
Chapter 871

hk859 Shi Lei is fighting the front of Raphael!

Angel Parliament’s Raphael, which sees Dream Entertainment Company’s defense system’s defense model, Raphael clearly knows the weaknesses and flaws of distributed computing resources.

Angel Parliament’s secret Voice Communication Channel, Raphael smiled and explained, “Sunlight, before this action, I formally consulted Boss and asked Boss about the issue of Dream Entertainment Company Defense System. Boss told me that Dream Entertainment Company’s Defense System, which is a kind of dynamic defense, which server needs defense, which Defense System protects which server. As for the defense strength issue, Dream Entertainment Company cheats, they must steal the user’s computing resources, privately retrieved Transfer to the Defense System.”

“Dream Entertainment is doing this kind of thing!” Sunlight Angel was quite surprised: “Don’t they be afraid of being discovered by users?”

“User can’t find it!” Raphael said with a sneer, “With the technology of Mr. M, it is impossible to be discovered! However, since it is distributed computing resources, its shortcomings are very serious. I have just discovered its weaknesses. As long as we attack with all our strength, don’t watch Dream Entertainment now stop us. If there are no variables, up to ten minutes, they will be defeated!”

Raphael got a hint from Angel Parliament First Giant. When he controlled Supercomputer Holy and invaded the wmbServer of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, he carefully observed the situation of wmbServer.

Two minutes after the invasion, Raphael clearly noticed the change of the Defense System. Although Izual timely supplemented the wnMiwang computing resources defeated by Angel Parliament, the computing resources that were defeated and rejoined the battle sequence showed subtle The connection changed and still did not escape the eyes of Raphael.

Raphael found that Dream Entertainment Company did the secret of the Defense System. He was in the heart and was greatly settled. As long as he could break the Dream Entertainment Company’s defense, it took a little time, not an issue.

“Sunlight, Moonlight · Overclocking Supercomputer Ember and Lava, playing the biggest attack! Dream Entertainment’s Defense System, not composed of Supercomputer, but loose-type distributed computing network composition. As long as we keep the offensive, Dream Entertainment will be dismissed! “The tone of Raphael is full of confidence.

‘Mr. M, this time you lost! Come on, or I will turn your Dream Entertainment into a ruin! Whether it is Dream Entertainment’s all kinds OffiCIA l Website · or Brave’s World’s Main Server Origin, I will not let go! , Raphael in the heart sneer. [

This is the confrontation between Raphael and Mr. M. First time has won the advantage position!

Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel · According to Raphael, Supercomputer Ember and Lava were quickly overclocked, mainly setting voltage supply, CPU frequency adjustment, allowing the power supply unit to supply more power to calculate the processing unit. It is the central processor that gets a higher calculation frequency.

Let the computing unit overclock, that is, the popular pu overclocking, is not without risk. The biggest risk, precisely as stated, after the overclocking of the huge heat dissipation issue. If the heatsink method quickly takes away the huge heat generated by overclocking, then the central processor is very likely to be burned by heat. The second-order result may also cause the central processor to trigger self-protection and automatically stop running.

Supercomputers are rarely overclocked unless they are a Supercomputer of their own, and have a good temperature management system. Even a “liquid” cooling system.

Supercomputer Ember and Lava’s cooling system is very good. They are Uriel’s direct private Supercomputer. Now they are inherited by Raphael. Supercomputer Ember and Lava are designed for the Hacker War. Their overclocking “sex” can be unquestionable!

In less than a minute, Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel adjusted the accomplish of Supercomputer Ember and Lava to turn on the overclocking mode of two Hacker War-specific Supercomputers.

After the overclocking mode is turned on, Supercomputer Lava and Ember’s “sex” can be promoted to nearly twenty percent. This data is very exaggerated, and the twenty of “sex” can only be obtained by overclocking, without adding any actual cost. Hey, the electricity bill has increased a bit!

Raphael also overclocked the Supercomputer Holy, and the calculation of Supercomputer Holy reached 80tflps.

So calculating “sex” can reach Worldwide Fourth!

After Supercomputer Holy’s overclocking settings take effect, the “sex” of promoted can reach the same degree of twenty. Supercomputer Ember and Lava, promoted percent of the “sex” ability, perhaps not much difference. Take Supercomputer Ember as an example, the general state of Supercomputer Ember, the calculation of “sex” can be 20tflps. After overclocking, the motivational percent of the “sex” can only be calculated by the speed of ptflmps or 4ps.

But if the Supercomputer Holy promoted a percent of the calculation of “sex” energy?

Supercomputer Holy Under normal circumstances, the calculation of “sex” can reach 80tblps, after overclocking, promoted percent twenty, that is, increase the calculation speed of 16tflps. ·

Under normal circumstances of Supercomputer Lava, the calculation speed is only 1hlms, and in other words Supercomputer Holy after overclocking, EQ uivalent to added a Supercomputer Lava!

The three completely belong to the Angel Parliament, 100% of the “sex” can be used for the black Supercomputer, accomplish the overclocking settings, quickly re-join the attack! Dreams Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website wmbServer sequence.

After the overclocking, the three Supercomputers promoted the calculation speed of 23tblps in total, which made the total attack calculation speed reach 138mps. ·[

Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website wmbServer’s Defense System, the pressure is huge, Izual issued a sharp alarm: “Sr Dense Defense System continues to reach 100% load, wnMiwang crashes faster, every minute wnMiwang loses tblps idle resources, It is expected that after four minutes, wnMiwang will crash first; after four minutes and ten seconds, the Defense System crashes. Main System will cut off the connection between the Parent Server and the Internet in order to protect the Parent Server. At that time, all the network services of Mirror Science and Technology will be interrupted collectively, including Brave’s World, Dynamic Behavior recognition system, etc.”

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Izual, how many idle resources are there currently wnMiwang?”

The reason why Shi Lei stands by, is not arrogant or arrogant, but waiting for the time to mature, waiting for the Raphael knowing when to advance and retreat dilemma. If at the beginning of the Raphael invasion, Shi Lei jumped out of Mr. M’s Sockpuppet to block the invasion of Raphael. I am afraid that Raphael will scare away directly!

Raphael has been cleaned up by Mr. M several times and has generated Shadow for Mr. M.

Don’t look at Raphael is the Fourth Giant of the Angel Parliament. Facing the strength of his personnel, Raphael looks proud, and a pair of Jehovah First, he is Second’s niú chā. In fact, when facing Mr. M, please, Raphael is just a poor and timid effeminate!

In order to catch Raphael, Shi Lei can only watch Raphael invade Dream Entertainment. When Raphael invades to a certain extent, let him see the victory of Hope, Shi Lei puts on Mr. M’s Sockpuppet and sneak out. Touch the old nest looking for Raphael.

Raphael is now available through the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency, both of which are Worldwide-scaled-scale Intelligence Organizations, as long as Shi Lei finds the true paddress of Raphael, or fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, or Central Intelligence Agency will be very happy to help, Shi Lei grabs Raphael!

‘Raphael, Hope, you stay a little longer! Let me fully enjoy and marvel at your pleasure! , Shi Lei in the heart, sneering.

“SrwnMiwang still has 940tflpscomputing resources left. Every minute wnMiwang will crash ktflps’s computing resources, and the returned wnMiwang resource is only 20tblps.” Izual reports on wnMiwang. –

wnMiwang’s distributed computing resources, although constantly being defeated by Angel Parliament’s three Supercomputers, exit wnMiwang. However, the computing resources after the exit, after finishing the wnMiwang subroutine, will rejoin wnMiwang.

This process from defeat to regression is called the ‘wnMiwang resource loop. The speed of the wnMiwang resource loop depends on the provider computer that provides the wnMiwang resource. If it is a Supercomputer, as a resource provider of wnMiwang, its resource circulation speed will be very fast.

“Izual, concentrate all wnMiwang resources through the wnMiwang editor, I have to personally “fuck”!” Shi Lei hands on the keyboard, in the wnMiwang editor, quickly write source code.

wnMiwang’s Loose Distribution Computing Resources, usually by Izual Freedom combines accomplish defense and offense. However, according to the current situation, if Izual is given a defense or an offense, it is obvious that the law defeated Angel Parliament.

The Angel Parliament’s Supercomputer Holy is too powerful. The Raphael was not a Shi Lei’s opponent at all, and even Izual can defend the Raphael. After Raphael owned the Angel Parliament’s Supercomputer Holy, it immediately suppressed Izual, leaving Izual with no fighting power.

This is the computer hardware device, an important “sex” in the Hacker War!

The Hacker War is largely dependent on the “sex” capabilities of computer hardware. Legend has it that the plot of using Notebook Computer to invade satellite is just a legend. If you really use Notebook Computer to invade the satellite, you can only indicate that the satellite has been compromised. The notebook is just a console and remotely controls the satellite.

Hardware The important “sex” of “sex” is like two adult males with similar military values. One uses a sharp knives. Although the fighting power is also very powerful, can you use pistol in another case?

Although the sword is sharp, when facing pistol, even if you use the adult male “sex” of the sword, the battle experience is richer, and it will not be the opponent of pistol. Unless you use pistol’s opponent, you won’t use pistol at all!

Does Raphael not hit pistol?

Could it be that he is not a man?

The uncut wnMiwang is a treasure knife, sharp and not enough to kill

Shi Lei intends to reorganize the loose wnMiwang resource into a more centralized computing resource through the wnMiwang editor, making the sword become more powerful weapon!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗