
Chapter 834

hk822 The Steel and Iron is ready!

Nanyue Nation’s Mangshan border station was attacked by mysterious forces, although the No. 3 character of Al Qaeda Organization uploaded a video on yutvbewebsite, indicating that Al Qaeda Organization was responsible for the attack on Nanyue Nation, but Some forces do not believe it.

Including some of the top leaders of Nanyue Nation, the forces within Nanyue Nation have divided factions about the speculations that attacked the Nanyue Nation. Two of the factions occupied the mainstream status, and one of the factions identified the forces that attacked Nanyue Nation, the Al Qaeda Organization. This faction, nervous analysis of the reasons, and made a stance to strengthen the defense, each border station, and the relevant border operations units, all implemented First Grade alert defense.

Another faction firmly believes that the attack on Nanyue Nation is the personnel dispatched by Xia Nation. Although there is some explanation for this point of view, it is precisely because of those places where the interpretation is not feasible, but this view is more reliable. According to the Specialist test that Nanyue Nation supports this view, Xia Nation deliberately created such a suspicious scene, allowing Xia Nation to be excluded from the suspected list.

It is doubtful that the Al Qaeda Organization, or Xia Nation, has a consistent view of the two factions, which is to strengthen the border defense and prevent possible attacks.

On the 16th of May, at 7 o’clock in the evening. Setting sun The last afterglow remains in the sky.

Rkheml/Dark Hell In Cheng Dong Stronghold, Shi Lei of Nanyue Nation Móng Cái City, Shi Lei arranged Chen Xingrui to arrange a platform similar to Brave’s World.

This platform will be used to control The Steel and Iron to display the 360° dead end Camera System. Although the Steel Control’s Remote Control is usually only required to display a single screen, in order to ensure the maximum possible reproduction of the real image, the Steel and Iron face any possible situation, Shi Lei chose to be cautious.

Inside the The Steel and Iron panoramic control console, there is a comfortable centrally-controlled swivel chair. The two hand rests of the centrally-controlled swivel chair together support a stainless steel panel with a u-shaped “fighting” Longitudinal rod. Once the “Steel” of The Steel and Iron is seated in the centrally-controlled swivel chair, you can directly operate The Steel and Iron and connect to The Steel and Iron through the Software System. The centrally-controlled swivel chair can also be maintained. The Steel and Iron Synchronized Vision.

Shi Lei sits in the center-controlled swivel chair, hands grasping the u-type “fighting” column, then adjusts the position of the lumbar support and headrest of the center-controlled swivel chair, and adjusts to the most comfortable state as much as possible. After The Steel and Iron, you can be fully engaged in combat. [

At 7:30 in the evening, Chen Xingrui walked behind Shi Lei and whispered: “Boss, it is estimated that within 10 minutes, Móng Cái City will arrive at the stronghold.”

Shi Lei dispatched Zheng Sanpao and Ma Liang to the Nanyun Province border to meet the Swift Arrow Series guide prepared by the Rongcheng Military District. Now, Swift Arrow leads Safety to Móng Cái City, which means that the attack on Second targets is about to begin!

“Well, I know!” Shi Lei turned the center-controlled swivel chair and faced Chen Xingrui. “Xingrui went to check the status of The Steel and Iron to ensure that every Steel and Iron is at its best, I Not Hope, etc. I drove them off after they found that they didn’t have keep it up, or other issues.”

Chen Xingrui nodded. “Good Boss, I will check it out.”

In the garage of Cheng Dong Stronghold, a total of ten The Steel and Iron were prepared. Although the twenty Swift Arrow Series guides only the Five The Steel and Iron, the spare five The Steel and Iron can prevent accidents. Directly replace The Steel and Iron.

At 7 o’clock Forty scored, Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao returned to Cheng Dong Stronghold under Ye Feng’s response, followed them back, and twenty wooden boxes, in the wooden box, naturally the twenty Swift Arrow Series guide.

Shi Lei stood in front of the wooden boxes and looked at the wooden box. It was sprayed into a pure black Swift Arrow Series guide, corner of the mouth twitched, as if talking to himself: “Damn, not spray Look good!”

Ye Feng smiled and said: “Boss, the black color is very good, and the hidden “sex” at night is very high.”

It is true that the Rongcheng Military District has also sprayed the Swift Arrow Series into a black color, which is guaranteed to be easily found in the night.

“Forget about it forget about it, although it’s a bit ugly, but the power is not reduced. A’Feng, hurry to install on The Steel and Iron, choose Number One to No. 5 body installation, we need immediate implement Second Phase plan!” Shi Lei said.

Second Phase plan, air attack border military use Airport!

Nanyue Nation’s border military use Airport, about a distance of 450 kilometers from Móng Cái City, counts some areas that must be detoured, with a range of almost 500 kilometers.

This voyage is within the combat radius of The Steel and Iron!

The Steel and Iron gtb type, which is the military use model, can have a larger promoted speed. The maximum flight speed can reach mh at m/h and the maximum combat time can reach 300nms, which is 5 hours.

A conservative estimate of The Steel and Iron’s combat radius is 550 kilometers, which covers the border of the military use Airport and can implement the Second Phase plan. [

Nanyue Nation time is eight o’clock.

Ye Feng trotting came to Shi Lei and said: “Boss, one to No. 5 body is ready, ready to go.”

Shi Lei nodded and said: “A’Feng, pay attention to the protection of our stronghold Safety, arrange the personnel of the Ruling Security Company, spread around the stronghold, and notify us immediately if there is any situation.”

“Yes!” Ye Feng quickly adjusted according to Shi Lei’s instructions.

Shi Lei sat in the center-controlled swivel chair, taking a long deep breath, holding the u-type “fighting” column with both hands, and his face showed an inexplicable smile, ‘Nanyue Nation, sorry, please don’t blame me! ,

“Jake, I control the Number One machine, you control the No. 2 machine, you only need to control the No. 2 machine, behind me, to prevent accidents. If the Number One machine fails, or the Number One machine is shot down Or, if the Swift Arrow of the Number One machine is exhausted, immediately exchange the Control Authority of the No. 2 machine with me. You control the Number One machine Freedom attack. Do you understand?” Shi Lei talks to Izual through the Bluetooth headset because Ye Feng and others were present, and Izual was called Jake.

However, Jake seems to be the captain, will he drive the airplane?

“Yess command received.” Izual’s cold sound, sounding in the Bluetooth headset.

“Depart!” Shi Lei hands up a u-type “fighting” column, The Steel and Iron Number One machine, lifted from the Cheng Dong Stronghold garage, flew directly from the garage main entrance, through the cover of the night, rise On the night sky.

Under the control of Izual’s, the No. 2 machine follows the track of the Number One machine and easily catches up.

Two of The Steel and Iron, in the night sky, rushed to a 50-meter High Degree. This High Degree is not too high or low, just to shield the noise of The Steel and Iron, let the ground personnel, will not clearly feel the sky of The Steel and Iron. At the same time, it will not cause the warning of the Nanyue Nation Air Defense radar because the High Degree is too high.

Shi Lei controls the u-type “fighting” column with both hands, and the word in the mouth is round: “Voice Command: fixed-point cruise.” After that, his right hand let go u-type “fighting” column, let the left hand with one hand “Operation”, the right hand in the digital area of ​​the keyboard, quickly input 12 digits, representing latitude and longitude.

The projector shows the latitude and longitude coordinates just entered, and Shi Lei starts the talking again: “command confirmed!”

With the order confirmed, The Steel and Iron entered an auto-cruise state, and the two Steels and Iron under Izual’s control would take a little more than two hours to reach the target’s border air base.

Shi Lei let go the u-type “fighting” column, but did not idle, but rotated the central control swivel chair, and then opened the tray of the fixed u-type “fighting” column, “fighting” for work in front of the body Notebook Computer on the stage.

For two hours, Shi Lei used it to write the Core Source Code for the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. Izual can automatically fill in the basic code of numerous, but accomplish the core content.

Core Source Code and Program Core Framework, only Shi Lei independent accomplish!

ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, which can accomplish Core Source Code and Program Core Framework, is definitely not Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, but True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System makes it possible to create and develop and break the rules.

The Core Source Code of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine is almost accomplished by 10%. Because of the complex nature of the Graphical recognition program, even if Shi Lei formerly accomplishes the complete procedure of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, it is not possible to quickly ‘Copy, one.

In two hours, Shi Lei accomplished a Core Source Code of about 3%. In the Bluetooth headset, Izual issued a message: “sr, two minutes later, The Steel and Iron will arrive at the scheduled location. On-board electronic interference system, radar detection, System has automatically lowered the flight High Degree.”

Shi Lei saved the source code of the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, closed the program editor, pulled back the stainless steel tray, and held the u-type “manipulation” column to look at the 360° dead angle camera system.

The Steel and Iron’s High Degree, from 50 meters off the ground, to less than twenty meters, is still slowly decreasing.

Nanyue Nation’s border military use Airport has naturally set up the Air Defense radar. In addition, Yesterday occurred a bloody incident at the Mangshan border station, and the defense of the entire border military use Airport was promoted to the First Grade alert state.

The high-level command of Nanyue Nation got a good implementation, and the border units of Nanyue Nation all entered the First Grade alert state to prevent any possible attacks. The defense of the border military use airport is very high, and there is no safety flaw left.

Well, The Steel and Iron has a big advantage, it is not discovered by the Air Defense radar at the border military use base…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗