
Chapter 814

hk802 Shi Lei’s response, Brave’s World Gamer is booming!

Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden. Near the 12 point late at night.

Shi Lei sat in front of the Number One Server and looked at the all kinds of reports on the mCompany acquisition. He told Izual to prepare to buy mCompany’s stock at a high price.

At present, Dream Entertainment Company, which holds a total of mCompany 48148’s Stock, only has 18’s Stock, can absolutely hold mCompany, hold a Stockholder conference, and force any decision on mCompany. Including the dissolution of the existing management personnel, including the relocation of Headquarters address, or even the dissolution of certain projects, etc., all decisions related to the company’s future fate can be controlled by the absolute holder of Stockholder implement.

Just 18’s Stock, only a price of up to ko0US Dollar, is at most 100 Million Three Thousand 5 Million USD. Even 200US Dollar is just 270 Million US Dollar.

Shi Lei prepared Three Billion US Dollar for the acquisition of mCompany, plus First Round hype mCompany Stock, earning more than 800 million US Dollar profits, Shi Lei prepared US Dollar, and did not use much.

Based on the price of 200US Dollar, the remaining 18mCompany Stock will be acquired, allowing Dream Entertainment to hold a stock share of mCompany 50oq%, which will consume approximately 10 100 Million Five Thousand seven million US Dollars. It only occupies 3.8 billion US Dollar 30.

Even with the acquisition of mCompany, there is a buy one get one free offer, holding a stake in mCompany, which will carry the debt of Billions US Dollar. The remaining funds are also sufficient to deliver debt and acquire additional 499’s Stock.

It is true that after the Dream Entertainment Company acquired mCompany 50oq%Stock, it will cause the stock of mCompany to rise. But what if it wasn’t acquired by Dream Entertainment Company? And acquisition

The power of the company, taking over

After the company, immediately make some ‘sick, decision-making, then mCompany’s Stock price, will not plunge?

Besides, once Dream Entertainment actually acquired the absolute controlling share of mCompany, can’t you create a delisting condition? [

In Li Jian Nation’s NASDAQ license transaction market, delisting has very strict conditions.

Once the law reaches the listing criteria, the NASDAQ license transaction market will notify the Company to delist.

If the market is delisted in the market, the stocks in the hands of fixed investors will face three options. First kind, if mCompany’s Stock, enters the agency Stock Transfer System, also known as Three Market Trading. Then, the shareholder will have the option to place Stock in the three-board market and auction at the lowest number.

If delisted Stock, does not enter the agency Stock Transfer System · Shareholders can wait patiently, expect to hold Stock’s listed company, continue to go public after reorganization, or wait for Stock to enter the agency to transfer System, transfer the Stock transaction.

Generally speaking, the company that is actively delisting is basically impossible to go public again. Waiting to go public again, that is a huge pit!

There is also a last option, which is exactly as stated, leaving Stock in the hands. This choice is the worst, because this choice may cause Stock to completely become a pile of waste paper.

Most shareholding investors, faced with stock delisting, usually choose Three Market Trading. After all, it is a little comfort to be able to recover some of the losses.

mCompany’s Stock, if you choose to delist, then you will definitely enter Three Market Trading and will not re-list. In the eyes of the discerning eye, it is clear that mCompany is a hostile takeover. If they do not choose to sell mCompany’s Stock in Three Market Trading, they are likely to be unable to receive the penny.

Shi Lei intends to open a stock price for the last part of mCompany’s Stock, once accomplished the acquisition of the absolute holding of mCompany’s Stock, then the internal equity transaction transfer · transfer all the shares to an account, thus forcing mCompany in the NASDAQ certificate transaction Withdrawal from the market.

In the end, the delisting method was adopted to achieve the goal of wholly-owned acquisition of mCompany, and mCompany was also turned into Wholly Owned Subsidiary under Mirror Science and Technology, instead of Holding Company.

“What is the highest price that sr can accept?” Izual asked Shi Lei. As a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Izual is very ‘smart’, but does not have a creative, nor does it have a human subjective intent to Logical Judgement.

Izual’s Logical Judgement, which requires a rule limit, needs to be Shi Lei as System Administrator, and set the determination standard for Izual in advance. For example, Izual, as the internal rules of Brave’s World’s Main System and Brave’s World, has made all the limitations, including the concept of good and evil, law and so on.

Once Gamer does not comply with Brave’s World’s regulations, Izual as the Main System, can determine whether the Gamer meets the rules according to predetermined criteria.

Including Izual incarnation Qin Lan, helping Mu Shuang to acquire mCompany’s Stock, there are also limited rules, that is, NASDAQ certification transaction market rules. !

Without this rule, and without learning Mu Shuang’s “following” method, Izual is also unlikely to acquire mCompany’s Stock in the NASDAQ license transaction market, summon wind and rain. [

This time, Shi Lei gave the order issued by Izual, and did not give a clear restriction. Izual immediately asked Shi Lei, the standard of high-priced acquisition, that is, the highest price, to what extent.

“No more than 20US Dollar per share, make your own decision. If you exceed the price of 20US Dollar, please contact me directly.” Shi Lei reported an acquisition price.

Even mCompany’s Stock is hot on the NASDAQ license transaction market, but the current real-time stock price has not exceeded 60US Dollar.

The acquisition price is 200US Dollar, EQ uivalent to premium 3% more than 30%!

I am afraid that there has not been any acquisition in the entire World, beyond this premium rate Right? even though there is a similar acquisition, but the acquisition amount will not exceed the acquisition of mCompany.

“The yess command has been received and is currently conveyed to Mu Shuang and Xiao Bo.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

The current acquisition of “fighting” is basically done by Mu Shuang and Xiao Bo in implement, Izual has no use. Izual is better suited to implement a single, multi-threaded Task, rather than a Task with subjective intent.

Izual conveyed Shi Lei’s command, and just a few minutes later, Shi Lei’s cell phone rang, and the Caller ID was Mu Shuang. Shi Lei pressed the answer button and Mu Shuang’s voice was immediately passed.

“Shi Lei, I just received the news from Qin Lan. You told us to use the price of 20US Dollar to acquire mCompany’s Stock?” Mu Shuang’s tone, with a deep question.

“Well, that’s right!” Shi Lei answered affirmatively.

“Shi Lei, the price of 20US Dollar per share to buy mCompany’s Stock, are you crazy?” Mu Shuang said something: “As long as we wait patiently, we will definitely acquire the remaining Stock.”

“Mu Shuang, you didn’t read Li Jian Nation’s news report Right?” Shi Lei asked. “Our acquisition plan has been exposed by Li Jian Nation’s media. ntelCompany and Li Jian Nation “Government” have stood up Clearly opposed to us. If we don’t start now, I’m afraid there will be no chance right away!”

“What?” Mu Shuang’s voice is full of surprises. “Exposure? How is our acquisition plan exposed? Is there a traitor inside our company?”

Shi Lei Some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “Mu Shuang, do you really think of each other as a fool Ah? mCompany’s stock price fluctuates abnormally, even if my layman can see that there is an issue, you insider Still don’t understand?”

In fact, Mu Shuang is only the “fan” of the authorities.

Mu Shuang saw Izual’s “fighting” program, wrongly estimated Izual’s power, thinking that Izual spreads Stock over more than 400 accounts, so that it can not attract the attention of others.

But this is impossible!

Mu Shuang thought for a while and took the initiative to apologize: “Shi Lei, sorry, I didn’t realize the issue, I am sorry.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s not a big issue. As long as we can take the absolute controlling share of mCompany, then everything is worth it.” Shi Lei comforted Mu Shuang, Mu Shuang has done well enough, he has no dissatisfaction.

“Well, I understand, we will definitely get the absolute controlling share of mCompany.” Mu Shuang said firmly.

“I am waiting for your good news!” Shi Lei responded with a smile.

After ending the conversation with Mu Shuang, Shi Lei put the cell phone on the desktop of the computer. He “squeaked” the brow and thought about how to deal with Li Jian Nation “Government”.

The absolute controlling stake in the acquisition of mCompany is only the First step. In the face of the pressure of Li Jian Nation “Government”, it will be the test of the Second step. Even the Intel Company may reclaim the framework license for mCompany.

Once the Intel Company really did, Shi Lei had to prepare to develop the Brave’s World program interface based on the m64 framework. otherwise,

What is the use of the Company for acquisition?

The last issue is not a big issue. Based on the m64 framework of System, Shi Lei in the heart has a fledgling stage. Under the cooperation of Izual’s, you don’t need too much time, you can accomplish.

The only trouble is that in the face of the pressure of Li Jian Nation “Government”, it may bring a lot of trouble to Dream Entertainment. Of course, if Shi Lei is willing to give up some benefits, it is not impossible to evade the “plug” of Li Jian Nation “Government”.

“The number of srBrave’s World registrants has soared. In the past five minutes, the number of registrants has increased by 360,000 2 Million. Currently, the number of registrants is currently growing at a high rate.”

Shi Lei In his thoughts, Izual reported an inspiring news.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗