
Chapter 836

hk824 no one survives , Fighter!

Nanyue Nation, border use airport, confidential location.

Two of The Steel and Iron launched three Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guides and a Swift Arrow b-Air-To-Air guide, which completely suppressed the Nanyue Nation border military use airport.

According to the feedback from two of The Steel and Iron’s infrared detectors, there are sixteen survivors inside the base building of the military use airport. The sixteen survivors are located in four areas.

The two The Steel and Iron each carry four Swift Arrow Series guides, with the exception of the already launched, three Air-To-Surface models and one Air-To-Air b model. But the survivors are distributed in four areas, Izual automatically counts for it about the strength of the concrete and the survivor’s position, and the method uses the guide to solve all survivors.

Shi Lei observes the Steel and Iron 360° Camera System, and returns the night vision image. In the light green interface, the four groups of red and yellow thermal radiation images are very eye-catching.

‘Hey, all are smart, even hiding in the middle, avoiding the possible areas that are led by Swift Arrow. ‘Shi Lei in the heart cold hum, but have to rethink how to kill these Nanyue Nation soldiers.

If you use Swift Arrow to lead a strong attack, I am afraid the effect will not be too good. The base building of the military use Airport has adopted a solid concrete structure. The Swift Arrow Series is guided by the Small-scale guide. The power of the explosion will completely blow up the base building.

“Voice Command: Start Sonar Detection System!” Shi Lei Through Voice Command, Sonar Detection System is not a standard feature of The Steel and Iron, but the Steel and Iron produced by Yellow Triangle Region, with added features.

Launched by Sonar Detection System, the sound waves of the shape, launched from the Sonar Detection component inside The Steel and Iron, quickly penetrated the base building inside the border military use Airport. The Sonar Detection Receiving System builds a schematic diagram of the frame structure of the base building based on the sound recovery. [

The schematic diagram of the frame structure constructed by Sonar Detection System, combined with the infrared thermal imaging schematic feedback from the infrared detector, accurately marks the location of the sixteen survivors. And the sonar system also found the weakness of the concrete structure base building, a cracked wall.

Shi Lei controlled the Number One machine, and the last two Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guides, he chose the defective wall that he just discovered. The Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guided attack target was manually locked by Shi Lei at the defective wall.

“sōu ~ ”

After locking the defective wall, Shi Lei launched the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guide without hesitation. Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guide, centered defective wall. The wall, which already had a crack, was directly guided by the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface, and a hole was blown out.

Shi Lei controls the hole in the Number One machine slowly approaching the concrete base building. The Main Targetting System detects the size of the hole, and fhSystem automatically compares the hole to allow The Steel and Iron to pass.

Izual controls the No. 2 machine. Flying over, Levitate is on the right side of the Number One machine. The search for the searchlight assisted Number One machine is turned on.

About two minutes later. fhSystem fed back the specific information, the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface blasted holes, The Steel and Iron passed. Shi Lei controls the Number One machine, Izual controls the No. 2 machine, and retreats more than three hundred meters.

The Number One also has a Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guide, and Shi Lei adjusts the aiming position. The last Swift Arrow type Air-To-Surface guide was launched. The violent explosion-driven shock wave caused The Steel and Iron to sway slightly in the air.

Shi Lei and Izual once again controlled the two caves of The Steel and Iron near the base building, and were bombarded by two Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface, on concrete walls. The blasted hole is just enough for The Steel and Iron to pass, but the Autopilot System must be used and the speed is not fast.

After getting the results, Shi Lei immediately turned The Steel and Iron into autonomous driving, Izual and fhSystem, driving the Steel and Iron together into the hole.

Shi Lei looks at the night vision image on the screen hēi hēi sneer, “You like to hide in the Old Nest, then break your Old Nest!”

The Number One machine is very slow through the hole. If this time, the soldiers of the military use Airport suddenly burst into chaos and destroy the balance of the steel and iron, then the main propeller of The Steel and Iron is very likely to hit. On the broken concrete wall of the steel bars, it caused a crash.

Fortunately, the soldiers of the military use Airport have completely abandoned the resistance, they just want to hide.

After more than a minute, the Number One machine successfully entered the interior of the border military use airport building. Shi Lei switched the operating body through the Voice Command. He chose to control the No. 2 body, and Izual controlled the Number One body.

The interior of the military use airport has a small space and only three meters in height. Although The Steel and Iron’s High Degree is only half a meter, it can hit other objects with a little carelessness, or hit the ceiling. [

In this intricate environment, Izual driving is more reliable, the 360° dead end Camera System can lock multiple targets, and Izual controls The Steel and Iron to flee to sixteen survivors in four locations.

Shi Lei controls the No. 2 machine, hovering over the border military use Airport, and staying at the High Degree of 100 meters. The No. 2 machine has a Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guide and a Swift Arrow b-type Air-To-Air guide. The Swift Arrow guide for the Number One machine is used. So, the work inside the military use airport base was handed over to the Number One machine instead of the No. 2 machine. This was to prevent the No. 2 machine from entering the Swift Arrow Series and accidentally triggering Swift. Arrow guides the explosion.

The only result of Swift Arrow is the The Steel and Iron tragedy!

Shi Lei hovered the No. 2 machine a hundred meters above the border military use airport and immediately switched the image display of the panoramic display system to the original, and transferred the 360° dead angle camera system of the Number One machine.

On the screen of the projection cloth, The Steel and Iron Number One machine is flexible in the base building of only three meters high. Any obstacles that block the front of the Number One are destroyed by the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun.

Through the detection of Sonar Detection System, there is no concrete structure wall inside the base building. Most of the obstacles are glass curtain walls, which facilitates the passage of The Steel and Iron.

Izual controls the Number One machine and first flies to the survivor’s hiding point at First. In this hiding place, there are a total of three survivors. The situation with weapon is unclear, but through the infrared thermal radiation image feedback of the infrared detector, one of the survivors should be injured. Because of the infrared thermal radiation image of this survivor, the body temperature is significantly lower than the other two survivors.

The body temperature of the infrared thermal radiation image is low, indicating that the other party should be in a state of bleeding, and the body temperature is low as the blood is lost.

The sound of the Steel and Iron propeller echoes inside the base building. Although the entire base building has the 5-Layer High Degree, the sound produced by The Steel and Iron propellers makes it almost audible. In fact, in such a narrow environment, Shadow Dragon is more suitable.

The Shadow Dragon has a smaller body and lower noise during flight, making it even more suitable for assassination. Unfortunately, Shadow Dragon’s voyage issue made Shadow Dragon obsolete. However, once N235 Metal develops compcomplish, Shadow Dragon’s only shortcomings will be covered by N235 Metal. Both Dawn and The Steel and Iron can be used by N235 Metal to make up for shortcomings.

“dá dá dá ~ ”

The mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun’s gunshots echoed inside the military use Airport’s interior, and Shi Lei’s face showed a faint smile. Izual controlled the Number One machine and easily killed three survivors. For other survivors, the mp7 gunshots seemed to be a death knell for Death God, and every second heralded Death God approaching them.

As the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Izual’s technology to control The Steel and Iron Number One is almost picky. A few minutes later, inside the border military use airport building, 16 survivors were all killed by Izual.

Defense The strict Nanyue Nation border military use airport, surpassed hundreds of soldiers, people survived!

“Jake, get back quickly!” Shi Lei converted the display back to the 2° Dead End Camera System of the No. 360 machine, first reducing the Flying High Degree of The Steel and Iron. Before hovering at a height of one hundred meters, mainly through the on-board radar system, scanning the surrounding sky to prevent the rescue force of Nanyue Nation from arriving.

Two of The Steel and Iron attacked the military use airport, which took twenty minutes. Shi Lei estimated the rescue force of Nanyue Nation and was about to arrive.

When the Number One machine just flew out of the border inside use airport, the On-board radar of The Steel and Iron No. 2 gave a reminder that high-speed movement was found at 12, 39 km west-northwest. Unidentified flying object.

The flying speed of unidentified flying objects exceeds one thousand kilometers per hour, and the flight High Degree also exceeds kilometers!

Móng Cái City, Cheng Dong Stronghold.

Sitting in the center-controlled swivel chair, Shi Lei has a slightly changed face, sucked in a cold breath, has such a fast flying speed, and still keeps objects flying at a height of more than one kilometer, there is only one possibility!

“Damn! Nanyue Nation these Madman, what do they want to do!” Shi Lei complained of some headaches.

In fact, what should really complain is Nanyue Nation!

Nanyue Nation Who is it? Suddenly, I was attacked and there was no omen. They have some awkward grievances, and the lesson must give at least one reason Right? Why did they learn the lesson?

Although Nanyue Nation relies on Xia Nation and Al Qaeda Organization open to the public admits, Nanyue Nation still wants to catch the sneak attacker. Only by truly catching the sneak attacker, Nanyue Nation can stand in the active position.

In order to find out the forces that attacked them, Nanyue Nation launched an emergency defense plan. When the border military use airport was attacked, a Su-27Fighter took off from the nearest air force base at the border use airport, and emergency use airport

(To be continued…)

Ps: Mu Shan: If I look at pirated copies, I will definitely not be so arrogant.