
Chapter 868

The cost of hk856 Supercomputer, Raphael is coming!

The Supercomputer of World Open to the public, which performs two times each year to calculate the “sex” can be ranked to determine the top 500 Supercomputer Ranked in Worldwide. Normally, the Supercomputer of Ranked First is owned by the Country Grade research organization.

Whether it is a Business Company, or a private research institution, the Supercomputer, “sex” can not be too outstanding. However, the Supercomputer hidden in the dark may have more powerful.

Angel Parliament hides the Supercomputer Holy, Supercomputer Holy’s computing “sex” ability, ranked in Worldwide Fourth, but it is not known to the outside world. Supercomputer Holy belongs to the secret weapon of the Angel Parliament, which has contributed a lot to the Angel Parliament.

Think about Angel Parliament’s Supercomputer, which can calculate X sexXtblps, and it can be fully used by 80%. It can even overclock the “sex” ability. How sharp is their Hacker invasion behavior?

Fortunately, Supercomputer Holy is generally under the control of First Giant and Second Giant, not Raphael and Uriel. Otherwise, with Raphael’s “sex”, Dream Entertainment’s troubles are big, and Raphael has to find Dream Entertainment for three days.

The Angel Parliament draws a lot of wealth every year, even in the years of the year, at least Billions US Dollars per year. Such a huge amount of wealth, still does not purchase the calculation of “sex” can be Worldwide First Supercomputer, it is because the input cost and maintenance cost of Supercomputer is very high.

Year era, a Supercomputer that calculates the speed of ktflps, the cost price is close to 100 Million US Dollar. If Dream Entertainment Company wants to build a Supercomputer with a speed of 360tflps, it only costs three parts of Core. Billion US Dollar or so.

Supercomputer is different from a personal computer. A personal computer simply assembles a bunch of parts into a computer. The assembly difficulty is almost impossible. The er that knows a little about computer knowledge can also easily compcomplish.

Supercomputer’s assembly work is not simple. When you assemble a large pile of parts, you can accomplish the ‘stacked wood, work. The design and assembly work of Supercomputer is very complicated. The Supercomputer of the year is all the Third Generation Supercomputer. There is no corresponding technology, and the assembly of the absolute Accomplish Supercomputer. [

Before Shi Lei was born again, Supercomputer experienced a total of four generations of technology. The First Generation Supercomputer is almost the same as the Ordinary computer. It is also composed of a main controller, a memory, an arithmetic unit, and input and input devices. The difference is that the First Generation Supercomputer is just a specially designed pu to increase the speed of the calculation and increase the “sex” ability of the System.

The drawbacks of First Generation Supercomputer are obvious. When a single puCore’s computing power is promoted, how to reduce power consumption, solve heat dissipation and other issues, let First Generation Supercomputer quickly exit the stage.

The Second Generation Supercomputer replaced it because of a defect in the First Generation Supercomputer. Second Generation Supercomputer, compared to First Generation Supercomputer, the main change is the number of promoted pu, which is multi-Core processing. However, the Second Generation Exceed Grade calculation did solve some of the issues of the First Generation Exceed Grade calculation. The new issue reappeared.

Second Generation Supercomputer has many flaws, especially the public memory and maintenance cache aspect issue, which is very tricky to deal with. There is almost no way to avoid it. This issue, the Second Generation Supercomputer Extension “sex” can be quite limited.

Coupled with the increase in the number of Cores, the speed promoted has become quite limited. The Second Generation Supercomputer has also left.

The Third Generation Supercomputer became the mainstream of high-end Supercomputers in the year. Almost all high-end Supercomputers use the technical standards of Third Generation Supercomputer.

The Third Generation Supercomputer mainly adopts a distributed multi-processor architecture, uses multiple independent puimplements and the same Task, and adopts a distributed storage system. Each independent pu and independent memory constitutes a node inside the Supercomputer. Second Generation Supercomputer Common memory and cache maintenance issues, Extension “sex” can also be equivalent of Outstanding.

The technology of the Third Generation Supercomputer is still in use until Shi Lei is born again! However, Third Generation Supercomputer technology is not without flaws. Like some of the more perfect technologies, the performance of each aspect is very good, except for the cost issue. Third Generation Supercomputer technology, the only drawback is precisely as stated cost is relatively high.

Shi Lei is in the heart of the forget about it. If you want to assemble a Supercomputer that can calculate the speed of 300mps, you need at least 100 Million US Dollar in addition to the material cost of 300 million US Dollar. Additional charges.

This 100 Million US Dollar is mainly used for storage structure development, “system” development, editing platform development, and data transfer technology. In addition, there are also very high requirements in energy consumption control and manufacturing process aspects.

Even though Shi Lei owns Izual, as the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Izual is actually Supercomputer “Operation” as System, which saves the development cost of Supercomputer “Operation” as System, but it still costs a lot of money!

Dream Entertainment Company is currently very rich on the books, consuming 1US Dollar to acquire mCompany, leaving 27 billion US Dollar on the book of Dream Entertainment Company. Although it seems that 400 million US Dollars are allocated from Twenty-seven billion US Dollars, building a Supercomputer for Worldwide First is not a big issue, but it is definitely not!

Dream Entertainment Company has a lot of plans, including wholly-owned mCompany, development of Smart Phone production, construction of Mirror Science and Technology Headquarters, establishment of Yellow Triangle Region Research Center, and even Shi Lei and plan, construction of secret on Meishan Island in Nanyue Nation Seabed base.

On which plan is used, the amount of money consumed is not a small amount, especially the last plan, which is simply the bottom hole. Shi Lei still really doesn’t know how much money is spent on a secret seabed base!

“The sSystem is calculated and initially estimated to require 325000000US Dollar, including all of the Supercomputer’s Core component purchase costs, associated System development costs, and corresponding site purchases and associated installation costs.” Izual reported a price to Shi Lei. [

Shi Lei, Izual calculated the result, why is it less than his estimated result, 100 Million US Dollar?

“Izual, how do you calculate the result?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual showed all the Comprehensive Data through the projector, and Shi Lei found the reason. Izual’s design, Supercomputer, uses the opternseries pu produced by mCompany, which is what Xia Nation calls ‘皓龙, series computing Processing Chip.

Company is currently the Child Company of Dream Entertainment Company. Although it is not yet Wholly Owned Subsidiary, it is already the absolute holding of Child Company. Its own produced thing, the price of the product is naturally cheap!

Shi Lei patted the forehead, but he was used to “sex” forgot about mCompany, mCompany in the technical aspect, and indeed a distance from the Intel Company.

“Damn Izual, 100 Million US Dollar is cheaper, and it is not allowed to make such a high-end Supercomputer!” Shi Lei said depressedly, the disadvantage of Third Generation Supercomputer is the cost control issue, and Shi Lei takes some time to study the Fourth Generation Exceed Grade calculation. Technical issue.

The Fourth Generation Supercomputer has all the advantages of the Third Generation Supercomputer, and it also makes up for the shortcomings of the Third Generation Supercomputer, which reduces the cost and the efficiency of the utilization resources. In particular, the energy aspect, the Fourth Generation Supercomputer is better.

Although Shi Lei does not intend to manufacture 300mpt’s Supercomputer, he is still preparing to assemble and manufacture a high-quality Supercomputer. Anyway, mCompany is currently the Child Company of Dream Entertainment Company. mCompany has a complete set of technologies for manufacturing Supercomputer. No need to!

“The real paddress of all intruders in sr is tracked!” Izual prompts Shi Lei.

Shi Lei eyes bright, said with a sneer: “The real paddress of the intruders, is the distribution area all in Xia Nation?” Shi Lei was expected to deal with the invasion of the issue, invading the Dream Entertainment Company’s Hacker, very It may be the power of Xia Nation, even the damn online game operators.

‘Chief Ma, don’t know if you have Big Penguin involved this time? Shi Lei in the heart Guess, Big Penguin will not continue to look for boring after being tidyed up by Dream Entertainment.

However, this time Shi Lei obviously lost forget about it, he underestimated the guts of Chief Ma, Big Penguin is not afraid at all, Big Penguin is the mastermind of launching attack this time! Even the Angel Parliament was brought out, and Angel Parliament was followed by Chief Ma’s plan to prepare for the Dream Entertainment Company.

“Sr specific data has been projected, please see.” Izual projected the data, the distribution of more than 150 Hackers is true paddress, except for a few people overseas, the rest of the personnel are in Xia Nation.

Shi Lei looked cold and stared at the location of Dongguang Province Shenzhen on the map, marked with twenty four intruders. Big Penguin’s Broken Knife Group member, currently in Shenzhen, the number is just twenty

“Ma Huatang!” Shi Lei coldly snorted, “You are behind me again!”

If Ma Huatang sits opposite Shi Lei, he will be pleased to tell Shi Lei, ‘I am his hair, it is Yin, what can you do with me? ,

Angel Parliament, secret Voice Communication Channel.

Blazing Sword Raphael suddenly issued an order: “Sunlight, Moonlight, ready to launch attack on Dream Entertainment’s Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website wmbServer!”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗