
Chapter 820

hk808 First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition’s Registration Plan!

Shi Lei wants to help Ling Yuguo teach Nanyue Nation, but can’t let Rongcheng Military District know. Xia Nation’s officialdom, precisely as stated, is so complicated and factional.

Jingya Garden, Building Ten, 2001 No. 3 room.

Shi Lei kept the contact with Li Yuan by phone. He didn’t contact He Zhenbang directly, exactly as stated because He Zhenbang didn’t speak Li Yuan. Although according to the relationship between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District, how does the Rongcheng Military District agree with Shi Lei’s request, but in what way agree, this is a big issue.

Li Yuan listened to Shi Lei’s somewhat angry tone. He thought in the heart secretly, ‘Weird, I haven’t heard of any major event in Nanyue Nation recently. Shi Lei actually lost 600 million yuan in Nanyue Nation, no wonder he is so pissed. ‘

“Stone, this thing, I will ask you for help. You know, Yang Dingtian of the Equipment Department is not the person of our Li Department. The guy is a neutral person. He has always been iron-faced, and neither of us is willing to offend him. Li Yuan’s tone was loose and she expressed her willingness to help Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded. “Well, Li Yuan, this thing, you try to help me. I can pay for the Steel and Iron privately, and pay the usage fee of Swift Arrow.”

Li Yuan smiled and said, “Okay, I try to be!”

The two talked for a while and hung up. Lin’an Underground Base, Li Yuan put down the satellite phone and walked to Dong Guoguo, not far away. He asked: “Old Dong, Shi Lei, is there a business distribution in Nanyue Nation?”

Dong Guoguo 憨said with a smile : “Major Li, this thing, I don’t know! I just helped Boss manage Lin’an Underground Base, and the rest, Boss didn’t tell me.”

‘Want to set my words? Go dreaming! ‘Dong Guoguo behind the embarrassed smile, in the heart with a disdainful sneer.

Seeing Dong Guoguo here, the law got useful information, Li Yuan did not care. He picked up the satellite phone and called Zhang Liming in the Rongcheng Military District. Zhang Liming is the Rongcheng Military District Logistics Department Head, belonging to the Commander Li Long department.

Outside the Lin’an Underground Base, there is a hidden satellite signal relay device. Inside the Lin’an Underground Base, the satellite signal can be directly searched through the relay device.

This is the change that Shi Lei made after he got the Lin’an Underground Base. When the original Rongcheng Military District mastered the Lin’an Underground Base, it could only be connected to the Rongcheng Military District Headquarters via a wired route. Currently, for security aspect considerations. The wired connection between Rongcheng Military District and Lin’an Underground Base has been disconnected.

Li Yuan took the satellite phone and returned to her office. She just closed the office door and the satellite phone was just connected.

“Uncle Zhang, I am Little Yuan.” Li Yuan first showed identity. Continue: “Uncle Zhang, Commander He in the Military District?”

“Yes. Is there anything?” Zhang Liming had some strange questions. Li Yuan and He Zhenbang don’t think that they are all the way. He asked He Zhenbang what?

Li Yuan smirked and said: “Uncle Zhang, you tell Commander He, Shi Lei wants to borrow a few of the Steel and Iron ships carrying the Swift Arrow Series from our Rongcheng Military District.”

“Little Yuan, are you kidding?” Zhang Liming asked immediately.

“Of course not!” Li Yuan will Shi Lei’s thing. After explaining to Zhang Liming, I laughed hā hā: “Shi Lei, the bad luck egg, was actually pitted by Nanyue Nation for 600 million yuan. No wonder that brat is angry and angry. To deal with Nanyue Nation!”

Zhang Liming is nervous: “Little Yuan, I heard that recently, Nanyue Nation had a very active Great Drug Lord. The Great Drug Lord, which exported a lot of drugs to Wo Sang Nation, and Nanchao Nation, and Li Jian Nation. You said this, will you…” Zhang Liming didn’t name the words. It’s always good to say half of the bad things.

Li Yuan didn’t have the jealousy of Zhang Liming. He said straightforwardly: “Uncle Zhang, your opinion is, Shi Lei is in drug trafficking? Shi Lei. Brat said that he lost $600 million in business at Nanyue Nation, if it is Number One. Heron, it’s really possible!”

Heron, also known as white “color” Gold! Its price is even more expensive than Gold! Heron is divided into five labels, from Number One to No. 5. As the label increases, the content of hero gradually decreases.

The content of No. 5 heron is only about 4%-5%, and the rest of the ingredients are “milk”, “milk” powder, bean “milk” powder, Ke Ke powder, saccharin, etc. The purpose of joining these things is simply to increase the weight and thus achieve higher profits. [

Number One heron with a purity of 99%, on the black market, is one kilogram up to 5 Million Xia Nation Yuan. According to Li Yuan, the $100 million Number One heron is only 120 kilograms.

“Maybe, maybe not, who knows?” Zhang Liming prefers this answer, but he won’t say it. It is the so-called blame, and some controversial “sexual” words are best swallowed back.

Li Yuan hēi hēi laughed twice. “No matter what Shi Lei is doing at Nanyue Nation, Uncle Zhang, you will tell Commander He anyway. As for Commander He, it is Commander He. In this case, what is wrong, and Commander He is responsible!”

Li Yuan is not a fool. Although he has a good relationship with Shi Lei’s, Shi Lei is his life-saving benefactor, but it does not mean that Li Yuan will not consider it for himself. While helping Shi Lei’s, Li Yuan is also taking advantage of herself.

“Well, this thing, I understand! Little Yuan, do you have anything else?” Zhang Liming asked casually.

“Yes! Of course! Uncle Zhang, you help me, tell me Grandfather, I don’t want to stay in Lin’an Underground Base!” Li Yuan said painfully. Lin’an Underground Base is naturally the Secret Base in the Underground. Li Yuan was locked up in Lin’an Underground Base and there was no entertainment at all. He almost broke down!

“Well? Little Yuan, what are you talking about? How can I not hear clearly here?” Zhang Liming was very cunning.

Li Yuan is depressed: “Uncle Zhang, you have no opinion, but you grew up watching me grow up, don’t be so embarrassed to me!”

“Little Yuan, I still can’t understand. You check the satellite signal, it seems to be an issue! Well, for the time being, I will go to Commander He to discuss Shi Lei’s things. After your satellite signal is better, let’s go Contact !” Zhang Liming hung up the phone.


Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei is using Izual to check Brave’s World’s situation. Shi Lei raised the bonus for Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, which enabled the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition to successfully bring Gamer into Brave’s World.

“Izual, show the number of Brave’s World Gamer!” Shi Lei told.

Izual asks: “sr, project data on the front side, or through the Number One Server Monitor display?”

“Use the projector directly!” The Number One Server’s Monitor is still too small compared to the projector’s screen. The Projector’s Big Screen is more convenient to view.

“yes, sr!” Izual projects the corresponding data onto the front projection cloth.

Registered Gamer Total: 14,131,819 people

Current online Gamer: 9,921,118 people

Gamer “sex” ratio: male 6224%: female 3776%

Gamer area ratio: Xia Nation 6827%: overseas 3173%

Gamer age ratio: 326% under 18 years old: 18 years old to twenty years old 4686%: twenty 5 years old to 30 years old 3796%: 30 years old or older 1292%

Izual shows the detailed data, and the prompt is marked. The interval is half an hour and the data is refreshed once.

Before Shi Lei announced the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition promoted prize, Brave’s World’s registered the total number of Gamers, approximately 10 Million. After Shi Lei announced the promoted bonus program, less than Forty-eight hours, Brave’s World’s added a new number of registrants, close to the 4 Million. Online Gamer has added 3 Million people, but there is no breakthrough 10 Million.

Brave’s World’s Outstanding performance has caught the attention of many aspects. Some network related news has been reporting that Brave’s World has adopted the Worldwide Unified Server and is close to the 10 Million people, and is housed in one Server. Why? Doesn’t the server crash and the game is slow and unresponsive?

In fact, this is the role of Shi Lei’s wnMiwang, which shares the load of the server in the way of wnMiwang, thus providing Outstanding services for Gamer.

“There was an increase in people close to 4 Million!” Shi Lei looked at the data Izual showed in surprise. This data proves a truth, the lure of money, and never to be underestimated.

Money is moving!

“When is the registration time for Izual, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition? I forgot it!” Shi Lei asked Izual. Recently, Shi Lei’s has many thieves. Where do you remember the registration time?

“sr, the registration time is the twenty day of the month from 0:00 to 30, and the Twenty-three point is fifty-nine and fifty-nine seconds.” Izual’s answer was very detailed and accurate to the second. Because, even within the specified time, even the last second registration, Izual will be accurately recorded.

Shi Lei nodded. Today is May 14th. There are less than six days from the registration date. If you follow the normal procedure, May twenty, zero point, the Gamer can pass Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website registration, you can also register inside Brave’s World game. Regardless of which registration, you can participate in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

However, although the e-registration is quick and convenient, there is no lively atmosphere. The people of Xia Nation like the lively atmosphere. If you can make the registration process more lively, you may be able to attract more people to participate.

As for how to make a lot of fun, Shi Lei in the heart has a rough plan and ideas…

(To be continued.)

Ps: Izual : sr, congratulations, automatically enter the pit mode!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗