
Chapter 852

hk840 Shi Lei’s big pen!

Shuangqing University, teacher living area.

Li Family’s living room, Shi Lei and Li Zhiyue, have a laughing and having dinner together. Even Professor Li Kunning, who is prejudiced against Shi Lei, has temporarily put aside Shi Lei’s prejudice because of the fact that he has been added to the ranks.

The so-called perfect person, even if Li Kunning two sleeves breeze, do not eat human fireworks. But Li Kunning is not a perfect person. Li Kunning in the heart also has a obsession, that is, he wants to be the leader of the school.

The desire to become a school leader is not Li Kunning’s desire to smother, but only inherits the wishes of the older generation, but this desire is haunting Li Kunning, let Li Kunning tangled.

Like Li Kunning’s wishes, it is bothering Li Zhiyue. Li Zhiyue Hope has developed a Nobel Prize winner and this desire is inherited from Li Kunning.

At 7:10 pm, Shi Lei left Li Family. Although he did not talk to Li Zhiyue independent, he was very satisfied. “Auntie, Uncle, Zhiyue, thank you for your hospitality, I won’t bother you.”

Huang Fen warmly reserved: “Little Shi, play for a while!”

Li Kunning did not show a warm attitude, just took a glimpse of Shi Lei, then sat on the sofa in the living room and turned on the TV to watch the news.

Li Zhiyue looked at Shi Lei indifferently and whispered: “Mom, don’t leave him. In the recent period, he should be very busy.” Li Zhiyue is a little coldly faint to Shi Lei, but she is watching the development of Dream Entertainment. . [

“So Ah? Ok, Little Shi, if you have something, go get busy, come over and have fun!” Huang Fen’s sincere, invites. She is really Hope Shi Lei to play at their home, because Shi Lei will once give a gift, and the value of the gift is not light.

Shi Lei replied with a smile: “Yes, Hope Auntie don’t dislike that I always bother you.”

“How come! We welcome you at any time!” Huang Fen looked at Li Zhiyue when he said this.

Li Zhiyue naturally knows what her mother is. She smiles at Shi Lei Nai. “Shi Lei, you will come next time, but don’t give any gifts. Our family is all teachers of Shuangqing University. Do you understand?”

Huang Fen looked at Shi Lei nervously, for fear that Shi Lei would listen to Li Zhiyue.

Shi Lei deliberately didn’t look at Huang Fen’s nervous expression and looked at Li Zhiyue. “Zhiyue, just some small gifts, it doesn’t matter. Well, I will go first, see you again later!”

Huang Fen sighed in relief Smile reappeared on the face, “see you again later, Little Shi.”

Li Zhiyue raised her hand and waved twice. After Shi Lei walked downstairs, she started talking gently: “Mom, don’t you want to collect Shi Lei’s gift, the gift he gave, which one is a small gift? You accepted it. I am very embarrassed about his gift.”

Huang Fen simply ignored Li Zhiyue, walked into the living room, took out the gift bag of Luk Fook Jewelry, and then acted on the outer packaging of a delicate wooden pallet, covered with a glass protective frame, inside the glass protection frame. A yellow-orange-golden golden pig is connected with a wooden support. The sides of the pig are each depicted a inverted blessing, which means blessing!

Li Kunning’s face “color” is not very good looking at Huang Fen but his eyes are shining. “Old Li, you say this golden pig, how much is it worth?”

Li Zhiyue is also not very happy. The price of this golden pig is at least above Hundred-thousand. This is only Li Zhiyue’s determination. Although it is a little worse, it is not much different.

Li Kunning scorned: “You don’t know what you are going to ask for the goods of Luk Fook Jewelry?”

Originally, this was just a slogan, expressing Li Kunning in the heart’s dissatisfaction, but it fell into the ears of Huang Fen, but it became an effective solution to the issue. “Hey, Old Li, your proposal is very good!”

Li Kunning corner of mouth twitching, put on such a “women”, Li Kunning is actually a little hurt!

At seven o’clock in the evening, Shi Lei returned to the Jingya Garden Building Ten 2000 No. 3 room. [

Just returned to Jingya Garden, Shi Lei had not had time to sit down and take a breath, the phone in the pocket of the trousers rang, and the Caller ID was Ling Yumo.

‘Little Mo? It’s not Mu Shuang Right?, Shi Lei secretly said in heart, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang. They exchanged the phone for Shi Lei many times. To be cautious, Shi Lei pressed the answer button, started talking: Little Mo, good evening.”

Ling Yumo’s voice came from the cell phone earpiece. This time, the two younger sisters didn’t have a pit Shi Lei. “Stone Monster, the news rumored on the Internet, is it true?”

“What news?” Shi Lei asked strangely.

“Hēng! Stone Monster, is this true rumor online?” Ling Yumo’s tone was a bit less friendly.

Shi Lei said that the second monk is not touching his mind. He doesn’t know what rumors are on the Internet. Is he in the implied just by being present? Who was maliciously injured? But this is unscientific, Shi Lei’s hate value is very low, it has always been difficult to arrow!

Shi Lei, who couldn’t figure out the situation, immediately took the call with his left hand. The right hand stroked the gesture in the air. He commanded Izual through the gesture command to collect and display the information about him on the network. He told him to enter the bedroom. Izual uses the projector to display information.

The gest command between Shi Lei and Izual looks very messy. There is no rule at all. In fact, the entire set of gesture commands can pass any command information. The entire set of gesture commands, if only observed through the eyes, without detailed explanation, must not understand. ! If you explain it, most people can use the gesture command. Because, the essence of the power command is very simple, that is, Izual Virtual out of a keyboard that does not exist, Shi Lei with one hand, or two hands, on the non-existent Virtual keyboard, type the command that needs implement. Therefore, the gesture command between Shi Lei and Izual seems to be just Shi Lei’s finger, shaking in the air, but constructing all commands through the non-existent Virtual keyboard.

“Little Mo, you give me a hint, what is the matter?” Izual currently network analyzes the information, Shi Lei does not know the situation, can only try to get some hint information from the Ling Yumo mouth.

Ling Yumo suspicion: “Stone Monster, you really don’t know?”

“Well, I really don’t know what it is, Little Mo, can you tell me?” Shi Lei asked again.

“Okay, it’s okay, Stone Monster, Hope, don’t lie to me.” After Ling Yumo finished

Did not explain Shi Lei to the “confusing”, then hang up the phone.

Shi Lei is completely confused about what happened. Since Shi Lei did not give keywords, Izual’s speed of collecting information through the information retriever cannot quickly analyze the key issue.

Ling Yumo’s phone just hangs up, Mu Shuang’s phone dials in again, Shi Lei presses the answer button, Mu Shuang cold ifcorable sound, “Shi Lei, what is the rumor message in the network?”

“Eh?” Shi Lei scratched his head, and Ling Yumo asked the issue Mu Shuang how to ask again? “Madam Queen, the little one doesn’t know what it is, can you explain it to a small one?”

Mu Shuang didn’t have any explanation like Ling Yumo. She said: “Do you determine He Wanqiu as Dream Entertainment’s Brave’s World Dream Goddess at the educational institute speCIA l event held at Shuangqing University today?”

“wèi wèi wèi, Madam Queen, you have to talk a little bit, that’s not what I’m sure, but Shuangqing University’s top ten Expert Wang Daolin, elected under the schoolmate’s vote.” Shi Lei finally understands Why is Ling Yumo not happy?

“Hey? How do you rumor online that it’s the black box you’ve done? And one of the conservative parties, He Wanqiu, on his personal page, looks at your face and she can give her personal image to Dream Entertainment Company for free. Mu Shuang replied on the phone. “I have to tell you another news. He Wanqiu and Yumo Younger Sister know that there should be a little friendship between the two of them.”

“Hey?” Shi Lei now understands better why Ling Yumo hangs up his phone directly.

‘Damn He Wanqiu, you dare to yin me! Shi Lei is depressed in the heart. He is sure that He Wanqiu must be deliberate. The witch who is vengeful must be deliberate!

“Madam Queen, what should we do now? Can I revoke He Wanqiu’s Dream Goddess qualifications?” Shi Lei didn’t want to have a relationship with He Wanqiu, especially the relationship between He Wanqiu and Ling Yumo, which seemed to be less friendly. Look like.

Mu Shuang thought about it and denied Shi Lei’s proposal. “Shi Lei, this thing, I am afraid I can’t directly deny He Wanqiu. After all, this is the result of the election of the open to the public activity, if we easily negate the previous decision. It will certainly cause Gamer’s dissatisfaction. However, we can’t get He Wanqiu’s personal image authorization for free, although it can save a lot of money, but Yumo Younger Sister, there is no way to explain it!”

Listening to the answer from Mu Shuang’s analysis, Shi Lei in the heart is more moved. This is Mu Shuang, even if she is in a relationship with Ling Yumo, she still has not taken any crafty plots and machinations, even though now, she is considering Ling Yumo and Shi Lei’s relationship.

“Madam Queen, sorry, I…” Shi Lei was interrupted by Mu Shuang before he finished. “Shi Lei, I will compete fairly with Yumo Younger Sister. Otherwise, even if you choose me, you In the heart will also blame me, I am not like Hope.”

In the face of such a Mu Shuang, Shi Lei was moved, in addition to moving.

For the rest of my life, Shi Lei has gone through the twenty years of twenty alone; in this life, God seems to prefer him, so that every younger sister around him, all outstanding, so perfect, so Shi Lei can not bear.

“Madam Queen, then we gave He Wanqiu a high personal image license fee, letting the outside world know that I have nothing to do with He Wanqiu!” Shi Lei chop nails and sever Iron said.

“What are you going to give to He Wanqiu?” Mu Shuang curiously asked.

Izual searched for the value of He Wanqiu according to the Shi Lei’s gesture command. At present, He Wanqiu does not endorse any ad, nor does it act as a spokesperson for any brand, so there is no similar comparison.

According to He Wanqiu’s concert calculation, He Wanqiu is worth about 3 Million, which is already the price of Top Level Celebrity.

Shi Lei directly promoted this value, promoted a lot, started talking: “10 Million Xia Nation Yuan, only authorized by He Wanqiu’s personal image. No need for He Wanqiu to participate in any Brave’s World’s activities, nor need He Wanqiu to endorse Brave’s World !”

From 3 Million promoted to 10 Million, and only requires authorization, not endorsement, which is exactly as stated Shi Lei’s big pen!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗