
Chapter 835

hk823 rapid bombing, bloody border military use Airport!

The Steel and Iron, as Shi Lei and the Rongcheng Military District, established the first contact weapon. How powerful is its combat power?

If you only look at the appearance of The Steel and Iron, most people don’t think that The Steel and Iron’s combat power is so embarrassing, and even think that The Steel and Iron is ridiculous, just the Big One’s Remote Control toy. .

But is The Steel and Iron really just a Big One toy?

Obviously impossible!

Rongcheng Military District directly installed large-scale weapon, how could it be just a Big One toy? Perhaps the R&D capabilities of the Rongcheng Military District are somewhat lacking, but their strategic vision is absolutely not bad.

The Steel and Iron’s combat effectiveness is very slim, and this is not to be questioned. Although the length is only 1.5 m, High Degree has only a poor half a meter, and the wingspan is only a pitiful one or three hundred meters. It looks like an aviation model, not a war machine, but it is a war machine!

The Steel and Iron body is made of special steel, which can effectively resist XMPXmm caliber and pistol’s attack 50 meters away; 76mm caliber rifle and machine gun over 200 meters, also to The Steel and Iron Cause serious damage.

Destroy The Steel and Iron is relatively easy unless you use the Surface-To-Air and Air-To-Air guides. The rest of the way, only the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle can be used to kill The Steel and Iron. As for the soldier rocket launcher? Because the rocket’s flight speed is slow, the “shooting” process is short, and the Steel and Iron’s aiming system has automatically recognized the action of the individual rocket launcher “fighting” before the individual rocket launcher has not fired. Avoid or counterattack. [

The standard configuration of The Steel and Iron is mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun, and the Rongcheng Military District has been changed into a seven-nine Mini Sub-machine Gun. It is mp7 micro-punch or seven-nine-type micro-punch. The power aspect is somewhat lacking, and with the help of The Steel and Iron’s automatic aiming system, the accuracy is highly promoted, and almost the target targeted by The Steel and Iron, the 99% method escapes.

In addition to the regular combat combat power. The standard configuration of The Steel and Iron is four Small-scale guides. The standard configuration of the Rongcheng Military District is Swift Arrow Series, two Air-To-Air and Air-To-Surface.

Although The Steel and Iron’s body is slightly smaller, and the firm carry and bear too much Electronic Equipment, in the electronic confrontation, The Steel and Iron will fall. The Steel and Iron is not without a corresponding strategy. Once the connection between The Steel and Iron and the author of the “Operation” is interrupted, the target near The Steel and Iron, if there is no enemy identification code, will become The Steel and Iron’s attack target.

Not only that, The Steel and Iron once lost contact with the “fighting” author, The Steel and Iron’s independent system. It will automatically search for the previous location and re-acquire the contact with the author. If The Steel and Iron is under siege by the enemy and is in a state of loss, the Steel and Iron will enter the determine mechanism. Once the determine method breaks out, The Steel and Iron will enter. Self-destruction procedures.

High Degree The Steel and Iron. Because of the small size of the body, you can also do Ultra Low-altitude Flight. In the Ultra Low-altitude Flight state, the rear ducted propeller design effectively protects the tail rotor from collisions with other objects. Moreover, The Steel and Iron’s distance sensor automatically determines the obstacles around the body and assists in correcting the data.

Ultra Low-altitude Flight status can avoid enemy radar detection and post-reconnaissance activities. Belongs to one move, two gains.

The Izual-controlled Number One and No. 2 machines use Ultra Low-altitude Flight technology and avoid the radar detection of the Nanyue Nation border military use Airport.

If you replace The Steel and Iron with the Full-sized Armed Helicopter, it is now absolutely discovered by the Air Defense radar of the border military use airport, without any surprises. Will definitely be discovered!

“Jake, you stay in place, scan with an infrared detector, don’t use radar.” Shi Lei told Izual to detect, he controlled the Number One machine, bypassed the border military use airport, and came to the border military use airport. At one end, it forms a remote response position with the No. 2 machine, and together with the infrared detector, detects the internal situation of the border military use Airport.

After dozens of seconds, the feedback of the infrared detector appeared on the screen, and in the military use Airport, the human-shaped infrared heat radiation was completely dispersed, apparently to prevent it. The Mangshan border station was attacked as well.

“Voice Command: First Grade authority authorizes temporary injection into the Vision Focus Locking System, launches the Vision Focus Locking System, and marks the target position.” Shi Lei uses the Voice Command command.

The Steel and Iron’s “Operation” Control System does not have the Vision Focus Locking System, which is the branch of Brave’s World’s Somatosensory System, which is used in The Steel and Iron’s “Operation” System. .

Shi Lei uses the Vision Focus Locking System to mark three target points on the infrared heat image, including two areas with a slightly denser body and a location like a hangar.

“Jake, you are responsible for the Number One No. 2 target position, I am responsible for the No. 3 target position, using the Swift Arrow type Air-To-Surface guide!” Shi Lei told Izual by voice.

“yes, sr. Number One target is successfully locked, No. 2 target is locked. Please wait for the attack command at any time,” Izual responded. [

Shi Lei personally locked the No. 3 target position, the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guide is ready, Shi Lei’s right hand thumb, pressed on the red color button on the top of the u-type “operation” column, once pressed The Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guide will be launched.

“Shooting!” Shi Lei snorted, the thumb of the right hand, pressed the red “color” button.

Hovering over the steel and Iron in the twenty meters, on the guide hanger next to the landing bracket, XFXX Xia Nation Yuan’s Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guide, tearing a wound in the night, with a whistle The sound “shot” to the No. 300,000 target of the border military use Airport.

Opposite the Number One machine, the Izual-controlled No. 2 machine fired two Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guides at the same time.

The Number One machine and the No. 2 machine are about two kilometers from the Nanyue Nation border military use airport. The Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guide has a flying speed of 240 meters, less than two kilometers, in less than eight seconds.

Nanyue Nation’s border military use Airport, Air Defense radar finally detected the Swift Arrow Series guide, but the Air Defense alert of the entire Nanyue Nation border military use Airport just rang, three Swift Arrow Series Air-To-Surface guides, already Close at hand.

“hōng hōng hōng ~~~”

Three loud noises. At the Nanyue Nation border, the military use airport rang, and the fire had already skyrocketed before the loud noise!

The Nanyue Nation border military use airport was suddenly attacked, but all the border units of Nanyue Nation have received warnings that they may be attacked. After they were attacked, they did not fall into the panic, but quickly organized the counterattack.

In the infrared detector display interface of the Number One machine and No. 2 machine, the interior of the Nanyue Nation border military use Airport, the humanoid infrared heat radiation image, currently fast assembly. Obviously. The soldiers of the border military use airport attempted to resist.

In addition to a hangar that was blown up by the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface, the edge of the military use Airport, there is still an Armed Helicopter hidden, and the driver is on standby at Armed Helicopter anytime, anywhere. The infrared image of that driver. It is considered by Shi Lei to be a standing person, but the result is obviously not.

After more than 30 seconds of attack on the border military use airport, Armed Helicopter, which was hidden on the edge of the airport, was successfully launched and locked in the Shi Lei’s Number One machine.

The Number One machine’s electronic detection system issued a red “color” warning.

‘Warning, the body is electronically locked! Warning, the body is electronically locked! ‘

Shi Lei sneered. The hands and the u-type “fighting” column, The Steel and Iron’s speed is suddenly promoted, in a short period of time, the speed reached the maximum speed, and the flight High Degree is only about three meters.

Flying at a low altitude and immediately making the electronic lock of the other party invalid. Moreover, Shi Lei in the state of ultra low altitude, reverse locked the Nanyue Nation Armed Helicopter in the sky.

When the System prompts to lock the accomplish, Shi Lei pulls up the u-type “manipulation” column, The Steel and Iron’s fast promoted High Degree. A climb rate of six meters per second was achieved. Two seconds later, The Steel and Iron Number One’s Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air led the launch, and three seconds later, Nanyue Nation’s Armed Helicopter turned into a beautiful Fireball, disintegrating in the air.

The Steel and Iron vsNanyue Nation Armed Helicopter. Winning!

This is not the first time that The Steel and Iron proves itself. It is a small “fun” inside your body, hiding the fighting power!

Solved the Armed Helicopter in the air, Shi Lei said quickly that the speed of speech: “Jake, blood wash all the possession of the heat Induction! The film does not stay!”

The Armed Might on the ground has little threat to The Steel and Iron. In particular, in the dark sky, The Steel and Iron did not turn on any lights at all. Under the searchlights of Moonlight and the border military use airport, Shooting the brilliance of the silver “color”.

“pēng~ pēng~ pēng~ pēng~ ”

As the sound of the glass shattered, the searchlights of the border military use Airport were all killed by the Number One and No. 2 machines. Lost the searchlight target, two of The Steel and Iron, in the dark night sky, are less likely to be discovered.

The Steel and Iron has infrared detectors and night vision devices, but the Nanyue Nation soldiers on the ground do not have these devices. Under the ultra-precision strikes of the two The Steel and Iron, they failed in a short period of time.

In less than ten minutes, two of The Steel and Iron blood washed the outer space of the military use Airport. No one was spared from the soldiers who were exposed outside the building.

In addition to a handful of soldiers hiding inside the military use airport base, they escaped the two Mini Sub-machine Gun blood washes of The Steel and Iron, and the entire border military use airport died.

The two The Steel and Iron revolve around the basement of the military use Airport in a counterclockwise rotation. According to the feedback from the infrared detector, there is still an image of human-shaped heat radiation inside the base building, which means there are survivors.

Member of Punishment Merc Warsquad, standing in the gapbetween the projection cloth behind Shi Lei, watching Shi Lei’s battle. They were deeply shocked. They never thought about attacking a tight border air force base. It was so simple!

“Sr, System statistics acccomplish, survivors total 16 people, distributed in four areas, System Temporary Law provides solutions.” Izual prompts.

Shi Lei’s mouth sneered, and the Steel and Iron’s mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun was the first to break through concrete buildings. But the soldiers of Nanyue Nation really thought they were hiding inside the military use airport base building. Are they safe?

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: [Thank you for appreciation] Specialize in bird worms, reward 100

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