
Chapter 815

hk803 Brave’s World’s huge demand! [Blessing Happy New Year]

Brave’s World’s started and failed to meet Shi Lei’s expectations. Shi Lei promptly remedied the bonus of Promoted Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, which allowed the total prize amount of the competition to reach 6,030,000 USD, thus surpassing the e-sports three competition.

Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition The news of the prize promotion, which was freely promoted by overseas media, caused Brave’s World to be once again sensational in the Worldwide context.

Many of the Gamer, choose to register for Brave’s World’s account at the Dream Entertainment Official Forum. Dream Entertainment Company has adopted a unified account system that can be applied to any System developed by Dream Entertainment as long as it is a pass within the Dream Entertainment Company system.

For example, the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum account can be applied to Signed In Brave’s World. Just activate the account at Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website and you will be able to successfully signed In.

Even on Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website, Gamer can also create a game corner, accomplish some basic settings for the game. However, if you want to experience for oneself Brave’s World, you still have to download the Brave’s World’s client.

May 13th, late at night, Jingya Garden.

“Brave’s World’s registered number of Gamer surged?” After hearing Izual’s report, Shi Lei confirmed again.

“Yes Sir !Brave’s World’s Gamer has registered more than one thousand 3 Million. The Official Gamer Forum and the customer service center both received a consultation from the numerous Gamer and asked about Dream Entertainment Official’s Personal Game Server. When will it be available again?” Izual In response to Shi Lei, I also told Shi Lei about the issue and the feedback that Gamer cares about.

Dream Entertainment’s Personal Game Server, which works with Intel Company, is actually just a pre-installed Computer System. All the built-in configuration parameters can be found in the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website and Intel Company’s OffiCIA l Website. [

According to the parameter configuration that is queried, Gamer can purchase the relevant hardware and assemble a Personal Game Server. The difficulty of assembly will never exceed the assembly process of a personal computer, or even simpler!

Because of the configuration parameters of the Personal Game Server, there are only three options; and the configuration of the personal computer, according to the needs and budget, there are many hardware options to choose from.

However, Gamer can indeed assemble the Personal Game Server by themselves, but most of the Gamer will not choose to assemble itself. The reason is that Dream Entertainment Official’s Personal Game Server, Gamer will receive some rewards for Brave’s World’s Virtual Goods. If Gamer self-assembles a personal game service, then enjoy the rewards given by Dream Entertainment Official.

In addition to this, there is another important reason – the price!

Dream Entertainment and Intel Company, the Personal Game Server developed in cooperation, although the price is not cheap· the lowest model is 1999USD. However, if Gamer buys the hardware itself and assembles the Personal Game Server, even if it is to assemble a low-end model, at least 2500USD is required. This price is converted to Xia Nation Yuan, which is more than 4000. The mid-end model of Personal Game Server, the difference is more than 1500USD to USD.

Most of the Gamer who purchased Personal Game Server purchased low-end and mid-range models. Dream Entertainment Official’s Personal Game Server is not only cheap, but also awards Brave’s World’s related items. Unless you are a fool, why not choose Dream Entertainment Official’s Personal Game Server?

For this reason, the numerous Gamer at the Official Gamer Forum, as well as the customer service center, consulted Dream Entertainment Company’s Second Generation Personal Game Server, when it was released.

The Gamers did not know that Shi Lei was attempting to acquire mCompany, and then the Second Generation Personal Game Server was sold by mCompany. Gamer only knows that Dream Entertainment Company has signed a cooperation agreement with Intel Company for Second Generation Personal Game Server.

According to the law of the release of First Generation Personal Game Server, even if the capacity of Intel Company can’t keep up with the sales speed in the early stage, at least Dream Entertainment Company should also open the booking page independently and let Gamer order in advance!

Shi Lei “揉” is the location of the sun “hole”, both happy and depressed. Gamer is pursuing Personal Game Server. This shows that Personal Game Server has a huge market demand. Once Dream Entertainment Company takes over the mCompany and quickly exports the Second Generation Personal Game Server, it will immediately receive an order and make mCompany profitable. Shi Lei wants to make big money!

The root cause of the acquisition of mCompany is also to make a lot of money in the Personal Game Server market.

However, Dream Entertainment Company has not yet acquired accomplish mCompany!

“Izual, reply to Gamer, let them wait patiently for Second Generation Personal Game Server. Tell them, Second Generation Personal Game Server, there is no specific parameter plan yet.” Shi Lei took a delay**.

The detailed parameter configuration of the Second Generation Personal Game Server has not yet been determined. Only waiting for Shi Lei to enter the master

Company, will determine exactly what to take mCompany, which pu and gpu

“Understood, sr!” Izual responded. [

At one o’clock in the middle of the night, Shi Lei stretched out and he saved the Brave’s World code based on the m064 architecture. In order to prevent the Intel Company from suspending the authorization of the mCompany xb6 architecture after the acquisition of mCompany, Shi Lei needs to change some Brave’s World’s source code.

Shi Lei yawned, sleepy: “Izual, what Emergency Situation, wake me up.” Shi Lei does not like to stay up late, more than 12 o’clock in the evening, he is a bit languid.

At 14 o’clock in the morning on May 14.

Jingya Garden Building Ten The doorbell of the No. 3 room was sounded. For safety reasons, the XXIX-Layer and the twenty floors of the Jingya Garden Building Ten were all purchased by the Ruling Security Company with different identity. A concealed camera was installed in the stairwell on the tenth floor of the 9-Layer building.

“Sr outside the door is ringing the doorbell, the identity has been confirmed, the visitor is Ling Yumo, is the door open?” Izual raised the volume of the speaker in an attempt to call Shi Lei to get up.

The interior decoration of the No. 3 room in 2001 has undergone two special treatments, and the sound insulation “sex” can be very Outstanding. This is to prevent external eavesdropping and to know the content of Shi Lei’s conversation with Izual’s.

Shi Lei was awakened by Izual’s voice and looked at the screen outside the door that Izual showed through the projector. He quickly said: “Quickly open the door!”

“kā dá ~”

The security door in the living room has also been specially treated. Izual is controlled by electrical components, effectively preventing the invasion of ‘unlock’.

Ling Yumo walked into the living room and didn’t find Shi Lei’s figure. She whispered, “Stone Monster, where are you?”

“Hey, Little Mo, you wait, I haven’t got up yet, give me a minute!” Shi Lei currently wears a cotton t-shirt, the weather in May is not so cold, and the temperature inside his room is installed. The air conditioning system maintains the optimum temperature and only wears a t-shirt.

Hu “disorder” put on a t-shirt, and then put on a pair of beach pants, washed three times and five, and then rushed out of the bedroom, looking at Ling Yumo with a smirk: “Little Mo, How did you come?”

Ling Yumo looked at Shi Lei’s image with a smile in her eyes. “Stone Monster, I am inviting you, Mama, to come to our house tonight, she wants to thank you in person.”

“Thank you?” Shi Lei’s “touch” is a bit confusing.

Ling Yumo sai一said with a smile : “Stupid Stone Monster, my Mama also knows that I was kidnapped in Capital City, you saved me, I Mama certainly want to thank you! Yes, go to my house today. Don’t bring any gifts. It’s my father’s old stubbornness, or my Mama, I don’t like guests bringing gifts to the door.”

Ling Yuguo is in a high position, and it is impossible to accept the gift of the imperial concubine. It will be a good reason for the political enemy to attack him. Ling Yumo specifically reminded Shi Lei that Hope Shi Lei should not be jealous.

Shi Lei nodded, but in the heart was thinking, what gift should be given. As the saying goes, the ceremony is still coming, and many people don’t blame. If you really don’t give gifts, it’s just a policy.

If you send the wrong gift, it is the best policy. The best policy is to give gifts, and to give the gift, to let Ling Yuguo and Jiang Ling have to accept the gift, and the political enemy to play the gift.

“Well, Stone Monster, I am going to find Elder Sister Mu Shuang to study and manage the company!” Ling Yumo deliberately used a slightly exaggerated movement to look up and down Shi Lei, and finally smiled: “Stone Monster, if I take this image of you and show it to Elder Sister Mu Shuang, don’t know if she will look at it differently?”

Shi Lei snorted, clearly two people are love rivals, how their relationship is so close? This is how the same thing?

“Little Mo, I believe you won’t betraying my Right?” Shi Lei pretended to be pitiful.

“hēng hēng, that’s not sure.” Ling Yumo walked outside the door. When she got to the door, she turned and said: “Stone Monster, at five o’clock in the afternoon, let’s go home together, don’t forget!”

Shi Lei nodded hard: “Okay, I remember!”

Ling Yumo looked at Shi Lei’s serious expression and left with a smile. When the door of the living room is closed, Izual started talking: “The sr life memo is successfully established. According to the specific situation, System will automatically remind you.”

After Ling Yumo left, for a whole day, Shi Lei was in the interface program issue between accrelish Brave’s World and m64 architecture. It was busy until 4:30 in the afternoon. Izual began to remind: “sr, now is 4:30 in the afternoon. According to the human etiquette of System learning, you should sort out the instrument and personal hygiene.”

Shi Lei coughed, sometimes Izual’s Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module, too advanced and not good, Izual knows things, too much.

Under the reminder of Izual’s, Shi Lei walked into the bathroom, took a twenty minute to wash her hair and bathe, and dressed neatly.

“Izual, I told the prepared gift, have you arranged it?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗