
Chapter 858

hk846 Big Penguin’s offensive plan!

As the saying goes, three women have a play. Shi Lei now fully felt that with the approach of He Wanqiu, not only Ling Yumo was fighting back, but even Mu Shuang couldn’t help but join the battle.

At the moment, in Mu Shuang’s Office, Shi Lei is holding Ling Yumo and feeling the lovable body of Ling Yumo. Mu Shuang gave up the pretending office and walked to Shi Lei, taking the initiative to hold Shi Lei’s arm.

“Wanqiu, the thing with Yumo Younger Sister, has become a joke in the circle, why should you join in?” Mu Shuang is as big as Ling Yumo, but Mu Shuang is more sophisticated in dealing with the issue aspect.

He Wanqiu lightly said with a smile : “Mu Shuang, like Uncle Mu and Uncle Ling, don’t care about this issue. Why do I care? As for the jokes, I don’t know how to talk about it, will He Wanqiu care about the issue?”

Mu Shuang looked at He Wanqiu with a headache. Although she and He Wanqiu didn’t know each other from an early age, she knew something about He Wanqiu from Ling Yumo.

He Wanqiu has shown the same temperament as a small fiend since childhood, as long as she believes in things, she does not care about the outside world!

“Wanqiu, you do this, Uncle He knows, it will definitely be pissed! You He Family in Xia Nation, is also a big family with a head and face, if you want to compete with us Shi Lei, or even have Shi Lei together, you He Family is difficult to protect It won’t be a laughing stock!” Mu Shuang said with emotion, and said it with reason.

He Wanqiu said once again, “Mu Shuang, you probably don’t know something. If I am with Shi Lei, my family is old fogey, not only will not object, he will probably be the first to jump up and welcome. As for the reason, you Ask Shi Lei! I don’t think he told you some secrets. For example, the relationship between Shi Lei and my home old fogey is quite good! My family old fogey, even has always assigned me to Shi Lei’s opinion. Shi Lei didn’t tell you Right?”

Shi Lei coughed a sigh: “Mr. He Wanqiu, your approach to provoke distraction is not at all brilliant. I don’t know who makes Zun, how can it be very good with Ling Zun? As for the match, It’s not reliable!”[

He Wanqiu like a smile yet not a smile. Look at Shi Lei. “Little Stone, are you sure that you really don’t know my old fogey? I remember, the cooperation between you seems to be quite Right?”

Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo know He Wanqiu’s father, exactly as stated Rongcheng Military District’s Deputy Commander-In-Chief He Zhenbang, but they found Shi Lei from Shi Lei’s expression that they didn’t seem to know about this thing, they were slightly sighed in relief .

“Of course I don’t recognize…” Shi Lei’s face “color” suddenly changed, in the heart thought of a bad result · “He Zhenbang ?”

“Yes! That’s my home old fogey! The relationship between you is good Right? Little Stone, if I became your girlfriend, your relationship with my home old fogey, that is the righteous relationship between You and You. You and Rongcheng Military District The cooperation will be smoother.” He Wanqiu points out the partnership between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District.

Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo were originally sighed in relief, but after He Wanqiu said, they were worried again.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “It turned out to be Commander He’s rich|daughter. Since it is Commander He’s rich|daughter, how can I make you my girlfriend? At that time, Commander He can’t just squeeze my residual value. ?”

“You!” He Wanqiu dissatisfied with Shi Lei.

Dream Entertainment Company Temporary Headquarters · The confrontation between Shi Lei and the three younger sisters, the sound is going on. Although He Wanqiu was a bit sloppy, Shi Lei secretly thanked her in the heart. If it wasn’t for He Wanqiu’s strong ‘job, how could Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo form a temporary alliance?

Shi Lei clearly felt that Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang seemed to have reached a consistent agreement to fight against He Wanqiu. Shi Lei got up in the heart evil, if Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo get along well, then he can’t…·vvv

Dongguang Province, Shenzhen.

Big Penguin Company’s Headquarters, Ma Huatang Director-General sits at Broken Knife, Office, Broken Knife Group, opposite Chief Ma. The wooden door of Office is locked from the inside to prevent people outside from coming in suddenly. Although, in general, no one will knock on the door to enter Chief Ma’s Office, you can have it!

Ma Huatang whispered the solid wood coffee table and asked: “Broken Knife, did you think of a way to conquer Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website?”

“Boss, Dream Entertainment Company, has a very powerful Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. If we want to capture Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website, we must break Dream Entertainment’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.”

Dream Entertainment Company has the rumors of ‘ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, which is spread in circles.

In fact, some of the weaker companies, even the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System and the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, are unclear. This is not to say that they do not understand the concept between the two, but the law from the real situation, determine the difference between the two. [

Broken Knife Group’s reputation is not obvious, but it has the strength to be no less than any Third Generation Hacker Organization. In particular, Broken Knife himself, with the technical strength of World Exceed Class, is even stronger than the official Ordinary power of Official.

“How can I break Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System?” Ma Huatang is also a technical creator. He naturally knows the difference between Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System and ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

In the general market, what is called ArtifiCIA l Intelligence is actually an ad propaganda. In the industry circle, True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence has always been a legend. Since its inception, it has been a legend.

ArtifiCIA l Intelligence, representing Produced Life!

That is the realm of God, and humans seem to have no way to achieve it. Even though Izual’s logic and emotions are almost the same as real humans, Izual’s essence is still only High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, not True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

The degree of Izual Evolution High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Shi Lei does not know the road of the next trousers, how to advance, even the direction of the advance, Shi Lei does not know!

The research of ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System is also a problem in the whole world, not only Shi Lei does not know, no one knows all the world!

Before “Boss, you want to break Dream Entertainment Company of Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, is not a simple thing, their Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System is High Grade. Even people on duty status Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, you can be against us The test of attack. We tried to attack the round before, and even the other party’s alarm did not cause it!” Broken Knife said a little depressed.

Ma Huatang is dissatisfied: “Is this a matter of trouble for Dream Entertainment?” Ma Huatang was quite dissatisfied with Broken Knife’s answer. As Broken Knife said, then they deal with Dream Entertainment, what else is it?

Broken Knife shook his head: “Boss doesn’t mean that Dream Entertainment’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System method has been broken, but we are not strong enough!”

Ma Huatang hā hā said while laughing loudly:! “Broken Knife, this time is not your fight alone tnty and p, and y, thEQ, hh, this five Company will join us to jointly attack the OffiCIA l Dream Entertainment Company Website.”

Broken Knife’s eyes as the Hacker power behind Big Penguin, he certainly knows that behind the other five companies, he also has Hacker power and he has a good relationship with two of them!

“Boss, if you add the power of five of them, it’s not impossible to get rid of Dream Entertainment’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System!” Broken Knife said conservatively.

Ma Huatang said with dissatisfaction: “It’s just possible? How much is it?”

Broken Knife thought about it and still kept it: “The number of five or five! For the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System of Dream Entertainment Company, I don’t know how powerful this system is. But according to Dream Entertainment Company, it can be Worldwide. Looking at Brave’s World, it’s about Software System or Hardware Facilities, and Dream Entertainment is Extremely Advanced. So there are only five or five!”

Ma Huatang snorted, “plus nnxwn, nftnnwz, how do these three companies help us?”

These three are Nanchao Nation’s three most famous Game Company. They are very powerful, not only the game development aspect, but also the Outstanding in the Hacker technology aspect.

Broken Knife looked a little surprised and looked at Ma Huatang, then nodded heavily: “Boss, if there are three companies participating in the battle, and they are really working hard, we have at least 90% confidence to kill Dream Entertainment’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System !”

Ma Huatang was a little satisfied. “Well, it’s good! Dream Entertainment Company will open the Registration System on time at 0:00 this evening. We will attack Dream Entertainment Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website at 0:00 this evening.”

Broken Knife hesitated and asked: “Boss, what is our target? Destroy the Registration System? Or?”

Even if they break through the defense of the Dream Entertainment Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, they are waiting for the Internal System’s defense. If their target is similar to Brave’s World Core data, I am afraid they break the defense of Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System and it is not easy to solve the battle.

“First target, destroying the Registration System! Especially for those who pay for the registration, it is best to completely delete the Dream Entertainment Company’s Gamer registration data.” Ma Huatang said with a smirk.

Ma Huatang is very clear about the registration rules of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. He knows that the registration fee is 100% copper coin. If you use this part of the paid registration Gamer to clean up the data, Dream Entertainment will have a big fun!

“If you reached the First target, Second target, select the Brave’s World’s currency System. You destroy Brave’s World’s currency system, to every Gamer release some Brave’s World’s currency, disturbing” chaos “Brave’s World’s Financial System!” Chief Ma vicious talking .

If the financial system inside Brave’s World collapses, Brave’s World will definitely lose the numerous Gamer. After all, a game’s financial system is about the fundamentals of a game.

“Understood, Boss!” Broken Knife coughed twice and asked hesitantly: “Boss, can you be sure that those allies will fight? If they don’t fight, the power of our Broken Knife Group will probably be Dream. Entertainment is all eaten. At that time, if the company needs us, I am afraid we need to invest in hardware costs for us, or wait for a while, let us recover.”

Ma Huatang chop nails and sever Iron said: “Our allies will definitely fight!”

It is the other five major game operators of Xia Nation, and the three major game developers of Nanchao Nation, who were attacked by Dream Entertainment in the game market of Xia Nation. It can be said that Dream Entertainment is their public enemy.

Enemy enemies may not be friends, but you can definitely contact them and deal with the same enemy!

Especially the company newz, they not only acted as an ally of Big Penguin, but also took the initiative to help, and contacted a company to join the Great Coalition of Anti-Dream Entertainment.

The “CrossfIRE” created by nnwz and snrmeegte, after being seen by Big Penguin proxy, is expected to achieve brilliant achievements. It can be annihilated by Dream Entertainment Company, and nnwnz and snrhlegte are frustrated.

For Big Penguin to lead and attack the Dream Entertainment Company, how could they not contribute?

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗