
Chapter 841

hk829 shocked the entire World Press Conference!

Emerald Building, 38th floor.

Mu Shuang The original copy of the mCompany share transfer agreement signed between Shi Lei and Storm was copied into the safe before entering the business meeting area and sitting on the right side of Shi Lei’s. She and Ling Yumo, both left and right, sit on both sides of Shi Lei.

Ling Yumo sat on the left, leaning against Shi Lei’s arm, with a smudged look towards towards Mu Shuang. ‘Elder Sister Mu Shuang, I won’t give in, even if you help Stone Monster a lot, but I love him, I won’t give up! ‘

Mu Shuang complexion took a quiet look at Ling Yumo, and there was no change in his expression. ‘Yumo Younger Sister, sorry, I won’t give you Shi Lei. I love him, even if he has all kinds of shortcomings, I still love him. ‘

Shi Lei faintly felt the unusual atmosphere between the two younger sisters. His eyes turned and raised an evil bad idea. I saw Shi Lei, a good man, who took Ling Yumo’s willow waist with his left hand, and then took his right hand and took Mu Shuang’s uncomfortable waist. Said in deadly earnest: “We need to build ourselves.” Headquarters, although there are some drawbacks, overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages!”

Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo’s face are all red, Mu Shuang did not think that Shi Lei’s is so courageous, even dare to face Ling Yumo’s face ‘impudent’, this career woman can only lower her head and let Shi Lei’s right hand, in Her waist was slightly swaying.

Ling Yumo put his hands on Shi Lei’s waist, but Shi Lei didn’t feel the same, hurt and happy. Due to Shi Lei’s bold action, Mu Yuhuang, who was originally discussing Shi Head’s discussion of the Headquarters issue, silenced Ling Yumo, and the atmosphere was silent.

Shi Lei enjoys the soft waist of the two women, smelling two distinct body scent, and he has some heart and heart. ‘If Mu Shuang and Little Mo can get along with each other. How wonderful it is! ‘

Dream is wonderful, Reality is cruel! [

At 6:30 in the evening, Shi Lei took two women to Emerald Lake Guesthouse, Dream Entertainment Company’s external announcement, and officially held a Press Conference at 7 o’clock in the evening to announce the next development direction of Dream Entertainment.

When Shi Lei came to Emerald Lake Guesthouse, the entire Emerald Lake Guesthouse gathered the numerous Reporter, not only the Shuangqing City local news Reporter, but also the Reporter of all the world’s leading media. Including Li Jian Nation “New York Times”, “Washington Post”, “Li Jian Today”, Great Britain’s bb. The Sun, Wo Sang Nation’s NHK, tbs, Asahi News, and so on, even Xia Nation’s Imperial Court Television Station, sent people to come and report.

The relationship between Dream Entertainment Company and Xia Nation Government Station has been less than friendly. Initially, Shuangqing City Bureau First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua. Exactly stated. With the Reporter of the Government Station, prepare for the Fantasy Science and Technology Company Campus Security System. From that time on. The rift of Dream Entertainment and the Government Station was born. There has been no repair since then.

This time, Imperial Court Television Station was able to come over, or because of the sound of the wind, Dream Entertainment Company’s full acquisition of mCompany, they may have made breakthrough progress. It is for this reason that Imperial Court Television Station will be ‘supremely expensive’ to come to Shuanghu District. Interview with Dream Entertainment Company.

At 6:50 in the evening, Exceed Grade Gamer Storm, again called to not attend the Dream Entertainment Company’s Press Conference. For Storm, enter Brave’s World to meet with his Senior Sister Lu’er. Obviously more interesting than attending the Press Conference.

After Storm entered Brave’s World, he received two scrolls sent by the Main System, one of which was Ten Thousand’s reputation; another scroll, Legend Rank Task, which led Storm to find the remaining glory Set. Both scrolls are time-restricted and can be opened after 0:00 on July 1.

It is Ten Thousand’s reputation, or Legend Rank Task, which makes Storm very satisfied. In particular, [the loss of glory], let Storm be more happy. Although it is just a Legend Rank Task, it is not directly giving him a glory Set, but for Storm, it is not too difficult to get the corresponding Task.

Compared to Ranked in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Storm is more concerned with the results of the educational institute cup power struggle competition, and Storm will lead their Harvard to become the ‘King Institute’.

The Press Conference lacked Storm’s participation, and for the Dream Entertainment Company, there was no eclipse, just a special guest.

At 6:58 in the evening, Shi Lei wore a casual outfit and walked onto the podium of the pressroom. The top executives of all Child Company members of Mirror Science and Technology stood behind Shi Lei’s, including Ling Yumo. Ling Yumo is the head of the established YuMo Medical Limited Company and is one of the top executives in the Mirror Science and Technology system.

Shi Lei stood at the forefront, holding a line microphone, with a faint smile on his face, started talking: “The friends of the news media, everyone! I believe that we have not seen each other for a while, because in general Little things, I will not come out personally!” Shi Lei said in a sly tone, indicating that today’s news will be a big news.

The Reporter of the major news media on the scene laughed. In particular, Shuqing Television Station’s ace Host Hu Ke, who did not have Shi Lei’s Press Conference in the past, did not receive preferential treatment.

“Friends, a little quiet, I understand that everyone wants to know, what news is going to be released by Dream Entertainment today, I will tell you next!” Shi Lei did not sell the game, directly started talking: “I represent Mirror Science and Technology, on behalf of Dream Entertainment, announced Dream Entertainment Company, officially acquired the acquisition of mCompany.”

Shi Lei just finished, the reporters of the news media on the spot, picked up. mCompany is a world-renowned company, Dream Entertainment wants to acquire mCompany?

wrong! [

Just Shi Lei clearly said that Dream Entertainment officially acquired mCompany, which means that Dream Entertainment has successfully acquired mCompany?

Li Jian Nation’s “Wall Street Journal” is the most exciting, their Gold-medal Scooper David, some unruly: “Chief Shi, I am Wall Street …”

Shi Lei laughed hē hē interrupted David and blocked the Security personnel of the Ruling Security Company. Played with a smile: “Reporter David, I think I remember you, after all, the standard of your Pulling Hostility is quite high! Reporter David, Please wait a moment, I have to announce a message, then, it is the Reporter question time.”

Wall Street Journal’s Gold-medal Scooper David even connected points, his just unruly behavior, enough for Dream Entertainment to ask him to leave, and will not be accused by the press. Fortunately, Shi Lei did not care about him, and Shi Lei did not bother to care about him.

“Second Item news, I announced on behalf of mCompany that within this year, mCompany will be relocated to the Xia Nation area.” Shi Lei said the results of discussions with Mu Shuang.

Although Dream Entertainment Company has mastered the absolute controlling right of mCompany, it is free to make a m fortunate for mCompany, but it is not wholly-owned. Dream Entertainment has made mCompany alive and made money, and other Stockholders will make money.

Shi Lei spent so much on acquiring mCompany, not for other people to make a wedding dress. Shi Lei and Mu Shuang plan, mismanage mCompany, let other investors of mCompany choose to abandon mCompany’s Stock, so that Dream Entertainment will eventually be wholly-owned.

When Shi Lei announced the Second Item message, the Reporter at the Press Conference was shaken again. Migrating a High-tech Company’s Headquarters address is usually a deadly rhythm.

Why is it dead?

First, how does mCompany’s High-tech production base move? How to relocate the wafer assembly line? The cost of a wafer assembly line, Billions, and the desire to relocate it is a symbol of the loss of money.

Wafer Semiconductor Industry, dubbed the half-finished, means that usually half done, it will close down! The reason is that the investment is too big, and the company is basically under the law. Even if Dream Entertainment Company wants to mess around, it will pay a painful price, and eventually let mCompany fall into Abyss.

“The following is the time for news!” Shi Lei smiled and looked at the many Reporters. Dream Entertainment wanted to wholly hold mCompany and rely on these kings!

Gold-medal Scooper David of Wall Street Journal is the most active, but Shi Lei does not know whether it is intentional or has other thoughts. The first one who has the right to ask questions is still Hu Ke of Shuangqing City Television Station.

“Great Host Hu, what is your issue?” Shi Lei smiled and looked at Hu Ke, deliberately hēi hēi a said with a smile: “Today only ask for an issue, more issues, we can talk independently.”

Hu Ke turned red and glanced at Shi Lei. He asked: “Shi Lei schoolmate, according to the two messages you announced, can we understand that Dream Entertainment Company has accomplished the absolute control of mCompany?”

Hu Ke called Shi Lei’s, only to remind the people on the scene, Shi Lei was only 19 years old this year, less than twenty years old.

Shi Lei smiled and nodded. “Yes! Our Dream Entertainment Company, after a difficult acquisition process, was accented to the absolute holding of mCompany this afternoon. We currently hold 50% points for the mCompany shares. , became the big stockholder of mCompany First, and also the absolute holding stockholder. According to the “Company Law”, we have privilege to make a decision-making conclusion for mCompany.”

The presence of the news media Reporter, heard that Shi Lei admitted that Dream Entertainment, has been accomplished to the absolute holding of mCompany, once again expressed shocking sentiment.

A company founded less than a year ago acquired the world-famous chip maker Giant. Dream Entertainment Company explained the meaning of ‘counterattack’ to the whole world. The downstream merchants directly acquired the upstream manufacturers and accreded the process of industrial integration.

Gold-medal Scooper of the Wall Street Journal, after Shi Lei answered Hu Ke’s issue, couldn’t wait to ask: “Chief Shi, do you know, Li Jian Nation Government is against Dream Entertainment Company’s acquisition of mCompany?”

(To be continued…)

Ps: puppet