
Chapter 827

hk815 gossip, extra help!

Lessons from Nanyue Nation’s Task are divided into three targets. They are the border arsenal, the border military use airport, and the border station.

Among them, the border station is the target with the lowest defense strength. Although the border station has a border combat group of 300 people, they do not have air power. The nearest air support force is also 100 kilometers away. It takes at least half an hour to arrive at the border station for rescue.

The border station does not have air power, and there is no Air Defense power or heavy WEapon configuration. According to the data provided by Ling Yuguo, this border station, equipped with the most powerful weapon, is just a counter-equipment rpgrocket launcher. Although the power of the individual rpgrocket launcher is considerable, its main role is anti-tank, not anti-air power, and the threat to The Steel and Iron is small.

In addition to the weakest border station in the defense, the strength of the defense of the remaining two targets should not be underestimated. The border use airport is in a hidden area, equipped with Air Defense radar and even a land-based Surface-To-Air. In addition, at the military use Airport, there are at least four Armed Helicopters ready to fight; an elite main force is ready to fight.

The defense intensity of the border military use airport far exceeds the border station, but it is not the most restrictive place for defense. The most stringent area of ​​defense is the border arsenal!

In the border arsenal, there are numerous military use oil, military use firearm and son, as well as some emergency food and medicine. Once a war has occurred, the border arsenal is exactly as stated as the Protection Target.

In order to protect the border arsenal, there is a powerful Defensive Power near the arsenal. Air Defense aspect, in addition to a large number of high-fired guns and high-fired machine guns, as well as Air Defense. On the ground aspect. In addition to a large area of ​​dead land mines, there are also advanced devices that include infrared detectors that allow the enemy to hide.

The border arsenal is the target with the highest intensity of defense, and Shi Lei intends to put it in the final processing. As the saying goes, pinching persimmons should also be soft, bullying others, of course, choose the object of bullying. [

“Hello?” Shi Lei called the Yellow Triangle Region, and Zeng Bin of Punishment Merc Warsquad sits in the Yellow Triangle Region, dealing with the development of the Yellow Triangle Region.

“Boss, hello. I am Zeng Bin.” Zeng Bin said respectfully.

“A’Bin, Ye Feng, three of them in the Yellow Triangle, or in Móng Cái City?” Shi Lei asked.

Zeng Bin immediately replied: “Boss, Captain They are escorting Dawn and have already gone to Móng Cái City. Currently, I am in the Yellow Triangle Region with the three Squadrons of the Ruling Security Company. The other two Squadron are with them. The development of Móng Cái City.”

“En! A’Bin. I want you to do something.” Shi Lei Organization said the language and continued: “Spread a message on the road, indicating that a Great Drug Lord is dissatisfied with the border defense of Nanyue Nation. Give Nanyue Nation a lesson to warn Nanyue Nation of the border defense. Don’t be so strict!”

“Eh?” Zeng Bin asked some questions: “Boss, which Great Drug Lord?”

“Idiot, of course we are! But we can’t say our own Right? It doesn’t tell which Great Drug Lord, anyway, you spread the gossip!” Shi Lei responded in some words.

Zeng Bin also asked like Idiot: “Boss. Our goods are shipped through The Steel and Iron, not being searched by Nanyue Nation!”

“fuk! Daddy seeing Nanyue Nation is not good, to teach them, can you?” Shi Lei is a little driven mad.

Zeng Bin quickly said: “No issue, Boss, I understand!”

“It’s a little clean and beautiful, don’t be caught up in any clues.” Shi Lei said cautiously. “This thing is no different. If you find out by Nanyue Nation that we are making a ghost, we can’t guarantee that they will take great efforts to clean up. we.”

“Boss rest assured, this kind of thing, I am familiar with it!” Zeng Bin has been infected by the Yellow Triangle Region and is already a genuine Drug Lord, all kinds of doors are quite clear.

“That’s good, I am going to Móng Cái City today, my Hope. This evening, this thing is on the road.” Shi Lei limited the time and made the Task a little harder.

“Guaranteed accurlish Task!” Zeng Bin replied confidently.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei sent a text message to each of the four women, indicating that he was going to Nanyun Province to deal with the business aspect. As for what happened, he did not elaborate. [

Shi Lei’s four women, all very sensible, understand what to ask and not to ask.

“sr, passport and ticket reservation accredive, one hour after twenty minutes of flight, please rush to Beiyu District International Airport.” Izual prompts Shi Lei.

Shi Lei quickly packed up the ceremony, but there was no such thing as a passport, just two passports and two Beretta 92fpistol. Shi Lei does not intend to bring Beretta 92f to Nanyue Nation. In addition to the trouble of check-in, there is another reason, that is, the two guns have been registered by Rongcheng Military District. In case of any unexpected situation, it is rare to trace. Explanation.

These two Beretta 92fpistol, Shi Lei are only intended to be placed in Porsche’s trunk. After arriving at Nanyue Nation, with the development of the Punishment Merc Warsquad in Móng Cái City, can you have no firearm reserves? That’s not a joke!

Beiyu District, International Airport.

Shi Lei in the First Class Cabin, with a significant 蛤蟆 sunglasses, blocked half of the face, to prevent being recognized by what Gamer. Although Shi Lei is not a public figure, there are still many people in the Gamer community who know Shi Lei’s identity.

In order to reach Móng Cái City as soon as possible, but not exiting through the Official channel, Shi Lei took a flight from Shuangqing City to South Ocean and then took a sea boat into Móng Cái City in South Ocean.

Móng Cái City and South Ocean City are across the sea, only over three hundred kilometers away, and there is no need for too much time to take a sea boat. As for Security Issues, Shi Lei and Móng Cái City aspect have already obtained a contact, picking up Shi Lei’s ships, and will be accompanied by two of The Steel and Iron, ready to provide escort force.

May 15th, three o’clock in the afternoon.

Shi Lei arrived in the city of South Ocean and took the Móng Cái City aspect through Izual contact. This time, he came to pick up Shi Lei’s personnel, which is Ye Feng trio.

In a remote Port, Shi Lei boarded an inconspicuous Medium-scale fishing boat. This Medium-scale fishing boat is not a fishing boat for Nanyue Nation, but a fishing boat for Xia Nation. If it is a fishing boat of Nanyue Nation, the law goes into the waters of Xia Nation. The destination of this Medium-scale fishing boat is not the Nanyue Nation, but the middle of the high seas.

When the medium-scale fishing boat came to the high seas, another fishing boat was parked on the sea. The other fishing boat was relatively large and it was also an armored ship. Shi Lei found some firearm-like weapon brackets on the deck railing. . Obviously, this fishing boat is not just a simple fishing boat.

Shi Lei and Ye Feng trio, after boarding the Large-scale fishing boat of Nanyue Nation, on the Large-scale fishing boat, Zheng Sanpao and Ma Liang, “Fucking” The Steel and Iron flying from the Medium-scale fishing boat come.

The Steel and Iron’s weapon is naturally configured with mp7 instead of the seven-nine Mini Sub-machine Gun from Xia Nation. mp7’s “sex” can be superior, and the use of mp7 will not be suspected on the head of Xia Nation.

Shi Lei boarded the Large-scale fishing boat in Nanyue Nation, and the crew gathered in a row: “Boss is good!”

Ye Feng showed a smile on the side and explained: “Boss, they are our Punishment Merc Warsquad, a local force developed in Móng Cái City.”

Shi Lei Raises: “Brothers are good!”

After the crew salute, they returned to their respective positions, driving the Large-scale armored fishing boat and sailing to Móng Cái City. On the mast of the deck, the flag of Nanyue Nation hangs, and Shi Lei has a scornful smile on his face.

“A’Feng, how did our strength in Móng Cái City develop?” Shi Lei took a few steps and came to the bow, looking out at the sea.

The power of Móng Cái City was not established by Ye Feng personally, but by Chen Xingrui and Zhu Mingxuan of Punishment Merc Warsquad under the Shi Lei’s order.

However, as the Captain of Punishment Merc Warsquad, Ye Feng also knows the situation of Móng Cái City, Chen Xingrui and Zhu Mingxuan report directly to Ye Feng, instead of reporting to Shi Lei.

“Boss, our strength in Móng Cái City, is currently in the position of the Móng Cái City black “Second Force.” Because of the low-key considerations, we have no big expansion. The power of Móng Cái City Ranked First belongs to Nanyue Nation. A local Faction, they mainly live with smuggling, do not cross our business, and they will not take the initiative to conflict with us. They seem to know that we are a little bit thin, a little afraid of us. Perhaps our subordinates, some people leaked Some news.” Ye Feng said with a little regret.

Shi Lei didn’t speak, but looked at Ye Feng and waited for more news.

“Boss, our power in Móng Cái City, there are about two hundred people, all of whom are Xia Nation compatriots. However, some Xia Nation compatriots have been forced to become the nationality of Nanyue Nation. However, those compatriots are still Flowing through the blood of Xia Nation, they have a loyalty to Xia Nation. They mainly help us deal with heroin’s business, including transportation and sales, and after the dispute, they mainly solve them.” Ye Feng frowned.

Regarding the fact that Xia Nation’s compatriots were forced to stay at Nanyue Nation, it was another historical event, and both Shi Lei and Ye Feng could do the same.

“Hey? Is the heroin business handed over to the subordinates?” Shi Lei asked strangely. “Those compatriots, are they strong?”

Heroin business, not to sell flour, just find a place to put a pen, write the price can be sold. The heroin business is usually accompanied by violence and blood, and even dead angels anytime, anywhere.

“They are good! Some of them have the same strength as those of the Ruling Security Company. There are even a few people who are not too far apart from us.” Ye Feng said with a smile. With.

“So strong? Can their loyalty be guaranteed?” Shi Lei thought of a plan. If the loyalty of these compatriots can be guaranteed, then this time to teach Nanyue Nation, you can also let them participate.

(To be continued.)

Ps: [Thank you for your appreciation] Wen Xi丶, * Xia Xue night*, night snow and fragrant, red blood “color”, oro, reward 100

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗