
Chapter 831

hk819 soldier rocket vsArmed Helicopter

Nanyue Nation, near 11 o’clock in the middle of the night.

Mount Mang’s border station, due west, about 1.4 km away, Ren Gudu took the remaining team and hid in a mountain. With the sparse woods in the mountains, Hope blocked the sight of Armed Helicopter in the sky.

“Little Huang, how many rockets do we have left?” Ren Gudu whispered.

“There are eight rockets! Big Bro, are we killing these two airplanes?” Huang Minxuan’s eyes “showing” a cruel color, their distance from the Helicopter is only 14 kilometers, as long as the Helicopter flies over to search for them. Huang Minxuan is sure to use the rocket launcher to knock down the Helicopter after the Helicopter enters the effective attack range of three hundred meters.

Four individual rocket launchers, a total of sixteen rockets. This means that each individual rocket launcher has only four rocket quotas. In the previous raid on the Mangshan border station, four individual rocket launchers made two shots, consuming eight rockets, and eight other rockets in other words.

“Little Huang, how much do you have to shoot down two Armed Helicopters?” Ren Gudu asked cautiously.

Their team, so far, has not been exposed. If you can successfully avoid the search of Armed Helicopter, Ren Gudu does not want to take risks. With ground power, especially the lack of ground power for the air, against Armed Helicopter, it is simply looking for the dead end.

“Big Bro, I have at least 80%!” Huang Minxuan replied confidently that the 80% from the mouth of Huang Minxuan is actually 100%. [

Ren Gudu bit his teeth: “Little Huang, we can’t move!”

Huang Minxuan heard a disappointment, and he thought that Ren Gudu would agree with the proposal of attack Armed Helicopter. After all, Armed Helicopter is a big threat. If you don’t kill Armed Helicopter, if Armed Helicopter finds them, it will cause a very serious damage.

“However, Little Huang. If it’s Armed Helicopter, enter the rocket’s attack range, give me a slap, and learn it!” Ren Gudu certainly understands Armed Helicopter’s danger, but Ren Gudu has no impulse to act.

“Okay, Big Bro rest assured. I will definitely entertain them!” Huang Minxuan hēi hēi smiled. It is late at night, and the surrounding area is dark. Even the searchlights of Armed Helicopter have a lot of power, and the law is completely broken.

Hovering in the sky, Armed Helicopter, numbered rx004. After receiving the command to command the Center, he did not immediately search for the enemy’s actions. Instead, he hovered over the Mangshan border station and slowly rotated the fuselage.

Inside the rx004Armed Helicopter, it is also equipped with an infrared detector because it is surrounded by a dark, rx004Armed Helicopter. The Infrared Detector was used in an attempt to perceive the surrounding heat radiation.

This strategy is very good!

The military use Armed Helicopter’s infrared detector is easy to scan, and the temperature and infrared radiation of Ren Gudu et al. “hū is called rx005, finds the enemy, finds the enemy, rx005 takes off, and implements enemies the enemy Task.” The driver of the rxNo. 004 Armed Helicopter, commanded the driver of the rx005.

“rx005 received, current accumulating work.” rx005Helicopter driver. Did not come down from Armed Helicopter, but after receiving the order, quickly launched the rx005 Armed Helicopter take off.

When rx005Armed Helicopter came to the side of rxNo. 004 Helicopter, the driver of the rx005 was down. With the on-board line communicator, contact rxNo. 004 Armed Helicopter.

“rx004, what happened?” The driver of the rx005 machine asked directly.

“Discovering the enemy’s traces, the initial estimate is more than one hundred. Let’s go to the encirclement and kill all the enemies.” The driver of rx005, with a lightly pleased, seems to praise himself as smart.

rx005 and rx004 two Nanyue Nation’s Armed Helicopter, move towards Ren Gudu and other hidden mountains flew past. Through night vision and listening to the sound, Ren Gudu has determined that the two Armed Helicopters have rushed directly to them, apparently their position is violent!

“Let’s find a shelter to hide! Little Huang, kill the Helicopter on the left! Daniel, Mouse, you and me to deal with the Helicopter on the right!” Ren Gudu shouted loudly.

Anyway, the position information has been violently exposed, and now we must try to reduce casualties! [

As the two Nanyue Nation’s Armed Helicopter gets closer, Ren Gudu carries the palm of the soldier’s rocket launcher, all with a cold sweat. The only thing that is fortunate is that the two Armed Helicopter’s Weapons System, only the aviation machine gun and the rocket launches the nest. Both sides of the weapon “shoot” process, basically at the same level.

If the two Armed Helicopters are equipped with the Small-scale Air-To-Surface guide, it will be Ren Gudu’s nightmare!

Huang Minxuan put the soldier rocket launcher on his shoulder, and looked at the two Armed Helicopters in the sky calmly. He suddenly said loudly: “Mouse, don’t waste the rocket! You hurry to come next to me and put the soldier alone. The rocket launcher is ready at all times. Once I have shot the First, you will hand it to me immediately!”

Mouse looked towards Ren Gudu and asked: “Big Bro, do you do according to Xuan Zi?”

“En!” Ren Gudu knows that Huang Minxuan’s head is very good. He arranged for two people to play the airplane with himself. It’s just to harass another Armed Helicopter, which will delay Huang Minxuan more time.

Mouse took the soldier rocket launcher and came to Huang Minxuan. He had already installed the rocket, and only needed the final “shot” step to activate the rocket.

After a few seconds, Huang Minxuan started again with talking: “Big Bro, you will shoot “shot”, don’t consider the head, send “shoot”! Send “shoot”!”

Ren Gudu and Daniel, under the guise of Huang Minxuan, shot two rockets. The rocket dragged the flame tongue and cut through the dark night sky. Like two Lightnings, the two Armed Helicopters were shot in the air.

On the other hand, Ren Gudu, or the big cow, made a rocket that was shot out. The heads were poor. They didn’t hit two Armed Helicopters, but the two Armed Helicopters were shocked.

Originally they were ready to launch the attack, and the Rockets made the “shot” nest ready to start, but the two rockets let them evade and lost the lead.

Huang Minxuan flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, glaring at the Armed Helicopter on the left, making a evasive action and reducing the flexibility. He shot the rocket.

The rocket skyrocketed, Huang Minxuan had no time to observe the results, directly dropped the individual rocket launcher on his shoulder, took over the individual rocket launcher handed over by Mouse, and quickly aimed at the Second frame Armed Helicopter.

“sōu ~ ”

After Huang Minxuan aimed, he decided to launch the rocket. The Second rocket once again cut through the night sky and “shot” to another Armed Helicopter.

“hōng ~ ”

In the sky, suddenly a strong fire lighted up, illuminating the entire sky, followed by a loud noise, a huge explosion of sounds screaming fierce shock waves, let the sparse woods, rustling.

Less than five seconds later, the dark night sky, lit up again, like a splendid fireworks, accompanied by a fierce explosion. Second Armed Helicopter, the location of the explosion is closer to Ren Gudu and others, the shock wave makes everyone a little dirty, and the eyes are ringing.

Ren Gudu slammed his head, yelled: “brothers, help each other with the injured brother, and quickly leave this place, lest Nanyue Nation dispatch Armed Helicopter again.”

Huang Minxuan also had some dizzy negatives. He was supported by a robot man. He added: “Big Bro is right, brothers, let’s hurry.”

At this moment, the satellite phone carried by Ren Gudu sounded, and the phone ringing in the silent night, scared everyone.

Ren Gudu took out the satellite phone and pressed the answer button. Shi Lei’s voice came over: “Ren Gudu, how is your Task accomplish?”

Although Shi Lei performed satellite real-time monitoring through the GPS Global Positioning System, the image quality at night was too low, and Shi Lei was not too clear.

“Boss, the chickens and dogs at the border station are not staying. The two Armed Helicopters reinforced by Nanyue Nation have just been successfully killed by us.” Ren Gudu said with excitement. But in his tone, there is an excitement.

“well done! How is our loss?” Shi Lei asked, speaking, he used ‘we’ to accept Ren Gudu and others and join his majesty.

Ren Gudu is a little sad: “Boss, our losses are not low. We are still escaping, not detailed calculations. But at least lost hundreds of brothers!”

“Sorrow! Organization will not forget those brothers! I have tracked your current position, you continue to travel west for two 12 kilometers, I have arranged for the personnel,” Shi Lei said.

Ren Gudu sighed in relief, after more than four hours of attack, plus two battles, their physical strength is very high. If Shi Lei doesn’t care about them, let them flee themselves, maybe they will continue to reduce their staff.

“Thank you Boss!” Ren Gudu was grateful.

“We are our own people. I said, I am very good to myself!” Shi Lei said, “Okay, that’s it. After you get to the point, Chen Xingrui will bring you back.”

After that, Shi Lei hung up. In Cheng Dong Stronghold, Shi Lei close projector’s satellite real-time monitoring image, and then saved the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine source code in the notebook, he yawned: “A’Feng, guess how much they lost? ”

“It should be around half.” Ye Feng thought for a while and gave a more pertinent data.

“Èn!” Shi Lei waved his hand and motioned Ye Feng down. He walked into the bedroom of Safety, lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about how to name the Yellow Triangle Region, and Nanyue. The name of the Nation subordinate Organization.

As a Transnational Criminal Organization, there is no name for pulling the wind, OK?

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: [Thank you for appreciation] yt stand, reward 588 broken jade, reward 400 red blood “color”, reward 200 very lazy fish, reward 100

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