
Chapter 843

hk831 Dream Entertainment is not Savior, AMD Company Stock has plummeted!

mCompany has more than Ffteen Thousand thousand people in Worldwide. If Dream Entertainment Company takes over mCompany and insists on migrating mCompany’s Headquarters to Xia Nation, what about mCompany’s personnel?

Especially in the local personnel of Li Jian Nation, can they dismiss them?

At Li Jian Nation, dismissing the personnel is not that easy, and unions and unemployment benefits will be a big problem. Even the protest march of the personnel is also a big problem.

Reporter of bb News, asked such a sharp issue, Shi Lei gave a slight glimpse, did not answer immediately. Shi Lei doesn’t really want to play with mCompany. If it’s too hot, let mCompany’s personnel, massive strike, or destroy the company’s property, that’s definitely not a good thing.

Many Reporters watched Shi Lei fall into silence, and they began to get excited. Once Shi Lei said something that shouldn’t be said, they would definitely report it.

The Press Conference was silent for nearly three minutes. Mu Shuang, standing behind Shi Lei, clenched his hands and squeezed a cold sweat for Shi Lei. But this time, she can’t help Shi Lei answer. If you ask Shi Lei to answer, those savvy Reporters will definitely make up the Dream Entertainment Company, just a perfunctory report.

“ke ke !” Shi Lei coughed twice, and “Lu” made a slapin the face: “Reporter of BB News Television Station, asked about the issue, let me answer it for the time being. You know, just what I said, I I think you have the number in the heart. As for how to arrange the mCompany’s personnel, I think it is not the time to discuss it now. However, I think the mCompany’s personnel can be assured that they can get proper arrangements.

Pause for a moment. Shi Lei continued: “In the case of mCompany’s top management, I still don’t know for a while. However, before our Dream Entertainment Company officially made a decision on mCompany, our company will only send a patrolman in the past, mCompany’s work, as usual. .”[

Reporter of bb News, although not very satisfied with Shi Lei’s answer, but Shi Lei once again misled everyone, let everyone think. Determining the arrangement of mCompany personnel and senior management also requires decision by Xia Nation “Government”.

Shi Lei believes that these Reporters who fear that the world will not be chaotic will definitely read the book about the acquisition of mCompany by Xia Nation “Government”.

The Press Conference took about an hour in the Reporter Q&A session, when the time was at eight o’clock in the evening. Shi Lei rejected the questions from Reporter.

“Thank you for the presence of Reporter Friends, Dream Entertainment Company. This Press Conference is officially over. We are at the third floor of Emerald Lake Guesthouse. We have arranged a thank you dinner, please be interested in Reporter Friends, and enter directly with the Press Conference pass. Thanks for the dinner.” Shi Lei answered politely.

In the face of the media attitude, Shi Lei has changed from the initial pride to the modest politeness of mutual benefit. For this group of kings. Using them is the better way.

Although Shi Lei sent an invitation to all Reporters present, none of the Reporter attended the thank-you dinner, and they quickly left the press room to prepare for an expedited press release. Get the fastest time to report on the Dream Entertainment Press Conference.

The explosive “sex” news of this Press Conference is really too much!

Shi Lei, with the high level of all Child Company members of Mirror Science and Technology, came to the third floor of Emerald Lake Guesthouse. Emerald Lake Guesthouse third floor In the hall, all the Person Company personnel of Mirror Science and Technology attended the celebration dinner.

When Shi Lei and Company executives walked into the third floor hall, the Miri Company staff at the scene all applauded. In the third floor hall, there is a Small-scale stage.

This Small-scale stage, usually used as a host wedding reception, is now a podium. Shi Lei walked to the podium, and the top executives of the Child Company, a member of Mirror Science and Technology, stood behind Shi Lei’s.

Shi Lei took the microphone and scanned the circle of the person before the conversation. He said directly: “Hello everyone, I believe everyone is hungry!”

“hā hā hā ~” immediately sounded a laugh at the scene.

Shi Lei didn’t think that: “Today, our Mirror Science and Technology has achieved great success, and we can’t do without the help of everyone here. So, after my discussions with Chief Mu, this month Mirror Science and Technology Personnel, the bonus doubles! If there are reasons such as late arrival, early leave, absenteeism, work delay, etc., the personnel deducting the bonus will also be canceled. The bonus of the bonus will be doubled.

“Oh yeah!” A young man sitting not far from Shi Lei suddenly snorted.

When Shi Lei looked over, the young man looked down with a red face and the rest of the youngster at the same table, looking at the blushing young man. [

“Don’t be too happy for everyone! If at the next time, you have been deducted from the bonus for some personal reasons, you will still deduct the bonus. So, don’t deduct the bonus, you will be late, leave early, Completed, that is absolutely impossible.” Shi Lei deliberately serious.

Watching everyone nod, Shi Lei said with a smile: “So, everyone is happy to eat and drink, don’t bother everyone’s time and celebration!” Shi Lei said, directly with the high level of Child Company of Mirror Science and Technology Personnel , came together in the independent box.

It is not Shi Lei who is not willing to sit in the hall with his personnel. But if he is really sitting in the hall, I am afraid that it will be a large part. Even eating a meal will be awkward. This is the difference in status and the resulting constraints.

Mirror Science and Technology Group’s personnel Celebration Dinner, from eight o’clock, continued until more than ten o’clock. At 9:30 in the evening, the Li Jian Nation NASDAQ securities trading market officially opened.

Although most of Reporter has not officially reported on Dream Entertainment and mCompany, nor has it reported on Dream Entertainment’s Press Conference, well-informed people have long known the entire record of the Dream Entertainment Press Conference.

So, at the opening of the NASDAQ securities trading market, mCompany’s Stock tragedy!

The fixed investors who originally held mCompany Stock, all acquired mCompany in gambling Dream Entertainment, and then looked forward to Dream Entertainment Company, leading mCompany to glory, at least for a short time.

However, the Dream Entertainment Company held the Press Conference, which did announce the acquisition of mCompany, and it was absolutely controlled, but the result was not as predicted by the investment institutions, but there were some unforeseen surprises.

In a more general way: they guessed the beginning, but did not guess the ending!

For example, Shi Lei repeatedly hinted at the Press Conference that the acquisition of mCompany might not be Dream Entertainment Company, but the “Government” of Xia Nation. They just used the Dream Entertainment Company to acquire mCompany.

The possibility of Xia Nation ‘Government’ acquiring mCompany is not non-existent. Xia Nation has always wanted to develop its own computing chip, progress and results, only to use ‘hē hē’ to smile.

Since the self-developed road does not work, it is difficult to ensure that Xia Nation “Government” will not be tempted to directly acquire a computing chip company. The acquisition of the computing chip company is definitely a good idea, although there is no ‘independent R&D’ name, but you can master all the technologies directly for second time research and development.

The prospect of mCompany’s acquisition is very uncertain, plus Dream Entertainment Company, broke the news that mCompany will not produce Second Generation Personal Game Server, making mCompany’s prospects more shadowy.

In particular, Shi Lei announced mCompany, or will migrate Headquarters to the Xia Nation Region, which is a terrible experience for mCompany investors.

Together, the elements of Dream Entertainment Savior collapsed!

Dream Entertainment Company is not the Savior of mCompany, but the butcher’s butcher! It held the butcher knife and became the accomplice of Xia Nation’s “Government”, helping Xia Nation “Government” to marry mCompany.

At the opening of the NASDAQ securities transaction market, mCompany’s Stock, came a big dip, even if there is no stock in the market, the market environment is not optimistic about mCompany’s Stock, or NASDAQ securities trading market, not optimistic about falling into Xia mCompany in the hands of Nation.

At the close of yesterday, mCompany’s closing price was 755US Dollar per share. Today, at the beginning of the market, it plunged two US Dollar shares and continued to fall.

Looking at mStock’s price plunging, the most heart-wrenching is exactly as stated by those investment institutions. This situation is not what they imagined. They imagined that Dream Entertainment Company was the owner of mCompany and then announced that mCompany produced Dream Entertainment Company’s Second Generation Personal Game Server. As a result, mCompany’s share price has risen across the board. In the case of Reality, the opposite is true.

At ten o’clock in the evening, the NASDAQ securities trading market opened for half an hour. The mCompany’s Stock price has fallen into 327US Dollar and has fallen by a total of 428US Dollar. Even if it is the price of 327US Dollar, the price of mCompany’s Stock continues to fall, and there is no end to it.

In the face of such a cruel market, one of the investment institutions that had been quoted by Mu Shuang who had mastered mCompany 3% Stock, simply regretted the intestines!

Dream Entertainment is a share of 30US Dollar. The current share price is 327US Dollar. According to the current decline, it will soon fall to the level of 30US Dollar, which is ten times the income gap!

At ten o’clock in the evening, more twenty, at the celebration dinner, Shi Lei, under the persuasion of everyone, drank a small glass of wine. For Shi Lei, who was half-cup drunk and capacity for liquor, the small half-glass also made him red-faced, and under the influence of alcohol, Shi Lei’s mood was a bit high.

Under Nai, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo can only choose to send Shi Lei back to Jingya Garden. The two sisters left Shi Lei, and Shi Lei’s head shook slightly. No one saw it. The corner of his mouth was full of deep micro-curved…

(To be continued.)

Ps: [Thank you for the reward] King of the Dragon, Dream of 588 cow “milk” is sour, eat, book friend 140211124040645, reward 100

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