
Chapter 824

hk812 Discrimination is everywhere and must be eliminated!

Brave’s World’s Gamer age group, mainly composed of 18 to 30 years old.

Among them, Gamer, who is 18 years old to twenty years old, accounts for 4686% of the total number of Gamer: twenty Gamer from 5 to 30 years old, occupying 3796% of the total number of Gamer.

The total number of Gamers in both ages is almost 80% of the total number of Brave’s World Gamer. They belong to Brave’s World’s absolute backbone.

However, the restriction conditions of the Global Institute Cup Championship only allow the participation of the Industry Group’s Gamer. Twenty Gamer from the age of five to thirty has a large part partr and does not have the conditions to join the Institute Group. At the same time, in the Gamer age range of eighteen to twenty years old, the polarizer of Gamer also has a large part Gamer and does not have qualifications to join the Institute Group.

In this case, Xia Nation is still better. Because Xia Nation’s advanced educational institute adopted a strategy of enlarging enrollment, it basically solved the Tasks popularized by university students. Therefore, in the Xia Nation area, most of the Gamers basically have qualifications added to the Institute Group.

However, overseas, this situation is reversed immediately. Many universities overseas do not have the idea of ​​enrollment expansion. Coupled with the overseas University, the tuition is very high, and it is a large part family law burden. Therefore, in the overseas Gamer group, many Gamers do not have the qualifications to join the Institute Group.

This part of Gamer is not reluctant to be excluded from the Global Institute Cup Championship. The Global Institute Cup Championship is very rewarding, especially for “sex” rewards, far better than any Equipment awards and cash rewards. The “sex” bonus can be permanently bound to Gamer, and until the highest Grade of Gamer, the “sex” bonus still exists.

Such a generous reward, how can Gamer, who is participating in the law, be willing to give up?

Not meeting the conditions of joining the Institute Group, once again learned the Exceed Grade Gamer Storm’s approach, they actively protested at the Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum, and also protested to the Main System and file a complaint|sue at the customer service center. [

The reasons for these Gamer’s use also refer to the Exceed Grade Gamer Storm’s reason, which is also a discrimination issue. In this part of Gamer’s queue, a Gamer is very famous. He is Li Jian Nation’s Exceed Grade Gamer ·formerly in support of Dream Entertainment’s Shengguang Shenguan.

Shengguang Shenguan is also a Nouveau Riche, but not as exaggerated as Storm. Shengguang Shenguan’s family is involved in the construction industry and decoration Industry. Although the family of Shengguang Shenguan is not short of money, Shengguang Shenguan did not enter any higher educational institute.

This caused the Shengguang Shenguan law to satisfy the application to join the Institute’s qualifications, which was directly rejected by the Global Institute Cup Championship.

How can Shengguang Shenguang be willing?

In order to participate in the competition, Shengguang Shenguan published a file a complaint|sue suggestion post in the name of the individual at the Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum according to Storm’s previous practice.

“Global Institute Cup Championship · Discrimination still exists! 》

Mr. Shi Lei to Dream Entertainment eoEsteemed:

I am Li Jian Nation Gamer Shengguang Shenguan. Due to some special circumstances, I have not studied at any higher educational institute. I also don’t bother to take any cheating method, join an educational institute, and get qualifications to participate in the educational institute cup power struggle competition.

Regarding the Global Institute Cup Championship, I feel that there is still discrimination. However, from Regional Discrimination, it became academic discrimination.

As Brother Storm said, Dream Entertainment Company is a responsible, ideal company that cares about Gamer. My heartfelt Hope, Dream Entertainment Company · eliminates the existence of a discriminatory policy.

It is the students and graduation students of the higher educational institute, or the Gamer who has never attended colleges and universities. They are all Brave’s World’s Gamer. They should receive fair treatment instead of being treated unequally because of their academic qualifications.

Although there is no real fairness on this World. The greatest fairness is unfairness. But in Brave’s World, our vast Gamer, consistent with Hope Brave’s World, can keep the bottom line.

We can accept Brave’s World’s independent sale of High Grade Charging Props to improve Gamer’s personal competitiveness; we can also accept that some of Gamer has obtained internal Closed Testing qualifications and is ahead of most of Gamer. Because this is the survival strategy of the Game Company, the Game Company also needs to make money.

But we can’t accept that the Game Company adopts a discriminatory policy in an environment that should be treated fairly!

Our Hope gets the most basic fair treatment, our Hope has a chance to compete fairly, and our Hope is respected by the Game Company! [

Discrimination of the issue, really is everywhere!

Shi Lei originally considered the issue of the specialist educational institute, and specifically allowed the specialist educational institute or even the private educational institute to register. But Shi Lei forgot the non-educational institute Gamer, because it was originally the educational institute cup power struggle competition, why is the non-educational institute Gamer tangled?

Shi Lei’s does not consider the defect, whether it is the educational institute Gamer or the non-educational institute Gamer, which needs to be treated fairly. This is an issue of the basic game fair environment.

As in the case of Brave’s World, there is no case of Profession restraint, and every Profession can beat any Profession. It’s all about Gamer’s “fighting” as standard, not “sex”.

If it is similar to a certain game developed by a company, because of the son of Director-General, hi ‘Mr Profession, and specifically strengthen MagiCIA n. So within a certain game, !MagiCIA n Gamer is extremely powerful, almost to see who is the second. Even the meat shield warrior is not the opponent of MagiCIA n.

In that game, MagiCIA n Gamer, by the rest of the Gamer, is called ‘French,!

If Brave’s World also has a similar Profession shift, I’m afraid Brave’s World is hard to grow. Shi Lei also tried his best to maintain the basic game fairness.

Even if it is Dream Entertainment Official, Charging Props will be prepared, but Gamer who purchased the Official item will still be unable to do the enemy. When the Ordinary Gamer has a number of advantages, Wallet Warrior will still fall into the sea of ​​people tactics.

Shengguang Shenguan’s post quickly got a response from the majority of Gamer. In fact, before Shengguang Shenguan, there is no other Player Complaints advice. However, those Gamer have no fame, and the law is supported by the majority of Gamer.

Shengguang Shenguan’s reputation is very high. Although the law is compared with Storm’s Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche, Shengguang Shenguan still has a high reputation. After his file a complaint|sue post was sent, he immediately got the corresponding Gamer. Almost a bit different from the posts sent by Storm.

Storm’s file a complaint|sue post, less than an hour after the release, Dream Entertainment Company made adjustments to the event. Many of Gamer originally thought that Shengguang Shenguan’s post would be treated like Storm.

Unfortunately, they understand the mistake!

Although Izual has monitored the specific situation and analyzed the details on its own, such a situation is not an emergency. Shi Lei currently Sleeping, non-Emergency Situation, Izual will not inform Shi Lei Shi Lei of natural law to learn about Brave’s World’s.

So, the Gamers who participated in the Global Institute Cup Championship suddenly got some pain. There was no change to the Dream Entertainment Company event an hour later.

Two hours later, Dream Entertainment Company still had no idea of ​​changing the rules of the event.

As time passed, Dream Entertainment Company remained silent. Numerous overseas Gamer, anxiously waiting, then massive file a complaint|sue.

The customer service center’s phone, almost every minute, has tens of thousands of files a complaint|sue cumulative file a complaint|sue, has exceeded the million times. And in the continuous increase, there is a growing attitude.

Xia Nation Time 6 o’clock in the morning; Li Jian Nation time, 6 o’clock in the evening.

Shengguang Shenguan was impatient, and he believed that Dream Entertainment Company would make adjustments to accept all Gamer to join the Global Institute Cup Championship. But as time went by, Shengguang Shenguan began to doubt.

Dream Entertainment Company will not give Gamer any face at all times, unless it is a proposal to build a “sex”, Dream Entertainment Company will accept.

Shengguang Shenguan refreshed the official web page, he in the heart secretly thought ‘no! The guy’s proposal for Storm has been passed, and my proposal has no reason to pass! ,

Xia Nation Time, May 15th, seven o’clock in the morning.

The customer service center’s file a complaint|sue number exceeded 3 Million, Izual’s Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module, and gave the Gamer an explanation.

Instead of issuing an announcement at Brave’s World, Izual used secret weapon, Signed In ‘Mysterious Game Insider’, and posted a post at the Official Gamer Forum.

“A letter to all of currently file a complaint|sue’s Gamer! 》

Hello everyone!

Long time no see !

It’s been a long time since I met you last time. I don’t know if I miss my friend? The original ‘Mysterious Game,’ is now ‘Brave’s World.

Congratulations to me, because after a long trip to Africa, I managed to escape the pursuit of Dream Entertainment Company, and I am now ready to break the news.

This time, I am not prepared to let everyone know, just want to tell everyone one thing, that is, pay attention to the regional time difference issue. Dream Entertainment Company’s Headquarters is located in Xia Nation Shuangqing City. Although my area is at 7 o’clock in the evening, the time of the Dream Entertainment Company Headquarters is seven o’clock in the morning.

This time is not the working hours of Dream Entertainment Company. You just broke your throat, Dream Entertainment Company Official, and will not care about you.

You should call on Dream Entertainment Company to set up an overseas branch to handle your issue at any time.

See you again later !

The post by Izual, the simulated tone, is exactly the same as human beings, almost exactly the same. If you don’t know ahead of time, Izual is just the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, just use the Communication Tool and Izual contact, unless Izual proactively prompts. Otherwise, basically the law recognizes whether Izual is human.

This is Izual, a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, almost similar to the human Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System!

Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, already so powerful, what about the True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System?

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗