
Chapter 840

hk828 breaks the predicament and absolutely controls AMD Company!

If you can only make a single selection in Brave’s World and mCompany, Shi Lei will definitely choose Brave’s World instead of mCompany. although

Company has a strong make-up for Mirror Science and Technology Group, but it is not an alternative.

The company that produces puchip all over the world, not only Intel and m, but also a lot of choices. Even Shi Lei is aiming at a very promising computing chip design and manufacturing company.

The worst result of the acquisition of mCompany was the failure of the Dream Entertainment Company, but the Dream Entertainment Company, which holds a Forty-eight point of one or three mCompany’s Stock.

As long as Dream Entertainment doesn’t let go, mCompany will be firmly locked by Shi Lei. There is no way to get rid of it, and even it will be dealt with.

Once mCompany is delisted, those fixed investors will definitely enter Three Market Trading, and at that time they can also achieve the purpose of acquiring mCompany.

Emerald Building, 38th Floor, Shi Lei sat in the business talks area of ​​Mu Shuang Office, holding a phone in his right hand, and resolutely rejected Li Jian Nation Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm’s request.

At the other end of the call, Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm seemed to be stunned and didn’t respond for a long time. He didn’t understand why Shi Lei refused. It was just a First Place. The first place of an online game Virtual event, the total prize money was 3 Million USD. Is it not enough to exchange more than 200 million USD?

“Why?” Storm asked unwillingly.

Shi Lei’s tone is flat: “Fair!” [

“Fair?” Storm has a strange tone. Brave’s World has no fair concept from the very beginning, otherwise how can it make a part of the paid Gamer priority for oneself game?

Shi Lei lightly said with a smile : “Gamer Storm, do you think that the concept of fairness is very ridiculous for Brave’s World? Our Dream Entertainment Official is obviously biased towards High-end Player. Right? Yes, we Although Dream Entertainment Company tilted to High-end Player, we didn’t undermine the fairness of the game. Including the upcoming paid item system, at most, only High-end Player can dominate and not compete. Again, Low -end Player As long as Destiny is against the sky or technically strong, they are still more powerful than most High-end Players. For example, the well-known Gamer ‘An Idea Turns Demonic, the Gamer has no First SEQ uence Closed Testing authority, nor has it been obtained. Outstanding’s novice reward, but now his Grade is the highest in Gamer and his actual combat ability, I am afraid it is higher than you, even if you have ‘Glory Set, · War force data is higher than him, can actually fight, very May not be his opponent.”

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm once again fell into meditation, ‘I fell in love with Dream Entertainment Company! , Storm smiles in the heart, started talking: “Mr. Shi, please forgive me, I apologize for the proposal.”

“I accept your apology on behalf of Dream Entertainment Company.” Shi Lei responded solemnly.

Storm hā hā smiled and said: “Mr. Shi, I am willing to sell it to you at the price of 15US Dollar per share.

Company 2% of the shares. There are no strings attached to express my apologies. ”

Storm’s generous apology made Shi Lei somewhat surprised. However, Shi can’t be polite with Storm at this time, Shi Lei agreed. “Thank you, Gamer Storm! Dream Entertainment Company, will remember your help to Dream Entertainment Company.

After a pause, Shi Lei hesitated for a moment and promised: “Gamer Storm, in order to express our gratitude, Dream Entertainment Company will give you some compensation. Within Brave’s World, we will compensate you for some reputation values ​​and one The Legend Rank’s Task. However, both of these compensations can only be handed to you by scroll and can only be opened after the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.”

Give Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm a certain amount of compensation to comfort Storm. At the same time, the use of time is limited, so that Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm can not directly control the world in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, but also maintains fairness.

“Legend Rank Task?” Storm happy said: “What Legend Rank Task?”

“Go into Brave’s World and check it out, System will automatically issue it to you.” Shi Lei replied with a smile, he already thought about the contents of Task, he believes that Storm will like it.

Storm didn’t say anything more, just started talking: “Mr. Shi, when do we sign the agreement?”

“As long as your time is convenient, you can do it at all times.” Shi Lei actually wants to say that the sooner the better, but that is a bit too utilitarian.

“What about now? The Stock Transfer Agreement is very simple. My lawyer team has already done all the agreement. After signing both of us, my 2% mCompany Stock will be your Dream Entertainment Company!” Storm is obviously Nouveau Riche, and does not care about losing half of the benefits.

Storm This is the initiative to show Dream Entertainment Company, mCompany’s Stock value, can not reach 30US Dollar per share, even 5US Dollar, is also a very good price.

“Alright! I am at the Temporary Headquarters of the Emerald Building, come over!” Shi Lei agreed. [

On May 17th, at four o’clock in the afternoon, Shi Lei and Storm formally signed the mCompany share transfer agreement, and Storm transferred his company’s 2% mCompany Stock to Dream Entertainment Company.

At this point, Dream Entertainment Company, holding a total of 360 million 3 Million shares of mCompany Stock, reached the 50% of the total share capital, 14%, the absolute holding of the pair of mCompany, the total cost is more than ten 100 Million US Dollar! !

After the two parties signed the contract, Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm hurried away, even Shi Lei proposed a celebration reception, he also regretted to refuse, according to Storm’s original words, he wants to immediately enter Brave’s World, check out Dream Entertainment’s compensation reward, is it what.

Shi Lei had a cold sweat on his forehead. After Storm left, Shi Lei quickly contacted Izual and conveyed his thoughts to Izual, letting Izual generate the corresponding scroll and distribute it to Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm.

Although Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm rejected Celebration Dinner, Dream Entertainment Company could not but hold a Celebration Dinner, or even a large-scale convening. Shi Lei first asked Dream Entertainment’s Hong Xiang, contact Shuangqing City’s major news media, to say that Dream Entertainment Company would hold a Press Conference.

Originally this work should be Xie Hui to implement. Xie Hui, the hard-working guy, is still working on Li Jian Nation for a while, and there is no way to come back.

In addition to informing the media to hold the Press Conference, Shi Lei also booked a celebration dinner at Emerald Lake Guesthouse to celebrate the successful acquisition of mCompany.

As a news maker, Dream Entertainment will fall into the eyes of the media every time it moves. This time, Dream Entertainment’s No. 3 person-in-charge Hong Xiang informed Shuangqing City’s major media, representatives of the world’s major media stations in Shuangqing City, have sent an interview application, and then immediately went to Emerald Lake Guesthouse past.

Dream Entertainment’s Press Conference will be held in the pressroom of Emerald Lake Guesthouse. Shi Lei was originally intended to be held at the International Exhibition Center in Nan’an District, but time is not allowed, and the arrangement of the Nan’an District International Exhibition Center does not allow Emerald Lake Guesthouse.

In the news hall of Emerald Lake Guesthouse, the aspect aspect is a little smaller after all. After the acquisition of mCompany, Shi Lei still holds Twenty-seven billion US Dollar. He began to consider the construction of Mirror Science and Technology’s Headquarters.

It is important for Mirror Science and Technology Group to have its own Headquarters, leased Headquarters, which is very detrimental to the Worldwideization process of Mirror Science and Technology Group and Dream Entertainment Company.

A globalized Big Company, not even its own Headquarters, isn’t it a shame?

If Mirror Science and Technology Group builds its own Headquarters, it can not only promote the image of the company but also improve the company’s safety. The company’s defense strength will be further extended to the outside of the company’s edge. Mirror Science and Technology’s Security Issues are important because with the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s reputation in Worldwide, there must be commercial espionage and even official spy visits.

With Emerald Building’s Safety Measures, you can defend the professional spies. Even if the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine and Izual can control the Monitoring System anytime and anywhere, what if the other party directly adopts a power failure strategy?

Emerald Building’s power supply system, except Basement’s Main Server Origin is independent power supply, the rest of the power supply is all integrated, once the power failure, the Monitoring System will appear flaw. Moreover, the other party can also cut off the independent power supply of Main Server Origin, and let Izual fall into hibernation.

Only the establishment of your own Headquarters can build a backup power supply, even if the internal power supply after the external power supply is interrupted, all security systems can be operated normally.

Shi Lei is more and more excited, he can’t wait to build his own Headquarters belonging to Mirror Science and Technology. However, the location of the Mirror Science and Technology Headquarters needs to be carefully selected. The location of the Shuanghu District is not ideal and will be abandoned by Shi Lei.

Shuanghu District is located on the edge of Shuangqing City. The traffic aspect is not so convenient. From Beiyu District International Airport to Shuanghu District, it takes more than half an hour without any traffic jams, not to mention the traffic jam.

Shi Lei in the heart The preferred location is in Beiyu District, Beijiang District, and Jade District. These three areas are the Core area of ​​Shuangqing City, Nan’an District, Shapu District and the rest. Although it is also the Core area, Shuangqing City The situation of traffic jams is more serious, especially in the core area of ​​the main city, rail transit can not ease traffic jams.

In Mu Shuang’s Office, Mu Shuang smiled and successfully acquired mCompany, Mu Shuang sighed in relief.

Shi Lei suddenly started talking: “Shuang Shuang, you said that we should build our own Headquarters Large Building, where should we choose?” After Shi Lei finished, he realized the mistake, Ling Yumo was clearly sitting next to him, and he never Called ‘Shuang Shuang, this Nickname.

Ling Yumo’s movement was concealed at Shi Lei’s waist, and Shi Lei complexion calmed down and coughed, pretending that nothing happened.

Mu Shuang in the heart is warm, she has a position in Shi Lei’s heart, even if it is shared with other women, Shi Lei has her heart, isn’t it?

“Shi Lei, are you ready to establish Headquarters for Mirror Science and Technology?” Mu Shuang frowns said: “If we have established Headquarters in Shuangqing City, what will happen in the future, then we can’t easily retreat!”

Last time, in the face of the forced force of the Network Entertainment Audit Department, Dream Entertainment almost completely withdrew from the Xia Nation market. If the Headquarters Large Building was established and then wanted to exit Xia Nation, it was not an easy task.

As the saying goes, running the monk can’t run the temple, Mirror Science and Technology has a Headquarters in Shuangqing City, they will avoid accepting some restraint, not as extreme as dealing with issues in the past.