
Chapter 857

hk845 Two younger sister’s gratitude and grudges, delivered to the Superstar!

May 19, just after 10 o’clock in the morning. Emerald Building, 38th Floor, Dream Entertainment Company Temporary Headquarters.

Shi Lei called Xie Hui and Hong Xiang, and they glared at them. When the two came to the front, Shi Lei screamed: “You two come with me!”

The trio came to the conference room of the Dream Entertainment Company. After closing the conference room, Shi Lei immediately asked: “What happened in the company? You two told me!”

Xie Hui and Hong Xiang bowed their heads and kept silent. If this kind of thing is said from their mouth, if it is known by the concerned party, I am afraid it is not a good thing.

Seeing that the two were silent, Shi Lei was lightly snorted, with a sternness in his tone. “Old Xie, Old Hong, don’t say that you two don’t know the situation. Just Old Xie still wants to hide from me, clearly knows what it is. Things. In the Company, what happened in the end, tell me soon!”

Xie Hui smiled and looked up at Shi Lei. I saw that Shi Lei looked serious and obviously could not help but answer. Xie Hui can only help but say: “Chief Shi, this thing, you only need to go to Chief Mu’s Office to know, I and Old Hong are not clear.

Shi Lei still wants to ask, Xie Hui takes the lead and continues: “Chief Shi, I have something to do with Old Hong, take a step first!” After the talk, Xie Hui, regardless of Shi Lei’s promise, he pulled Hong Xiang Run together from the conference room.

“What exactly is it?” Shi Lei frowned, coming out of the conference room and heading to Mu Shuang’s Office.

When I came outside the office door of Mu Shuang, Shi Lei did not enter the door as usual, but stood outside the door and carefully raised her ears to listen to the situation inside. Unfortunately, there is no sound at all in Mu Shuang’s Office. For such a situation, Shi Lei can only complain that the decoration specifications selected during the Office decoration were too high, so that the sound insulation “sex” could be too “color”, and the law overheard the conversation inside the door. [

The method got Shi Lei with useful information, pretending that the figure was squeezing and opening the wooden door of Mu Shuang Office. Originally, Shi Lei had thought about several possibilities in the heart, but when he opened the Office door, he was still anxious because of the situation in front of him.

In Mu Shuang’s Office, Mu Shuang sat in his office, as if he was working hard. However, her eyes always inadvertently drifted to the business talks area.

In the business meeting area, two younger sisters sit face to face, one of which is Ling Yumo and the other is He Wanqiu!

I saw Ling Yumo staring at He Wanqiu’s gaze, with a strong unfriendliness; and He Wanqiu looked at Ling Yumo’s gaze, but there was a hint of faint ambiguity.

When Shi Lei opened the door, the three younger sisters looked toward Shi Lei at the same time, and Mu Shuang’s face was calm. Just glanced at it and pretended to take back the computer Monitor, but her afterglow was also concerned. Shi Lei.

He Wanqiu’s eyes were slightly moving with a bright smile on his face, and he said in a pleasant voice: “Little Stone, we didn’t see each other for a long time!” He Wanqiu said as he walked Shi Lei.

Ling Yumo looked at Shi Lei, and the expression of “disclosure” in his eyes seemed to be examining Shi Lei.

When He Wanqiu came to Shi Lei, he extended his hands and hugged Shi Lei’s arm. He said again: “Little Stone, sister said, you will be caught by your sister even if you escape to the ends of the earth. How do you now? Sent to the door Right? ”

He Wanqiu said while looking at Ling Yumo provocatively.

Ling Yumo looked at He Wanqiu’s movements in the heart. He was very uncomfortable. He heard He Wanqiu’s faint statement. Her little face was red and the tone was dissatisfied: “He Wanqiu, you. A shameless woman!”

Ling Yumo came to Shi Lei’s and asked Shi Lei, “Stone Monster, what about you and her?”

When Shi Lei was hugged by He Wanqiu’s left arm, there was a bad feeling in the heart. Ling Yumo had already been worried about it before he could react. In the face of Ling Yumo, who is like an angry kitten, Shi Lei’s squinting arm, but He Wanqiu seems to be dead, holding Shi Lei’s arm tightly, not considering her, she’s full of softness and full pressure. On Shi Lei’s arm.

“Little Mo, don’t you think about it, I and He Wanqiu just met on the plane, there is no relationship at all!” Shi Lei said in a serious tone.

Ling Yumo looked suspiciously at Shi Lei and He Wanqiu, “Really?”

He Wanqiu is afraid that the world is not “chaotic”, lightly snorted, sweet tone: “Little Stone, you forgot the Patriot Company that time? Hey, men are really bad, and they don’t recognize people when they are cheap. At the Capital City, at the banquet of the Patriot Company, you were drunk, and I was drunk. When Second Heavens got up, how did you promise?”[

Ling Yumo’s face “color” changed, even Mu Shuang, who pretended to work, and his face “color” was also “exposed”.

“Stone Monster, He Wanqiu This shameless woman, what exactly is meant by Ling Yumo staring at Shi Lei’s eyes.!

Shi Lei glanced at He Wanqiu. He didn’t understand why He Wanqiu had to talk nonsense. At the Patriot Company dinner, Shi Lei took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and sneaked away and touched the “Right”.

Shi Lei did not move, told the situation at the time, told Ling Yumo, and then looked at Ling Yumo’s gaze, and sincerely said: “Little Mo, although I am very fickle. However, if I have other women, I I will definitely tell you.”

Ling Yumo was slightly sighed in relief, nodded in approval, Shi Lei had other women, Ling Yumo didn’t know. Now that you know the existence of other women, if He Wanqiu has anything to do with Shi Lei, Shi Lei has no reason to hide it!

“Hey, He Wanqiu, it turned out to be your vicious woman, wanting to provoke distraction!” Ling Yumo turned his finger at He Wanqiu.

He Wanqiu saw that the provocation was unsuccessful. He let go of the hands holding Shi Lei’s arm and lightly snorted: “Ling Yumo, you don’t be pleased. One day, I will grab Shi Lei.

As long as you like it, I will fight with you! ”

Shi Lei suddenly understood why Mu Shuang called him to come to the company. The battle between He Wanqiu and Ling Yumo, Mu Shuang’s method of treatment, the severity of the issue, indeed exceeded Mu Shuang’s expectations.

He Wanqiu and Ling Yumo, the gratitude and grudges between the two younger sisters, it seems not so simple!

Ling Yumo coldly snorted and said : “He Wanqiu, do you want to shame? Even the man I like, you have to grab? Have you ever seen a man? If you have not seen a man, I will introduce Little Plum to you. !”

Li Cai is obviously implied just by being present, but it is a child of Aventure, and is the most admired female Celebrity of Li Cai.

He Wanqiu scorned: “Ling Yumo, I just haven’t seen a man, how can you treat me? I just want to grab the man you like, I like it!”

Shi Lei looked at He Wanqiu with a headache. He didn’t understand. Why did He Wanqiu entangle him? He met He Wanqiu several times and was Right?

In fact, Shi Lei did not know that the men around He Wanqiu were all complimented and praised. Only Shi Lei had no good attitude towards her, and even avoided her as trouble. If it is a general woman, in the face of this attitude, certainly will not go deeper. He Wanqiu is different, she has never been treated like this, because Shi Lei’s attitude, she raised a curiosity about Shi Lei.

The curiosity and affection of a woman is only a word difference. The distance between the two is only one line apart!

Through investigate, He Wanqiu knows a lot about Shi Lei’s, and because of Ling Yumo’s relationship, He Wanqiu suddenly had a good impression on Shi Lei, so that he had to entangle Shi Lei.

Without the presence of Ling Yumo, He Wanqiu was curious for a while, and then slowly forgot Shi Lei. However, Ling Yumo is in it, occupying the very important role of Pulling Hostility!

“You!” Ling Yumo was so angry that she was the opponent of He Wanqiu, the little demoness? He Wanqiu, as Superstar, has a knowledge aspect, especially the thickness of the face, far beyond Ling Yumo.

Shi Lei quickly slammed Ling Yumo in his arms and whispered comfortably: “Little Mo, don’t pissed.” Speaking of this, Shi Lei looked at towards He Wanqiu, started talking: “Ms. He Wanqiu, I won’t leave Little Mo. I will not be with you.”

Ling Yumo in Shi Lei’s arms, listening to Shi Lei, said with a smile on her face, sarcasm to He Wanqiu: “He Wanqiu, you will die that heart! When you were young, you I like to grab my toys, but also tell me the black, what I am saying now, I will not give you Shi Lei!”

He Wanqiu looked at Ling Lei’s words and looked at Ling Yumo provocatively. He said with a firm voice: “Ling Yumo, I will definitely steal Shi Lei’s!”

Shi Lei felt Ling Yumo tremble slightly. He tightened Ling Yumo and put it in Ling Yumo’s ear. His lips were stuck on Ling Yumo’s ear. The hot air in his mouth was sprayed into Ling Yumo’s ear. Let Ling Yumo’s entire ear turn red.

“Little Mo, I won’t be with He Wanqiu!” Shi Lei promised.

Listening to Shi Lei’s promise, Ling Yumo in the heart settled down. On how, at least for now, Shi Lei will not be with He Wanqiu.

Ling Yumo nodded softly and blushing, facing Ling Yumo and Shi Lei’s intimate contact, He Wanqiu didn’t care at all, smiled and looked at them, like a smile yet not a smile. “Ling Yumo, don’t be too happy too early. I know that Shi Lei is more than a girlfriend, and Mu Shuang is also Shi Lei’s girlfriend Right? No doubt, this thing is a big rumor in our circle. Since Shi Lei can have you and Mu Shuang, what is the relationship between me and me?”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗