
Chapter 825

hk813 Xie Hui’s processing solution, Free Team Struggle for Power Competition

Shi Lei slept very well and was very fragrant, and even had a sweet dream.

In the dream, Shi Lei dreamed of the four women he loved, chose to live in peace, and chose to be with him. Even if she was dreaming, Shi Lei still laughed and laughed.

Izual detected an abnormal situation and immediately issued a prompt: “sr, sr, what happened?”

Shi Lei was awakened by Izual’s voice. He was a bit uncomfortable: “Izual, you are a big fool, what are you waking up to? My dreams are so gone, I watched the crucial moment and I was asleep!” Damn Izual!”

“sorry, sr!” Izual didn’t understand why Shi Lei was upset, but Izual immediately apologized. Of course, this is not a manifestation of autonomous emotions, but the emotional determination of the Human Emotion Emulation Simulation Module, Virtual.

Shi Lei heard Izual’s apologize, but instead showed a self-deprecating smile. Izual is only the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, not the True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. On Shi Lei, I blame Izual. For Izual, I always analyze the Shi Lei language. Represents the meaning and then retrieves the corresponding processing scheme.

Shi Lei got up and washed, ate a little bread, and drank a little milk, and then asked: “Izual, is there anything happening while I am sleeping?”

“Sr, during your sleep, Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum, a large-scale Gamer protest, more than 500,000 posts, protesting the discrimination policy of the Global Institute Cup Championship; customer service Center received more than 3 Million’s file a complaint| The sue phone is also a protest against the discrimination of the Global Institute Cup Championship,” Izual reports. [

Shi Lei glimpsed, “Discrimination? Global Institute Cup Championship, how do you discriminate?”

“sr, Gamer, which occupies approximately 30% of Gamer’s total number, is not in compliance with the requirements of the educational institute’s power struggle competition. Therefore, this part of Gamer is united to protest against our Dream Entertainment activities, and there is suspicion of academic discrimination. They Hope we Unlocking the academic restrictions, any Gamer can join the Global Institute Cup Championship by Freedom.” Izual explained the situation.

Shi Lei hēng hēng said: “Damn discrimination! Izual, prepare the contents of the Modify Global Institute Cup Championship! I have to think about how to modify the restriction condition so that there is no discriminatory issue.”

“sr, this issue has been resolved!” Izual responded again.

“Well? You solved it?” Shi Lei in the heart is full of strangeness. Izual does not have the ability to innovate independently. In response to similar issues, Izual does not handle it well.

“no, sr! The issue was submitted by the Dream Entertainment Company Deputy General Manager Xie Hui, and the system was analyzed and confirmed.” Izual, in response to Shi Lei’s, controls the projector and projects the specific processing plan. On the projection cloth.

Shi Lei looked up and he wanted to see what Xie Hui would do. After all, most of the issues about Brave’s World activities have always been handled by Shi Lei, and Xie Hui is only managing Dream Entertainment Company.


Free Team Struggle for Power Competition announcement! 》

Missed the Global Institute Cup Championship?

It’s ok!

Because you have the opportunity of the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition!

The Free Team Struggle for Power Competition was held at the same time as the Global Institute Cup Championship, also from July 1 to July 3. The competition for the two competitions is exactly the same, without any difference; the rules of the two competitions are almost The same.

The only difference is the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition. There is no restriction requirement for the participating personnel. It is the educational institute Gamer, or the Ordinary Gamer, or the Heavenly Listings Gamer of the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. Can participate in the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition.

If the Top 10 name of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition forms a team of ten people and participates in the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, they may directly lock competition First Place. [

The following adjustments will be made to the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition and the Global Institute Cup Championship:

1, Title attribute rewards will be limited to a limited number of places. The first place of the two competitions, in addition to the participating personnel, is given an additional 1,000 attribute awards.

2, two competition Second Place and Third Place teams received 500 and 200 bonus points in addition to the participating personnel.

3, the same name Gamer, is only allowed to participate in one of the two competitions. For example, if you sign up for the Global Institute Cup Championship, you are not allowed to sign up for the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, and vice versa.

4, the award-winning team’s attribute awards, will be randomly selected by the System in the team of the corresponding team. If the number of Gamer does not exceed the number of attribute awards, each Gamer will automatically receive an attribute reward; if the educational institute sends Gamer to sign up for the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, it will automatically lose the Global Institute Cup Championship’s attribute award extraction qualifications.

Dream Entertainment Company All staff personnel, sincerely for every Gamer service, Hope Gamer supports Dream Entertainment Company.


Shi Lei finished watching Xie Hui’s treatment plan and nodded with satisfaction. “Not bad, Old Xie, this guy is quite good! It seems that I can give more things to Old Xie in the future.”

In the face of Gamer’s file a complaint|sue, Xie Hui did not immediately change the contents of the Global Institute Cup Championship. Instead, he rescheduled a new event and set up the same reward program as the Global Institute Cup Championship, so that compensation could not participate in Global. Gamer of the Institute Cup Championship.

The way to open a new event is very good. This way, it maintains the firmness of Dream Entertainment Company’s previous event, indicating that Company will not easily change the decision of the event, passing a firm attitude to Gamer, suppressing Gamer’s emotions and let Gamer Will not get an inch, want a foot.

Xie Hui also used this opportunity to modify an activity flaw. Mainly the number of team attribute awards, there is a certain flaw to follow.

Taking Harvard University and Shuangqing University as examples, a two-way comparative analysis was conducted.

Harvard University’s undergraduate degree is about 6,000 to 7,000. This data is almost the same as it was 30 years ago. For thirty years, Harvard University did not have any enrollment.

Shuangqing University Thirty years ago, the number of students was not much. However, thirty years later, Shuangqing University’s full-time student is almost 50,000.

With the advantage of Shuangqing University, it is easier to screen out the Expert representative of the educational institute. According to Izual’s data, Shuangqing University’s Brave’s World Gamer is over 8,000. This data exceeds the number of full-time students at Harvard University. Harvard University’s Brave’s World Gamer is only about 500 people.

This also means that in the Global Institute Cup Championship power struggle competition, Shuangqing University’s competitiveness far exceeds Harvard University.

Shuangqing University is naturally better than Harvard University, according to the school’s reputation and honor. But from the analysis of the number of people, Harvard University is not an opponent of Shuangqing University.

In Brave’s World, it is not the level of recognition and honor of the educational institute, but a real game. Playing a game of this skill, there is no difference between Xueba and Xuexue. Slag can also kill the schoolmaster, Xueba may also kill the school slag again.

In the case of Shuangqing University, or a comprehensive university like Shuangqing University, which won the Global Institute Cup Championship, the scope of the attribute award will suddenly expand a lot.

If the number of attribute awards is limited, a comprehensive university like Shuangqing University, although the competitiveness will not drop anything, but more than Shuangqing University’s Gamer, when the self-knowledge method obtains the attribute award distribution, it will invest in Freedom power struggle. Within competition.

This attribute award number restricts not only to fill the possible flaws, but also to make the competition team of Freedom power struggle competition more, further increasing the level of competition.

Xie Hui’s treatment plan is quite suitable. It is a stone and bird, which perfectly solves the protests of Gamer.

Shi Lei picked up the cell phone, dialed Xie Hui’s number, waited for a moment, and the call was connected. Shi Lei first praised: “Old Xie, Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, you handled it very well!”

Xie Hui hēi hēi smiled, in the heart sighed in relief, he was still worried, Shi Lei would blame him, after all, a more competition, there will be more rewards.

“Chief Shi, the Gamers are so busy, we wanted to contact you, but found that on the night of the night, at two o’clock in the middle of the night, you are still dealing with Brave’s World related matters, and we have not bothered you.” Xie Hui First of all, they showed the reasons for their decision-making, and then continued: “After the discussion of our entire Dream Entertainment team, we finally decided on the activities of Free Team Struggle for Power Competition.”

Xie Hui did not take all the credit to himself, but instead gave the credit to the entire Company team, which made Shi Lei more optimistic about Xie Hui.

“Old Xie, the bonus for all the personnel of the Company this month, all doubled!” Shi Lei said in the opening of the boat, Xie Hui wants to give each of the Company’s merits, and Shi Lei certainly won’t refuse.

Although Xie Hui can win more welcome from Company personnel, Shi Lei will also get a good reputation from a compassionate subordinate.

“Thank you for Chief Shi!” Xie Hui said excitedly, the prize for the Dream Entertainment Company personnel is not too low, or even high. Double the bonus, which is a happy news for all personnel.

“Right, Old Xie, there is one more thing you need to deal with.” Shi Lei said to Xie Hui.

Xie Hui did not refuse: “Chief Shi, what’s the matter?”


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