
Chapter 866

The victory of hk854 Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition?

Jingya Garden. May twenty day at noon.

Izual uses the projector to show Shi Lei the data flow characteristics of the invading Dream Entertainment Main Server. On the projection cloth, the bold English letters source code of the dark green color are moving upwards slowly.

Shi Lei’s face color is a bit ugly. From these complicated source codes, Shi Lei found some familiar commands.

‘Damn Raphael! It turned out to be you! Shi Lei First time to identify, Hacker invaded Dream Entertainment Main Server Supercomputer Origin, it is the Raphael of Angel Parliament!

How could Shi Lei not be familiar with Raphael?

‘Raphael, the last time you escaped, this time I must send you to Heaven, let you really become Angel! Shi Lei in the heart Sneer, as for Heaven on Raphael, or under Hell, this matter is still left to Jehovah for consideration.

“Izual, Supercomputer Origin, can you defend each other’s attack?” Shi Lei has no concern about too much, and what kind of power is in the hands of Raphael, Shi Lei can almost guess that with the power of wnMiwang, Raphael can’t turn the day. !

“sr, System method determinee. The power of the invasion side is currently close to 50tblps. System automatically calls wnMiwang’s 30otflmps idle computing resources to support the defense of the main service provider, temporarily stabilizing the defense.” Izual introduced the specific situation.

Shi Lei was a little shocked. He knew Supercomputer Lava and Ember, and they knew that the combined computing resources were only 35ps. [

‘Does there be other people besides Raphael? Could it be him? Shi Lei in the heart thought of an answer, but then immediately shook his head, ‘Impossible, Angel Parliament’s Second Giant is unlikely to be mixed with Raphael. ,

The Angel Parliament’s Four Great Giants is divided into two small teams, First Giant and Second Giant, which are mysterious and rarely appear in the Angel Parliament. Shi Lei formerly has only seen First Giant and Second Giant in the Angel Parliament, less than ten times.

The strength of First Giant and Second Giant, even at the time as the World Summit Grade Hacker, Shi Lei was not sure if he could stand on their own. Even Shi Lei can’t guarantee that in a fair hardware environment, they can resist their offense.

World Summit Grade, not the end of Hacker!

According to Shi Lei, the First Giant and Second Giant of the Angel Parliament, before he joined the Angel Parliament, secretly did a major event. After Shi Lei joined the Angel Parliament, the operation of the entire Angel Parliament, almost the Third Giant Uriel, and the Fourth Giant Raphael and three Little Giant, work together.

Shi Lei During the Angel Parliament, First Giant and Second Giant never participated in any action of the Angel Parliament. Two Great Giants only occasionally gave orders to the Angel Parliament, and the rest of the time, let Raphael and Uriel Freedom play, just follow one purpose and collect money for the Angel Parliament.

Shi Lei secretly investigate what the First Giant and Second Giant are doing, but because of this, Shi Lei has been especially ruined by First Giant. Shi Lei guessed the First and Second Two Giant Giants of the Angel Parliament, what should be the plan for the secret.

Why Shi Lei doesn’t know it!

‘Second Giant is unlikely to participate in Raphael’s misconduct, then only Two Little Giants! The rest of Angel Corps’ members, not enough qualifications to participate! Twilight Angel Duskiel is wiped out by me

Only Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel are left! , Shi Lei in the heart, thinking about it.

“SrBrave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s Data Server is attacked, and System currently calls wnMiwang to prepare the defense.” Izual prompts.

Shi Lei suddenly said: “Don’t special defense! Izual, unlock some defenses, let them attack!”

“sr, Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website Data Server, part of the data is a confidential file

If the other party breaks Data Server defense, this part of the data may be compromised. Izual reminded.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Izual mobilizes more wnMiwang computing resources, and defense protects Main Server Origin. Open the data server background of Data Server, I have to play with these intruders personally! Izual, when unpacking some defenses, prepare for reverse Tracking Intruder pinformation, all the intruders tracking the information are recorded. This time, our Dream Entertainment, no longer ready to let them go!”[

“yes, sr!” Izual started the implement according to the command Shi Lei ordered.

Shi Lei entered the Data Server of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, quickly changed the settings of the Data Server background, and entered a line of source code.

Angel Parliament secret Voice Communication Channel.

Currently attacked Raphael, found the Dream Entertainment Main Server, the strength of the defense suddenly increased a lot, his face “show” a false god “color.”

“Very good!” Raphael’s face showed a sardonic smile. The target of Raphael is not Dream Entertainment Main Server Origin, but the attack of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition.

Dream Entertainment Company strengthened the defense of Supercomputer Origin, but instead of letting Raphael feel uncomfortable, it made Happy. !

‘Mr. M, what do you have to do with this Dream Entertainment Company, and your real identity, we will investigate soon! Raphael in the heart thought, ‘It’s a pity, that Shi Lei is in Xia Nation. Otherwise, Devil Mercenary Corps can grab him easily! ,

Devil Mercenary Corps is a subsidiary of the Angel Parliament, a world-renowned Mercenary Group that has long been active in the Africa region and has taken wealth for the Angel Parliament. The main methods of looting are smuggling of arms, private mining, smuggling of diamonds, etc.

The attack of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition became very smooth after Izual untied some of the defenses. This abnormally smooth, did not cause any Great Coalition’s Hacker suspicion, they over-reliance on the strength of ln and gemn, but also excessively underestimate the Dream Entertainment Company’s defense.

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s Voice Communication Channel, Broken Knife as a temporary leader, excited to inspire everyone, “brothers, continue to keep it up, Dream Entertainment Company’s defense has collapsed!”

Ma Huatang From the Voice Communication Channel, listening to Broken Knife’s words, the face of the involuntary “show” smile, ‘Dream Entertainment Company, you finally can’t stand it, this is what you can do! ,

As long as Dream Entertainment Company’s Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website is broken, as long as the Hackers are arbitrarily destroying the thing, Ma Huatang can let the media hype the Dream Entertainment Company’s Virtual Belongings Security Issues, accusing the Dream Entertainment Company Law of protecting the user’s Virtual Belongings. Gamer doubts Brave’s World and chooses to abandon Brave’s World.

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei hands on the keyboard, as if taking the afterimage, and quickly presses the keyboard. With the emergence of a strip of source code, the verification of Izual synchronization, the smile of Shi Lei’s mouth is becoming more and more obvious!

“Izual, what’s the situation on both sides?” Shi Lei didn’t leave the screen of Number One Server and asked about Izual.

Izual reported through voice: “SrSupercomputer Origin received an attack, without any enhancements, the attacker maintained the original strength of the attack. Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s Data Server, Defense System has been infiltrated by the attacker 70%, the remaining Defense System is expected, It can also last for four minutes. Whether the attacker increases the attack strength, System will automatically maintain the Defense System for four minutes. Does sr need to increase the defense time?”

Shi Lei, while inputting the source code, shook his head and said: “No need to protect the Safety of Main Server Origin. The Hacker attacking Origin is very dangerous. He may still have more powerful power in his hand. He must always guard against the power of attacking Origin. Suddenly, It has skyrocketed twice.”

“yessSystem currently prepares wnMiwang’s computing resources.” Izual optimizes wnMiwang’s computing resources, and provides more stable computing resources, Organization and ready to invest in Origin’s defense.

The distributed computing resources provided by wnMiwang are not highly utilized. In addition to the processing of distributed computing resources, the method completely handles the integration of all resources, and there are other reasons.

For the first reason, the acquisition channel for distributed computing resources is actually extracted from the computer idle resources of Brave’s World user. For example, user’s computer has a total of computing resources oqtflps. When the user runs Brave’s World’s, Brave’s World’s built-in wnMiwang Subsystem will automatically calculate the resources required by user, and then feed the remaining resources back into wnMiwang’s system resources network. , supplied to wnMiwang for use.

This way of obtaining computing resources is limited by the user’s network delay. The user’s network delay is slightly higher. wnMiwang can get the computing resources in real time, and some delays will occur, resulting in wnMiwang distributed computing resources. High issue.

There is another reason why the origin side provided by distributed computing resources is unstable. The origin of the distributed computing is only the individual user of the Ordinary, even if the main force user is the Dream Entertainment Company and the Intel Company, especially the custom-made Personal Game Server. However, the distributed computing resources origin provided by Personal Game Server is unstable. Individual users can issue issues at any time, especially when using distributed computing resources to attack and defend. Once the opponents resist and the opponent’s technology is not bad, it may cause the Personal Game Server to crash.

wnMiwang has always avoided this issue. Every time Izual calls wnMiwang defense, it will call a lot more computing resources than the attacker, so as not to cause wnMiwang’s error.

Izual shifted the target of the defense to Supercomputer Origin, Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, and attacked Data Server of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, all the way.

In the voice channel of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, Broken Knife suddenly said while laughing loudly: “Get it! We broke the Data Server of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website!”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗