
Chapter 863

hk851 Angel Parliament participates in the battle anonymously!

The Angel Parliament’s secret chat room is a bit deserted, with only the Great Giant Blazing Sword Raphael and two Little Giant Sunlight Angels and Moonlight Angel.

Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel belong to Hacker World, a very rare Sweetheart Hackers. Between Hacker, it is full of suspicions and vigilance of diverse sorts and varieties. Especially for the high-end Hacker, this is especially true.

If a strange female Hacker suddenly touches Shi Lei and the technology displayed is a little different from Shi Lei, Shi Lei will never think that this female Hacker is looking for him to make friends. He only thinks that this female Hacker has a heart.

Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel’s Hacker technology have reached World Grade. This technical level of Hacker Expert, the possibility of becoming a couple, is almost impossible.

Sunlight Angel responded to the issue of Blazing Sword Raphael, “Raphael adults, are you saying that Dream Entertainment Company’s Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website is attacked?”

Angel Parliament Grade is sturdy, Raphael as Great Giant, even Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, the strength of the joint, enough to compete with Raphael, they still have to respect the Raphael!

“Yes! It’s the Dream Entertainment Company! The eo of the Dream Entertainment Company, we’ve confirmed it, he’s the agent of Mr. M. Even though the guy’s Hacker technology isn’t too smart. But he stands behind Mr. M, we need to pass him, investigate to Mr. M’s trail!” Raphael was teased by Mr. M many times, and formly at Palm Springs in Li Jian Nation California, Raphael was almost killed by Mr. M.

‘Uriel, my good brothers, I will always remember to help you revenge! Raphael said affirmatively in the heart. Raphael and Uriel were attacked by Mr. M at Li Jian Nation, which eventually caused Uriel’s death and Raphael escaped.

“Raphael adults, Dream Entertainment Company Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website wmbServer, we were shocked by the sudden attack.” Moonlight Angel kept silent. Sunlight Angel continued to answer, “There are some gossips saying this time. Invading Brave’s World’s Hacker forces, from Xia Nation, led by Xia Nation’s Big Penguin Company, united the rest of the online game operators, and collectively suppressed the Dream Entertainment Company.”[

Raphael hēi hēi sneered: “It’s not a gossip, it’s true! My friend at Xia Nation told me the details. Xia Nation’s six online game operators joined forces in this Hacker attack. There are also four game developers from Nanchao Nation who are involved. However, those guys are too disappointing. Even the Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System has not won!”

As a World Summit Grade Hacker, Raphael knows some ‘friends’ in the Xia Nation area, which is definitely a normal thing. After all, Hacker is not a god, they also need to live, not blatant crimes, selling some intelligence data of Hacker World, is also a good choice.

Sunlight Angel curiously asked : “Raphael adults, Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, how powerful is it? Compared with our Abdiel, how?”

Abdiel is the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System of Angel Parliament. Shi Lei formerly has learned a lot with Abdiel. He can become a Hacker of World Summit Grade. In addition to hard work, there is another reason. precisely as stated Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel, a fully retained professor of Hacker Technical Information to Shi Lei.

Although Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, I don’t know how to keep private, Abdiel is the achievement of Shi Lei’s brilliant!

Blazing Sword Raphael paused for a bitter taste and said: “Although I don’t want to admit it, our Abdiel, without the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System from Dream Entertainment Company!”

“It’s impossible!” Sunlight Angel exclaimed. “Our Abdiel, which has spent many years working on the Great Giant Leader and Sir Second Giant, and more than a thousand technical personnel. How long has the Dream Entertainment Company been established? Their Pseudo ArtifiCIA l How can Intelligence System be more advanced than ours?”

The development of the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System has never been a thing of the past!

The entire World range, Science and Technology is strong, and the well-funded Company is numerous, but in reality, there are only a handful, few poor companies with Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. Even the vast majority of Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, the ability to handle work is very simple and simple.

Including the powerful ratio of mkrsftCompany, they own Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, but it is not applied in the scope of the entire company, but only applied to the Core scope in the Core, basically applied to the development and testing aspects.

“The time when Dream Entertainment Company was founded was indeed short-lived, including the time when Mirror Science and Technology Company was founded, and it was also very short. However, after our investigate, Mirror Science and Technology Company is still only a Child Company, and there are other Company Remote Controls. The shareholding masters Mirror Science and Technology Company. We suspect that it is the company established by Mr. M. However, the company does not have any network data, perhaps a special data paper processing.” Raphael said something about Dream Entertainment Company’s data.

“Mr. M’s strength, I don’t have to explain Right? Mr. M, the mysterious World Summit Grade Hacker. How long has he been lurking? Is there any other force behind him? We are not sure about these situations. So, behind the Dream Entertainment Company, there is Mr. M support, we can’t treat Dream Entertainment Company as usual. Their Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System is indeed stronger than our Abdiel.” Raphael sighed.

“Raphael adults, are we going to help Xia Nation’s online game operators?” Sunlight Angel understands the Raphael’s opinion, and Raphael plans to attack Dream Entertainment Company. It is best to break through the Dream Entertainment Company’s defense, and then plant the System’s Back Door at the Dream Entertainment Company’s Internal System to facilitate the Angel Parliament to enter and exit at random, thus investigate Shi Lei, further find Mr. M!

“No!” Raphael hā hā laughed.

Sunlight Angel doesn’t understand, “Raphael, why don’t we help Xia Nation’s online game operator? This is a good opportunity for investigate Dream Entertainment Company!”[

“Of course, help them! Just, not ‘we, but three mysterious Hackers!’” Raphael said insidiously. “If we use our own name, we will not be able to attract Mr. M. Now, First Giant and Second Giant, temporarily get out and support us, we are not suitable for confrontation with Mr. M. After all, Mr. M also has a very strong helper. We all joined Xia Nation Big Penguin with a new name. Company’s Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, I think they will welcome us!”

Sunlight Angel raised an objection, “Raphael adults, I think your proposal is not good. We should not use a brand new name, because using a brand new name will be very prominent. Raphael adults, don’t know Do you have any other names? A little bit of a reputation, Possible! ”

Raphael thought a little, and praised: “Sunlight, you said it is good, but this is not comprehensive. I use some slightly famous names, and will not be noticed immediately.”

On Raphael, or Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, they all have some spare Sockpuppet. A Senior Hacker, who wouldn’t have a few Sockpuppet? Hacker without Sockpuppet is definitely not a successful Hacker!

“Sunlight, Moonlight, you first join Big Penguin Company, set up Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition. I will send you a private call from Big Penguin Company eo, you contact him and persuade him to let you join. Wait for you to join After that, I will follow closely from behind, lest I join the suspicion.” Raphael said this time thoughtfully.

“Okay, Raphael adults.” Sunlight Angel responded.

Although Moonlight Angel did not give a positive response, Raphael knew the relationship between Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, and Moonlight Angel naturally had no comments as long as Sunlight Angel agreed.

May twenty day, just past 10:30 am. Dongguang Province, Shenzhen City.

Big Penguin Company’s Headquarters, Ma Huatang Chief Ma currently Office is depressed. Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition has been harassing the network target of all Child Company of Mirror Science and Technology for so long, but Dream Entertainment Company’s ‘Safety On-duty Personnel, as if it is tireless, ready to deal with Anti anytime, anywhere. -Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s harassment attack.

‘Damn bad idea! Ma Huatang in the heart hated that the anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition’s offense not only did not hurt the Dream Entertainment Company, but also damaged some of its own power.

Just as Ma Huatang’s Director-General was uncomfortable, the private cell phone on the table rang. This cell phone is the private number of Chief Ma. There are only a few friends who have good relationships, relatives, and numbers, not the company’s office number. Many people know it.

Chief Ma picks up the private cell phone, but the Caller ID shows the strange number instead of the name in the card holder. Ma Huatang hesitated for a while, or pressed the answer button. After all, the person who knows his number is not too much.

“Hello? Who are you looking for?” Ma Huatang asked tentatively.

In the phone, there was a strange male voice, using Xia Nation, “Ma Huatang Director-General, I am ln, you have not heard of it, but you can ask subordinate’s Hacker, they must have heard I am going to join your Great Coalition and deal with Dream Entertainment Company. In addition to me, gemn will also participate in your Great Coalition. Don’t ask me why, we don’t like Dream Entertainment. Give you ten minutes. Time, within ten minutes, you can call this number to find me. Don’t try to track my phone, ten minutes is not enough!”

This strangely-tuned man, precisely as stated Sunlight Angel, changed the voice through voice changing software.

Angel Parliament participated in this anonymous way. I have to say that Chief Ma is stepping on the rhythm of bullshit. Does God want to help him?