
Chapter 855

The advantage of hk843 Shadow Dragon, leaving alive!

Nanyue Nation, May 19, at 0:11.

Month black wind killing night, exactly as stated At this moment, Nanyue Nation Móng Cái City situation!

Lao Chao Stronghold, Sankouzu’s twenty-named Elite group member, is currently looking for possible clues in the ruins of the broken wall. In the shadowy area, 500 meters away from Lao Chao Stronghold, the five people of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, with the four Elite Squadrons of the Ruling Security Company, form a comprehensive encirclement.

Ye Feng, as the chief commander, passed the line headset and ordered the order: “Sniper prepares the snipe position, and the rest of the personnel prepares for the whole attack. If the enemy rebels, kill! If you can leave a live mouth, leave the live mouth without the danger. “”

The order issued by Ye Feng is slightly different from the order issued by Izual. Izual wants to leave a living as much as possible, while Ye Feng is keeping his own safety and leaving a living.

This small difference reflects Ye Feng’s “sexual” arrangement and Izual’s rationality. Izual’s Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module, determine the situation of Sankouzu’s personnel, investigate Lao Chao Stronghold, there should be an issue, but the specific issue does not know. Therefore, Izual ordered to stay alive and grab a person from the other side, maybe you can ask some questions.

Ye Feng analyzes the behavior of Lao Chao Stronghold according to the other party’s behavior, analyzes the determination of the other party’s unwillingness, and directly orders the kill. On the other side’s power, since the clues to investigate Lao Chao Stronghold, it is against the forces of Dark Hell and Lonely Massacre, that is, hostile forces. In addition to destroying the enemy, Ye Feng also guarantees his own safety.

It is the member of Punishment Merc Warsquad, or Elite Squadron of Ruling Security Company, both of which are powerful fighters. They use weapon and origin in Li Jian Nation’s system weapon 1carbine rifle.

The power of 1carbine rifle is considerable, and it is stable and accurate, and it is also very Outstanding. These firearm origins are in the Lord Lord with Li Jian Nation transaction, and they have chosen to replace them with arms. [

Zheng Sanpao and Zhu Ming, the two snipers, chose a favorable snipe position and reported it to Ye Feng via a line headset.

“Captain , Number One sniper is in place.”

“Captain, No. 2 sniper ready for accomplish !”

Zheng Sanpao is the Number One sniper and the master of Zhu Ming. Zhu Ming has a strong snipe innate talent, but in the experience and skill aspects, he still has some shortcomings.

Hearing the sniper in place, Ye Feng once again said in the online headset communication channel: “Freedom fires, pay attention to tactical cover and protect each other!”

Ruling Security Company’s Elite Squadron, trained by the Punishment Merc Warsquad, plus the actual training in the Yellow Triangle Region and Nanyue Nation, their strength comparable to the Xia Nation Special-type War Squad.

Members of Dark Hell one side, all wearing dark night war suits, five hundred meters away, for them, just less than three minutes away. 1carbine rifle’s effective “shooting” process is 600 meters, but now it is late at night, even if Dark Hell’s member, all wearing infrared night vision, visibility is also very bad. At least 200 meters after entering, it is considered a combat Radius.

After more than a minute, Dark Hell’s member entered the 200-meter combat radius. Ye Feng took 1carbine rifle, aimed at one of the Sankouzu members, and the right index finger buckled the trigger.

“Hey, the 1carbine rifle with the muffler added. A slight sound. But it is late at night, surrounded by quiet, even with a muffler, the gunshot still alarmed the rest of Sankouzu’s group member.

“Baka! There are enemies! Hidden!” Sankouzu Elite Squadron’s Captain Sumitomo Mitoshi snorted and turned to hide behind a broken wall instead of chaos to find enemies.

The same is true of the rest of Sankouzu’s members, looking for bunkers instead of blind counterattacks. From this small detail, it can be reflected that they are indeed the elite members of Sankouzu, not the clay chickens and pottery dogs.

“Captain, the other party’s reaction is very rapid, and has now escaped.” Zheng Sanpao, observed through the night vision snipe mirror, reports to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng also puts the other’s actions in the eye. ‘What is this group of people? I have such a strong fighting quality. Just like a guy, said a Japanese. Are they the power of Wo Sang Nation? However, the power of Wo Sang Nation, why are you looking for us? Ye Feng can’t understand why, but the other party is obviously an enemy or a friend, and then annihilate the other party.

Sankouzu’s Elite member made the most correct response, avoiding the smashing of Dark Hell at First time. Unfortunately, Sankouzu’s Elite member ignores the threat in the sky.

Or, the threat in the sky is too easy to be discovered! [

At the beginning of Shadow Dragon’s design, the target of positioning, exactly as stated as assassination. Shadow Dragon’s four-axis propellers are powered by electricity, and the noise generated during operation is minimal. When Shadow Dragon Levitate is at a height of 50 meters, the Sankouzu Elite group member on the ground, no one has found it.

Even in the perimeter of Dark Hell’s personnel, Shadow Dragon was not found.

In Ye Feng’s earphones, the voice of Izual Virtual identity Gu He came. “Ye Feng, I will mobilize Shadow Dragon for remote attack to help you deploy the enemy. Remember, stay one to three. Live, we need intelligence.”

“Understand, Senior Officer!” Ye Feng responded, and in the heart was a little surprised. He thought that Gu He said the remote support, just to talk about it, did not expect the other party to mobilize Shadow Dragon!

Shadow Dragon descended from the height of fifty meters, quickly and lightly, hovering around the middle of the twenty meters, the mpzMini Sub-machine Gun aimed at the Sankouzu member below.

Shadow Dragon’s mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun, which sprang out a beautiful flame in the night sky, Izual gave a simulation calculation, including the sub-track after the first time shot, and the Shadow Dragon body offset caused by the recoil; second time The angle at which the shot should be rotated, the displacement of the body, the interval, and so on.

When Shadow Dragon’s mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun sounded, in just a few seconds, the Sankouzu Elite group member on the ground died 7 personally!

“Baka! There are enemies in the sky, first attack the enemies in the sky!” Sumitomo Mitoshi is in a good position, and the Elite group member division around Sankouzu is sparse and not selected as the target by Shadow Dragon.

The target selected by Shadow Dragon has a total of seven people. After Izual calculation, it takes only four seconds to completely kill seven Sankouzu Elite group members. As the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Izual chose the most efficient target.

Sankouzu’s Elite group member had a short contact with Dark Hell’s first time, and Dark Hell had an overwhelming victory. Although Shadow Dragon’s attack is not directly launched by Dark Hell, Izual can be regarded as the power of Dark Hell.

Twenty-three Sankouzu Elite group member, in less than a minute of fighting, has reduced eight group members!

The remaining 12 group member, aiming at the Shadow Dragon in the sky, pulled the trigger with the position of the flame in the memory.

In the wreckage of Lao Chao Stronghold, a loud gunshot sounded.

Dark Hell’s member Quickly remembers the wreckage of Lao Chao Stronghold, the location of the fire tongue, recording the enemy’s position. “Remember the location of the enemy?” Yes Feng online headset asked.

In the line earphones, the answers of the people were transmitted in turn, and the positions of the remaining 12 individuals were all recorded.

In the sky, Shadow Dragon made a raid, and Izual immediately controlled Shadow Dragon promoted High Degree. Shadow Dragon’s design tends to assassinate the aspect, not as thick as The Steel and Iron, and if it is hit by Sankouzu’s elite group member, it is definitely the rhythm of the crash!

Shadow Dragon’s maximum climb speed · 28 meters per second, Izual has adopted multiple redirects, successfully escaped the snipe from the ground.

Ye Feng online electric headset ·confirmed the position of all the enemies to be remembered, “show” a sneer, “XnumX to ko enemy. Directly throw the grenade to kill them. The last two enemies, throwing flash and smoke! ”

In order to stay alive, Ye Feng also made a blood this time. Shi Lei From the Rongcheng Military District, a few cheesons and smog were abducted, and a small amount of grenade came out, all of which was handed over to the forces of Nanyue Nation.

These things, staying in the country is completely courting death!

In the night sky, ten black iron balls crossed the night sky, and did not attract attention at all. When the small iron ball landed, Sumitomo Mitoshi snorted: “Grenade!”

However, he just finished, the grenade exploded directly! The explosion of these grenade fuses was modified, and the explosion time was advanced!

“Boom ~ bang ~ bang…”

A series of explosions sounded, and the rising fire illumined the surrounding night sky.

Ye Feng Express Road: “The quick fix, the movement here has already attracted the attention of the people!”

Nanyue Nation was previously attacked by Terrorist Attack, the top of Nanyue Nation. After careful investigation, he finally locked his eyes on Móng Cái City. Now Móng Cái City has made such a big move. The official force of Nanyue Nation is absolutely fast. Will be dispatched.

As Ye Feng said, Izual Virtual identity Gu He, online headphones, came with information. “Ye Feng, you still have three minutes, the Moleg Cái City’s Police Force personnel, and the border defense personnel, will be surrounded by the entire area within three and a half minutes.” Izual discovered the Police Force system through Móng Cái City’s police system. The transfer, prompt notice to Ye Feng know. This is the advantage that the information is not equal, and you can understand the enemy’s movements in advance.

Ye Feng’s face “color” changed slightly. Fortunately, the last two members of Sankouzu, first flashed the titanium alloy eyes, then inhaled the smoke of the smoke, and coughed fiercely.

Dark Hell’s member quickly captured the last two people, stunned the two and tied them up. Not only that, Ye Feng also found two capsules in the mouth of the two.

‘Cyanide? A bit like the style of the Wo Sang Nation special team! Could it be the Wo Sang Nation “Government” power? Ye Feng carefully preserved the two cyanide capsules and prepared them for analysis by Zheng Sanpao.

Ye Feng retained the doubts in the heart and prepared to bring the two live mouths back to Cheng Dong Stronghold for interrogation overnight. Once there is a result, report to Shi Lei immediately.

The mysterious power of Wo Sang Nation, investigate their Lao Chao Stronghold, this is not a good thing!

Seize two live mouths, Ye Feng, in the heart gave birth to a good fortune. If there is only one living mouth, the question will be very troublesome when interrogating. In case the other party has received special training and is not afraid of the means of interrogation, there may be no useful news at all.

However, by grasping two live mouths, you can separate the torture. The human heart is very strange thing, one can strictly keep the secret, and the two people will be jealous of each other, for fear that the other party will tell the secret and let himself fall into crisis.

This kind of defect mentality, it is very difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is widely used in trials. Whether it is the Police Force system or the intelligence agencies, if they can, they like to take the form of multiple people to separate the torture.

Ye Feng has two living mouths, naturally will not give up this Outstanding way of interrogation, he started interrogating overnight, trying to ask in the shortest time, what is the power of investigate Dark Hell, and what kind of purpose investigate.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗