
Chapter 865

hk853 Worldwide Fourth Supercomputer!

May twenty day.

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s Voice Communication Channel, Sunlight Angel gave a positive answer, “We can block Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. However, we can’t stop too long. You have to be in a short time. The internal defense of Breakthrough Dream Entertainment Company destroys the internal data of Dream Entertainment Company! Can you do that?”.

The Voice Communication Channel suddenly came out and seemed to be thinking about Sunlight Angel’s issue. Broken Knife was silent for a while, using English to ask: “mrlon, what is your short time, what time is it? Ten seconds? One minute? Or ten minutes?”

If there is too little time, there is no value in meaning. After all, Dream Entertainment Company’s Internal System defense also takes some time to crack.

Broken Knife, a Hacker with World Exceed Class Level technology, is a little under the name of the whole world. Sunlight Angel also heard about Broken Knife, who replied in English: “Broken Knife? You were a Xia Nation person!”

“Hēng!” Broken Knife coldly snorted, continue to use English to talk: “lon, now is not the time to discuss this issue, how long can you and gemn block Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System?”

Sunlight Angel can’t guarantee this issue. Fortunately, Great Giant Raphael is supported in the voice channel of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. Raphael said in the Secret Voice Communication Channel of Angel Parliament: “At least three minutes!”

“We can at least get three minutes for you! You try to end the battle within three minutes! Otherwise, we can’t be sure, how long it can block the Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. After all, Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, very, very powerful!” Sunlight Angel spoke out the real thoughts.

Izual of Dream Entertainment Company is indeed too powerful! [

“Three minutes?”. Broken Knife thought for a moment, the current Hacker member of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. More than one hundred and fifty. These more than 150 Hackers, all above the World Third-rate standard, are not the kind of rookie that only uses the Tool. “Three minutes, enough!”

The Hackers of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition started a series discussion. Finally, at eleven fifty-five, the Hackers of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition took a flight through Sunlight Angel and discussed a A unified solution – 12 point attack!

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition schedules 12 points and attacks Dream Entertainment’s Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website on time. This time attack target, do not choose webServer, but choose Data Server!

The Data Server stores data from many of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Websites, including the registration data via OffiCIA l Website. Also, Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s Data Server. There must be a channel to connect to other Data Servers, with this channel. If it is able to invade the rest of Data Entertainment’s Data Server. Isn’t that developed?

The plan was quickly developed and the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition started to take action. First Step, Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, the two Angel Parliament Little Giants named Sockpuppet named lon and gemn, secretly joined the Great Giant Raphael and directly attacked the Dream Entertainment Company’s Main Server. Supercomputer Origin !

Supercomputer Origin is the main server of Dream Entertainment Company. This is not a secret, and even the specific performance is also announced by Angel Parliament forget about it.

After careful calculation of Raphael. He attempted to force the Dream Entertainment Company’s Main Server to use the performance crushing method. Raphael currently holds four Supercomputers, the Supercomputer Thunder of Ranked Nineteenth, the Supercomputer ‘Holy ‘ inside the Angel Parliament, and the two Supercomputer Ember and Lava ‘inherited’ from Uriel.

In Supercomputer Ranked released by 2006 11 month, Supercomputer Thunder Ranked Nineteenth has a computing performance of 199tflops. Supercomputer Lava’s computing performance has reached 150tflops. If it is included in Supercomputer Ranked, it is ranked in three 12 names; Supercomputer Lava’s computing performance exceeds Supercomputer Thunder, and there are 20tflops!

The three supercomputers add up the computing resources, about EQ ual to 55tflops. But this is not the ambivalence of Raphael facing the Dream Entertainment Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

What really belongs to the Raphael card is the Supercomputer Holy inside the Angel Parliament!

Supercomputer Holy’s computing performance is up to 80tflops. If Supercomputer Holy is placed in the World Supercomputer leaderboard, its performance can be ranked in the Fourth position!

Worldwide Fourth !

Worldwide Fourth’s Supercomputer, and can really 100% mobilize performance, even if there is demand, you can also overclock promoted performance, let Supercomputer’s computing performance, within a certain period of time, promoted 90tflops!

This is why Raphael is full of enthusiasm!

Counting Supercomputer Holy, excluding the unstable computing performance, the Supercomputer Thunder obtained by Hacker method, Raphael can control the computing resources in the hands of 100%, at least 115tflops. Comparing the performance of Supercomputer Origin’s poor 10tflops, it is possible to achieve performance rolling. [

Although wnMiwang provides more than 1000tflops of computing resources anytime and anywhere, it can distribute the loosely structured computing resources. In the face of High Degree’s centralized computing resources, it will not be an opponent.

Otherwise why bother to develop Supercomputer? Isn’t it straightforward to develop a distributed computing platform directly?

Angel Parliament secret In the voice chat room, Raphael mobilized Supercomputer Lava and Ember, without any temptation, directly attacked Supercomputer Origin with the strongest attitude. 35tflops’ computing performance, offensive 10tflops performance, Supercomputer Origin immediately got into trouble!

Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, although only World Grade Hacker, but the couple file Hacker, has a large number of high quality Server Zombie. Sunlight Angel brought together all the high quality Server Zombies to form a Clustered Server with performance close to 10tflops and quickly joined the team attacking Supercomputer Origin.

Supercomputer Origin’s computing performance is 10tflops, but it also needs to coordinate wnMiwang, and City Supported Server Cluster, and provide operational support for Izual. In a variety of situations, Supercomputer Origin can provide the computing performance of the Defense System, which is only 6tflops.

The performance gapbetween the offense and the defense side was wide, and Izual First time made adjustments, calling wnMiwang’s idle resources to help defend Supercomputer Origin. With wnMiwang calling more than 300tflops’s computing resources, Supercomputer Origin easily resisted the attack of Angel Parliament.

At this time, Raphael did not put in the final card. Instead of directly exposing the Supercomputer Holy, he told Sunlight Angel to issue an offensive command in the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition.

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, received the Sunlight Angel’s information, and immediately started to act. These guys have determined that Sunlight Angel can drag Dream Entertainment’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, and they are confidently attacking.

In fact, Izual’s attention is currently attracted to Angel Parliament. The attack chosen by Angel Parliament is subtle, they attack Supercomputer Origin directly. Not to mention the defense of the Angel Parliament’s breakthrough Supercomputer Origin, even if the Angel Parliament guy forced Supercomputer Origin to restart, Dream Entertainment’s loss will be huge.

The Hacker army of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, directly to the data processing server of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, according to the scheduled target. Since Izual mobilized most of the system resources, it assisted Supercomputer Origin defense. Therefore, Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website Data Server, the defense effort has been reduced a lot.

Broken Knife First found this situation, he screamed in the Voice Communication Channel, “brothers keep it up !Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, and it was dragged by Lion and Gemini, Server’s defense is reduced, We strive to solve it quickly!”


Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei is on the phone with Mu Shuang to discuss the registration of Brave’s World, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition online. Online registration is not optimistic, Shi Lei does not happen like Hope. Therefore, Shi Lei thought of a way to reverse this situation.

However, he did not discuss a specific result with Mu Shuang. Izual showed a striking warning sign through the projector and was equipped with instructions indicating that Dream Entertainment Main Server Supercomputer Origin was attacked.

The contact between Izual and Shi Lei also has a preset solution. For example, Izual now prompts the red gimmick flag, which is a hint of Higher Grade, indicating that Supercomputer Origin currently is affected by Hacker personnel attack, which may result in forced downtime.

Shi Lei’s face changed slightly, yesterday’s invasion of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website webServer’s personnel has not had time to launch investigate, and today someone invaded?

“Mu Shuang, I am a little urgent to deal with here, what I just said, your research and research gave me a reply.” Shi Lei said quickly.

Mu Shuang responded: “Well, okay, you should go ahead!” After the completion, Mu Shuang hangs up the phone directly. Mu Shuang is always so sensible, not too much to ask Shi Lei’s things, choose to be silent. Support for Shi Lei.

“Izual, show details!” Shi Lei put down the phone and sat in front of Number One Server, loudly.

Izual showed Supercomputer Origin’s details of the attack, and Shi Lei observed the characteristics of the attack data, and his face suddenly changed!

(To be continued…)

Ps: [Thank you for your appreciation] XIUX, 991, and 200