
Chapter 859

The hk847 war begins!

May 19, at 11:30.

Emerald Building 38th Floor, Dream Entertainment Company Temporary Headquarters, Mirror Science and Technology Great Xia Nation District Deputy General Manager Office, Small-scale Business Talks Area.

Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang sat next to Shi Lei, and across from the three, He Wanqiu was calm and even looked at Ling Yumo with a smile.

“Wanqiu, about our Dream Entertainment Company, Hope get your personal image license, what do you think? If you have any comments and opinions, you can ask us, including but not limited to the license fee, authorization time, authorization method, etc. Mu Shuang is the Deputy General Manager of Mirror Science and Technology Great Xia Nation District. Although she also loves Shi Lei, she will not be greatly influenced by He Wanqiu’s provocation, and she still asks for business.

He Wanqiu’s agent did not follow Shuangqing City. After all, He Wanqiu is not Celebrity in the Ordinary sense. He Family has specially established a Music Production Company to protect He Wanqiu. The entire Music Production Company, which runs entirely around He Wanqiu, including the broker, is completely based on He Wanqiu, which is different from the general Celebrity, and is crushed by the broker to do something reluctant.

Deciding whether He Wanqiu cooperates with Dream Entertainment Company is not the agent of He Wanqiu, but He Wanqiu’s own wishes. He Wanqiu looked at Mu Shuang, lightly said with a smile : “Mu Shuang, you have no issue!”

Mu Shuang is not happy, but the brows are slightly wrinkled. With the same “sex” style of He Wanqiu little fiend, how could it be so refreshing? He Wanqiu must have other additional conditions!

Instead, Ling Yumo is light snorted. “Since there is no issue, please sign the contract soon! We have already done the authorization contract!”

He Wanqiu glanced at Ling Yumo and said slowly: “Sign the contract? Yes! Just promise me a request, you can sign the contract anytime, anywhere. Not only that, but I can also give you the right to use the personal image for free, to give you Dream Entertainment. .”[

Mu Shuang showed a nephew in her eyes. She glanced at Shi Lei and found that Shi Lei’s face was also a little expression. Only started talking: “What conditions? We don’t need your free authorization, we are willing to pay you. 10 Million Xia Nation Yuan’s authorized usage fee. I believe that this price is very suitable for your current value.”

He Wanqiu chuckled. “I don’t need money!”

He Family As a large family of Xia Nation, and a large family of the military, He Wanqiu does not lack money, at least in terms of use aspect, He Wanqiu can use to do as one pleases.

“10 Million license fee, Mu Shuang, have to say that you are too high to see me! My value · 3 Million is good Right? This 10 Million, you still take the corresponding price of Celebrity!” He Wanqiu tone Strictly said, “I only have one request. That is in Brave’s World, my personal image, the corresponding game image corner “color”, the game corner “color” corresponding to Shi Lei’s personal image, married couple! ”

“No!” Ling Yumo refused loudly.

Mu Shuang, though not speaking, has the same attitude as Ling Yumo and is obviously not happy. However, she did not say it.

Shi Lei smiled started conversation: “Ms. He Wanqiu, this condition we can’t promise you.”

Didn’t wait for He Wanqiu to ask why, Shi Lei took the initiative: “The reason why I can’t promise you is for two reasons. First · As the EO of Dream Entertainment Company, my personal image cannot appear in Brave’s World. Because, my Personal image, on how to appear in Brave’s World, is not appropriate.”

Shi Lei, the CEO of Dream Entertainment Company, will be involved in Dream Entertainment’s corporate image issue if his personal presence appears in Brave’s World.

For example, the game corner “color” built with Shi Lei’s personal image, if set in Brave’s World, is set to become a powerful ratio of “color”. Like Ye Gucheng, the Gamers will certainly complain and think that Shi Lei is a public and private I am fighting for my face.

However, if Shi Lei is his own personal image, the game corner “color” is not so powerful, I am afraid that it will be greeted by the enthusiasm of the Gamers, and become the boss of the Gamers. Even in Brave’s World, there is a windy tide that is proud of the ‘Shi Lei’s personal image game corner.

Shi Lei definitely doesn’t want to be the “color” of the people who are ‘fallen’!

It is impossible for Shi Lei to be the kind of “color” that greets the public. That kind of horn color should be suitable for Wang Jianxiao who has already taken Hell’s ‘once you see a gentleman, give a ‘Chrysanthemum Smile’.

He Wanqiu listened to First reason and nodded slightly. “Second reason?”

Shi Lei hēi hēi a smile, his left and right hands, respectively, take Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo’s willow waist, when He Wanqiu asked Second reason, Shi Lei deliberately tightened the hands of two women’s waist, “Second The reason, but I don’t like it. If that is done, Yumo and Mu Shuang will be upset! I am not Hope, they are not happy, so I refuse your request!”[

He Wanqiu light snorted, flashing a hint of envy and envy in his eyes, ‘Ling Yumo, I didn’t expect Shi Lei to care so much about you! Hēng hēng Hey, you don’t want to be pleased, I will definitely grab Shi Lei! ,!

Ling Yumo was very satisfied with Shi Lei’s answer. She ignored Mu Shuang’s presence and glanced at He Wanqiu provocatively, then kissed Shi Lei’s face and then snuggled in Shi Lei’s embrace.

“Shi Lei, if you disagree with my conditions, I refuse to grant the right to use my personal image to you, Dream Entertainment Company.” He Wanqiu apparently refused to let Ling Yumo be better, she said pressure.

Shi Lei said carelessly, “Mr. He Wanqiu, you made a mistake. We, Dream Entertainment Company, have never said that we must get your personal image authorization. Our Dream Entertainment Company has never Commitment to Gamer will definitely get your personal image authorization. Also in other words, if our Dream Entertainment Company, the law obtains your personal image authorization, it will not cause corporate credit damage.”

He Wanqiu’s face “color” changed slightly. She had a pair of dexterous eyes, Gū lū lū turned two laps, with a big smile on her face, and her voice was pleasing to the ear: “Shi Lei, you don’t agree with me. So what are we changing conditions?”

If you can get He Wanqiu’s personal image authorization, Shi Lei is still willing to fight for it. After all, Dream Entertainment Company’s speCIA l event chose He Wanqiu as Dream Goddess. If the first time did such an activity, it failed, and the influence of the event did not have Gamer bought it.

“What conditions?” Shi Lei asked with interest.

He Wanqiu smiled and said: “My Hope, your Dream Entertainment Company, make good use of my personal image.

Including my personal image authorization, the established game corner “color” must be single; must be a high-powered woman, at least the most top-level corner “color”; must be the front corner “color”, can not give me Causes bad influence; reduces contact with male “sex” Gamer, and refuses to make intimate contact with any male “sex” Gamer, or male “sex” np angle “color”, even shaking hands! ”

Shi Lei looked down and didn’t wait for Shi Lei to make a decision. Mu Shuang has already started talking: “Wanqiu, we can promise you your conditions.”

“Well, let’s sign a licensing agreement!” He Wanqiu said with ease.

Ling Yumo looked at He Wanqiu in surprise, and she whispered to herself: “Oh, strange, how does He Wanqiu turn “sex”?”

In fact, it wasn’t He Wanqiu who turned “sex”, but He Wanqiu didn’t want to cause Shi Lei’s dissatisfaction, and promised the cooperation plan. Hope left a good impression on Shi Lei in the heart.

Shi Lei guessed a bit of He Wanqiu’s mind, he smiled in the heart. For He Wanqiu, there is no disgust in Shi Lei’s heart, and I can’t talk about it. It can only be said that there is He Wanqiu in his life, Shi Lei is quite satisfied.

Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo, also need He Wanqiu to ‘contain, if there is no He Wanqiu this

‘External, threat, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo I am afraid that will immediately disband the ‘alliance,’ and Shi Lei wants to have impudent Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo at the same time.

“Ah? It’s almost 12!” He Wanqiu pretended to take a look at the time. She smiled and started talking: “Little Stone, don’t you ask your sister for lunch? First declare that although Shuangqing City’s hotpot is famous, I don’t know. Eat hotpots and don’t eat other spicy things.”

He Wanqiu’s accomplishments in the field of music have made her pay great attention to protecting her nephew. Generally, it stimulates the “sex” thing, she will not eat. Spicy hotpot, that is definitely not to eat.

Seeing that He Wanqiu has not signed a personal image licensing agreement, Shi Lei can help: “Go, take you to eat soup!”

Old Jiang Pickled Chicken Private kitchen, not only the Pickled Chicken, which is famous throughout the Shuanghu District, but also the Secret Formula. That magical body-building soup is very good for the female “sexual” body, but the price is slightly more expensive.

Shi Lei, with three women, came to the Old Jiang Pickled Chicken private dining room and tasted a delicious lunch. It took a whole afternoon and finally let He Wanqiu sign a personal image licensing agreement.

Throughout the license agreement, He Wanqiu has joined a number of restrictions. In addition to what she said before, more conditions have been added. Authorization fee aspect, only symbolizes the “sex” of a Xia Nation Yuan.

Originally, Shi Lei insisted on giving 10 Million Xia Nation Yuan, and finally Ling Yumo agreed with He Wanqiu. As long as Xia Nation Yuan said, Shi Lei agreed with the trend.

In the evening, he was blackmailed by He Wanqiu to stop the sumptuous dinner, and was also taken by He Wanqiu dupe, drinking a whole cup of beer. Shi Lei’s capacity for liquor is half a cup of drunk, a whole cup of beer to drink belly, Shi Lei directly tragedy, let Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo two younger sister, took a good First Year Fan Kung Fu, only to get Shi Lei Go back to Jingya Garden.

May twenty day, zero, Dream Entertainment Company Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, online registration event officially started.

Izual opened the online registration method according to the plan, and the Big Penguin Organization

‘Anti-Dream Entertainment, the coalition, is also ready to invade, an online game between the operators, is about to begin….

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗