at first sight. As for why He Wanqiu wants to ‘entangle, he, Shi Lei really does not know the reason.

He Wanqiu and Dream Entertainment Company are now partners, and Shi Lei is not good at directly rejecting calls. Pick up the phone on the table, press the answer button, and then start the talking: “Hello? Who?”

Although he knew He Wanqiu, Shi Lei deliberately asked if he did not save He Wanqiu’s phone number. He Wanqiu was in his heart and there was no status.

He Wanqiu listened to Shi Lei and asked her who she was, immediately raised a resentment, “Shi Lei! I am He Wanqiu!” He Wanqiu and Dream Entertainment Company have signed a personal image licensing agreement, which has contact data.

Shi Lei still responded with a sigh of relief: “It turned out to be Ms. He. Is there anything? If you have any questions about the contract contract aspect, please contact Mu Shuang Deputy General Manager of Mirror Science and Technology. If you are inquiring For information about Brave’s World characters, please contact Dream Entertainment’s Xie Hui Deputy General Manager and Hong Xiang Section Head.”

This way of talking off, let He Wanqiu break out directly, “Shi Lei! You open the door, I am outside the door!”

Shi Lei was shocked. “What are you outside the door? What are you outside?”

“Less garlic! You live in the Jingya Garden Building Ten 2000 No. 3 room, Li Yuan that brat told me all!” He Wanqiu with a touch of pleased smile.

The Li Department and He Department of Rongcheng Military District, although they are in a competitive relationship, the two factions take turns in charge of the Rongcheng Military District, and there is no point in them. They are two factions, and there is constant struggle on the bright side, but those are all done to the top. In private, the relationship between He Department and Li Department, although not good, can not be said to be dead.

As a younger generation, He Wanqiu and Li Yuan naturally have exchanges.

Shi Lei in the heart yelled at Li Yuan, ‘damn Little Yuan Zi, Your Mother egg, actually betrayed me! ,

“Ms. He, I am not in the Building Ten 2000 No. 3 room in Jingya Garden, I am in the dormitory of Shuangqing University.” Shi Lei casually found an excuse.

In the telephone receiver, He Wanqiu’s soft laughter came. “Little Stone, you are not cute at all! I know your data very well. You have already graduated from Shuangqing University in advance, and my Life Detector is very accurate. Tell me, you are in the Room. So, open the door soon!”

“Nani?” Shi Lei was surprised to say a Japanese, Life Detector, would you like to be so high-end and advanced?

Life Detector is usually used in disaster relief work to detect the presence of life by detecting the tiny waves emitted by the human body. This high-end atmospheric grade instrument, Shi Lei, is sure that it must be He Wanqiu from Rongcheng Military District!

“Little Stone, you open the door soon!” He Wanqiu’s tone is not good, “If you don’t open the door, take responsibility of the consEQ uences !”

Shi Lei In his mind, Fantasy had a terrifying scene. He Wanqiu placed an 04 bomb on the security door, then banged and the door was blown open!

‘Mother’s Egg, with He Wanqiu, the little sex of the little demoness, it’s really possible to do that! Shi Lei replied quickly on the phone: “Ms. He, don’t be impulsive, the impulse is Devil, I will open the door right away!”

Outside the door, He Wanqiu smiled and put down the phone in her hand. She was carrying two plastic bags with several food containers.

Jingya Garden Building Ten The door of the No. 3 room opened in 2011. Shi Lei said politely: “Ms. He, welcome.”

He Wanqiu walked into the security door with no politeness and handed the two plastic bags in his hand to Shi Lei. The tone became gentle: “Little Stone, haven’t eaten dinner yet?”

Shi Lei didn’t know what He Wanqiu wanted to do, nodded and said, “Well, I haven’t eaten yet.”

“I ordered some takeaways in the back street, let’s eat together!” He Wanqiu pointed to two plastic bags in Shi Lei’s hands, in the crisper, all the food purchased from the back street. “It’s still hot now!”

Shi Lei was really hungry, and did not reject He Wanqiu’s kindness. He packed up the messy coffee table and put all the takeaway food brought by He Wanqiu on the coffee table.

After a while, the two men ate each other across the coffee table. He Wanqiu showed a gentle side and took the initiative to help Shi Lei pick up the dishes, making Shi Lei quite uncomfortable.

“Ms. He, do you have anything?” Shi Lei is not used to He Wanqiu’s gentle look.

He Wanqiu stared seriously at Shi Lei, domineering started talking: “Shi Lei, I like you!”

“噗 ke ke ke ke !” Shi Lei almost squirted the rice out of the mouth, and he forcibly went back, so that the rice grains entered the trachea and coughed fiercely.

He Wanqiu asked with concern: “Shi Lei, are you gonna have Right?”

Shi Lei coughed up the rice in the trachea, and looked at He Wanqiu with his face “red”, and asked “Ms. He, are you joking?”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗