
Chapter 864

Calculation and calculation of hk852 Angel Parliament!

Shenzhen, Big Penguin Company Headquarters.

Ma Huatang with a hesitation, Sunlight Angel named lon, told Ma Huatang to help him, Ma Huatang First feels effectively as stated Sunlight Angel is a liar, and is a liar of Dream Entertainment Company!

However, the other party did not wait for any response from him, and then hung up the phone, which made Chief Ma hesitate. If the other party is a fraudster of the Dream Entertainment Company, the other party should wait for him to say some key sentences and then take the opportunity to record them. Since the other party has not done so, maybe the other party is really a potential ally, not a liar.

As the saying goes, the tree Big Move wind!

Dream Entertainment Company has driven a wave of Brave’s World’s in the whole world, plus the annual masterpiece “Doomsday War” announced by Dream Entertainment Company, which will be listed at the end of 2007 year, which is for all world game operators. Not a good thing.

Except for Xia Nation’s game operators who don’t like Dream Entertainment, the other Nation game operators don’t necessarily like Dream Entertainment Company!

Ma Huatang determine Sunlight Angel alias lon’s identity, he dialed the secret phone number with Broken Knife contact. Waiting for a moment, Broken Knife connected the phone and asked: “Boss, is there anything?”.

Ma Huatang whispered, “Broken Knife, is it inconvenient to talk over there?”

Broken Knife looked around in a circle all around, surrounded by his own people, he said: “Boss, I have no issue here, do you have any instructions?”. [

“Broken Knife, in Hacker World, do you know lon and gemn?” Ma Huatang asked directly.

Ma Huatang Although it was a technology birth, Ma Huatang didn’t know the details of Hacker World. In particular, some of Hacker’s names are usually only circulating in circles.

Broken Knife is the Exceed Class Expert for Hacker World. He naturally knows about Hacker World.

“Lon and gemn? Boss, what happened to these two people? Are they a group with the Dream Entertainment Company?” Broken Knife’s tone is rare with a nervousness.

Ma Huatang did not answer Broken Knife and repeated his issue again. “Broken Knife, do you know these two people?”.

“Boss, lon and gemn are the well-known duo of Hacker World. The two are very skilled, at least better than me. There are rumors that they have reached World Grade, but no one knows, is it true?” Broken Knife There is an uncertain say.

Lon and gemn are Sockpuppet from Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel. This pair of Hacker couples, using Sockpuppet identity, is incredibly powerful, sweeping almost all Hacker under World Grade Hacker. This made lon and gemn famous and became a well-known double team at Hacker World.

Ma Huatang repressed the inner surprise, confirming the question: “Broken Knife. Do you know what forces lon and gemn belong to? Or, what might be the power of the Hacker power.”

“I don’t know! It is rumored that the two men only take money to do things. The rest don’t matter!” Broken Knife responded to Ma Huatang. “However, although lon and gemn only take money to do things, they never do it, even if there is a high amount of money to buy back, there is no betrayal.”

Ma Huatang has a bright look and has no explanation. Hang up the phone directly, then look up the call log, find the phone number that Sunlight Angel had previously called, and dial the reverse.

Waited for tens of seconds. In the phone, the sound of Sunlight Angel’s electronic converter was changed. “Mr. Ma, I think you should have an answer!”

Ma Huatang responded eagerly: “Lon, I represent Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, welcome you, and gemn to join! We believe that having an Expert like you, after breaking into the battle, breaking the Dream Entertainment Company’s defense will be A breeze.”

Angel Parliament’s Two Little Giants, Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, easily blended into the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, although Ma Huatang did not immediately trust them, but Ma Huatang did not worry at all. The labor that is sent to the Great Coalition for free can be used as cannon fodder and it is not sad to be caught by the Dream Entertainment Company!

May twenty day, 11 am.

Angel Parliament’s Raphael, through a ‘friend’ identity, has gained a place directly within the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. I have to say that sometimes, with the help of ‘friend’, it is very simple to accomplish some difficult things. [

Blazing Sword Raphael, coming to the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition led by Big Penguin Company. In this circle, Raphael has contacted Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel through the Vocal System inside the Angel Parliament.

Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel’s Sockpuppet are far more famous than Raphael’s Sockpuppet. Raphael’s Sockpuppet is called Phinney, which represents the reincarnation of the Shinnikes. The name is very sling, but it can be halved. So, in the tactical discussion inside the Great Coalition, Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel have a say, but Raphael has no say.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! What time is it waiting?” Ma Huatang asked in a dissatisfied tone in the voice channel of the Great Coalition.

At this time, no one wants to come out and touch the head of Ma Huatang. Whoever touches the bad luck will surely anger Ma Huatang and let Ma Huatang scream and stop. Sunlight Angel, which temporarily joined the Great Coalition, was Sunlight Angel with lonSockpuppet, lightly coughed, with a strangely-inspired Xia Nation: “Mr. Ma, quarreling to solve any issue!”

Originally, everyone thought that Ma Huatang would stop talking to Sunlight Angel, but Ma Huatang calmed down and patiently asked: “Mrlon, what advice do you have?”

The Great Coalition’s Voice Communication Channel, connected to the numerous Hacker World personnel, when they found that Ma Huatang called Sunlight Angel lon, there was a burst of screams in the entire Voice Communication Channel.

“This Lion has joined our Great Coalition!”

“I don’t know, will it be the codename of Lion? The rumor that Lion is the Hacker of Western World, he should not participate in our actions.”

“Only lon? No gemn? I heard that these two guys are inseparable. If there is only one, it is very likely to be a liar!”


Listening to the noisy conversation in the Voice Communication Channel, Ma Huatang was snorted, “quiet! This Mr. Lon, Mr. Legendary Lion! Another gemn, also became a member of our Great Coalition!”

Sunlight Angel continues to use the non-standard Xia Nation language and is serious: “I am lon! Today, my companion gemn and I announced that we will join the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition and will work with you to know when advance and retreat! I know In your previous situation, you were defeated by Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. We joined the Great Coalition this time, effectively as stated to help you solve the trouble of Dream Entertainment Company Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System!”

In fact, Sunlight Angel has no way to solve Dream Casino Company’s Izual, but in order to make Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition their cannon fodder, they must be duce. Only dupe, Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition will be willing to fight against Dream Entertainment Company and give birth to a thought that can defeat Dream Entertainment Company.

Ma Huatang listened to Sunlight Angel’s words, and in the heart raised an excitement, “mrlon, can you really solve the Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System?”

Sunlight Angel quickly communicates with the Great Giant Blazing Sword Raphael in the Angel Parliament secret voice chat room.

“Raphael adults, can we bypass the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System from Dream Entertainment Company?”. Sunlight Angel asked, “If we can bypass the defense of the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, and with the power of those companies, maybe you can really give the Dream Network Company’s Internal Network a little lesson.”

“There is no way to get around! There is only one way to play against each other’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System!formerly, I am fighting alongside Uriel against the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System from Dream Entertainment Company. I want to beat that powerful Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, you must protect your real paddress, and at the same time break the other party’s defense.” Raphael tone with a sad, Uriel exactly as stated because of the exposure of the real position, was attacked and killed!

“But, Raphael, you said, Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System is more powerful than our Abdiel, and the three of us should defeat it!” Sunlight Angel discouraged, reminding Raphael, Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Powerful Intelligence System.

“I know!” Raphael tone calmly said: “The power in our hands is indeed defeating the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System of Dream Entertainment Company, but with the addition of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, it is different! We three People fully dragged Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, and the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s Hacker power hit AttCIA l Website of attack Dream Entertainment. This method is our only successful Hope!”

In fact, Raphael also has a lethal card, not said!

“Raphael adults, your opinion is, the personnel of our dupe Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, follow us, let them help us, right?”. Sunlight Angel confirmed.

“Yes!” Raphael smiled coldly. How can there be goodwill? Raphael helps Ma Huatang to deal with Dream Entertainment. Raphael also wants to help himself reach the goal with Ma Huatang’s Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition.

Raphael thought for a while and said: “Sunlight, you propose Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, launching Second Round attack at Xia Nation Time at noon today. We are going to fight directly into Dream Entertainment Company’s Internal System, investigate Shi Lei’s relationship with Mr. M!”

“Okay, Raphael!” Sunlight Angel answered with affirmative answers, and then in the Voice Communication Channel of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, confessed what Raphael told in a way that would be in the interest of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. Come out…

(To be continued…)

Ps: Thank you for your support!