
Chapter 853

hk841 Shuangqing’s Wanqiu, Big Penguin’s foreign aid!

Celebrity’s status is not only reflected in popularity, popularity, and exposure; at the same time, appearance fees, endorsement fees, and pay is also a measure of Celebrity status.

If there is only fame, but there is no corresponding high amount of income, the law is recognized by the industry.

He Wanqiu is a singer and only involved in the field of music. He did not develop in TV dramas and movie aspects. This is not because He Wanqiu is not suitable for the film and television range, but He Wanqiu is not willing, or He Wanqiu family members are not willing.

He Wanqiu’s family is very special, even though in the music field, it has also received a lot of restrictions, including the endorsement and ad invitations that do not accept any brand. There is also a stricter restriction, except for recording the release album, only the concert. Even the interview program should be selectively reviewed before it can be interviewed.

As an independent musician, He Wanqiu did not sign any Music Production Company, but instead had his own Music Production Company, which effectively avoided the contract restriction of the Company and made some arrangements that He Wanqiu did not like.

This time, He Wanqiu took the initiative to personally express his willingness to authorize the use of Dream Entertainment’s personal image, and it was still a free license, which was completely approved by the family. How can He Wanqiu’s family not know Shi Lei?

Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden, Building Ten 2000 No. 3 Room.

Shi Lei kept talking with Mu Shuang. Mu Shuang listened to Shi Lei’s proposal. Considering it, she also knows He Wanqiu. After all, as a member of the same circle, knowing each other is not a strange thing.

“10 Million Xia Nation Yuan’s licensing fee is a high-priced license. Although Company lost some benefits, Yumo Younger Sister will not be pissed.” Mu Shuang replied with a smile. [

Shi Lei is slightly sighed in relief. “So great.”

Mu Shuang in the heart sighs slightly, “Shi Lei, this thing, you deal with it this way! You announced the information at OffiCIA l Website, I contacted He Wanqiu’s Music Production Company to discuss this matter.”

“Èn!” Shi Lei didn’t say much, even if there were more languages, he also described his mood at the moment and was able to get Mu Shuang’s love. How lucky is he?

On May 18th, twenty was thirty-three in the evening.

The NASDAQ securities trading market opened, Dream Entertainment Company has obtained an absolute controlling interest in mCompany, and is still actively delisting mCompany.

In the face of Dream Entertainment’s delisting plan, the remaining shareholders of mCompany. As Mu Shuang expected, the forced rescue operation began. only. All the bailouts. All were annihilated by Izual.

On which mCompany shareholder, the mStock released, as long as the Stock price does not exceed the predetermined amount, will be directly transient seconds by Izual.

In the NASDAQ securities trading market, it is basically impossible for both parties to buy and sell to want to cheat. Cheating behavior. Easy to be investigated by the Securities Regulatory Commission. For example, mCompany’s shareholder sells mCompany’s Stock at a price significantly higher than mCompany’s real-time share price. Then repurchase with another account. This kind of behavior, a two times may not issue an issue, but a little more, will immediately lead to the Securities Regulatory Commission.

mCompany is already in a state of wind and rain, and if it is a scandal involving the Securities Regulatory Commission investigate, I am afraid that mCompany’s Stock will face a penalty for forced delisting. That kind of punishment, Dream Entertainment Company is definitely the most willing to see.

“Xiao Bo, what happened to the acquisition of mCompany? The remaining controlling parties of mCompany agreed to transfer the shares?”. Shi Lei took the contact with Xiao Bo at Li Jian Nation.

Xiao Bo has a strong ability to work. He is the person-in-charge of the default Dream Entertainment Company Li Jian Nation division, and perhaps also the mCompany inspector identity.

“Chief Shi, there are currently 13 shareholding institutions, expressing their willingness to sell mCompany Stock. However, our two sides are deadlocked at the price perspective, and they sell them to us at a high price. But we have obtained the absolute controlling interest of mCompany. It is impossible to give them a high price.” Xiao Bo introduced the general situation.

Shi Lei replied affirmatively: “Yes, those damn guys, missed the previous opportunity, and now want to sell high prices? They dream of going! Stick to our bottom line, even if they don’t sell, big deal, mCompany, after delisting, then Grab them slowly!”

“Understood!” Xiao Bo hesitated and asked: “Chief Shi, is it now starting to form a division of Li Jian Nation?”

Shi Lei thought about it and asked: “Xiao Bo, if you set up the Dream Entertainment Company branch and deal with the acquisition of mCompany Stock, are you busy?”. [

“Without the issue, the acquisition of mCompany Stock, Chief Mu will also help, I can handle it completely.” Xiao Bo answered affirmatively.

“In this case, set up the Dream Entertainment Company Li Jian Nation branch. The site must be selected, not too remote, not too busy, and the most important thing is to focus on Safety. Li Jian Nation Division, will Responsible for Gamer information processing throughout the North America region, when a Large-scale data processing center is created.” Shi Lei.

Xiao Bo replied with affirmation again: “Chief Shi, you can rest assured, I understand. Although I don’t understand the rules of site selection, I will hire professional talents to do the most professional design and site selection.”

“Well, that’s good!” Shi Lei and Xiao Bo continued to discuss the details of some site details, and hung up at about 10:30.

Hanging up the call with Xiao Bo, Shi Lei asked: “Izual, at Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website, issued an announcement that our Dream Entertainment Company will use 10 Million Xia Nation Yuan to sign and buy with He Wanqiu. He Wanqiu’s personal image license.”

“yes, sr.” Izual controls the projector, displays the Brave’s World Official home page, and then updates a announcement called Shi Lei.

This announcement, in the Gamer community, naturally caused a heated discussion. The Gamers have speculated that He Wanqiu is to be licensed to the Dream Entertainment Company for free, and the Dream Entertainment Company has to issue a license fee that is significantly higher than the value of He Wanqiu.

Some of Black Belly’s Gamer fictionalized the love between Shi Lei and He Wanqiu, and even Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo were not let go. Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo appeared together during the Press Conference at Dream Entertainment. Two young and beautiful younger sisters, holding senior positions at Mirror Science and Technology Company, plus Shi Lei as the Stockholder identity of Mirror Science and Technology, the relationship, the amount of information is slightly larger!

Near 11 o’clock in the evening, Shuangqing City, Beiyu District International Airport.

A woman with a significant frog mirror walked out of the terminal building and was exposed to the outside corner. There was a smile. The woman said to herself in a voice that she could only hear: “Little Stone, This time, you can’t run away!”

This woman is exactly Brave’s World’s Dream Goddess He Wanqiu! Superstar He Wanqiu ! Background mysterious He Wanqiu!

When she knew the Dream Entertainment Company’s speCIA l event and chose Dream Goddess to be her, He Wanqiu booked a flight to Shuangqing City, but she chose a midnight flight because of her confidentiality needs.

After arriving in Shuangqing City, He Wanqiu did not stop at Beiyu District, but was prepared to go directly to Shuanghu District. She knows Dream Entertainment’s Headquarters in Shuanghu District and also knows Shi Lei in Shuanghu District.

Outside the terminal, a middle-aged woman stood next to a commercial vehicle. He Wanqiu went straight to the middle-aged woman, started talking: “Big Sister Su, waited for a long time!”

The middle-aged woman named Su Ying is the family of He Wanqiu, who arranged for her to take care of her personnel in Shuangqing City. Su Ying formerly is a member of the Women’s Special-type War Section team. After retiring, he has been serving He Wanqiu’s family.

“You’re welcome, Miss Wanqiu.” Su Ying has served He Wanqiu’s family for more than a decade, and almost grew up watching He Wanqiu. The relationship between the two is very close.

He Wanqiu is dissatisfied: “Big Sister Su, call me Wanqiu just fine!”

Su Ying’s serious face reveals a rare smile. She opened the door of the business car. “Wanqiu, get on, I have already booked the Guesthouse in Shuanghu District.”

Dongguang Province, Shenzhen, Big Penguin Company’s Old Nest.

Near the 12 point, Big Penguin’s Ma Huatang Director-General, still has no rest, in order to clean up the Dream Entertainment Company, in order to suppress Brave’s World, Chief Ma can be said to spare no effort.

Originally, Chief Ma brought together the other five top-level game operators in Xia Nation to deal with Dream Entertainment Company, and he felt that it was not safe. Therefore, Chief Ma has a heart and a look for foreign aid.

In 2007, the size of the Big Penguin Company has already begun to be Overlord Grade status. The Big Penguin Company and some game developers of Nanchao Nation have very close contacts.

Nanchao Nation’s game development technology is better than Xia Nation, but Nanchao Nation has a small population and does not have a market to make network entertainment bigger and stronger, unless they can also launch the online game of Worldwide service like Dream Entertainment.

However, the technical requirements for Worldwide Synchronization Service are very high. Without the support of wnMiwang, Dream Entertainment Company’s Worldwide service is simply a joke!

Although Nanchao Nation’s network entertainment market is not very good, but their technology is really good, such a small Nation, Hacker World’s cutting-edge strength, is only weaker than Xia Nation, and will not be weak too much. Although the cutting-edge power of Xia Nation Hacker World is better than Nanchao Nation, it is absolutely impossible to crush Nanchao Nation.

Chief Ma’s Big Penguin Company maintains a close contact with some of the network science and technology companies of Nanchao Nation, especially some online game development companies, which rely on the Big Penguin Company.

When Chief Ma found these companies for help, the companies of Nanchao Nation, because of the interests of the Big Penguin Company, were precisely as stated in their own interests, so they did not have the slightest hesitation to agree with Chief Ma, agreeing with Chief Ma. Coalition, attack Dream Entertainment Company!

(To be continued…)

Ps: [Thank you for appreciation] Moonlight is like a water city, reward 588gffllll, and reward 500

Moonlight is like a water city, this name is good!