
Chapter 869

The crash of hk857 Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition!

Angel Parliament’s Raphael and two Little Giants have been attacking Dream Entertainment’s Main Server Origin. Although there is no trouble with Main Server Origin, they continue to maintain the intensity of the offense and have no choice to abandon the retreat.

Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel originally thought that Raphael was preparing for Assault Dream Entertainment Main Server, but they did not expect that they would be ready to attack Dream Entertainment Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website wmbServer.

Sunlight Angel hesitated and asked: “Raphael, why don’t we attack Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s Data Server? Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s Hacker, has entered the Data Server for a few minutes, still no issue, They are still scanning all disk array groups.”

Raphael sneered , “Scanning disk array groups? Is Dream Entertainment so Idiot? Keep the attack strength on Dream Entertainment Main Server, then wait for the opportunity! Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s clowns, when they are picked up by Dream Entertainment , we attack immediately!”

Sunlight Angel thought for a moment and praised it: “Raphael wise! Raphael is brilliant! We are now keeping an attack on Dream Entertainment Main Server Origin, creating an illusion that our attack target is Main Server for Dream Entertainment. Then, Dream Entertainment When it comes to combating Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, we are again smashing the attack on the Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website wmbServer. As long as we pay a little attention, Dream Entertainment Company will not find it! This plan is really great!”

The Raphael, who was flattered, had a smile on his face. The Raphael was not old enough. He already had a strong Hacker technique and occupied a high position in the Angel Parliament. He was a model of young people.

In addition to being taught by Mr. M, Raphael has never suffered a loss!

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei’s mouth sneered a sneer, looking at the projector, Graphical showed the one hundred and five 12 name Hacker inside Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website Data Server. [

“Izual, one hundred and five 12 name Hacker’s intrusion evidence record, have you saved it?” Shi Lei is prepared to keep all Hacker’s intrusion records, and these intrusion evidence records will be the best bargaining chip when needed.

Originally, Shi Lei considered this evidence to the relevant Official department, but it is obvious that the Official department is not reliable, especially the cross-regional network case, which needs to be handled by the local authorities. Shi Lei is very convinced that if the Broken Knife Group Big Penguin in Shenzhen handles the possibility of “plugging” the hand is zero. The local trial of the fairness of the turn off the machine will definitely be influenced by the Big Penguin Company, and there should be an offset that should not be there.

For these reasons, Shi Lei is only planning to leave evidence, and at a critical time, there is a bargaining chip.

“Sr all evidence remains accomplish!” Izual responded.

Shi Lei put his hands on the keyboard, sat up straight, took a deep breath, eyes serious, “Izual, ready to fight with me.

Target Destroy all intruders’ computers! ”

“Shr, the Moon Program is ready to be implanted at all intruders’ computers!” Izual responded to Shi Lei. The Moon Program is actually an extension of Moon Virus that is just a way of infection and becomes more controllable. Target the infected target at exactly the established route of infection.

Shi Lei has access to Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s Data Server in charge of the entire TrapSystem, saying to himself: “Raphael, where do you want to attack? Origin? There are a lot of defenses, even though have Holy, you too Can’t get in! The only weakness is Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website. The trapof Data Server, I am afraid you will not get into Shithead. Then only Application Server and wmbServer are left!”

“Izual, kill all invaders!” Shi Lei laid out an early warning Honeypot Trapon the remaining two servers in Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website. Once an intruder attempts to black into two Servers, the Honeypot Trapwill be alerted.

“Yes Sir!” Izual responded to Shi Lei and immediately implemented the Moon Program, giving all invaders a blow.

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s voice chat channel, Broken Knife currently asks: “brothers, find Brave’s World What kind of competition is the registration personnelnet?”

“Not yet! The data in the Data Server is too much, and all are encrypted data, we analyze the contents of the data currently!” The CompCompany’s Hacker power has a good relationship with the Broken Knife Group, and actively responds to Broken Knife.

“In the last three minutes, if you can’t find the data again, all the withdrawals?” Broken Knife suddenly found himself falling out of the Voice Communication Channel of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. May be “sex”.

First possibility, Broken Knife’s network has an issue, that is, the network service access to the Internet is faulty. This kind of possible “sex” is very low. Broken Knife’s network access, the purchase of the dedicated line service, the chance of an issue is small.

Another possibility is that Broken Knife has been cleaned out of the Voice Communication Channel by the Voice Communication Channel administrator of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. This kind of possible “sex” does not exist. Broken Knife himself is a VIP Communication Channel clerk. Only Ma Huatang has authority to clean him out. ![

Will Ma Huatang clean up Broken Knife? This is just a joke!

The last possible and most likely scenario, Dream Entertainment launched a counterattack, knocking out his internet conNEC tion and letting him fall out of the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s Voice Communication Channel.

Broken Knife picks up the cell phone and prepares to dial the cell phone number of the rest of the Broken Knife Group and asks if the member in the group has also been countered by Dream Entertainment. The members of the Broken Knife Group, when they were in action, were usually scattered in Shenzhen instead of gathering together.

Gathering together is waiting for death!

A member was tracked to the real pn site and the entire Organization was finished!

I haven’t waited for Broken Knife to dial the number, his cell phone has ringed, the Caller ID is Ma Huatang, Broken Knife quickly presses the answer button, and Ma Huatang’s voice is heard.

“Broken Knife, what the hell are you doing, how do I get dropped from the Great Coalition’s Voice Communication Channel?” Ma Huatang asked in a tone.

Broken Knife in the heart ‘Oh, scream!

‘bad! Must be Dream Entertainment launched a counterattack! Broken Knife is ready for the worst. “Boss, look, is your computer running normally? Right, Boss, are you at the Company Headquarters, using the company’s network?”

Ma Huatang listened to Broken Knife’s tone incorrectly and quickly asked: “Broken Knife, something went wrong? I am at Company Headquarters, but network is not a company, but a separate network.”

“Boss, it’s really wrong, I also fell out of the Great Coalition’s voice channel. I immediately contacted the rest of the members through the intranet to see their progress.” Broken Knife with the shoulders and face, holding the cell phone, left hand On the keyboard, hold the mouse in your right hand and click on the network browser.

However, before the Broken Knife typed the address of the Acquire Internal Network, his personal server, suddenly blue screen, the Hard Disk light Crazy flashed, the cooling fan in the chassis, made a high-speed operation.

Broken Knife’s face color has become ugly again. For the formerly researched Moon Virus’s Broken Knife, his personal server shows that it is the Moon Virus, and the current Low-level FormAT&T ing rhythm!

“Broken Knife, my computer suddenly has a blue screen, and the Hard Disk light flashes, and some squeaky mechanical sounds are emitted. What is going on?” Although Ma Huatang was born with technology, there are many kinds of computer technology. More than just Hacker technology.

Broken Knife, as soon as Ma Huatang said, knew that Ma Huatang also had Moon Virus, and he smiled. “Boss, Dream Entertainment countered, it seems that ln and gemm failed!”

“Hēng!” Ma Huateng snorted, angrily throwing the cell phone out, yelling loudly: “Damn your Uncle’s Dream Entertainment!”

Jingya Garden.

When the Izual implement Destroy is in the intruder’s plan, it prompts: “sr, System’s real paddress tracking error, detecting the new overseas paddress, the total number is fifty, and the corresponding real address of paddress is Nanchao Nation.”

Shi Lei’s hands on the keyboard suddenly stopped. “Nanchao Nation? Big Penguin and Nanchao Nation, hey, Ma Huatang, you even found a powerful foreign aid, not bad!”

The relationship between Nanchao Nation’s game Development Company and Big Penguin, Shi Lei can not know?

“Izual, those targets of Nanchao Nation, don’t let go, kill them all!” After Shi Lei said, added an additional sentence, “Give me the Nannchao Nation intruder’s internet conNEC tion paddress, I want to personally track!”

Izual’s real pn address tracking program, after all, is just Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. Tracking the real pn address may cause parsing errors. For example, when the intruder was just tracked, an error occurred, which is obviously an intruder of Nanchao Nation, but Izual is the other party. The proxy pServer has been fooled and mistaken for the paddress of the Xia Nation area.

Shi Lei personally accessed the urban conNEC tion of the Nanchao Nation intruder, quickly tracking the real pn sites of those invaders. With the cooperation of Izual’s, Shi Lei quickly grasped the real paddress of several personnel. After a comparative analysis, Shi Lei identified one of the intruders, origin in nnwnz is the game operated by Big Penguin, one of the CrossfIRE ‘s development producers.

‘It turned out to be CrossfIRE’s bitter! Shi Lei in the heart hā hā A smile, CrossfIRE was broken by Dream Entertainment, and the owner can understand it. However, understanding and understanding, Shi Lei will never be soft!

Shi Lei quickly extinguished the 50 invaders of Nanyue Nation with Izual, destroying all the intruders’ computers through Moon Virus, and at least ruining the other’s Storage Equipment, which is Hard Disk.

The counterattack from Izual to the collapse of the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition was only two minutes. Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, indeed, as Raphael evaluated, all are clay chickens and pottery dogs, in front of Dream Entertainment, impossible to withstand a single blow!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗