
Chapter 819

hk807 arrogant Task, borrowed Guided Missile! [happy New Year]

Beiyu District, Purple Mountains.

In the Ling Family’s study, Shi Lei sat next to Ling Yuguo, looking sideways at Ling Yuguo, waiting for Ling Yuguo to explain how to teach Nanyue Nation.

Ling Yuguo thought about it and said: “Shi Lei brat, this time Task, if you can get help from Rongcheng Military District, then there is no difficulty. We mainly choose three targets, you need to destroy them all, This shows that we can always pass the Nation border without warning, and warn Nanyue Nation to be honest.”

“Which three targets?” Shi Lei continued to ask.

Ling Yuguo stood up, went to the front of the bookshelf, pulled out one of the portfolios, and returned to the original position, placed the portfolio on the surface of the solid wood coffee table, “Look at it yourself!”

Shi Lei untied the kraft paper portfolio and took a closer look.

According to the data, the three targets that Ling Yuguo said are all on the border of Xia Nation and Nanyue Nation. They are the arsenal, Small-scale military use Airport, and a border station.

The three targets are about two hundred kilometers apart. Xia Nation borders Nanyue Nation with a total of one thousand twenty kilometers. These three targets are located in the middle of the border line, and the depth is relatively large, there are other units around to defend, Destroy is a bit difficult.

But as Ling Yuguo said, if you have the help of Rongcheng Military District, you can “follow” The Steel and Iron, then this Task is not a problem at all, and a few Swift Arrows will “shoot” out, and everything will be done. ! [

Of course, this is just the case of Shi Lei Fantasy. If Shi Lei really uses the Swift Arrow guide directly, if Nanyue Nation wants to take this matter to the United Nations, Li Jian Nation, the master behind them, will definitely jump out of the chaos.

In order not to attract the attention of Li Jian Nation, how to Destroy these three target positions needs further discussion.

Shi Lei puts down the data in his hand, “Uncle Ling · You Hope these three targets, when is Destroy?”

‘Shi Lei this brat, it really is not afraid of the Lord! Ling Yuguo in the heart lamented that even if Shi Lei did not help him, Ling Yuguo had no other ideas. After all, this is a good match for a Nation. What if there is an issue, is it bad?

“Whenever you feel comfortable, you can do it at all times.” Ling Yuguo added, “But try to be accomplish before September. Because, after September, the senior level is likely to hold a new plenary meeting at any time.”

Shi Lei hēi hēi a said with a smile : “Don’t wait for September! I will arrange this for tomorrow!”

“Shi Lei brat · You don’t have to worry so much, as long as September is accomplished, Uncle Ling will Thank the Heavens, Thank the Earth. Right, how much do you give Uncle Ling to the bottom, how confident is it?” Ling Yuguo’s tone, with With a kindness, apparently because of Ling Yumo’s relationship, he regarded Shi Lei as his own.

Shi Lei heard Ling Yuguo’s tone change, he thought about it and responded: “95% grasp! The probability of remaining 5%, only natural disasters**, it is possible to interfere with the progress of this matter. Uncle Ling · You can rest assured that this thing, I will arrange the Punishment Merc Warsquad!”

The Panishment Merc Warsquad · Nation executives founded by Ye Feng Little Group know they belong to Shi Lei. However, the Nation executives did not know that the Ye Feng trio had been converted to Wo Sang Nation nationality under Shi Lei’s arrangement.

Ling Yuguo didn’t say anything more, just a little bit of anticipation: “Hope is all right!”

From Ling Yuguo’s study, it was already past 8:30 in the evening. Ling Yumo and Jiang Ling were on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the villa.

Shi Lei and Ling Yuguo walked down from the second floor. Ling Yumo first impatiently said: “Dad, what did you discuss with Shi Lei? It took so long.”

Ling Yuguo laughs hā hā’s conversion topic: “Yumo, you and your mom watch TV, I send Shi Lei. It’s not too late, I would have let this brat stay, but this brat has to go back.”

Shi Lei’s expression, ‘Bureau Chief, when did you stay with me? , Shi Lei in the heart stunned the future of Father-In-Law adults, this is simply too Black Belly! Shi Lei wants to stay, but how can Ling Yuguo allow?

Ling Yumo looked at Shi Lei with a smirk, and of course she knew who the old stubborn is, and she knew that it was impossible to leave Shi Lei. [

Ling Yuguo sent Shi Lei to the side of Porsche Cayenne, just like the intention, said: “Mu Shuang is a person from Shengjing City, her father is Mayor from Shengjing City. I and Mu Zhongguo are also good friends, have a chance. When I am, I will help you.

Shi Lei nodded in the face of “color”. He naturally knows what Ling Yuguo is saying about this opinion. Ling Yuguo This is to remind him that Mu Shuang’s identity is not simple.

Shengjing City and Shuangqing City, also DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City, as the Mayor of DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City, can be described as high weight. The Mayor rich|daughter, and the Bureau Chief rich|daughter of the Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, it is impossible for the two women to serve together.

Even if there are some successful people, or people who are in high positions, there are many women in the dark, but those women are just Ordinary people.

“Uncle Ling, I will go back first, your business, I will deal with it as soon as possible.” After Shi Lei finished, he opened the driver’s seat door and drove Porsche Cayenne, as if he was guilty. !Ling Yuguo Looking at the taillights that are drifting away, the face “shows a smile”. ‘This country Old Ghost, don’t know, does he know that his daughter and my daughter are competing for the same boyfriend. Hēi hēi 嘿, I will call him and ask. ,

Just after 9 o’clock in the evening, Shi Lei returned to Shuanghu District.

Jingya Garden In the No. 4 room, Shi Lei called Li Yuan’s satellite phone number. He had a contact with Li Yuan for a while, and he did not know Li Yuan, who is still at Lin’an Underground Base.

The satellite phone waited for a while, and it was finally connected for about a minute.

Li Yuan’s exaggerated voice came over, “yō yō yō, who is this? It turned out to be our busy man Chief Shi ruling! Chief Shi ruling, how can I have a free contact today?”

“Damn, Little Yuan Zi, do you still have to shame? If you are hanging silk, is there anyone in the World, isn’t it hanging?” Shi Lei smiled. Li Yuan is the blood-related descendant of the current Commander of Rongcheng Military District. Even if Li Yuan’s Grandfather is about to step down, Li Department still has a big shadow in the Rongcheng Military District.

“Chief Shi cuts off the sling, don’t want to face it, give it to you?” Li Yuan is a sigh of tone.

“Get out of the way, I don’t want it!” Shi Lei deliberately attacked Li Yuan.

“tsk tsk! Since Chief Shi is not going to cut, don’t want this hanging wire!” Li Yuan took the word.

Shi Lei puts aside the jokes of the heart. “Yes,” said, ‘Okay, Little Yuan Zi, no kidding. I have something to help you. Are you in the Rongcheng Military District or in Lin’an Underground Base? ”

Li Yuan is no longer joking and replies: “Nature is Lin’an Underground Base! I know that you brat unless you have something to help. Otherwise you will not call!”

Shi Lei’s coughing twice, “Little Yuan Zi, you said Right?”

“You have to get it! I am afraid of you. You said, what do I need to do for you? First declare that illegally, I will not do anything.” Li Yuan responded to Shi Lei.

“Reassured, it’s not something that is illegal. I need some of The Steel and Iron from your Rongcheng Military District. You can help me tell Commander He and let him lend me a few.” Shi Lei confused the concept. , without specific instructions, also need Swift Arrow Series guide.

Li Yuan said curiously : “Stone, as long as The Steel and Iron?”

“En! Just a few of The Steel and Iron.” Shi Lei replied with a smile.

“It doesn’t seem to ben’t that right!” Li Yuan strangely returned complied. Then she said to let Shi Lei wait. “You wait for Wait!”

Shi Lei took the phone and waited patiently.

In the telephone receiver, Li Yuan’s voice came again, but the sound was a little small. “Old Dong, our Lin’an Underground Base, can we produce The Steel and Iron?”

Another familiar voice came from Dong Guoguo, who manages Lin’an Underground Base. “Major Li, Lin’an Underground Base has a Small-scale The Steel and Iron assembly line. A month’s production is about ten. Five. What’s wrong, does the Rongcheng Military District need to produce The Steel and Iron?”

Shi Lei listened to the conversation between the two, and a black line appeared on his forehead.

The voice of Li Yuan pleased came from the cell phone earpiece. “Stone, you brat in dupe, I am Right? Lin’an Underground Base can produce The Steel and Iron. Why do you find the Rongcheng Military District?”

“hēi hēi, I want the Swift Arrow guide mounted by the Rongcheng Military District The Steel and Iron!” Shi Lei said directly.

“What?” Li Yuan screamed. “Stone, are you playing with me? How can you give this kind of thing, how can you give it to you? You want smoke, flash or something, you can give it a little. Even pistol, semi-automatic rifle , son, etc., can’t give you. What are you going to do? Do you want to go to Antianmen to perform, and replace the photo of “Mao” with your Grandfather?” Li Yuan is cold and humorous.

“Of course not!” Shi Lei’s mind quickly weaves reasons and excuses. He naturally can’t say Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, nor can he say Ling Yuguo. “I recently tickle, I want to play two fireworks!”

“Short! Fireworks your sister! What is it?” Li Yuan asked seriously.

Shi Lei loudly aok a deep breath, sighed: “Well, tell you the truth. I have a little trouble in the business of Nanyue Nation. Nanyue Nation those bastard, disturbing my good things.” So, I want to teach them a little.”

“I fork! Stone, can you be normal, people are breaking your business, you have to use the bomber?” Li Yuan has some words, in the heart, thinking: ‘Shi Lei, the world of neurosis, The average person understands the fundamental law! ,

Shi Lei deliberately showed an angry tone. “Damn, you know a hairy! Nanyue Nation, the group of teasing, I lost 600 million! That is six hundred million, not six dollars, understand? ?”

“Not Right? Stone, are you kidding again?” Li Yuan curiously asked, “What did Nanyue Nation do, and you lost 600 million?”

“Do you think I am joking?” Shi Lei coldly snorted, “The specific thing, you don’t need to know. Anyway, this thing, Nanyue Nation makes me very upset. Little Yuan Zi, in a word, can you help?”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗