
Chapter 833

hk821 implicated just by being present very cool, fierce and tough This Uncle !

Nanyue Nation, Nation Television Station’s “Today’s News”, was broadcast for an hour before it barely reported the completion of the Mangshan border station.

The Specialists of Nanyue Nation analyzed the attitude of Xia Nation and the meaning hidden behind the attack on the Mangshan border station. Part of the Specialists of Nanyue Nation, guessing that this is Xia Nation’s shocking Nanyue Nation, let them be honest, don’t make trouble in the southern waters. Otherwise, Xia Nation will give them a great look.

Another part of Nanyue Nation’s Specialist is suspecting this attack, not at all by Xia Nation. If Xia Nation is behind the scenes, the Mangshan border station will never leave the body of any attacker. At least, not many of the bodies will be left so obvious, but only a ruin after a fire.

However, the guess of Nanyue Nation Specialist does not understand, what forces will attack the border station of Nanyue Nation? What is the purpose of their attack on the Nanyue Nation border station?

Is it really the Drug Lord of the Yellow Triangle Region? As the gossip rumors, a Drug Lord in the Yellow Triangle Region can’t understand the border defense of Nanyue Nation, so I have to teach Nanyue Nation a lesson?

For this answer, Nanyue Nation’s Specialist does not believe in it!

Why don’t you believe it?

Because no one is a fool! Even the Drug Lord, who can stand in the Yellow Triangle Region, can you have a fool? How can those Drug Lords sacrifice the power of subordinate, impacting a Nation’s border defense? That is impossible, on things that will not happen.

Unexpected, Nanyue Nation Specialist, simply blamed Xia Nation for trying to find Xia Nation to find the reason, and also want to find Xia Nation to compensate for the loss, anyway, relying on Xia Nation is also a good choice! [

At one o’clock in the afternoon, Shi Lei returned to Cheng Dong Stronghold. He went back to the bedroom alone, contacted Izual via Notebook Computer, and then, along with Izual, blacked out the OffiCIA l Website of the Nanyue Nation Television Station, at OffiCIA l Website. I have implanted a simple animation.

The whole animation expresses an opinion, which is the force that attacks the Nanyue Nation Mangshan border station, is the planning of the great Al Qaeda Organization, and is fully responsible.

Al Qaeda Organization is World First’s International Terrorist Crime Syndicate, their most famous masterpiece on 2001 9 11 Day, by hijacking the airplane and killing Li Jian Nation’s Twin Buildings. It caused more damage than Hundred-billion US Dollar.

Such a masterpiece, even if Shi Lei planned the Yasukuni Shrine big bang, it is also comparable to them!

Although Yasukuni Shrine was blown up under Shi Lei’s plan, the loss of the aspect can be caused by more spiritual beliefs than the loss of economic aspects. Even the big earthquake of Tokyo Prefecture, there is no 2001 9 month 11 day that disaster has great influence.

Shi Lei founded rkheml/Dark Hell, want to truly become World First’s criminal group, the biggest competitor is Al Qaeda Organization.

For competitors, Shi Lei never feels soft. However, perhaps Shi Lei also admired the Al Qaeda Organization, and was stunned by unlebmrlqen’s beautiful hustle and bustle. Shi Lei chose to help the competitors and let the Al Qaeda Organization take full responsibility. Let them be famous again in the whole world.

Since the Al Qaeda Organization annoyed Li Jian Nation in 2001 years, their power has shrunk, and Crazy has not done anything in recent years.

Now Shi Lei sent them a Great Gift package, maybe they will not be pissed. Instead, they will be happy to accept it! Anyway, they have not received the Shi Lei’s gift!

Nanyue Nation’s Nation Television Station OffiCIA l Website, news of Hacker’s invasion, quickly spread through Internet World in Nanyue Nation and was introduced to Xia Nation.

Two Nation’s net world, when discussing the Al Qaeda Organization’s arrogant forformable, Xia Nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, first stood up to sympathize with Nanyue Nation and expressed condemnation of the Al Qaeda Organization.

Li Jian Nation was the most active because of the Al Qaeda Organization. They immediately announced that they would help their younger brother. At the latest, within a month, they will send troops to the border of Nanyue Nation.

Although they are helping the younger brother’s name, their behavior is to occupy the domain of Nanyue Nation.

For Li Jian Nation’s ‘private help, whether it is Nanyue Nation or Xia Nation, both expressed rejection and condemnation. Nanyue Nation is afraid that Li Jian Nation will become more and more powerful in China, and Xia Nation is afraid that Li Jian Nation will be around the Xia Nation.

Li Jian Nation wants to send out the plan of Nanyue Nation and failed to implement it. They can only announce that they will take a new round of Anti-terrorism activities and must seize unlebwn! [

Although Nanyue Nation did not believe that it was the Al Qaeda Organization, they attacked their border station, but they could not find relevant evidence at the same time to prove that other personnel did.

Lonely Massacre’s body left at the border station, as well as 120 multiple ATVs, did point to some clues, whether it was Lao Chao Stronghold or the ATV purchase channel, all of which was sealed by Shi Lei in the investigate direction.

How could Nanyue Nation find Shi Lei?

In the net world, the Nanyue Nation border station station has been raging. Many people didn’t believe it was the Black Hand under the Al Qaeda Organization, but the famous foreign video website yutvbe suddenly popped up a video. v

In the view of the No. 3 character of the Al Qaeda Organization, personally acknowledged the attack of Nanyue Nation! The event, Al Qaeda Organization is solely responsible, and warned that Nanyue Nation, Al Qaeda Organization will not let them go, let them ready to continue Sustain the psychology of the blow.

Shi Lei looked at the video of yutvbe, and his face showed a strange expression. “Damn, Al Qaeda Organization Do you want to be so powerful? This Uncle is so intimate? This Uncle, This Uncle, you are so understanding, Li Jian Nation know? Nanyue Nation know?”

On this trip to Nanyue Nation, there are a total of Destroy three targets. Destroy First is now, and there are two targets to Destroy. Shi Lei was still thinking about it. After the two targets should be looking for someone to be black, he didn’t think of Al Qaeda Organization, and he couldn’t wait to get a black pot in advance.

Al Qaeda Organization is really a kind of understanding, This Uncle is really a good uncle!

Shi Lei even wants to call This Uncle in person, ask If Uncle does not need weapon, need no funds, no intelligence required. If this Uncle is needed, Shi Lei will definitely provide some help for This Uncle.

‘A chance to help this Uncle in the future! Shi Lei made a decision silently.

With the No. 3 character of the Al Qaeda Organization, a pause symbol was painted for the attack on the Nanyue Nation border station after personally recognizing the world-renowned video website. The reason is not the end. That is because the Al Qaeda Organization shows that they will also start with Nanyue Nation.

Nanyue Nation’s top executives urgently ordered the domestic Specialist to carefully study and think about where they were offended by Unyue Nation, and why This Uncle was looking for trouble.

As the most powerful terrifying uncle in the world, This Uncle has a great influence. Even in the face of the powerful Li Jian Nation, This Uncle also gives the proud World Police Force a painful blow, let alone a small Nation like Nanyue Nation?

The high level of Nanyue Nation, the extent of fear of This Uncle, exceeds the fear of Xia Nation!

In contrast to Power Gradation, Xia Nation goes far beyond This Uncle, but Xia Nation is constrained too much too much, with a peaceful hat, and does not dare to act excessively on Nanyue Nation.

This Uncle is different. This Uncle can play Nanyue Nation anytime and anywhere, and Unyue Nation is attacked unbearably. This is why Nanyue Nation is afraid of This Uncle.

May 16th, three o’clock in the afternoon.

Ren Gudu, the leader of Lonely Massacre, came to Cheng Dong Stronghold with more than a dozen subordinates. Shi Lei personally met Ren Gudu. He gave the pension to Ren Gudu. It seems to trust Ren Gudu completely. He is also testing Ren. Gudu.

If Ren Gudu runs with these pensions, he will fail Shi Lei’s trust. Disappointing the personnel that Shi Lei trusts, there is never a hospice.

“Gudu, the rest of the money, you first arrange the Peripheral Member, open the store of the Food Industry in Móng Cái City, the information of my Hope Móng Cái City is in our hands. Do you understand?” Shi Lei looked at Ren Gudu.

Ren Gudu nodded. “Boss, I will arrange it. I won’t live up to Boss’ trust and embarrassment.”

Shi Lei likes the subordinates like Ren Gudu and confesses them to their Tasks. They always get a good accomplish. “Go on!”

After Ren Gudu left with a pension and got a pension, Ren Gudu and Lonely Massacre’s members thoroughly followed Shi Lei with one heart and one mind. They see the direction clearly and know that following Shi Lei is the right choice for them.

At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, Shi Lei brought the Izual’s prompt with the Bluetooth headset.

“s received an encrypted phone, is it connected?” Shi Lei’s cell phone is abroad, and does not handle International roaming, it will be a “dew” position information. Any number that calls Shi Lei will be transferred to Izual.

Shi Lei responded: “Come on!”

At this time, the person who called Shi Lei, and the encrypted phone, should be the guy in the Rongcheng Military District.

After turning on the phone, Shi Lei’s guess was correct. Li Yuan’s voice came over. “Stone, where are you? Your Swift Arrow guide is ready, where are we going to send you?”

Shi Lei ignored the first issue and directly answered the Second issue: “Is the Swift Arrow ready? Little Yuan Zi, you are responsible for sending them to the border of Nanyun Province. I will send it to you at the time. Naturally someone will come into contact with you.”

“Nanyun Province border? hēng hēng, you brat really in Nanyue Nation. Yesterday thing is your brat done Right?” Li Yuan semi-true half Fake probed.

“Little Yuan Zi, are you kidding? Do you suspect that I am hooked up with This Uncle? Our relationship is good, but I still want to sue you! I warn you, don’t take me with This Uncle contact. Together, that is a one-on-one frame!” Shi Lei said excitedly.

Li Yuan hā hā bad said with a smile : “Stone brat, you are afraid to tie up with the guy Ah?”

“Get out of the way, Little Yuan Zi, quickly guide me through the Swift Arrow. I will tell you about Nanyue Nation!” Shi Lei thought about telling the Rongcheng Military District about the situation of Nanyue Nation.

Because, Rongcheng Military District, can also help him block the gun!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗