
Chapter 832

hk820 dark hell, Lonely Massacre !

The Transnational Criminal Organization controlled by Shi Lei does not actually have an exact name.

In Hacker World, Shi Lei established bhkwth, which is the ‘black color’ watch. Currently only Shi Lei, Tao Wenxian, and a fictitious Lucifer.

Lucifer’s real identity, precisely as stated Izual controls the Defense System, playing the role of “color”, working on the defensive Task, protecting the safety of the entire Mirror Science and Technology system.

As for Shi Lei’s multinational drug trafficking crime group established in the Yellow Triangle Region, there is no name at all. The business of the Yellow Triangle Region, managed by Punishment Merc Warsquad, and managed by the Ruling Security Company

Shi Lei originally intended to name the power of the Yellow Triangle Region as ‘punishment,’ not only for the Punishment Merc Warsquad, but also for the all hostile forces of the purchase. But Shi Lei eventually gave up ‘punishment’ as a name, citing the name ‘punishment’, which will further expand the reputation of Punishment Merc Warsquad.

Xia Nation executives know about the Punishment Merc Warsquad, Shi Lei is not the Hope Xia Nation executive, through the Punishment Merc Warsquad, and the influence of the Yellow Triangle Region belongs to him.

This time, Shi Lei decided to merge Ren Gudu’s personnel into his own arm and decided to name it ‘Lonely Massacre. Shi Lei also thought of a good name for the power of the Yellow Triangle Region – rkhmlDark Hell!

Angel Parliament The group of Birdie Man always likes to use Light’s holy words, and Shi Lei uses the words of Dark evil. Shi Lei is to express an attitude that Shi Lei and Angel Parliament are enemies.

On the morning of May 16, Cheng Dong Stronghold. [

Ren Gudu waited happily. He was delighted because the team he led was about to join the organization of Shi Lei. The worry was that this action, their personnel loss was more than half, and a total of two hundred Forty-six people before going out. · But only 120 people are left. And, there are still some people who are wounded.

If Shi Lei does not fulfill the promise and is not responsible for the burden of the family members of the war damage, then the independent and independent will carry tremendous pressure and nickname.

At 9 o’clock, Shi Lei came to the hall of Cheng Dong Stronghold. He glanced at Ren Gudu with a touch of serious smile on his face. “Gudu, yesterday, you are doing very well!”

Ren Gudu bowed his head slightly, “Thank you Boss for complimenting!”

“Gudu, from now on, I declare that you will belong to our Organization, under the organization of Nanyue Nation. The organization of Nanyue Nation is organized. I am named ‘Lonely Massacre. You are all descendants of Xia Nation, but Gudu lives in This strange country. I Hope, you represent Xia Nation, in this strange country, bear Gudu, Slaughter!” Shi Lei announced, accepting Ren Gudu to join his majesty.

Ren Gudu bent down deeply and said loudly: “I have seen Boss!”

The rest of the younger brothers, along with Ren Gudu, bowed deeply and respectfully: “I have seen Boss!”

Shi Lei raised his hand, “Brothers are welcome! Yes, Gudu · Yesterday’s action, how is our loss?”

Ren Gudu had a deep sadness on his face and took out a handwritten list of handwritten scribbles. The list of “Boss, black” handwritings is the brothers who died in yesterday. The name of the blue “color” handwriting is the brothers who lost their fighting power. Most of them are disabled, I am afraid that the future life…” Ren Gudu did not finish, but the opinion is very obvious.

Shi Lei’s face was quietly declared: “Where the killed brothers, a “sexual” compensation family 500,000 Xia Nation Yuan, the brothers who lost their fighting power, a “sexual” compensation 300,000 Xia Nation Yuan, and all their immediate family members · Each person compensates two thousand Xia Nation Yuan per month, and compensates for the children’s learning expenses. Regarding the brothers who lost their fighting power and the families of the killed brothers, Organization will open a chain restaurant business and entertainment industry in the territory of Nanyue Nation. You can choose to work within Organization. If you don’t want to have more relationships with Organization, Organization’s compensation will not be less.”

Ren Gudu listened to Shi Lei’s compensation decision, the big Stone hanging in the heart, finally fell. On Ren Gudu, or the rest of Lonely Massacre’s personnel, all sincerely started talking: “Thank you Boss!”

Xia Nation is a compatriot who lives in Nanyue Nation and lives in Nanyue Nation. Most people do work with a certain danger. Once the pillars of the family collapse, the life of the entire family will be in crisis.

For the Xia Nation compatriots living in Nanyue Nation, the greatest desire, precisely as stated, provides a guarantee for the family.

Now, Shi Lei provides them with this guarantee, and they will also really choose to play for Shi Lei!

“Everyone is their own brothers!” Shi Lei patted Ren Gudu’s shoulder and continued to announce: “Gudu, starting today, Nanyue Nation’s heroin business, Lonely Massacre can get a twenty percent profit share. In addition to heroin business In addition, the rest of the aspect of the business, Organization will not be inserted into the hand. However, once Organization needs you, then you must accomplish Task! Understand?”[

Ren Gudu nodded. “Boss, we understand!”

“Go on! Recently, you should be careful about the investigate of Nanyue Nation. If there is any issue, contact Organization anytime, anywhere. Your direct supervisor is Chen Xingrui, you can’t do anything, report Chen Xingrui, and then I will know. Shi Lei waved his hand and said that he could leave with the member of Lonely Massacre.

Ren Gudu looked at Shi Lei and said that he opened his mouth but did not speak.

Shi Lei suddenly patted the brain and said: “Gudu, the issue about the pension, at 3 o’clock this afternoon, you bring someone to pick it up, I will give you the pension, and then you hand it over to the families of the brothers.”

“Okay! I understand!” Ren Gudu took the member of Lonely Massacre and walked out.

Lonely Massacre’s member, has not completely left, Shi Lei once again told: “A’Feng, according to what I just said, take the list, go back to withdraw money, take a little more back, and participate in other members of the Yesterday action. Everyone also wants to reward Hundred-thousand.

I heard Shi Lei’s command, Lonely Massacre’s member, “Liang” had a smile.

Ye Feng nodded, “Boss wise!”

“Go and go, take a break, hurry to do things!” Shi Lei glanced at Ye Feng and signaled Ye Feng to get things done.

May 16th, at noon.

Accompanied by Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao, Shi Lei looked for a Xia Nation restaurant in Móng Cái City. In the Xia Nation restaurant, the midday news of Nanyue Nation is just playing.

Host of the afternoon news, according to Shi Lei’s appreciation preferences, can be considered an ugly comment

“People Friends, Hello everyone. Here is the Nanyue Nation Television Station “Today’s News”. Today’s afternoon news, we bring a sad news to everyone, our Nation stationed at the Mangshan border station, was attacked by an unknown person “”

“This attack caused more than 300 soldiers to be killed in the station at the border of Mangshan. Not only that, but the poultry and livestock that were kept at the entire border station did not escape the murdered murderer. This is a practice. “”

“The scene of the Mt. Shan border station was left with more than 100 bodies attacking the personnel. According to the analysis of the Specialist, the identity attacked the personnel unidentified, and at about 10:30 in the evening of yesterday, the attack suddenly occurred. Those who attacked the personnel, First, the rocket attack was used, and then the station was swept in the station. Our soldiers, even if they were sneaked in the middle of the night, still stubbornly resisted the invasion of the personnel, they heroically killed more than 100 invading personnel.”

“Because of the unidentified identity attack on the personnel, more than 100 people were killed by our heroic soldiers. Our Specialist checked the bodies of those people. Although the Proof of Identity was not found, the Specialists initially concluded that the attacking personnel were all our neighbors. Even if they use weapon, they are not their official system weapon, but they are indeed our neighbors.”

“We strongly condemn our neighbors and make such unethical behavior. This is a naked provocation and provokes the act of war. Our Hope our neighbors stand up and take the initiative to apologize and compensate us for the loss. Otherwise, this matter We, Nanyue Nation, will fight to the end and will pay back to our neighbors at a cost!”

“Today’s News” at the status of Nanyue Nation, EQ uivalent to “CCTV News” at Xia Nation’s status, are Nation’s Official news.

Shi Lei looked at the report from Nanyue Nation’s Television Station, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

After the vague condemnation of the “Today’s News” host, the news data was continued, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nanyue Nation officially protested to Xia Nation. They were tough to show that they were attacking the armed station on the border of Mangshan. Personnel is the personnel of Xia Nation. Their Hope Xia Nation gave Nanyue Nation a clear explanation, otherwise Nanyue Nation will protest to the UN.

Xia Nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a quick response, showed that Xia Nation didn’t know about it at all, and Xia Nation Hope Nanyue Nation investigate made it clear that after finding clear evidence, look for Xia Nation theory.

Xia Nation Domestic, the top management does not know what happened. Although Rongcheng Military District knew that this news was blocked in a small scope, especially if it was not known to Su Ding, it was not transmitted.

Ling Yuguo of Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters also knows what is going on. Ling Yuguo is very surprised that Shi Lei’s action is so fast, and he is also surprised that Shi Lei’s power is so big, did not dispatch The Steel and Iron, did not use Swift Arrow guide, chose In a hard-to-hard way, one-handedly left the border station of Nanyue Nation.

‘Shi Lei this brat, how powerful is the Nanyue Nation? Ling Yuguo secretly guessed.

At present, the power of Shi Lei at Nanyue Nation is not too strong. However, Shi Lei established the organization Lonely Massacre of Dark Hell in Móng Cái City, and also plans to open a meal business and entertainment industry throughout the Nanyue Nation. Once this plan is completed, Shi Lei will be in the forces of Nanyue Nation. Substantially promoted.

At least in the intelligence aspect, Shi Lei will master the information of the entire Nanyue Nation!

Shi Lei looked at the “News Today”, the reactionary attitude of Nanyue Nation and Xia Nation, and a faint smile on his lips. In order not to impede Xia Nation, Shi Lei is ready to blame other forces…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗