
Chapter 838

hk826 unexpected surprise?

May 16th, late at night.

The two The Steel and Iron successfully returned to Móng Cái City Cheng Dong Stronghold, undiscovered midway, perfect to leave the battlefield. Izual controls two of The Steel and Iron, landed in the Cheng Dong Stronghold garage, and cut off the network control connection to The Steel and Iron.

Shi Lei leaned back in the center-controlled swivel chair, and the Izual icy sound came from the Bluetooth headset. “Sr, The Steel and Iron Number One machine and the No. 2 machine successfully returned.”

Shi Lei nodded and opened the steel panel with the fixed u-shaped joystick. He got up from the center-controlled swivel chair and his left hand rubbed his temple. The opening commanded: “Clean up the scene, don’t leave evidence!”

Ye Feng responded: “Understand.”

Shi Lei walked to the workbench, put the notebook in his right hand, grabbed it in his hand, and returned to the Safety bedroom. He was ready to continue working on the Core Source Code and framework of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine.

In the bedroom, Shi Lei put the notebook in place, and Izual reported the latest information in the Bluetooth headset. “Sr, we attacked the military use Airport on the Nanyue Nation border, and Nanyue Nation opened to the public, and issued a condemnation statement.”

Shi Lei was a little surprised. What time did Nanyue Nation play in the middle of the night? He opens the screen of the notebook merge, started talking: “Open the corresponding information page.”

Izual immediately controlled Shi Lei’s Notebook Computer and opened the OffiCIA l Website of the Nanyue Nation Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the network browser. On the OffiCIA l Website homepage of the Nanyue Nation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nanyue Nation open to the public was attacked by the border military use airport. [


“Military use Airport, attacked late at night! 》

On May 16th, a country bordering Xia Nation, a secret border airport, was attacked by mysterious forces. Although the country has sent a support for 27Fighter, the border military use airport has not been spared.

According to the on-site exploration personnel report. The mysterious forces that attacked the military use Airport did not use ground forces. The area around the border military use Airport did not reveal any traces of ground combat units. This means that the mysterious forces that attacked the military use Airport on the border of the country have a powerful air strike force.

The mysterious and unknown air strike force not only survived the Air Defense System detection of the military use Airport, but also escaped the investigation of Su 27Fighter. Not only that, but the unknown air strike forces possessed by the mysterious forces also have powerful attack power. In less than half an hour, the bloody wash of the entire border military use Airport, there are no survivors on the scene.

From the scene of the scene survey, we only know that we killed the USP on the border of the military use Airport. For the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun, there are unknown models of rockets. Or the Small-scale guide.

Due to the entire border military use airport. Failure to leave survivors, we temporarily investigate clear, what is the air power, attacked the border military use airport.

On what is the power, for our Nanyue Nation, our Nanyue Nation will not lower our heads. We will fight to the end!


Nanyue Nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after the OffiCIA l Website report, is less than five minutes, the home page of the youtube video. A video of the Al Qaeda Organization appeared again.

Al Qaeda Organization open to the public announced that it was responsible for the attack on the military use base at the Nanyue Nation border. And once again warned Nanyue Nation, let them be wary of the next attack.

Shi Lei vaguely guessed the intention of the Al Qaeda Organization. Since the 2001 9 day’s major event, the Al Qaeda Organization has been suppressed by Li Jian Nation, and their power is shrinking.

In order to expand the influence of Organization, the Al Qaeda Organization actively acknowledged responsibility for some terrifying events, which helped to increase the reputation of the Al Qaeda Organization, which is active at the forefront of World terrifying power.

Although the general human law understands the idea of ​​the Al Qaeda Organization, Shi Lei understands that the Terrorist Organization also needs branding!

‘Uncle Laden is too powerful! ‘Shi Lei in the heart praised, close the network browser. As soon as someone admits responsibility for the attack on the Nanyue Nation border military use Airport, the next thing is related to Shi Lei. [

However, this is not the case!

Al Qaeda Organization once again stood up for the attack on Nanyue Nation, this time not only Li Jian Nation did not believe, even the majority of Nanyue Nation did not believe. Nation, the whole world optimistic about the play, most of them do not believe that Al Qaeda Organization attacked Nanyue Nation!

The first time attack on the Nanyue Nation border station can be counted on the Al Qaeda Organization. Because of the first time attack, the practice was very rough and the bodies of hundreds of attackers were left at the scene of the crime. The strength of the attack on the personnel is in line with the positioning of the Al Qaeda Organization.

When the second time attacks the border military use airport, the power of the mysterious attack on the personnel is definitely not the power that the Al Qaeda Organization might have. The defense use of the border military use airport is much higher than the border station, but also has a complete Air Defense System and fully armed soldiers. There were no traces of the attackers on the scene. The attackers only used airpower and washed the entire border use airport.

If Al Qaeda Organization really has such a powerful force, Li Jian Nation First will be thunderous. Al Qaeda Organization will not come to Nanyue Nation, but will find Li Jian Nation in First time.

Shi Lei is too lazy to manage the trick between Nanyue Nation and Al Qaeda Organization. He directly closes Notebook Computer and does not continue to process the Core Source Code of Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine.

May 17th, 10 am.

Accompanied by Ye Feng trio, Shi Lei first inspected Meishan Island. Meishan Island is related to N235 Metal and its importance is self-evident.

The base construction of Meishan Island is progressing rapidly. Under the guidance of the money channel and the four-hour break of Izual twenty, a solid bunker building is gradually forming.

The mining work of N235 Metal is tentatively expected to begin in early June. At that time, N235 Metal will be used in the product system of Mirror Science and Technology.

After inspecting the progress of Meishan Island, Shi Lei directly sneaked back to Xia Nation from the border of Móng Cái City. Although the border inspection is now very strict and you want to sneak into the border, there is always a way to achieve it.

Back in Xia Nation. Shi Lei used the fake Identity Information again and purchased a flight back to Shuangqing City. In order to cover up the whereabouts, Shi Lei’s Identity Information for the purchase of tickets is a fictitious and false Identity Information.

Two hours after the departure from South Ocean Airport, Shi Lei returned to Beiyu District International Airport in Shuangqing City. Driving in the Porsche Cayenne at the airport, Shi Lei spent nearly half an hour returning to his Core Old Nest Shuanghu District.

Just back to Shuanghu District, Shi Lei’s cell phone rang and the Caller ID was Mu Shuang. Shi Lei smiled at the corner of his mouth. He returned to Shuangqing City and told Mu Shuang that he had just given her a surprise.

Pressing the answer button, Shi Lei smiled and said: “Madam Queen, what can I order?”

“Hēng!” in the handset. There was a sigh of relief.

Shi Lei’s face changed slightly, just charming. Clearly it is Ling Yumo!

‘sht! Is this playing my Right? ‘Shi Lei in the heart sorrow. Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang play this game again, exchange cell phone or something, it is not fun at all!

Emerald Building, Dream Entertainment Company Headquarters, Xia Nation Region Deputy General Manager Office.

Ling Yumo panting with rage handed the cell phone to Mu Shuang, with a look of interest in his eyes. Mu Shuang took the phone with a smile and didn’t face Ling Yumo.

‘Shi Lei, the big fickle ghost, I had a relationship with Elder Sister Mu Shuang during Capital City. Although in the heart knows this guy is a fickle ghost. But… ‘Ling Yumo is a little mad, and the expression is quite cute.

Mu Shuang cancelled the hands-free mode, switched back to the handset mode, with a teased tone: “Shi Lei, it’s me.”

Shi Lei coughed and didn’t dare to call Mu Shuang’s Nickname again. The one-sided cell phone opened the hands-free, and he still had to tragedy. “ke ke , Mu Shuang , what’s the matter?”

Listening to Shi Lei’s serious tone, Mu Shuang smiled. “Shi Lei, where are you?”

Shi Lei’s eyes turned, hēi hēi smirked two times. “Guess where I am?” At this moment, Shi Lei is driving to the Emerald Building and can arrive at the latest three minutes later.

Mu Shuang brows slightly wrinkle, “Are you still in Nanyun Province?”. In fact, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are both curious, what is the work of Nanyun Province, it is worth Shi Lei to go to Nanyun Province in person.

“En En, yes, I am still in Nanyun Province. What happened?” Shi Lei asked again, Mu Shuang’s tone showed that she had something to look for, and Shi Lei secretly guessed what it was.

Mu Shuang responded and said, “When are you coming back?”

Shi Lei couldn’t help but teasing: “Did you miss me?” Just after finishing, Shi Lei was a little nervous. What if Ling Yumo heard it?

“Hey!” Mu Shuang snorted and glanced at Ling Yumo before he continued: “Shi Lei, we are in a deadlock about the acquisition of mCompany. The news media of the whole world, as well as investors, think We are going to acquire mCompany, and now we are acquiring the stock of any mCompany.”

Shi Lei frowned: “Is it better to raise the stock price?”.

“No! I have already submitted a price of 3US Dollar per share to an investment institution that controls 30% shares, but the other party is still in a hurry.” Mu Shuang sighed.

The stock price of 30US Dollar per share, not to mention mCompany, is exactly not stated as ntelCompany. This price is indeed a high price! Even if Dream Entertainment Company, the real acquisition of mCompany, it is impossible to bring mCompany’s Stock, with the price of 30US Dollar, at least short-term is impossible.

“These investment institutions of Shithead! The money that is delivered to the door is not earned, what are they going to do?” Shi Lei is a bit depressed.

Mu Shuang suddenly laughed. “Shi Lei, you don’t have to worry, although from the normal channel, our acquisition of mCompany is in a stalemate, but we have made some progress in acquiring mCompany from other channels. As long as we negotiate successfully, the other party will transfer it to With our 2% stake, we will receive an absolute controlling interest in mCompany.”

“Hey? What are the requirements of the other party?” Shi Lei curiously asked, but he did not expect that after the acquisition of mCompany was deadlocked, there was an unexpected surprise. As for other channels, Shi Lei is not interested in chasing the bottom line.

Shi Lei’s target is very clear, that is, absolutely holding mCompany, the rest of the matter, as long as there is no breakthrough Shi Lei’s bottom line, it can be put aside, open the door for the acquisition of mCompany.

But at this juncture, what is the condition for the sale of mCompany Stock, is what Shi Lei is worried about.

(To be continued…)

Ps:Aphra Alberta: Have you forgotten me?