
Chapter 854

hk842 Nanyue Nation’s accident, Sankouzu!

Xia Nation Time, May 18th, near the 12 point in the middle of the night; Nanyue Nation time, just after eleven o’clock. Because of the regional time difference, the time of Nanyue Nation was one hour later than Xia Nation.

Nanyue Nation, Móng Cái City. Here is the stronghold of Organization Lonely Massacre, Lonely Massacre responsible for the delivery of the white color powder from the Yellow Triangle Region to Nanchao Nation, Yinni Nation, Wo Sang Nation, Great Australia, and even more distant Li Jian Nation. .

The white color powder produced by the Yellow Triangle Region, Shi Lei has a strict sales location, and must not flow into the Xia Nation area. As for whether or not the Nanyue Nation area is sold, Shi Lei does not have a regulation. Anyway, according to the economic strength of Nanyue Nation, I am afraid that only a very small number of people have the ability to buy white “color” flour.

Dark Hell’s Headquarters is based in Kapa Town in the Yellow Triangle Region. Zheng Sanpao, a master of chemistry, made a significant improvement in the purify extraction process for white-colored flour when he was in the Yellow Triangle Region, bringing the white-colored flour from Dark Hell to 99% purity.

This purity of white color flour is of high value and has been peeked by some people, especially some of Wo Sang Nation. Wo Sang Nation’s black color, the degree of participation in society, is much higher than Xia Nation. At Wo Sang Nation, the infiltration of the black “color” forces into society and the “Government” far exceeds the imagination of the Ordinary people.

There are even rumors that Wo Sang Nation “Government” is only the control of the black “color” forces. The more simply saying is that Wo Sang Nation “Government” is a black “color” force. However, their approach seems to be really like this!

Lonely Massacre of Móng Cái City, stable high-quality white color flour went to Wo Sang Nation, which caused the attention of Wo Sang Nation’s black color. A black color force named Sankouzu sent twenty. The human elite Squadron, came to Nanyue Nation Móng Cái City to probe the information.

If possible, Sankouzu is ready to take over the business of Lonely Massacre. A comprehensive control of high-purity white “color” flour business. In fact, Sankouzu is not without technology purify, but the difficulty of native purify extraction is far lower than the second purify. The process of native purify is much simpler, if it is in the white “color” flour hero. What is the “milk” powder added? Soy flour, Ke Ke powder, saccharin. What kind of toy, want to separate, the process is much more complicated. If it is forcibly separated, it may destroy the composition of the white “color” flour. [

Sankouzu is very powerful at Wo Sang Nation, but they don’t have the domain of the Yellow Triangle Region. The power of the Yellow Triangle Region, a radish pit, wants to occupy the domain, it is definitely not easy.

If it wasn’t for Shi Lei’s design to capture Sand Lord Gao Boyang, it would not be easy for Shi Lei to dominate the domain of Gao Boyang. unless. Shi Lei used what to guide, but that would cause an international dispute.

Nanyue Nation time, just after 11 o’clock in the middle of the night.

Sankouzu’s twenty name Elite member, through the smuggling method, secretly “touch” “touch” came to Nanyue Nation, preparing investigate Lonely Massacre. And the source of Lonely Massacre. Sankouzu’s Elite Squadron’s person-in-charge, called Sumitomo Mitoshi, comes to an ancient family.

Sumitomo Mitoshi is proficient in Xia Nation, Nanyue and English. As for Japanese in the country, can he still be proficient?

“In addition to the internal line connection. All keep the communication silent state, according to the original target implement!” Sumitomo Mitoshi took out a map, checked it, and continued: “All the time, now 11:17 local time “”

In the collective action, especially the collective action with time requirements, this step is very important. If the time is not synchronized, it is likely to cause the Task to fail.

Sankouzu’s Elite Squadron, after spending more than ten minutes, came to Lonely Massacre’s old stronghold, the Old Nest that had been ordered by Shi Lei to completely clear the evidence. At Móng Cái City Lao Chao Stronghold, Sumitomo Mitoshi took Sankouzu Elite Squadron and stared at the broken wall in front of him.

“Nani?” Sumitomo Mitoshi was full of shock. “Is it the first to be picked up? What is the power that is in front of our Sankouzu? Is it the Insect Party? Or the Nanchao Nation kimchi?”

“Captain, what do we do now?” one of the young members asked, anxiously. “This matter, if we don’t do it well, I’m afraid the Group Leader will be very unhappy.”

“Shut up, I know!” Sumitomo Mitoshi certainly knows that Sankouzu’s Group Leader will be upset. If Sankouzu can hold Lonely Massacre’s high-purity heron channel in hand, they will get more benefits from Wo Sang Nation and take the opportunity to suppress Nanchao Nation.

In recent years, with the international criminal police organization and the border defense of Nation around the Yellow Triangle Region becoming more rigorous, the supply of white-colored flour of heron has become more and more tense. Especially the high purity heron is more sought after by the market. Many multinational crime groups, who wanted to get involved in the Yellow Triangle Region many times, did not succeed once because of the international police and Yellow Triangle local forces.

“Search the scene and see if there are any clues!” Sumitomo Mitoshi looked at the ruins of Lao Chao Stronghold and told the subordinate Elite team members to try to find a hint of clues in the ruins.

More than 50 meters away from Lao Chao Stronghold, a hidden HD camera, all the actions of Sankouzu Elite players such as Sumitomo Mitoshi were included in the shot. This hidden HD camera not only has the Night Vision Function, but also has infrared function. Even at eleven o’clock in the middle of the night, you can perfectly Seize to the human motion track.

Móng Cái City, Cheng Dong Stronghold. [

The master computer of the site is a Large-scale Enterprise Grade Server. When the Chao Chao’s HD camera and Seize’s screen come, the Large-scale Enterprise Grade Server automatically expands the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine retrieve.

Less than a minute later, the Large-scale Enterprise Grade Server identified the Dynamic Behavior Signature of all of Sankouzu’s personnel, and did not find the corresponding identity within the certified Dynamic Behavior Signature Database. As a result, Large-scale Enterprise Grade Server quickly communicated Izual of Dream Entertainment Main Server.

As the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Izual intelligently determines the current situation and does not wake up the sleeping Shi Lei, directly to the Móng Cái City Dark Hell’s personnel, which is the Ye Feng and Ruling Security Company’s Elite Squadron. A command was issued.

Ye Feng The three still stay in Móng Cái City and they need to stay at Nanyue Nation to ensure that N235 Metal can be tapped.

Nanyue Nation time, 11:37 in the middle of the night.

Izual dialed Ye Feng’s phone. He made a calm voice and ordered: “Ye Feng, the intelligence system found a strange person, in the ruins of Lao Chao Stronghold. Now you are ordered to investigate the situation and erase the threat. If the law keeps alive, kill!”

Ye Feng didn’t immediately agree. He didn’t know Izual’s identity. Even if Izual dialed the confidential line, Ye Feng still didn’t have First time to believe Izual.

“Who are you? Do you have an authorization?” Ye Feng asked.

Izual immediately called the corresponding authorization information, “I am Gu He, authorized password: 1304201005, this authorization is First Grade authorization. Repeat the command, erase the possible threats, try to leave a live inquiry for information, if the law leaves a live Kill and destroy all enemies. I will provide remote information support for you.”

The authorization password reported by Izual belongs to a “sex” password and has a corresponding authority grade. For example, 1304201005 is a First Grade authorization password that can be used to enforce any authorization commands under First Grade and First Grade. If you need a higher priority license, just use the authorization password and you can’t do it. You can only let Shi Lei personally authorize it.

Ye Feng compared the authorization password and responded: “Authorization accepted. Senior Officer, we act now.”

Shi Lei’s has arranged a First Grade authority authorization code to allow Izual to mobilize Ye Feng and others in an emergency. Therefore, Ye Feng will only recognize the authorization password and not who Gu He is.

Of course, Gu He’s order is very reasonable. Otherwise, Ye Feng will consider it before considering it. For example, Izual’s Virtual identity Gu He, if the order is given, let Ye Feng kill the Eling Squadron of the Ruling Security Company, may Ye Feng act? Ye Feng may ask why, unless he has a clear order from Shi Lei’s.

Just less than five minutes later, Ye Feng took the Bluetooth headset and led the four teams of the Eling Squadron of the Ruling Security Company to the ruins of Lao Chao Stronghold under the guidance of Izual Virtual identity Gu He. At the same time, with the departure of Ye Feng and others, there is also a Set-up Shadow Dragon.

Izual controls Shadow Dragon, providing remote support anytime, anywhere, and providing additional long-range firepower. Shadow Dragon is equipped with mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun in domestic law, but here is Nanyue Nation. Naturally, there are ways to get unregistered mp7 micro-punch.

The sky of Nanyue Nation is very clear at night, and you can see the bright stars in the sky.

Cheng Dong Stronghold is about 15 minutes drive from Lao Chao Stronghold. The Punishment Merc Warsquad, with the exception of Zeng Bin, is all five, and there are four Eling Squadron from the Ruling Security Company. The last team of the Elling Squadron of the Ruling Security Company stayed in the Yellow Triangle area to help Zeng Bin co-manage the Yellow Triangle Region.

Móng Cái City, the ruins of Lao Chao Stronghold.

Sankouzu’s twenty name Elite member is also in the ruins of Lao Chao Stronghold, looking for clues that may exist. However, Lao Chao Stronghold was ordered to be thoroughly cleaned by Shi Lei, and Sankouzu certainly could not find any clues.

Five hundred meters away from Lao Chao Stronghold, where Sankouzu doesn’t know, Ye Feng leads the number more than the Sankouzu Elite member’s elite, and currently forms an encirclement of them. At the same time, in the night sky, fifty meters high, hovering a Set-up Shadow Dragon, the sound of the situation monitoring the ground.

Sankouzu didn’t realize that the danger currently is close!

Shi Lei, who is far away from sleep in Shuangqing City, did not realize that He Wanqiu had arrived in Shuanghu District of Shuangqing City and stayed at Emerald Lake Guesthouse. I don’t know how Shi Lei should face He Wanqiu this little demoness…


Mystery Jun: If you don’t love me, would rather you lie to me?

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗