
Chapter 874

hk862 crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood’s annihilation Raphael and Holy!

Raphael and Shi Lei’s Sockpuppet Mr. M, but the new hatred is always intertwined. Whenever Mr. M is mentioned, Raphael is tearful!

Now that the old enemies meet, Raphael has received a powerful foreign aid Supercomputer Holy. Like a red-eyed buffalo, move towards Mr. M has rushed over, not considering whether it is an opponent of Mr. M.

Perhaps in Raphael in the heart, after having Supercomputer Holy, what Mr. M or Mr. n is simply the slag in the corner!

Supercomputer Holy’s “sex” can be Ranked Worldwide Fourth, the first three Supercomputers, all in the hands of Official, Raphael does not think that Mr. M can capture a Worldwide Ranked top three Supercomputer.

Even if Mr. M captures a Supercomputer in the top three of Worldwide Ranked, what about it?

The Supercomputer captured by Hacker means that the computational “sex” can be limited. Once the black Supercomputer is used, some minor things are done, and the Supercomputer’s real owner’s Safety is cleaned up.

Angel Parliament’s Supercomputer Holy, not the Hacker means to get the Supercomputer, but the real Supercomputer that really focuses on the Hacker War.

Even if a Hacker controls the top three Supercomputers in the world, and against the Supercomputer Holy, Raphael also has the confidence to give the other side a headache.

“Mr. M, why is your offense so powerful!” Raphael said to himself. [

Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel’s interest remained silent, without interrupting the Raphael that fell into self-Fantasy.

Starting with wnMiwang’s forced simulation of the Fourth Generation Supercomputer, now that twenty seconds have elapsed, Shi Lei currently tracks the true pn address of the Raphael. In order to paralyze Raphael, when Raphael discovered his invasion, Shi Lei divided the invasion into two shares, one of which attracted attention on the bright side and the other in the real paddress of the secret investigation Raphael.

Two old enemies attack each other, but obviously Shi Lei has an advantage.

Raphael has called Supercomputer Holy’s full calculation of “sex” ability, but did not defeat wnMiwang’s defense; Shi Lei only called a part of wnMiwang’s computing resources, and has already found the real pn address of Raphael.

wnMiwang is modeled as a Fourth Generation Supercomputer, which is close to 800tmms’ Distributed-type ScAT&Tered Computing resource and merged into a distributed-type Centralized Computing resource of approximately 200mps.

Such a huge computing resources can easily sweep off the Supercomputer Holy offense, but Shi Lei does not do that for the time being. The current timing is not suitable for black Supercomputer Holy. If Holy is blacked out, Raphael will run away in advance.

Shi Lei doesn’t run like Hope Raphael. If Raphael runs like this, does Shi Lei use such trouble to lure Raphael into Dream Entertainment?

“Izual · Did you calculate the result? The damn Raphael, even playing multi-protection!” Shi Lei face “color” is not very good-looking, Raphael’s Defend the Server · actually did multiple protection, so that I want to To track the true paddress of the Raphael, it’s a little more troublesome.

However, wnMiwang’s temporary simulation has become a Fourth Generation Supercomputer, with 20otflmps computing speed, and multiple protection measures are just a little bit of trouble.

Izual only spent zh’clock time, and then solved the multi-protection. After Shi Lei just asked about Izual, he replied: “s has solved the multi-protection.”

Shi Lei continued to track the true pn address of Raphael. With wnMiwang’s Outstanding 『性』, Shi Lei quickly broke the protection of Raphael, and spent a total of 36 seconds before and after, finally determining the true nature of Raphael. Pn address.

And what about Raphael?

Raphael is still fighting the part of Shi Lei’s power. I didn’t realize that his real pn site has been exposed!

“Li Jian Nation, Washington DC!” Shi Lei looked at the “Reality address” of the Raphael real paddress.

I have to say that the daring of Raphael is too big. As a person who is wanted by Li Jian Nation, I dare to go to Washington DC, the capital of Li Jian Nation. This kind of daring Shi Lei also has to admire. [

At the very least, if Shi Lei is wanted by Xia Nation, Shi Lei will never go to the Center area of ​​Capital City if it is not necessary.

Horizon hael’s guts are big, Shi Lei admire, but when it comes to Raphael, Shi Lei never gets soft. After finding the location of the Raphael, Shi Lei sent an information directly to the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency.

In order to prevent the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Situation Bureau from doing things bad, Shi Lei also specifically contacted hsDepartment of Homeland Security. Li Jian Nation’s Department of Homeland Security, privilege is very large. In some cases, even fb and also to listen to the assignment of hsDepartment of Homeland Security.

As a serious threat to Li Jian Nation’s native Safety Hacker, Raphael is naturally on the blacklist of hsDepartment of Homeland Security, Shi Lei passed the message of Raphael in Washington DC to hsDepartment of Homeland Security, they are properly Will send someone to catch Raphael. After telling Raphael about the news of Washington DC to Li Jian Nation, the time has passed for a minute, and wnMiwang collapses, leaving only 2 minutes 35 seconds.

Shi Lei controls wnMiwang and kills Supercomputer Holy. Supercomputer Holy’s “sex” is outstanding, and the defense strength is also very high. It uses defense software, which is similar to the Defense System. Although the design concept is not as advanced as the Defense System, the internal defense mechanism is not as complete as the Defense System. It can be used as the Defense System designed by Angel Parliament First Giant. The defense of Supercomputer Holy can only be said to be impregnable.

Fortunately, Shi Lei has been born again for six years and holds a lot of secrets from the Angel Parliament!

One of Shi Lei’s secrets includes Supercomputer Holy’s Defense System data. Formerly In the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei and Abdiel learned Hacker knowledge and then used Supercomputer Holy to verify knowledge.

Supercomputer Holy’s Defense System, in the eyes of Shi Lei, can be described as difficult. As long as Shi Lei starts with Supercomputer Holy, it is absolutely easy.

Angel Parliament.

Raphael currently counters the power of Shi Lei to command Izual control. Before wnMiwang simulates the Fourth Generation Supercomputer, Raphael can completely suppress Izual, forcing Izual to have only defensive power.

However, now, after wnMiwang forced the simulation of the Fourth Generation Supercomputer, the battle between Izual and Raphael became more and more intimate.

‘Weird, what exactly did Mr. M do, why is Dream Entertainment’s defense so strong? Also, Mr. M’s attack means, why do you turn it over and over? Is there anything weird? , Raphael in the heart thinking.

While he was still strange, Shi Lei broke the Defense System in order to protect the Supercomputer Holy. Entering Supercomputer Holy, Shi Lei did not have First time to destroy.

Supercomputer Holy is the Core Server of Angel Parliament. How can Shi Lei be willing to directly destroy?

Shi Lei currently Supercomputer Holy’s Internal System performs a full scan query for the disk array group. Just like the previous Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, I want to see what data is in the entire disk array group.

With High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual, Shi Lei scans the disk array group data much faster, and Izual intelligently records data within the Logical Analysis disk array group.

“The data in the sdisk array group is all encrypted files, and System currently performs Decryption processing, which is expected to take fifteen seconds.” Izual reminded.

Shi Lei glanced at the time in the upper left corner, two minutes and seventeen seconds.

Fifteen seconds passed by, but the result was not a good result, but Izual’s alarm.

“Warning, sr, target disk array group, the stored data is all garbage data. After the system automatic logic calculation, it is very likely that the encrypted data is a trap!” Izual analyzed the situation.

Sure enough, when Izual cracked the data file of Supercomputer Holy with wnMiwang, Raphael finally noticed that Shi Lei entered Supercomputer Holy.

‘what! Mr. M is actually invading the Supercomputer Holy, when is this thing… awful! Damn Mr. M! , Raphael found that Mr. M has entered the Supercomputer Holy.

Raphael eyes on the computer monitor, he can’t believe it, but also understands, when did Mr. M enter the Supercomputer Holy? How did Mr. M enter Supercomputer Holy? Just Mr. M is not always fighting with him?

In fact, Raphael thinks more, fighting with him, Izual from start to finish, Shi Lei does not bother to fight with him.

Shi Lei was discovered in Supercomputer Holy, and did not continue to find any useful data, directly launched Moon Virus. Moon Virus is more aggressive than the Moon Program. The Moon Program is only a targeted infection target, and Moon Virus has a high level of infection.

Supercomputer Holy, as the Core Parliament of Angel Parliament, it was attacked by Moon Virus, and the rest of the computers connected to Supercomputer Holy will definitely be Moon Virus.

In this way, Shi Lei only needs to observe what forces in Moon Virus, and then can analyze the forces that have contact with Angel Parliament. In other words, Shi Lei identified potential enemy groups.

Moon Virus was launched into Supercomputer Holy, and Shi Lei immediately quit from Supercomputer Holy. He took the initiative to contact Raphael and sent a request for connection to Raphael.

Raphael did not reject Shi Lei’s connection request, the two connected voice communication, Shi Lei used voice changing software, simulated a middle-aged man’s voice, tone calmly said: “Raphael, you lost again!”

Raphael smiled, “Mr. M, you don’t be pleased, I lost if I lost, I can’t afford it, even if I lose, I have a chance next time, but do you have another chance?”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗