
Chapter 876

hk864 has no hatred, not a nobleman!

Jingya Garden, Building Ten 2000 No. 3 room.

In the living room, Shi Lei was caught by He Wanqiu’s domineering convession, and his face looked red and he looked at He Wanqiu, and Hope got an accurate answer.

He Wanqiu is a Superstar, and there is a strong family background, why do she like herself? This is Shi Lei in the heart’s biggest doubt!

He Wanqiu’s expression is quite serious, there is no joke, “Shi Lei, I am serious!”

Shi Lei kept silent.

The atmosphere between the two was somewhat embarrassing.

“Shi Lei, do you like me or not? I like it, even if I only have a little bit of it!” He Wanqiu asked again.

Shi Lei is still silent and has not said anything.

“Shi Lei, are you a man? Is the man’s husband, even if he feels in the heart, can’t he say it?” He Wanqiu uses the radical method to stimulate Shi Lei. [

Shi Lei is also asking himself, does he like He Wanqiu? Maybe Shi Lei doesn’t like He Wanqiu right now, but Shi Lei must have a crush on He Wanqiu. Or to put it another way, as long as it is a normal man, I am afraid no one will not have a good impression on He Wanqiu Right?

He Wanqiu On the stage, there is a pure beauty like a jade girl; in the life of He Wanqiu, but there is a wild beauty, like my savage girlfriend, significant pinch, often what ‘sister’ what Hanging on the lips.

He Wanqiu looked at the silent Shi Lei, a smile on her lips, she has got the answer she wants. Just as He Wanqiu was preparing for further action, the doorbell rang.

Shi Lei said with relief: “I am going to open the door!” Shi Lei asked, “Who?” when he walked to the door.

Outside the door, Ling Yumo’s voice came, “Stone Monster, open the door!” Ling Yumo’s tone was not very friendly. Apparently she knows that He Wanqiu is inside.

Shi Lei opened his door with a smile, he secretly suspected in the heart, is He Wanqiu deliberately telling Ling Yumo, deliberately let Ling Yumo know that she is here, and then provoke her relationship with Ling Yumo?

Outside the door, not only Ling Yumo, but Mu Shuang also stood beside Ling Yumo.

Shi Lei smiled, “Little Mo, Mu Shuang, how come you?”

Ling Yumo drums said: “How come we are? We won’t come again. You and He Wanqiu are in the same room with firewood, what will happen?”

“Little Mo, hey!” Shi Lei yelled.

He Wanqiu didn’t know when, she went behind Shi Lei, and she hugged Shi Lei from behind. Pleased looked at Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang and smiled and said: “Ling Yumo. Mu Shuang. What are you doing? It’s so annoying, bothering me and Shi Lei’s two people!”

Watching He Wanqiu hug Shi Lei, Ling Yumo coldly snorted and said: “He Wanqiu, you a shameless woman, Shi Lei doesn’t like you at all!”

In order to avoid the three women falling out of the danger, Shi Lei separated He Wanqiu and hugged his hands. In a formal tone, to He Wanqiu: “Ms. He, please pay attention to behavior, thank you!”

He Wanqiu chuckled and did not respond to Shi Lei. Instead, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang said: “Ling Yumo, Mu Shuang, haven’t you eat Right? I have just started eating with Shi Lei, come on together!”

Ling Yumo glanced at Shi Lei, with a question in his eyes, as if he was asking Shi Lei, if he had nothing to do with He Wanqiu, why did he eat together? [

Shi Lei read Ling Yumo’s eyes and explained: “Little Mo, just He Wanqiu came out with a takeaway, I don’t know what she did, we just started eating, you came over, between me and He Wanqiu. Nothing is tricky.”

Ling Yumo glanced at Shi Lei, walked over to Shi Lei, twisted the tender meat at Shi Lei’s waist, and then walked into Shi Lei’s bedroom to check the bed in the bedroom.

After a while, Ling Yumo walked out with satisfaction, and apparently the bedroom passed and no abnormalities were found. Ling Yumo walked to the living room and sat next to Shi Lei. He greeted Shi Lei and had two white rice meals. He deliberately asked: “Stone Monster, I have not eaten with Elder Sister Mu Shuang, I am eating you well. ?”

Can Shi Lei still say bad?

Shi Lei walked into the kitchen, took out two pairs of dishes, took the initiative to give Mu Shuang a bowl of rice, and smiled and said: “Mu Shuang, have some food together!”

Mu Shuang did not refuse, but also smiled and said: “Thank you for the dinner brought by Wanqiu!”

He Wanqiu’s eyes turned, using a kind of hostess’s tone: “It’s okay, stopped for a meal!”

Shi Lei looked at the three younger sisters with a headache, and the relationship between their three younger sisters was complicated. Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are rivals, but the two are good sisters, and because of He Wanqiu’s relationship, the two seem to have formed a temporary alliance.

The gratitude and grudges between Ling Yumo and He Wanqiu have been around since childhood, and that is not the gratitude and grudges that can be resolved in a day or two. Ling Yumo doesn’t like He Wanqiu, and He Wanqiu always provokes Ling Yumo.

Shi Lei hurriedly ate three, five and two, and quickly said: “I still have something to do, you eat slowly, after eating, ask me to clean up the mess.”

After that, Shi Lei slipped into the bedroom as if he had escaped. Leave three younger sisters, look at me, I see you, play big eyes staring at small eyes.

Shi Lei hides in the bedroom and communicates with Izual through textual information.

‘Damn Izual, hurry analysis and analysis, three people in the living room, what are they doing? ‘Shi Lei sends a text command to Izual.

Izual directly on the screen of Number One Server, feedback on the information, ‘sr, method determines the three female human Dynamic Behavior Signature. ‘

“Idiot! Useless waste!” Shi Lei couldn’t help but whisper, of course, this is not Shi Lei. I really feel that Izual is useless, but complains.

Shi Lei was a little anxious by three women, and Shi Lei seemed a bit slow to deal with women’s issues. Hiding in the bedroom until 8 o’clock in the evening, Ling Yumo shouted outside: “Stone Monster, come out!”

Shi Lei quickly went out, he thought what happened!

Shi Lei, who walked to the living room, discovered that the three women had a pleasant chat. This situation made Shi Lei feel awkward, Your Mother, this is unscientific! The three women who were quite unpleasant in the past moment, how is the atmosphere harmonious?

Woman, woman, why are you so changeable?

“Little Mo, what am I going to do?” Shi Lei caught up with Ling Yumo and told him what he had, but he couldn’t think of any possibility as a smart head for World Summit Grade Hacker.

Ling Yumo glared at his head: “Stone Monster, do you have time tomorrow?”.

Shi Lei thought about it. Tomorrow is May twenty. On Monday, he does not go to school. Ling Yumo does not go to school for the time being. He naturally has time. “Little Mo, I have time tomorrow, do you have anything?”.

Mu Shuang started talking : “Shi Lei, I talked with Yumo Younger Sister and Wanqiu, you will accompany us to the amusement park tomorrow!”

Shi Lei looked at the three people in amazement and immediately responded: “No issue!”

“Well, then it’s so happy to decide!” Ling Yumo said happily, then smiled and said: “Stone Monster, let’s go first, tomorrow morning, you remember to get up early!”

The three beautiful younger sisters apparently did not know what secret agreement was reached. Shi Lei could see that both Ling Yumo and He Wanqiu suppressed their emotions and temporarily lived in peace.

Shi Lei obviously didn’t understand the woman’s mind. After the three younger sisters left, Shi Lei simply cleaned up the mess on the coffee table and then went back to the bedroom and asked High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual: “Izual, the three What is the younger sister?”

“sr, System is not retrieved to match the answer, the law answers!” Izual is obviously only the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, not the True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

Shi Lei didn’t understand the idea of ​​the younger sisters, but he knew his thoughts in the heart.

The Big Penguin Company’s Chief Ma, behind the Knives, this insincere behavior makes Shi Lei extremely unhappy. The consequences of Shi Lei’s unhappiness are naturally very serious.

Before defeating Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, it was just the beginning!

The so-called grievances in Germany are simply nonsense! Shi Lei’s creed has always been based on virtue, to report complaints directly!

Since Chief Ma wants to sneak Knives in the back, don’t blame Shi Lei for giving him a lesson. For Big Penguin Company, Shi Lei maintains a feeling of both unhappiness and laissez-faire.

In the next few years, Big Penguin Company became the Overlord of net world, and in the Xia Nation area, the First Home Market value exceeded the Hundred-billion US Dollar Exceed Grade Company.

Shi Lei Although Destroy had the Big Penguin Company’s CrossfIRE, he never thought about completely killing the Big Penguin Company. However, the Chief Peng of the Big Penguin Company has repeatedly been behind the scenes, and there is a limit to the tolerance of Shi Lei in the heart.

If Chief Ma repeatedly provokes Shi Lei, Shi Lei does not mind shaking the foundation of the Big Penguin Company from the roots!

Big Penguin Company’s foundation is precisely as stated a large user community. Based on the huge number of users of QQ|Penguin Chat Tool, Big Penguin Company has successfully established one industry chain after another.

Many industry chains have finally formed a user Ecosphere based on QQ|Penguin chat, which allows users to be inseparable from Big Penguin Company in Internet World.

Big Penguin Company’s Chief Ma, formerly said in the internal personnel meeting: ‘Big Penguin Company, to become Internet World’s water and electricity! ‘

What is water and electricity?

That is the basis of people’s livelihood that everyone can’t live without!

The Big Penguin Company’s ambitions, how big it is, can be seen from the words of Chief Ma!

Shi Lei typed the Web Portal of Big Penguin Company on the keyboard. He showed a smile of evil on his face. He said to himself: “Chief Ma, you are doing the first day, I am doing fifteen. This time You have a little lesson, if you don’t converge again, then…”

Slightly paused, Shi Lei said in a warm voice: “So, I will ruin your Big Penguin!”

(To be continued…)
