
Chapter 821

hk809 Registration Plan, Alliance of Universities and Colleges!

May 14th, at 11pm.

Shi Lei walked out of the kitchen with a bottle of sour milk in his hand. This guy doesn’t like to drink carbonated drinks because carbonated drinks are weak acid “sex” drinks, while ‘soy milk is weak base “sexual”. Carbonated drinks kill ‘little cockroaches’ living in ‘soy milk. Therefore, Shi Lei firmly refused carbonated drinks.

While drinking the “milk” with a straw and returning to the bedroom, Shi Lei asked vaguely: “Izual, analyze the location information of Xia Nation Gamer and filter the classification according to the regional information.”

“Srry, sr method recognizes fuzzy speech, and recognizes non-standard lip language.” Because Shi Lei mouth contains a straw, it is speech information, or lip language information, Izual method is recognized.

Shi Lei can only say it again, adding: “information is displayed on the surface projection cloth.”

“Splease wait a moment, currently analyze.” Izual immediately began the analysis. According to the pn address analysis of the Gamer access, Izual can easily determine the true address of the Gamer.

When Gamer registers for Brave’s World, it also requires real-name certification. With real-name authentication data, Izual can read the identity data of Gamer through Shuangqing City police network, and then perform secondary dynamic analysis with identity address and pn’ address.

Nearly three minutes later, Izual showed the data on the projector. After all, Brave’s World’s Xia Nation Gamer, which exceeds 9.5 Million, even though Izual analyzes location information, and takes a while to process.

“The sr position information analysis is complete!” Izual responded. [

Shi Lei sucked the straw of the sour milk until the acid “milk” in the bottle was completely drained. Shi Lei put the empty bottle on the computer desk.

On the surface projection cloth, a complete Xia Nation mapis displayed. On the right side of the map, Izual adopts the reverse order according to the number of Gamer.

Shi Lei gave a cursory look at it. There is no detailed observation. Started talking: “Izual, the number of Gamers is more than the city-level area of ​​the Hundred-thousand people, including the county-level city.”

Izual fast statistics accredlish · Eligible areas, a total of less than Forty, accurate to say only thirty-six. In addition to the four DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City, there are provincial capital cities and sub-provincial cities, and the rest of the cities are few. As for the county-level city Shi Lei deliberately included, there is none.

The total number of Shuangqing City · Gamers in Dream Entertainment Company exceeds 800,000, but the number of Gamer in Shuangqing City is not ranked first. The title of the largest number of Gamer falls on the head of Capital City.

Capital City has more than a million players, with a total of 104 million Gamer, and is basically an active Gamer. Ranked Second is not Shuangqing City, but Shanghai City.

Shi Lei looked at the further detailed data and found that Capital City and Game City of Shanghai City, there are quite a few Gamer, not the local personnel. The result of investigate given by Izual is that there are many colleges and universities in the two regions. Many people in Gamer come from major universities.

Capital City has 56 undergraduate institutions and Shanghai City has 30 undergraduate institutions. At Xia Nation, the good life of student is in the University.

A student has worked hard 12 years. Isn’t that looking forward to being in the University, free and easy?

Shi Lei looked at the data and his eyes turned slightly. He thought of a good idea, that is, to attract the students of colleges and universities, join Brave’s World and contribute to Brave’s World.

Although most of the students in school are not likely to purchase the Personal Game Server, there is no condition to arrange the “sports” platform. But in Brave’s World, only less than 10% of the personnel use the sense of “fucking”, they don’t have to feel “fucked”, it doesn’t matter.

Quite large part colleges and universities in school, everyday life, not so busy, they have numerous time for entertainment games, they are the potential Gamer group of Brave’s World.

“Izual, through paddress to query the Gamer in the Xia Nation area, how many people originate in the campus network. Statistics of these Gamer’s information, listing the list of Gamer’s schools, still sorted according to the number of Gamer.” Shi Lei once again told Izual.

The process of the second time analysis took less than thirty seconds. Because Izual has already obtained the wn address of the Gamer, only one comparison is needed.

Looking at the results of the Izual Luo list, Shi Lei smiled and said: “Izual, Gamer, more than 100 colleges and universities, how many?”

Izual responded: “The total number of sr exceeds one thousand. Is it detailed?”

“No need!” Shi Lei immediately vetoed, “Izual, preparing to release a new news in Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website.” He organized the wording and continued: “Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Open a special offline registration event. Forget about it, I personally come!”

Shi Lei leaned on the front projection cloth, grabbed his right hand and then pointed to the Monitor of Number One Server. Izual immediately closed the projector and the screen was connected to the Monitor of Number One Server.

Shi Lei sat in front of the Number One Server, pulled out the keyboard, and used his hands like a precision typewriter to quickly tapthe keyboard and let a line of text appear on Izual’s pre-built blank space web page.

About fifteen minutes later, Shi Lei achieved a text editor and made some beautification work, and Izual sent the news to Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, Brave’s World’s heavy news, once again released in ‘overseas time. Xia Nation Time 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, overseas time, most areas for the day.

I am afraid that many domestic media will make a splash on Dream Entertainment because of this incident.

Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, a low-profile release of the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition’s offline registration. Shi Lei did not tell Izual, World Announcement in Brave’s World game, as if I didn’t want to let everyone know.

Unfortunately, Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website is always on the lookout for Gamer. When the offline registration event for the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition was sent out, it was immediately discovered by Gamer. Then, after a variety of channels, one pass and ten hundred pass, within less than ten minutes, the offline registration event will be aroused.

First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition Special Offline Registration Event

Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, official registration time starts at 0:00:00 on May twenty days, and ends at May 29th, Twenty-three points, fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds.

Any Brave’s World’s Gamer will be able to register with the Brave’s World client via OffiCIA l Website. Gammers who sign up for Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition through OffiCIA l Website or Brave’s World client are required to pay a one-way copper coin registration fee.

In order to thank the majority of Gamer for their support, Dream Entertainment has a special offline registration event to help some Gamer sign up. Gamer who meets the conditions will participate in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition through a special offline registration event and will be exempt from the one-page copper coin registration fee.

Details are as follows:

1, the Gamer participating in the special offline registration event must be a student at the Xia Nation Regional College, and the Brave’s World’s Gamer Corner, the minimum restriction is no less than Tenth Grade.

The total number of Brave’s World Gamer for 2 applications to become a special offline registration point is no less than one hundred, the lowest level is at least not less than Tenth Grade, and at least one Gamer is at 12 level.

3 meets the colleges and universities that apply for special offline registration points. Please ask the corresponding college’s Gamer to apply for Audit at OffiCIA l Website. The Audit is automatically accredited by the Brave’s World Main System for four hours to apply for and review.

4, a special offline registration point, requires at least five Gamer to become a special person-in-charge, to help the remaining eligible schoolmates to perform offline registration activities. Five special person-in-charge ages must be at least 18 years old; Brave’s World Gamer has a Goodness and Goodness Index greater than zero; has Notebook Computer and HD cameras; and has a registration location for network access.

5 colleges and universities special offline registration points, only allow the school’s Gamer to participate in the registration. When you sign up for Gamer, you need to provide Proof of Identity and student certification.

6Dream Entertainment Official will compensate for the special person-in-charge of the special offline registration point for Brave’s World. The specific compensation is to apply for an eligible Gamer, and Dream Entertainment will present the 50 copper coin. The compensation allocation plan is handled by the special offline registration point.

Thanks to all of Gamer who support Brave’s World and Dream Entertainment, Blessing has a good game and I wish you all a good result in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition to win a satisfactory personal ranking.

The special offline registration event immediately caused great response and praise in the circle of college students. Brave’s World’s copper coin has ample purchasing power. Although Dream Entertainment Official does not offer copper coin and Real Currency redemption services, in the Virtual Trading System opened by Dream Entertainment, copper coin is acquired anytime, anywhere. It wasn’t the childcare that Shi Lei arranged, but it was really Gamer’s acquisition.

The purchase price is 0copper coin EQ ual to 1Xia Nation Yuan.

The registration fee for Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is 100% copper coin, EQ uivalent to koXia Nation Yuan. If you sign up for the 10 Million, it is only the registration fee. Dream Entertainment Official invisibly consumes the 100 Million Xia Nation Yuan value of the coin coin, and the total prize for the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is 6,030,000 US. Dollar, converted to Xia Nation Yuan for Five Thousand zero 400,000, only slightly more than half of the EQ uivalent to registration fee.

Overall, Dream Entertainment Official has made a good deal!

The special offline registration event allows Gamer to save a hundred coins of coin coin. For the Gamer, the suction gravity is very large, at least the college students are very interested in this activity.

There are also some ambitions, or economically minded Gamer, who took the initiative to sign up for a special person-in-charge. Because Dream Entertainment Official will compensate for the offline registration point, each time you accept a Gamer registration, you will have additional compensation for the 50 copper coin.

Fifty-century copper coin EQ uivalent to a Xia Nation Yuan, it seems less, if there is a thousand Gamer registration in the school? Even if you have a special offline registration point, you need five special person-in-charges, but each person can also be divided into one thousand dollars.

In 2007, a thousand dollars was very attractive. And, for those ambitious Gamer, Ten Thousand copper coin is far more gracious than a thousand dollars.

For Xia Nation’s higher education institutions, having a thousand Gamer is not a problem. Which colleges and universities do not have thousands of people? Some comprehensive “sex” universities, the number of three or five thousand people!

If the special person-in-charge of the special offline registration point is higher in the school’s status, even in the school, the game community is formed. Then, you can mobilize the community member to sign up directly. Even if it is the student’s “chairman” to come forward, it will be quite easy to accomplish the excess number of applicants, get the numerous compensation provided by Dream Entertainment Company.

Although Dream Entertainment Company, the compensation scheme paid for, is only a slapin the face of Dream Entertainment. For the school student, it is not a small amount of money.

However, Brave’s World’s special offline registration event has made overseas Gamer quite uncomfortable!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗