
Chapter 870

hk858 stand by? See through distributed computing resources!

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition was formed in response to Dream Entertainment, led by Big Penguin Company, Xia Nation’s five online game operators, and Nanchao Nation Four Great game maker.

The ultimate goal of the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition was precisely as stated by Brave’s World of Snipe Dream Entertainment Company. In an attempt to destroy Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Gamer paid for the data, which put Brave’s World into a safety crisis, causing a fear of trust in Brave’s World’s within the Gamer community.

Ma Huatang’s plan is very good. If you follow Ma Huatang’s plan, Dream Entertainment will definitely be hit hard, and Brave’s World’s Gamer will definitely lose a part.

There was a good plan, but there was no corresponding implement force. Ma Huatang and his Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition were directly tragedy and were hit by Dream Entertainment’s Destroy.

The three of the Angel Parliament, when Izual launched a counterattack, quietly left the Voice Communication Channel of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. They did not participate in the invasion of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website Data Server, and Izual did not track their true paddress.

Angel Parliament’s secret Voice Communication Channel.

Sunlight Angel asked: “Raphael adults, Dream Entertainment Company launched a counterattack, Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition has been completely killed, when did we invade?”

“Wait!” Raphael is not in a hurry. “Dream Entertainment’s defense has not been relaxed yet, Sunlight, Moonlight, you are withdrawing from Dream Entertainment Main Server.”

“Withdraw?” Sunlight Angel doesn’t understand what opinion is, “Raphael adults, why? Don’t you need to continue to create illusions for Dream Entertainment?”[

Raphael chuckles, “Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition is defeated. If we continue to attack Dream Entertainment Main Server, it is not to create illusions, but to provoke Dream Entertainment, let them find us trouble. Now we need to make one, we The illusion of retreating with the defeat of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. When Dream Entertainment is relaxed, we will give Dream Entertainment a huge surprise!”

Raphael led the Angel Parliament’s Two Little Giants, retreating from Dream Entertainment’s Main Server, and Izual immediately reported to Shi Lei.

“Sr attacking Supercomputer Origin’s intruder retreat continues to defend Supercomputer Origin?” Izual asked Shi Lei to control the huge wnMiwang preferred computing resources, which would also consume Supercomputer Origin’s computing resources.

Shi Lei had a smile on his face. “Step down the defense and let Supercomputer Origin enter the regular defense. Next, we are waiting to watch the show!”

Shi Lei and Izual packed up the Data Server’s endgame, re-adjusted the Data Server’s Safety policy for less than ten minutes, Shi Lei set the Alert Server Trapset to Application Server and wmbServer to be triggered, and Izual received the warning Honeypot System’s returned information. .

“srBrave’s World OffiCIA l Website wmbServer was attacked and the Denseense System load reached 100%!” Izual immediately mobilized wnMiwang defense when reporting.

Shi Lei’s mouth tilted upwards, everything as he guessed, Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s wmbServer, was attacked!

‘Raphael, you haven’t changed! Since it’s smart, there’s no Uriel’s savvy strategy, no Second Giant’s savvy, and no First Giant’s atmosphere! , Shi Lei in the heart’s evaluation of Raphael is not high.

In the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei was a real-named Fifth Giant, and the status was almost the same as the Raphael. Even in some actions, Shi Lei is slightly higher than the Raphael’s status. if not…

Izual called wnMiwang tflps idle computing resources to join Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s wmbServer to fulfill the Defense System, effectively curbing the attack of Angel Parliament.

However, only a few minutes of stability was stabilized, and the Angel Parliament’s Second Round attack struck, reaching 100% again with the load of the Defense System.

This is the weakness of distributed computing resources! In the face of High Degree’s centralized computing resources, Loose Distribution Computing Resources, it is difficult to compete. How does a wooden sword compete with Iron Sword?

With the Defense System in a hurry, Shi Lei didn’t feel nervous about watching Izual’s self-defense. Izual’s Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module, found that ktblps’s computing resources are not enough, then continue to mobilize more! ·

wnMiwang’s average retention computing resources reached 1200tblps. Anytime and anywhere, you can pull out the computing resources of 10 billion times per second. Izual can face it with the attack on the situation.

The Angel Parliament’s offense was abrupt, but it was also expected by Shi Lei’s. At the Angel Parliament’s secret Voice Communication Channel, Sunlight Angel is a little anxious: “Raphael adults, Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website wmbServer’s defense strength, how do you feel like the Main Server’s defense?”

The defense of each server, the pass! The constant idle ‘is not the same. For example, the defense strength of Supercomputer Swallow is definitely much stronger than the Enterprise Grade Server defense!

By the same token, Supercomputer Origin, the Main Server of Dream Entertainment Company, is also the Brave’s World’s Center Server, which has a powerful Defense System that Sunlight Angel can understand.

Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s wmbServer, which is completely a Third Grade, or even a Fourth Grade Server, its important “sex” is not high, why is it comparable to Supercomputer Origin’s defense?

Raphael maintains the strength of the offensive data flow, and by the way replied: “Dream Entertainment Company has an Extremely Advanced Defense System. This Defense System may be designed by Mr. M. Its purpose is to centralize the defenses and move them to the Where it is needed. Also in other words, on our attack on Supercomputer Origin, or a low-level backup server, all face the defense from Dream Entertainment’s highest Grade!”

“So powerful Defense System?” Sunlight Angel said incredibly, “Dream Entertainment, no, how does Mr. M do it? Such a program, like the huge benefits that come to the market?”

Raphael coldly snorted, “Dream Entertainment’s Defense System is not an enemy, our attack, it also caused the relaxation of the Defense System. Sunlight, Moonlight, now I give you the authority of Lava and Ember, give up your Zombie Network Cluster, those Low “sex” can Server, the fundamental method is used in this battle!”

Sunlight glimpsed, “Raphael, you give us Lava and Ember, what server do you use to attack?”

Raphael hā hā laughed, “Boss gave me the right to use Holy! Holy’s computing “sex” ability, Ranked Worldwide Fourth, it is not the black Supercomputer, can only call the twenty percent “Sex” can. I can use Holy for 100%, do anything!”

“Holy!” In the voice channel of Angel Parliament, the first time sounded the sound of Moonlight Angel, and even the Moonlight Angel, who is a female sex, couldn’t help but be surprised.

The power of Supercomputer Holy must be explained!

Raphael accessed the Supercomputer Holy, and after a little trial, he mobilized the Supercomputer Holy and attacked the wmbServer of Dream Entertainment Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website.

When Supercomputer Holy joined the battle sequence, Izual issued an emergency report, “sr, the attacker’s attack suddenly promoted more than twice, the Defense System is running at full load, the external defense is brokenthrough, the intruder is currently breaking Second Level defense!”

Shi Lei is still unmoved. He knows that Supercomputer Holy has entered the battle, but he still has no injection of opinion. This is not Shi Lei. I can’t look down on Supercomputer Holy. On the contrary, Shi Lei even wants to get the Supercomputer like Supercomputer Holy!

“Izual, mobilize more wnMiwang resource defense!” Shi Lei calmly told.

Izual reminded: “Depending on the intruder’s offensive strength, wnMiwang’s distributed computing resources will be gradually destroyed by the intruder, which will destroy the structure of wnMiwang. Will you continue to call wnMiwang defense?”

“Tune wnMiwang defense!” Shi Lei said coldly.

Angel Parliament’s offensive computing resources have reached 15tblps, which is not yet overclocked. If overclocked, the computing resources should be more.

Izual has mobilized 50otflmps’ distributed computing resources to add defenses. Such a huge amount of computing resources for defenses does block the Angel Parliament’s offense. However, the large and high Degree focused offensive computing resources, let wnMiwang’s distributed computing resources, constantly crashing.

Distributed computing resources, origined in Brave’s World Gamer distributed throughout the world, when the network delay does not meet the requirements, it will exit from wnMiwang, and prevent the personal user’s computer from being destroyed.

In the face of Angel Parliament’s attack on the high-degree centralized computing resources of tflps, almost every second, wnMiwang’s distributed computing resources will lose nearly 1tmws, and at least 50tflps’s computing resources will be lost in one minute. ·

Izual currently controls 500mps distributed computing resources, if there is no foreign aid, you can only stick to 7 minutes. Because the distributed computing resources are reduced to the same level as the High Degree centralized computing resources, they will suddenly collapse.

“hā hā hā hā !Dream Entertainment really used distributed computing resources!” Raphael kept experimenting with the attack. Two minutes later, Raphael finally determined, Dream Entertainment’s Defense System used distributed computing resources.

Sunlight Angel doesn’t quite understand: “Raphael, what are you talking about?”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗