
Chapter 826

hk814 final dupe, decision of Rongcheng Military District

Dream Entertainment Company, entering the final Phase of the acquisition of mCompany. With the exposure of Li Jian Nation’s major media, the acquisition of Dream Entertainment Company has stalled.

Whether it is mCompany’s high-level shareholder or fixed investor, they are all cautious, so that Dream Entertainment Company, France acquires any mCompany’s Stock, even if Shi Lei has authorized the ultra-high price, it is still a law. Acquisition of Stock of mCompany.

In response to this situation, Shi Lei intends to make the last dupe, help Xiao Bo to cover, and make his action at Li Jian Nation more convenient, so that he can smoothly acquire the stock of mCompany.

“Old Xie, this afternoon, you can choose a time to announce an information at Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website. We will represent our Dream Entertainment Company, which will set up an overseas branch. First overseas branch, choose Li Jian Nation. Old Xie, you go to Li Jian Nation’s New York to see what’s right,” Shi Lei said.

“Okay, Chief Shi.” Xie Hui hesitated and asked: “Chief Shi, do we really want to set up the Li Jian Nation branch?”

The decision to establish the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation overseas branch was decided when Xiao Bo went to Li Jian Nation. However, Xiao Bo was temporarily constrained by the acquisition of mCompany’s work, and the establishment of the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division was not carried out in time.

“Really! Just, not now. You used to look at the investment environment of Li Jian Nation and the investment budget of Li Jian Nation. How much investment budget you need? Yes, by the way, the guys at ntelCompany are free to do something. Shi Lei did not tell Xie Hui the truth.

If Xie Hui knows too much, it will inevitably reveal some horses and cause the failure of the cover action. A fixed investor in mCompany. It has already begun to doubt the identity of Xiao Bo. If they find out the relationship between Xiao Bo and Dream Entertainment Company, I am afraid that it can be calculated. Dream Entertainment Company has acquired Stocks above Forty-eight.

“Understood, Chief Shi, when do I go to Li Jian Nation?” Xie Hui in the heart was a little disappointed, but on the phone, he covered up very well. [

“The sooner the better, the best is today. You announced the establishment of Li Jian Nation’s overseas branch at OffiCIA l Website, and then took a direct flight to Li Jian Nation.” Shi Lei said sharply.

Xie Hui thought about it. Agreed: “No issue, I went to Li Jian Nation tonight.”

Shi Lei and Xie Hui discussed some details of the issue. When everything was told, Shi Lei hung up and asked Izual: “Izual. Do we have mCompany Stock, is there growth?”.

“Sr. There is no growth. Ms. Mu Shuang and Xiao Bo. They have not acquired any of the stocks of mCompany.” Izual tone responded with no emotion.

Shi Lei waved his hand and thought about the solution to the acquisition of mCompany. However, before he even thought of a good plan, the cell phone on the computer desk rang.

The Caller ID is ‘unknown number’, which is obviously the number after encryption. Shi Lei presses the answer button. Wait for the other party to open first.

“Hello? Shi Lei, I am He Zhenbang!” He Zhenbang’s serious voice, coming out from the cell phone earpiece. Shi Lei can think of it, He Zhenbang should be in Office. A serious phone call.

Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled, pretending not to understand why He Zhenbang called him and said: “Commander He, what wind blows you?”

He Zhenbang lightly snorted, “Shi Lei, you don’t wear garlic! You let Li Yuan tell you something, I already know. Now, I want to ask you, you need Swift Arrow Series guide, what are you doing?”

“Lesson Nanyue Nation!” Shi Lei did not say a lie, he did teach Nanyue Nation, but not for himself, but for Ling Yuguo.

A truly brilliant lie, precisely as stated 90% of the truth, plus a lie.

He Zhenbang asked dissatisfied: “Lesson Nanyue Nation? Guide them with Swift Arrow? Don’t you know, this will provoke the International dispute? Are you ready to cause war?”.

In the face of He Zhenbang’s serious tone, and a big hat, Shi Lei 嘻嘻hā hā said: “Get it, Commander He, don’t scare me this illiterate, just give the border defense of Nanyue Nation, A little lesson, not a major event. Swift Arrow Series, that’s the last Big Move. If the usual means can achieve results, I will not use Swift Arrow.”

He Zhenbang is slightly sighed in relief. To be honest, with the current relationship between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District, He Zhenbang can’t really refuse Shi Lei. In the case of annoying Shi Lei, Shi Lei chose to run, he owed the Rongcheng Military District and Rongcheng City so much money, who will pay it back?

Although Shi Lei mortgaged the advanced Technical Information in the Rongcheng Military District, the key data, Shi Lei did not hand over to the Rongcheng Military District, but once the loan was repaid, the Rongcheng Military District came to the door and Shi Lei would hand over the data. . [

If Shi Lei mysteriously disappears during this period, then the Rongcheng Military District will have a big problem!

“Shi Lei, I am very curious, what business do you have at Nanyue Nation? How can there be a loss of 600 million?” He Zhenbang asked.

Shi Lei deliberately misunderstood: “Commander He, don’t you know? Why do you want to ask it? Some things, everyone knows, it’s not necessary to say too much. Anyway, I will not crisis Nation, nor will it harm the people. On the contrary, I am still contributing to Nation, even Nation hero!” Shi Lei’s tone, there is a kind of pleasant voice, but did not say any valuable information.

Certain behaviors, the evidence is conclusive, called crime; if there is no evidence, it can only be suspected. Rongcheng Military District can suspect Shi Lei, but the law has caused any big trouble to Shi Lei.

He Zhenbang sneered, “It turns out to be true. No wonder you brat dare to borrow Three Billion US Dollar, and you are not afraid to pay it. The original loan is Fake, and the investment is Fake, just for money laundering.”

“Commander He, what are you talking about? I can’t understand a word!” Shi Lei replied in a stupid manner.

“Shi Lei, let’s say, how many Swift Arrow Series guides? As for The Steel and Iron, I don’t think you need Right? Our Rongcheng Military District received information before, and in The Yellow Triangle Region, The Steel and Iron appeared. The trace. It turns out that you brat behind the control!” He Zhenbang took a positive tone.

Shi Lei is a bit surprised that the Rongcheng Military District has long suspected the issue of the Yellow Triangle Region. Only, they pretend not to know.

“Of course it is the more the better! How much is there!” Shi Lei The lion screamed, and there was no modest opinion.

“You can only give you 10, Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface, 300,000, give you five rounds; Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air, 350,000, or five Two kinds of conductivity meter three hundred twenty 50,000, you pay for your own pocket!” He Zhenbang paused and continued: “We will remove all electronic identification devices in the guide, including the Rongcheng Military District aviation identification logo, etc. Wait! The spray logo will be changed again and will be sprayed into other colors.”

Shi Lei shouted loudly: “Commander He, are you kidding? Ten Swift Arrow Series guides, you sent me? Swift Arrow Series guide, just Small-scale guide, just ten, this is let me play Mosquito?”.

“Shi Lei, don’t get an inch, want a foot! Ten Swift Arrow Series guides, if The Steel and Iron participate in the battle, it is enough Destroy a lot of targets. Do you want to launch a local war? Nanyue Nation is very weak But Li Jian Nation behind it is not easy to provoke, you give me a little bit!” He Zhenbang was a little angry.

Shi Lei Half-step Don’t let, insist: “Commander He, at least 20 Swift Arrow Series guide. Well, also need Equipment Five The Steel and Iron, form an attack formation!”

“No!” He Zhenbang refused again.

Shi Lei pretends to be Nai Road: “Commander He, you make it difficult for me. To be honest, I can buy HellfIRE guide for a little money. Although the price of the black market is very high, I am rich now, aren’t they? ?”.

“You!” He Zhenbang took an angry look at Office’s desk, said a deep breath: “Well, Shi Lei, count you, give you twenty Swift Arrow Series guide. Air-To-Air and Air-To- There are ten Surfaces. However, I want you to understand that this thing cannot be involved in the Rongcheng Military District. Also, regardless of what you do in the Yellow Triangle Region, I warn you that those things are absolutely not allowed to fall into the country.”

“Commander He rest assured, I assure you that there will never be such a situation. Our sales are mainly in Wo Sang Nation, Nanchao Nation and Li Jian Nation.” Shi Lei responded with a smile, “especially the Wo Sang Nation market, Their digestion is great.”

He Zhenbang didn’t want to know about it. He said, “Okay, that’s it! Swift Arrow will guide you to prepare for you.” After that, He Zhenbang hung up directly and ignored Shi Lei.

Shi Lei put down the phone and his face smiled even brighter. The Swift Arrow Series Small-scale is in place, The Steel and Iron is in place, Dawn has been shipped to Móng Cái City and is always available.

Lessons from Nanyue Nation’s Task, all preconditions reached!

Once Shi Lei helped Ling Yuguo, accomplished the lesson of Nanyue Nation, perhaps between him and Ling Yumo, Ling Yuguo would not stop. Of course, whether Ling Yuguo blocks him with Ling Yumo, Shi Lei will help Ling Yuguo.

As long as there is a little chance, Shi Lei will not give up!

In order to successfully accomplish the three locations of Nanyue Nation, Shi Lei has completed a series plan. The first target he chose was the Nanyue Nation border station, a border defense station with about 300 people.

Shi Lei intends to release a gossip first, then attack the station at night, thus razing the entire station, the one purpose of the one third

(To be continued…)

Ps: Bombing Nanyue Nation, do you like it?