
Chapter 873

hk861 Interweave Net Miwang simulates Fourth Generation Supercomputer!

The Fourth Generation Supercomputer uses the ultra-high speed network, and wnMiwang uses only the Ordinary network. The former is Distributed-type Centralized Computing and the latter is Distributed-type ScAT&Tered Computing.

Shi Lei is ready to simulate the establishment of Fourth Generation Supercomputer based on wnMiwang, and then fully resolve the attack of Angel Parliament with the advantage of Fourth Generation Supercomputer, and give Angel Parliament a counterattack!

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei puts both hands on the keyboard and quickly enters the numerous English source code.

“Izual, Real-time Verification!” Shi Lei told Izual to let Izual help verify the error code.

Izual’s Real-time Verification Function can only verify syntax errors, or misspelling words, but not logic errors. Because, Izual doesn’t know what source code Shi Lei is writing. Otherwise, do you need Shi Lei to write your own source code? Directly let Izual generate source code is not good!

Any program that Izual knows about source code, Shi Lei will not write source code by itself, Izual generates source code speed, definitely exceeds Handmade to write source code.

Two minutes later, wnMiwang’s distributed computing resources, 780tflops left, Shi Lei finally accomplished the source code, through the source code program, after implementation, wnMiwang can be briefly turned into Fourth Generation Supercomputer ! [

“Izual, verify all source code, if there is no logic error, immediately implement source code program!” Shi Lei commanded.

“yes,sr.currently verify debug source code. Debug accomplish line by line, no logic errors found. Start preparing the implement source code program. After the system automatic simulation calculus, source code implement, wnMiwang will crash after 3:35. Is it implement?” Izual’s Main System, before the source code written by implement Shi Lei, performed the simulation of the Sandbox System.

The source code written by Shi Lei does cause wnMiwang to crash, which is the price for wnMiwang to force the simulation of the Fourth Generation Supercomputer. There has never been a price on World. You can get rewards. Shi Lei is very aware of the consequences of wnMiwang’s collapse, but if used properly and quickly kills Raphael and Angel Parliament, wnMiwang may not crash!

“Start thefour!” Shi Lei said firmly. Thefour is the program that lets wnMiwang simulate the Fourth Generation Supercomputer. It is a very sharp double-edged sword. Apply well, you can defeat the enemy; use it badly. Can only hurt yourself!

“Understood, sr!” Izual started thefour, and wnMiwang immediately responded to thefour. wnMiwang’s Ground Level Code begins to change. Starting with the most Ground Level Code, wnMiwang begins to build the corresponding strategy.

First, the First Level strategy built by wnMiwang. Open the bandwidth restriction of the network service provider, liberate the route bandwidth maximum, and extend the network route bandwidth of wnuser.

The network bandwidth of each network user is limited by the network service provider’s interface setting, not the maximum value of the route that can carry and bear. For example, a user’s network bandwidth is 2m. So theoretically, the user’s maximum downstream speed is 256kbs. This one down speed. Accepting the Task data distributed by wnMiwang may cause delay.

For example, if the Task data package distributed by wnMiwang is 1mb, then at the theoretical maximum speed, the user accepts the Task data package distributed by wnMiwang, which requires at least 4 seconds. If you count the network transmission loss, you may need 5-6 seconds. This is one of the reasons why wnMiwang accepts the wnMiwang user feedback computing resources.

After the four starts, the First thing is the maximum bandwidth of the liberation route. The so-called maximum bandwidth, exactly as stated route can reach a large bandwidth, then how much bandwidth is liberated. If the user’s bandwidth is originally 2m and the route bandwidth is 8m, thefour will liberate the user’s bandwidth to the largest 8m.

User’s bandwidth is from 2mpromoted to 8m. If wnMiwang distributes Task data package to 1mb, theoretically 8mbandwidth’s route accepts 1mb’s data package and only needs 1 seconds!

The benefit of promoted user bandwidth is obvious, that is, the feedback speed between user and wnMiwang is directly promoted, making wnMiwang’s overall resource operation faster.

After the four unlocks the maximum bandwidth of all connected users of wnMiwang, the second step is implemented. The second step is to optimize the wnMiwang user resource area.

wnMiwang user resources, distributed in the whole world, these user resources from the user to wnMiwang’s Main Server Origin, originally a peer-to-peer transmission, that is, for each wnMiwang user, directly contact the wnMiwang parent program.

Now, the thrfour program has been adjusted. The partition is merged according to the user’s area. After the merged user resource, the inter-domain trunk network is selected and directly transmitted to the wnMiwang Parent Server.

The so-called zoning merger is to let the Gamer in a certain area merge. For example, Shuangqing City’s wnMiwang user assumes the 1 Million name. [

This 1 Million name is Shuangqing City’s wnMiwang user, which was originally one-on-one to feed computing resources to Supercomputer Origin. But after thefourmodify, Shuangqing City’s 1 Million wnMiwang user will be merged together and passed through the city main road network to pass the information.

The advantage of this is that the processing throughput is High Degree, and the data of the backbone network is faster, not limited by network congestion. The network also has the same congestion as the real world. Like the traffic jam, if the data transmission of a certain network is too large, or the Hacker war occurs, the network is full of garbage data too much, which will cause network congestion.

Network congestion is also a factor in network delay!

Thefour’s strategy is precisely as stated by wnMiwang user in the region, bypassing the network where network congestion may exist. Directly take the inter-domain main road network.

In addition to the above two strategies, thefour will also implement the final strategy. That’s the analog network acceleration feature that gives Ordinary’s network some features of high-speed network. This technique is very difficult, and Shi Lei dares to assert that even the First Giant of the Angel Parliament did not master this technology.

The technology of simulating high-speed network belongs to Shi Lei’s unique technology!

After the four program was opened, wnMiwang quickly changed, although the fourimplement’s Task was very complicated. But the implement is very fast.

In less than ten seconds, wnMiwang completely implemented thefour program, from a Distributed-type ScAT&Tered Computing Cluster to a pseudo-distributed-type Centralized Computing Cluster.

Izual automatically displays a countdown ’03:35′ in the upper left corner of the Number One Server display, which represents wnMiwang’s simulation of the Fourth Generation Supercomputer, which can only be a little over three and a half minutes.

“sr. Please pay attention to the remaining time. Once the remaining time is zero, the possible “sex” of wnMiwang crash is as high as 99%. 99. Izual reminds Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded affirmatively, “Izual, help me, prepare to fight back!”

Dream Entertainment has been suppressed by the Angel Parliament. Shi Lei has already had a bad breath. Now wnMiwang has become a Fourth Generation Supercomputer. Shi Lei just wants to give Raphael a good look. Let Raphael understand that he is an effeminate. Effeminate is always effeminate, after all, it’s just a weak one!

“yes.sr, ready to serve you!” Izual responded.

Angel Parliament, secret Voice Communication Channel.

Currently the invading Raphael, the face “color” suddenly changed, “Oops, Mr. M is coming!”

“Raphael adults, is Mr. M coming?” Sunlight Angel actually wants to ask, ‘Mr. M is coming? Why didn’t I find out? ‘

“Damn! Mr. M is currently counterattacking us!” Raphael glanced at the FIRE wall he wrote. Although the FIRE wall didn’t prompt, the Raphael found an exception.

At this moment, Shi Lei is controlling wnMiwang and counterattacks the Angel Parliament. He put the main target on the Raphael. As for Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, Shi Lei does not want to deal with them for the time being.

Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel have a special status in the Angel Parliament. This pair of Hacker couples did not join the Angel Parliament in the first place. The most important thing is that they did not participate in the “Chaos” in the Angel Parliament. Eight bad Tasks, at most, only Hacker invasion, without the use of Hacker technology caused by personal injury.

Pseudo Fourth Generation Supercomputer wnMiwang, controlled by Shi Lei, easily breaks through the external defense of Angel Parliament, and Shi Lei searches for the location of Supercomputer Holy.

In order to track the Supercomputer Holy, Shi Lei is very careful. However, Shi Lei suddenly depressed snorted, “still discovered!”

Raphael found Mr. M from the FIRE wall, he was shaking with excitement, Mr. M finally came out, Raphael finally had a chance to take revenge! Unfortunately, Raphael is destined to take revenge this time.

Because, when Raphael discovered Mr. M, Shi Lei also knew his own invasion violence, and the “sex” was not hidden. Open and aboveboard stood out snipe Raphael.

Although Mr. M suddenly appeared, Raphael was not afraid of Mr. M. Instead, in the Secret Voice Communication Channel of Angel Parliament, he loudly told: “Sunlight, Moonlight, assisted me in tracking the true paddress of Mr. M.”

Raphael wants to find the real paddress of Mr. M, so that Hope can find the real identity of Mr. M. Once you know the real identity of Mr. M, you can erase Mr. M from Reality.

A Hacker’s biggest card is precisely as stated identity. If Hacker’s identity is exposed, the Hacker’s danger coefficient is significantly lower. Exposure of Identity’s Hacker, things that need to be considered too much too much.

Raphael’s hatred of Mr. M, that is not a clear sentence. If you find the true address of Mr. M, Raphael does not mind giving Mr. M an unforgettable gift.

Unfortunately, Raphael doesn’t know one thing. When he is looking for the real paddress of Mr. M, isn’t Mr. M looking for his real paddress?

Like his uncomfortable Mr. M, Mr. M is also very annoying Raphael, can’t wait to send Raphael, accompanying the lonely Uriel!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

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