
Chapter 839

hk827 comes from Storm’s request!

Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District. May 17th, twenty points at 3 pm.

Shi Lei drove the white-colored Porsche Cayenne into the Underground parking garage of the Emerald Building. He kept a conversation with Mu Shuang and waited for Mu Shuang to answer the other’s request.

As long as you can absolutely hold mCompany’s Stock, even if the other party’s request is too much, Shi Lei can agree. mCompany occupies a very important position in the future system of Mirror Science and Technology, and can even be said to be the Core location. In order to absolutely control mCompany, Shi Lei is mentally prepared.

Mu Shuang is on the phone, started talking: “Shi Lei, I don’t know what specific requirements the other party has. The other party has only one request now, that is to interview you about the acquisition of mCompany Stock.”

“Eh?” Shi Lei has some “touch” and starts playing with a smile: “The shareholder is the younger sister?”

Mu Shuang holding the cell phone turned over roll one’s eyes. “You want to be beautiful! The other person is a standard man. There is no doubt about sex. You are still an acquaintance, even I have seen him.”

“What is the situation? Who is the shareholder?” Shi Lei is a bit interested. Since everyone knows, the success rate of this transaction is very high!

Mu Shuang replied with a smile: “Li Jian Nation Exceed Grade Gamer, Storm; Brave’s World is Dugu Qiye.”

“Storm?” Shi Lei was amazed that the volume was a bit too high. Fortunately, there was no one in the elevator. “How did Storm find us?”[

“He sent me emhl directly to my open to the public mailbox, indicating that I want to talk to us. He holds 2% of mCompany Stock in his hand and can consider selling it to us.” Mu Shuang originally stated.

“Mu Shuang, let’s meet!” After Shi Lei finished, he waited for Mu Shuang’s response and hang up the phone directly. The elevator just stopped at the thirty-eighth floor of the Dream Entertainment Company’s Temporary Headquarters.

The little girl at the front desk, looking at Shi Lei with some surprises, then quickly said: “Chief Shi is good!”

Shi Lei is the EO of Dream Entertainment Company. Even in the face of the status, it is the same as Mu Shuang. It belongs to the same level. It is the senior leader of Mirror Science and Technology Company in Xia Nation. However, Shi Lei rarely comes to the company to go to work.

“Well, hello!” Shi Lei replied with a smile, and let the little Sister at the front desk, his face “red” suddenly red. In the Child Company of Mirror Science and Technology, there is a rumor that is the relationship between Shi Lei and Mu Shuang. It is also rumored that Shi Lei is very fickle.

Front desk reception girl, looked towards Shi Lei’s gaze, more or less with a touch of Fantasy.

Shi Lei passed the Safety verification and successfully entered the interior of Dream Entertainment Company. He came to the office of Mu Shuang’s Office. He opened the door without knocking on the door. The entire Child Company of Mirror Science and Technology, only Shi Lei alone can do so.

“hmll, Mu Shuang, Little Mo!” Shi Lei looked at Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo with a smirk.

“Ah?” Ling Yumo looked at Shi Lei with surprise. “Stone Monster, aren’t you in Nanyun Province?” she said as she walked over to Shi Lei and reached out to pinch Shi Lei’s right face. Self-talking: “It seems that it is not an illusion Eh!”

Shi Lei looked at Ling Yumo’s cute look, and endured the urge to hold her into her arms, making her a fierce look at her. hēng hēng said: “Little Mo!”

Ling Yumo smiled and grabbed Shi Lei’s right arm, the softness of the chest, gently pressed on Shi Lei’s arm, if not Mu Shuang on the side ‘glare like a tiger watching his prey, watching him, Shi Lei must Will be a good ‘learning, some Ling Yumo.

Mu Shuang glanced at Ling Yumo, who was holding Shi Lei’s arm. Her face was calmly said: “Shi Lei, when did you come back?”

“Just came back. When you called me, I just entered Shuanghu District.” Shi Lei explained, and asked: “Storm asked to talk face to face with me?”

“Well, he is now at Emerald Lake Guesthouse in Shuanghu District. If you want to talk to him, you can do it now,” Mu Shuang nodded.

Shi Lei considers the gains and losses of negotiating with Storm. If he negotiates with Storm, it is to acknowledge that Dream Entertainment Company is indeed trying to acquire mCompany. If you don’t negotiate with Storm, then Dream Entertainment Company will lose the opportunity to absolutely hold mCompany. [

“Mu Shuang, what do you think?” Shi Lei asked Mu Shuang.

Mu Shuang analyzed: “I recommend negotiating with Storm. In addition to Storm, our law acquires mCompany’s Stock from other sources. Although we negotiate with Storm, we may violently expose our attempt to acquire mCompany. However, now all World The media are reporting this matter, and investors all over the world know this, and even mCompany’s top executives have guessed that we have acquired a percentage of Forty-eight. There is no difference between exposure and non-exposure.

“Oh, if that’s the case, then meet with Storm and talk about mCompany’s Stock Transfer Agreement!” Shi Lei nodded.

At the desk, Mu Shuang pulled out a piece of p-print paper and handed it to Shi Lei. “This is the Storm’s contact method, and the other party has indicated that you want to contact you personally.”

Shi Lei took the 4 paper, took out the cell phone and dialed the number recorded above, and pressed the hands-free button so that Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo could also hear the conversation. After a while, the phone was connected, and a standard but somewhat strange Mandarin was passed over.

“Mr. Shi, hello, I am Storm.” Li Jian Nation Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, first self-reported.

Because Shi Lei’s cell phone number is almost half open to the public state, many people know the Shi Lei’s cell phone number, and Storm knows that Shi Lei has called, it is not a strange thing. !

“Hello, Gamer Storm.” After Shi Lei said hello, he went straight to the theme: “Gamer Storm, I heard that you own a stake in mCompany 2%, and are you ready to sell it to us?”

“Yes!” Storm replied affirmatively. “My family, a Child Company, owns a stake in 2%. I heard that Dream Entertainment Company is buying Stock of mCompany, so I plan to make 2% of mCompany Stock, Sold to you Dream Entertainment Company.”

“Gamer Storm, at what price are you going to sell it to us?” Shi Lei is not around, between Storm and Dream Entertainment Company, just Gamer’s relationship with the Game Company.

There is no deep friendship between the two sides. Why should we circle the too much? Even if the two sides have a deep friendship, in business negotiations, they should also avoid talking about feelings and try to do business as much as possible.

Storm said with a smile : “The current price of mCompany’s Stock is 755US Dollar. According to the real-time stock price, the premium is 100%, and you are given a discount of no cents. Mr. Shi, how do you see it?”

755US Dollar has a premium of 100%, which is 15noUS Dollar per share, and a discount of no cents. This price is only half the price of EQ uivalent to Mu Shuang for 30US Dollar.

Not to mention the price of 5US Dollar per share, exactly as stated 30US Dollar, Dream Entertainment Company, will also be with the purchase of the slightest hesitation!

Shi Lei looked towards Mu Shuang · With the color of the inquiry in his eyes, he did not understand why Storm actively lowered the price.

Mu Shuang nodded slightly, started talking in lip language: ‘Promise him. ,

Shi Lei shook his head. “Gamer Storm, I am very satisfied with this price. Let me talk about it, what are your requirements?”

Shi Lei doesn’t believe in the things that fall from the sky. Since ancient times, there has been only a icing on the cake. Falling down the stone is the mainstream!

The only benefit of the benefits of being sent to the door is that the other party also wants to benefit and exchange benefits.

Li Jian Nation’s Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, although only controlling the shares of mCompany 2%, but at the price of 30US Dollar per share, 2% of the stock is sold for up to 400 million Three Thousand 400 400,000 US Dollar. If Storm actively shrinks its average price, he will lose more than 200 million US Dollars.

Two hundred million US Dollars have never been a small amount!

This money can make many people Crazy · can also do a lot of Crazy things.

“Mr. Shi, we all know that mCompany’s Stock is worth so much money. Although your company has opened an ultra-high price of 30US Dollar, I believe that any investment company will be sold to you at this price. Stock , their company will be blacklisted by your company. Even though I quoted 5US Dollar, which far exceeds the value of mCompany’s Stock. According to our family’s evaluation company, mCompany’s normal stock price should be almost Maintaining a price of 3US Dollar, 5US Dollar · accurately as stated, a premium of 400%. This business is also a good business for our family to make money. After all, the stock price of our family when buying , still in the low position.” Storm frank analysis.

“Oh!” Shi Lei returned to compliment, neither affirmative nor negative. Storm’s answer, evasively narrate the issue of mCompany’s stock price, but did not explain what it needed.

Storm heard Shi Lei’s answer and laughed. “Mr. Shi, we have nothing tough about your request, not avaricious attempts to get the shares of Mirror Science and Technology. I only have a small request, I need to get First Period Martial First Place of World Struggle for Power Competition !”

Shi Lei heard Storm’s answer and categorically refused: “Impossible!”

Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition has received wide attention throughout the World and has the potential to become an eSports Top Level event.

If the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, the scandal of the default First Place will be a serious blow to Brave’s World. Even if he suspends the acquisition of mCompany’s Stock, Shi Lei will not bet on the fate of Brave’s World’s.

The Company is really important, but Brave’s World is even more important!

In the future development plan, Brave’s World occupies Core status, which absorbs cash flow, and is temporarily in an alternative status. Shi Lei could not ruin the reputation and credibility of Dream Entertainment Company in order to absolutely control mCompany.

According to Shi Lei’s repeated shrinkage estimates, after the official fee-based operation of Brave’s World, the profit per year will not be less than 5 Billion Xia Nation Yuan, which will exceed 600 million US Dollar.

How could Shi Lei ignore the big cake of Brave’s World for the 200 million US Dollar? Losing the watermelon and licking the sesame, Shi Lei will never do it!

As long as Brave’s World is on the right track, Shi Lei can transfer a lot of money. Besides, Shi Lei now has ample funds, and there is no need to save some expenses that should not be saved, and cause trouble for himself. Efforts to maintain the basic fairness of Brave’s World’s are what Shi Lei should care about and strive to achieve.

In fact, even if Storm does not sell mCompany’s shares to Dream Entertainment Company, Shi Lei thinks of a solution to the mCompany’s dilemma.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗