
Chapter 823

hk811 Brave’s World Institute Cup Competition !

On May 15th, a little bit of Forty in the morning.

Shi Lei took a lazy waist, picked up the instant coffee on the table, drank a big mouth, trying to use the power of coffee to deal with the fall of sleep. It’s just that, like instant coffee, there is something that doesn’t work.

“What is the total number of Izual, Institute Group?” Shi Lei leaned back on the ergonomic health chair, closed his eyes and prepared for a little lazy.

Izual recognizes Shi Lei’s movements through a high-definition camera, so it reports through voice rather than image information.

“The number of applications for the srInstitute Group has reached three Thousand five Sixty-two, of which only verified groups are less than twenty.” Izual reports.

Within Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum, although any one of Gamer can apply to establish an Institute Group. However, this Institute Group is not recognized by Dream Entertainment Official. In order to be recognized by Dream Entertainment Official, you must obtain the supporting documents of the educational institute to accomplish the certification process.

For example, Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm is the Institute Group for Harvard University, and Harvard University directly authorizes the Harvard University group that Storm applies for through Email contact Dream Entertainment Company. At the same time, the student identity query is also provided. Anyone applying to join the Harvard University group’s personnel needs to submit the corresponding data, send an email to Harvard University via Izual, and then wait for a confirmed response from Harvard University. Only after confirmed can you join the group.

Among the certified Institute Groups, there is no educational institute of Xia Nation. Even Shi Lei’s Alma Mater, the group applied by Shuangqing University, failed to pass the certification of the Main System. Because of the regional time difference, Xia Nation Time was in the middle of the night, there was no school staff at all, and the Gamers were helped to obtain Official certification.

“There are three Thousand Three Institute Groups! Yes, Izual· Is there a duplicate Institute Group?” Shi Lei asked, if there is a duplicate Institute Group, it needs to eliminate the duplicate educational institute. [

However, Izual’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence logic program has already implemented what Shi Lei thinks. “sSystem Autonomous Restriction Repetition group registration. For each educational institute, only one group is allowed to be applied. The group that is not authenticated by Audit is automatically managed by System. The Institute Group is authenticated by Audit and the corresponding management staff will be established.

To authenticate the Management Authority of the Institute Group, the Main System is automatically handed over to the corresponding management staff. ”

“wmllne!” Shi Lei praised, Izual’s did deal with too much too much for Shi Lei. If there is no Izual’s existence, Shi Lei’s business fundamental law is as strong as it is now.

Just say Brave’s World, if there is no Izual’s, Brave’s World’s will be reduced by at least half. Moreover, it also controls wnMiwang to implement Worldwide Unified Server settings.

“Izual, build a blank space news announcement web page, I need to post a news announcement again.” Shi Lei told.

“Yes Sir !” After Izual responded, the number screen of the Number One Server immediately appeared the announcement web page of blank space. All source code programs and web page configuration files·Izual are ready. Shi Lei only needs to edit the corresponding text. Information can be accomplished by the final news announcement.

The whole process is as simple as publishing a blog!

After more than twenty minutes, Shi Lei finally wrote accomplished the news announcement, he checked it again and stood up and started talking: “Izual, logical review again, if there are no errors, post to Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website.”

“sr understand!” Izual returned to complied, automatically performed a textual wording logic review, and then posted it to Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website.

Shi Lei took a look at Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s news announcement. It was simply washed and fell on the bed. It’s already two in the morning. In addition to Hacker War, Shi Lei really rarely sleeps so late.

At 2 am 12 points, Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, following the “First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition”, Brave’s World announced the speCIA l event again.

Brave’s World Global Institute Cup Championship ! 》

Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition will be held from June to June 30th. After the end of the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Brave’s World will officially host the ‘Global Institute Cup Championship’ from July 1st to July 3rd.

Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is a stage for personal strength. Every Gamer has the opportunity to stand on the 10 million people’s Summit, win huge prizes, get the 10 million respected status, and the unique Martial World King Title.

The Global Institute Cup Championship is a team battle. Each of the Institute Groups can dispatch ten Team Group’s Gamer team to perform a 10-person team battle in the instance of the Institute Group, and finally compete for the King Institute! [

Specific requirements for participation in the Global Institute Cup Championship are as follows:

1, the Institute Group participating in the educational institute cup power struggle competition, must be certified by the Institute Group of Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum.

The number of Gamers in the 2Institute Group must be greater than !; and no less than 10 name Gamer, Brave’s World Corner “Grade” at least level; at least 1 name Gamer, Brave’s World corner “Color” Grade at least Twenty-fifth Grade.

X Gamer of the 3educational institute Cup power struggle competition, at least six Gamer’s good and evil values, no less than zero.

The list of participating Gamers for the 4educational institute power struggle competition must be submitted to the Brave’s World Main System via the Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website at least 59 minutes and 59 seconds before June 30th.

After the 5 entry Gamer name is confirmed, the second modification is prohibited. On any occasion, System locks the entry list. If there is a personnel absence, System default team Gamer is absent, and the team will be played against the team with insufficient amount.

6Global Institute Cup Championship, the final interpretation belongs to Dream Entertainment Company.

The Global Institute Cup Championship awards are as follows:

1, Institute Cup Competition First Place, affiliated educational institute will receive the ‘King Institute, Title.

‘King Institute, affiliated member, will receive 1% Experience bonus, 1% life genre bonus, 1% Internal Force genre Additional Stats, and control angle from Brave’s World Official Non-player “Color”, the price of the purchased item, lowers the Discount Amount of 1%.

Participants at 2’King Institute are awarded to promoted 100%, which is all “sex” rewards, promoted to 2%.

The 3’King Institute, the educational institute team, will be awarded a thousand Double Gold. The ratio of Gold to Copper Coin is one to Ten Thousand, and the copper coin is 10 Million copper coin.

Each contestant at 4’King Institute will receive a Legend Rank Task Scroll that will open a Legend Rank Task. The Legend Rank Task is a random Task, which is determined by the Main System Randomly Determined.

5Institute Cup Competition Second Place, get ‘persistence of educational institute, Title, reward program for ‘King Institute, 50% of the program, and Legend Rank Task Scroll, lower to Shackled Grade Task Scroll.

6Institute Cup Competition Third Place, obtained ‘Striving Institute, Title, reward program for ‘persistence of educational institute, 50% of the program, and canceled Shackled Grade Task Scroll.

The Global Institute Championship is only available for the first three seats with qualifying qualifications. Please ask the Industry Group’s Gamers to prepare for the challenge.

After the release of the “Global Institute Cup Championship” at Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, another one in the Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum. Especially the newly established Institute Group, they have accelerated the pace of recruiting.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm in the Official Gamer Forum, openly called their Harvard University group

‘Harvard’s Dream,, will receive the ‘King Institute, Title.

Although the ‘King Institute, the Title Award, it seems that there is a big gapbetween the rewards of the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. After all, even if it is to reward 10 Million copper coin, all converted to Xia Nation Yuan, only 1 Million.

To know the Tenth Place of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, the last of the Earth List Powerhouse, also has a bonus of Hundred-thousand US Dollar, totaling 800,000 Xia Nation Yuan.

However, the Global Institute Cup Championship also rewards characters as “sex.” Maybe 1% and 2% look a little less. However, 1% is also a considerable amount of data in terms of the reduced demand for Experience.

For example, Brave’s World vertices upgrade experience requires 100 Million points, then 1% is reduced, and exact as stated reduces 1 Million Experience. The 1 Million Experience is already a considerable experience to reduce demand. The rewards for the contestants doubled, that is, the 2% experience is reduced, the life is “sex” and the Internal Force is “sexual”, and the price discount for the purchased items is reduced.

At the same time, the value of a thousand Double Gold is much more than just 1 Million Xia Nation Yuan. Because money can’t be exchanged for copper coin. If you have a copper coin, you can redeem Xia Nation Yuan.

Any ambitious Gamer, if you have 10 Million copper coin in the early game, will get a considerable advantage, especially the construction of Faction and the development of Faction forces, will definitely benefit a lot.

Ordinary Gamer may not understand the meaning of a thousand Double Gold, but the High-end Player, who is interested in Brave’s World, will definitely understand the value of 10 Million copper coin.

Exceed Grade Gamer Storm, exact as stated one of them!

In order to win the Global Institute Cup Championship, Storm began to screen the combat-powerful Gamer in the ‘Harvard’s Dream, group. Storm is sure to participate in the competition, even if his “fighting” standard is not high, but with half the Fortieth Grade Legendary Set glory, Storm’s combat power is high in Brave’s World Martial Strength Listings First.

The Global Institute Cup Championship, at the Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum, made a lot of noise, and almost none of Gamer didn’t know. But as the backbone of Brave’s World’s, the majority of Forty Gamer, the age group in the age of five to 30 years old Gamer, but collectively put forward some of their own views.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗