
Chapter 842

hk830 big dupe, World is shaking!

May 17th, at 7:13 in the evening. Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District, Emerald Lake Guesthouse news hall.

Shi Lei personally hosted the Dream Entertainment Company Press Conference, which broke the World Grade. The Dream Entertainment Company was accomplished and absolutely controlled by the chip design and manufacturing Giant mCompany!

Dream Entertainment not only absolutely controls mCompany, but also announces a decision on mCompany that is important to migrate mCompany’s Headquarters. This decision is definitely a terrible decision for mCompany.

In the news hall, Shi Lei stood on the “Chairman” stage, facing the question of the Wall Street Journal Gold-medal Scooper David, or it was a martyrdom. He did not change the color: “Is Li Jian Nation “Government” against it? If I remember that there is nothing wrong with it, our company’s acquisition is in full compliance with Li Jian Nation’s Laws and Regulations. This acquisition should be protected by Li Jian Nation’s law. Even Li Jian Nation “Government” can’t do it for us. I am involved in what business.”

Gold-medal Scooper David in the heart of Wall Street Journal Sneer, ‘naive! Li Jian Nation “Government” How can politicians let you successfully receive mCompany? ‘

“Chief Shi, I want Li Jian Nation “Government”…” Wall Street Journal Gold-medal Scooper David has not finished, Shi Lei interrupted him, “sorry for the inconvenience, Reporter David, the rules of this Press Conference Every Reporter can only make one issue. If you are not satisfied with the interview conditions, please ask us after the Press Conference. At the same time, you can leave early.”

Gold-medal Scooper David of Wall Street Journal, how can I leave early? Wouldn’t it be to miss a lot of exciting interview questions? David believes that other Reporters will not let Shi Lei go.

“Thank you for the reminder of Chief Shi, please forgive me, I am a little excited, I will pay attention.” David took the initiative to apologize. As a Gold-medal Scooper, David knows how to advance and retreat. [

The third questioner from the Shuangqing Newspaper Group is the local media of Shuangqing City. Shuangqing newspaper reporter’s attitude is not a bit difficult, but it seems a bit gentle.

“Hello, Chief Shi, I am Shuangqing Daily’s Reporter Tang En, and formerly interviewed Fantasy Science and Technology Company.” Tang En showed identity and volunteered to Shi Lei. The major Newspaper of Shuangqing City are all affiliated to Shuangqing Newspaper Group. Including Shuangqing Daily, Shuangqing Evening News, Shuangqing Business Daily and Shuangqing Morning News.

“Hello, Reporter Tang, what is your issue?” Shi Lei asked kindly.

Tang En started talking : “Chief Shi, I would like to ask mCompany’s Headquarters, after moving to Xia Nation, in the future. Will domestic mCompany products have a price advantage?”

Usually, local products generally have a price advantage. Shi Lei replied with a smile: “Reporter Tang, mCompany relocated to Xia Nation, domestic mCompany products, will definitely have a certain price advantage.”

Fourth Questioner Reporter. It seems that Forty is about the age of 20, with a golden color, he took the initiative to introduce: “Mr. Shi, hello, I am Joseph of the New York Times. I would like to ask, my company and ntelCompany signed a cooperation agreement. , will there be a situation with Dream Entertainment Company Unilateral Breach of Contract?”

Dream Entertainment Company and ntelCompany have signed a cooperation agreement with Second Generation Personal Game Server. The time for signing the agreement is only about one month. It was because of this agreement that mCompany’s share price fell into Abyss and was attacked by Dream Entertainment Company.

Today, Dream Entertainment Company announced that it is the absolute holding of the acquisition of mCompany, which has been tricky in the NASDAQ securities market. It can all be explained, everything is behind the Dream Entertainment Company!

However, there is a $500 million Dollars contract damage contract between Dream Entertainment and ntelCompany. On the ntelCompany. Or Dream Entertainment Company, as long as the single aspect default, you need to compensate for the loss of another side of 500 million US Dollar.

The relationship between the New York Times and the ntelCompany has always been very close. Joseph’s question actually represents the question of ntelCompany. If Dream Entertainment Company’s single aspect defaults, ntelCompany is ready to ask the Dream Entertainment Company for a $500 million dollar of contract damages.

Shi Lei looked thoughtfully at Joseph of the New York Times, and his face was “changed”: “Mr. Joseph, our Dream Entertainment Company, will continue to work with ntelCompany.”

Joseph Reporter of the New York Times, looked at Shi Lei with some surprises. If Dream Entertainment Company intends to work with ntelCompany, why bother to acquire mCompany? To know Dream Entertainment Company, the price paid for the acquisition of mCompany is not low.

“Why?” Joseph blurted out and then apologized: “Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Shi, Second issue, you can’t answer.”

Shi Lei is a rare and generous road: “Mr. Joseph, for specific reasons, it is not impossible to say. I believe that even if I don’t answer you, the following Reporter friend who asks questions will definitely ask this issue Right? Of course, If I continue to avoid the issue, you will probably report: ‘Shi Lei is a traitor, accomplish the acquisition of mCompany, still attempting to deceive ntelCompany ‘.hā hā hā !” After that, Shi Lei himself hā hā big Laughed.

The Reporters who were present also laughed. Reporter had to admit that Shi Lei said the fact that even if Shi Lei avoided Joseph, the next Reporter questioning would still make a similar issue. [

“ke ke ,Friends, now I continue to answer the issue. The cooperation between our Dream Entertainment Company and ntelCompany is actually related to mCompany. We acquired mCompany, not for the production of Second Generation Personal Game Server.” Shi Lei Talk. He glanced at the Reporter in a circle and smiled and asked: “Friends, are you doubting again? Since we are Dream Entertainment Company, we don’t need mCompany to produce Second Generation Personal Game Server, then why do we spend so much? The price, the acquisition of mCompany? And also announced the migration of mCompany to Xia Nation?”

Reporters nodded and looked at the obediently Elementary School waiting for the answer.

Shi Lei didn’t sell the goods, with a hint of sarcasm: “Let’s think about it, our Dream Entertainment Company, the money to acquire mCompany, what source is the origin? Then you think about it, I am like a fool? Is it? I don’t know, what is the cost of relocating the fab? At present, mCompany’s fab has adopted 300mm wafer size, relocating such a fab, there is no four 5 Billion US Dollar, the fundamental method is done, and it will waste numerous Time. But why do I still have to decide to move mCompany’s Headquarters to Xia Nation?”

Shi Lei deliberately uttered some misleading “sexual” language, letting the king of the whole world look at Xia Nation “Government”. As long as they turned their attention to Xia Nation “Government”, creating the illusion that Xia Nation “Government” acquired mCompany, then the rest of the holders holding mCompany Stock, aren’t they worried?

Once they throw Stock, then Shi Lei can take advantage of the situation and eventually accomplish the wholly-owned holding of mCompany.

Sure enough, some of the Reporter in the audience, after hearing Shi Lei’s explanation, had a different color on the face. A considerable number of Reporters, like Shi Lei, would acquire the behind-the-scenes Black Hand of mCompany as Xiao Nation. Government 』.

As for the Xia Nation “Government” will not stand up to clarify, it is the Xia Nation “Government” thing. Given the news image of Xia Nation’s “Government”, I am afraid that after they explain it, it will not have any effect, and even lead to negative effects.

Shi Lei’s strategy is basically impossible to have an abnormal situation. Xia Nation “Government” is destined to be black! It’s just that Xia Nation “Government” will not be settled after the fall, and Shi Lei doesn’t know it for the time being. However, Shi Lei is not afraid of Xia Nation’s “Government” in the autumn, the relationship between Shi Lei and Xia Nation “Government” does not stand on the opposite side, but is still in a cooperative relationship. Xia Nation “Government” will not be difficult because of some small issues. Shi Lei.

In fact, as Mirror Science and Technology grows stronger, Nation is increasingly focusing on the relationship with Mirror Science and Technology, and it won’t easily offend such a huge Science and Technology Company.

There is always an unclear relationship between “Washington Post” and Li Jian Nation “Government.” Li Jian Nation has a bad attitude, generally let the “Washington Post” speak out. This is a tacit understanding of the tacit understanding that almost all of the world knows.

“Washington Post” Reporter asks: “Mr. Shi, if Li Jian Nation prevents your company from taking over mCompany? After all, even if your acquisition is Lawful, some orders from mCompany involve Li Jian Nation’s defense safety, Li Jian Nation’s Congress will pass some special bills to limit your company’s control of mCompany.”

Shi Lei looked at the Reporter of the Washington Post with a serious look. The tone was serious: “Our acquisition is in full compliance with Li Jian Nation’s law. If Li Jian Nation “Government” wants to restrict us with a special bill, we will propose to the United Nations. Litigation. Of course, we respect Li Jian Nation’s law, even if it is a special bill. For some of the Technical Information related to Li Jian Nation’s defense safety, we will discuss the solution with Li Jian Nation’s “Government” department. The solution will be to sign a non-disclosure agreement. At the same time, the key technology personnel involved in the defense safety project will be hired by Li Jian Nation “Government” to leave mCompany. Therefore, we have acquired mCompany and Li Jian Nation defense safety, there is no dispute at all. Issue.”

Shi Lei’s explained in detail that some news media people who are ready to watch the show are disappointed!

Because, according to the solution provided by Shi Lei, the Li Jian Nation issue will be completely solved. It is also impossible for Li Jian Nation to run the risk of losing the case in the International Court, dying with the Dream Entertainment Company.

Just as the numerous Reporter thought that there was no good show, BB News’ Reporter made another sharp issue.

“Mr. Shi, how will Dream Entertainment Company handle the mCompany’s incumbent personnel? Including mCompany’s top management, and numerous grassroots staff personnel?”

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: Shi Lei: How is the image of my Great Light, Black Belly?

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗