
Chapter 822

hk810 overseas Gamer protests, expanding scope

Brave’s World’s special offline registration event, although the news published in ‘overseas time, but the content of the event and the overseas Gamer, almost no relationship.

Dream Entertainment’s Official Gamer Forum brings together the world’s Gamer, although they spend most of their time in the respective regions of the Forum. But there is no regulation that allows them to discuss across the Forum. Even the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum does not provide the same language translation services as Brave’s World, but it does not prevent the entire World Gamer from communicating with each other.

In particular, Xia Nation Gamer, their network environment has always been relatively closed, and there is very little opportunity to reach overseas Gamer. Through Brave’s World, they came into contact with overseas Gamer, some Gamer and overseas Gamer, and became friends.

Some overseas Gamers flocked to the Forum at Brave’s World Xia Nation, and in the Forum, used the all kinds language to protest the decision of Dream Entertainment Company.

Including the Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, and also expressed his views at the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum.

“Please Dream Entertainment Company, don’t take the Regional Discrimination strategy! 》

Mr. Shi Lei to Dream Entertainment Company eoEsteemed:

As Brave’s World’s loyal Gamer, when I saw the latest announcement, in the heart was filled with an uncomfortable feeling. In my heart, Dream Entertainment Company is a responsible, ideal, and careable Gamer company.

However, this special offline registration event, why is it limited to Gamer, a college student in the Xia Nation area? Why not a Worldwide event? As a Worldwide sync game, Brave’s World’s event should be geared towards Worldwide! [

Are we Li Jian Nation’s Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University, Columbia University, California Institute of Science and Education Institute, and Pennsylvania University and Dutt Mouth educational institute, etc., and no qualifications apply for offline registration?

As far as I know, there are many Brave’s World’s Gamer in the above example of the University.

I graduated from Harvard University, Li Jian Nation’s most versatile University. I am still in contact with some Junior School Brother junior female students of Alma Mater. At our Harvard University, Brave’s World’s Gamer has more than 500 people.

Mr. Shi Lei, your company refused to participate in the special offline registration event for overseas colleges and universities, which is a Regional Discrimination policy. As Brave’s World’s loyal Gamer, my Hope your company can modify the activity restriction and conduct the event within Worldwide.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, known as Brave’s World’s Celebrity Gamer, is known to almost every Gamer. His post immediately appeared on the main Forum home page, and the response from Gamer quickly exceeded tens of thousands.

The reply of the second floor is the most straightforward. It is called ‘the truth from the ancient second floor. The second floor reply from the post published by Storm also revealed the truth. Also, the user Nickname of the second floor is also quite silver.

‘Storm Nouveau Riche, I am afraid you are still talking with the junior female students about life and ideals Right? Maybe adding some special art of action? ,——’a small powder intestine,

Storm’s post, not only the funny reply, most of the responses support Storm, especially the educational institute student named by Storm, who is learning Storm. · Published an anti-authority at the Official Gamer Forum

In the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, Li Jian Nation’s major educational institute students are very happy. The students from World’s prestigious University also joined the Li Jian Nation educational institute to hold a protest in the Forum, and also contacted Dream Entertainment customer service center to appeal to Izual.

Izual First time, reported the situation to Shi Lei, “sr, more than Ten Thousand name Gamer, through the customer service center, file a complaint|sue our special offline registration activity, there is a Regional Discrimination strategy. File a complaint|sue of Gamer ·Hope We eliminate the Regional Discrimination strategy and launch a special offline sign-up event to expand within Worldwide.”

Shi Lei’s expression, “What?”

The special offline registration event, the reason why the restricted Xia Nation district colleges and universities are involved in the school, is mainly because the people of Xia Nation like this lively activity. But Shi Lei didn’t even think that overseas Gamer also liked this kind of activity!

Who says that love is the unique genus of the Xia Nation people?

“The sOfficial Gamer Forum is over the Hundred-thousand theme and protests against our special offline registration event.

Including students from well-known universities around the world, protesting against our discriminatory policy of rejecting their educational institute. “Izual continues to report. [

Shi Lei grinned. “Protest to protest! Just a small matter! Izual, issued an apology for the description of the previous activity, due to the programmer’s negligence, the worldwide-wide activities, accidents were written into the Xia Nation area activities. That’s right, modify the activity information and it’s valid in Worldwide!”

“Wait! Add a clause and sign up for the personnel restriction. In addition to the students in the school, the graduates who have graduated, as long as they have the graduation certificate of the school, and the school has a record of the students, can also participate in the special offline registration event.” Shi Lei relaxed a little bit of conditions.

Such a condition is suitable for a similar person in the Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm. After the University graduation, you can also participate in a special offline registration event with the identity of the University graduation.

Fortunately, Izual is just the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, and there is no independent emotional function. I will definitely be ashamed of Shi Lei. It’s Shi Lei’s own editor’s letter! The content is actually ‘program, oh, isn’t it nonsense?

However, the outside world does not know the real situation. What Shi Lei said, there is no way to verify it anyway, isn’t it?

Dream Entertainment Company, Brave’s World’s Official Home, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition’s special offline registration event, which was released less than an hour later, modified the information, along with an apology letter.

Among the Gamer, there are many smart people. Especially in this protest, the students of the well-known World University, of course, they guessed what it was, but they didn’t have to say it.

The results of their protests have been reached, and Brave’s World has modified the activity restrictions clause and relaxed a little participation in the personnel restriction. In addition, Dream Entertainment Company’s apology letter also left a good impression on Gamer.

Knowing the mistake can change, good!

Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition’s offline registration campaign, after expanding the scope, overseas Gamers quickly posted a post in the Gamer Forum.

Exceed Grade Gamer Storm first opened a post to praise Dream Entertainment, thanks to Shi Lei. Then, I quickly applied to Izual for a group that assembled alumni.

Harvard’s Dream

Here is the Harvard University registration point, ask the alumni of Harvard University to enter the group to apply for identity verification.

Please, Gamer, don’t be malicious, I have applied for the Main System supervision group identity verification, and I contacted Harvard University and obtained permission from the student.

Alumni of Harvard University, please submit the identity data of the student in the identity verification application, including the graduation certificate or student certificate, the detailed name, the specific time of attending Harvard University, etc.

The information is supervised by the Main System and automatically verified by the Harvard University Student Management Office. After the verification is passed, Gamer gets the group member authority and automatically counts the member list of the Harvard University group.

Hope Our Harvard University alumni are working together to meet the conditions of a special offline registration event. This is related to the honor of our Harvard University, even in Brave’s World, our Harvard University students are still the best!

Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum, with group features, EQ uivalent to a Small-scale Subforum, only allows the corresponding Gamer to enter.

The group that Storm applied for was approved by Izual’s and quickly established.

Xia Nation Time, May 15th, one o’clock in the morning; Li Jian Nation time, May 15th, one o’clock in the afternoon.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm’s ‘Harvard’s Dream, group, has brought together more than 300 Harvard University students. Because the secret group requested by Storm and the Gamer list of the group cannot be viewed by the rest of the Gamer, some of the gamuts with ulterior motives are avoided, and the malicious students of Harvard University are harassed.

The rest of World’s prestigious University’s Gamer, learning Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, established a private Institute Group in the Official Gamer Forum. Thousands of universities including Xia Nation have also established groups. However, some groups are private. Some groups are semi-open to the public.

Xia Nation Official approved undergraduate and above, a total of 1069. However, there are some specialist educational institutes that are not counted in them. But these students, Dream Entertainment Company can’t ignore.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it is necessary to make any academic discrimination! Discrimination of this issue, can not afford to hurt, can not afford to hurt!

In all the groups of the University, Shuangqing University has an opinion, their group name is called

‘Dream Descendants Protection Army, because Shi Lei formerly is a student at Shuangqing University, they are self-proclaimed as the audience of Dream Entertainment.

Although Shi Lei had to ‘graduation’ in advance because of the issue of ‘Teacher and Student Love. But he is always the student of Shuangqing University, he belongs to the pride of Shuangqing University!

‘Dream Descendants Protection Army, a group that belongs to an open to the public group. Even in the middle of the night, the number of people applying to join the Dream Descendants Protection Army exceeded that of the Three Thousand.

Shuangqing University is a comprehensive “sex” university with far more students than Harvard University. Harvard University’s undergraduate program generally only has more than 6,000 students studying at school. Since the establishment of the school, there has been no expansion. And Shuangqing University has repeatedly expanded its enrollment, and the total number of students currently in school is close to 50,000.

This is the difference!

The consequences of the expansion of this toy are actually quite good, because everyone is a university student, right?

At half past one in the middle of the night, Shi Lei yawned and insisted on not sleeping. He was still dealing with Brave’s World related issues. His time was too tight, and he was going to deal with Nanyue Nation and help Ling Yuguo Destroy hit three targets. So, Brave’s World related things need to be accomplish as soon as possible.

“Izual, how many groups of educational institutes have been established?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

“The number of srInstitute Groups has exceeded Three Thousand, and it continues to increase.” Izual gave a rough answer.

Shi Lei suddenly smiled. “Izual, I thought of a good idea!”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗