
Chapter 813

hk801 Li Jian Nation Government’s opinion!

Xia Nation Time, May 13th, Twenty-three points. The corresponding Li Jian Nation time is 11 am.

Company is Li Jian Nation’s High-tech Company, which has a very important status throughout Li Jian Nation. Even mCompany’s products are not as good as Intel Company’s products in terms of “sex” and quality aspects. But mCompany has a price advantage and also has a considerable share in the market.

Even some of Li Jian Nation’s secret defense industries have adopted mCompany’s products.

If mCompany is acquired by Xia Nation’s company, it is not Dream Entertainment Company, Li Jian Nation’s “Government” will be the first opponent. Fortunately, thanks to Li Jian Nation’s law, Shi Lei can find a variety of ways to avoid acquisition risks. Successfully reached the acquisition of mCompany’s Lawful condition, avoiding interference with Li Jian Nation “Government”.

Li Jian Nation’s influence on the “Government” intervention in the multinational Company acquisition is not too powerful. Li Jian Nation “Government” does not have the privilege of Xia Nation “Government”. They can only cause some trouble at most. If this happens in Xia Nation, just need Xia Nation “Government” to make two calls and the company acquisition will be suspended.

The No. 2 seed player who blocked mCompany’s acquisition, effectively as stated mCompany’s dead-to-head wntlCompany. In fact, mCompany is almost the younger brother of the Intel Company, used to act as a green leaf to accompany the safflower.

If there is no mCompany product, it is so bad, how can Intel Company’s products prove their Outstanding? The market needs competitors to be able to separate quality. If there is only one Intel Company product, there is no difference between good and bad, because there is no choice and comparison.

In Li Jian Nation, following the “Li Jian Today” and “Wall Street Journal”, two influential newspapers, when they came out to report Dream Entertainment and mCompany, another quite influential newspaper also stood up to report. Dream Entertainment Company acquired the mCompany event. The newspaper, which has a huge influence on Li Jian Nation, is precisely as stated in the New York Times. It is still the opposite of the color.

“Dream Entertainment is trying to acquire mCompany, does the Intel Company know? 》[

Regarding the “Wall Street Journal”, about the Dream Entertainment Company ·currently acquiring mCompany, is this thing known to the Intel Company?

We all know that Intel Company is not only a direct competitor of mCompany, but also

The controlling party of the Company. Although Intel Company does not directly control mCompany’s Stock, according to Wall Street’s related sources, Intel Company controls mCompany about 1’s Stock.

If Dream Entertainment Company wants to acquire mCompany, it will face direct pressure from the Intel Company. According to the Specialist, who is unwilling to disclose the name of the “Dew”, Dream Entertainment Company’s total assets are approximately 5 Billion US Dollar · working funds for the three Billion US Dollar. Its Parent Company Mirror Science and Technology and the other Child Company, except for the Dream Entertainment Company, have a total value of approximately Three Billion US Dollar, working funds for the time being. Taken together, Mirror Science and Technology Company’s total assets are approximately eight Billions US Dollar.

However, Intel Company’s total assets exceed one thousand 20 Billion US Dollars, working funds exceed 20 Billion US Dollars, and low-interest loans over 30 Billion US Dollars can be drawn from Li Jian Nation’s major banks at any time. If the Intel Company wants to suppress Dream Entertainment Company, it will be very easy.

Even wntmlCompany can compete maliciously with Dream Entertainment Company, investing less working capital than ntmCompany. · Blocking Dream Entertainment to continue to acquire mCompany’s Stock.

With the working capital of Intel Company 20 Billion USD, Dream Entertainment borrowed three Billion USD, it was difficult to beat the Intel Company. Even the wwnmCompany reversed the consumption of working funds, which dragged the Dream Entertainment Company’s own development.

On the acquisition of mCompany Stock, whether it is Dream Entertainment Company, we are questioning on behalf of Intel Company!

To acquire mCompany, you need to agree with Intel Company!

The “New York Times” is obviously a pro-ntel faction. The Intel Company did not jump out and say anything. They couldn’t wait to stand up. On behalf of the Intel Company, they issued a arrogant declaration to the whole world.

However, the “New York Times” is a bit right, that is, the acquisition of mCompany, asked the Intel Company?

Dream Entertainment under the cover of Izual’s repeated transaction, secretly “touch” “touch” acquisition of Forty’s shares, in addition to Izual’s Outstanding logic program, but also because NASDAQ certificate transaction market, the stock of Stock does not exceed 50% . ntelCompany is not worried at all,

Company’s Stock is under absolute control.

However, after reports from major media, Intel Company turned its attention to mCompany. Even if Dream Entertainment Company is only 2% of mCompany Stock, it can reach absolute control. But this 2% of Stock, as if it were a sacred, was stopped before the Dream Entertainment Company’s road.

Following the New York Times, a report on ntmCompany, the Washington Post also reported on the acquisition of mCompany.

“Washington Post” is located at the political center of Li Jian Nation, the capital of Washington. Some Reporters and editors have a close relationship with politics.

Whenever Li Jian Nation “Government”, it is inconvenient to stand up and express the views directly, through the “Washington Post reported some insider, news. [

Inside Li Jian Nation, the insider news reported by Washington Post usually represents Li Jian Nation’s “Government” position. It is the vane of Li Jian Nation’s “Government” and has won the favor of politicians.

Regarding the time of the mCompany acquisition, the Washington Post reported as follows:

“Acquisition of mCompany? Li Jian Nation “Government” does not agree! 》

Mysterious forces buy mCompany? This is a big joke because Li Jian Nation “Government” does not agree!

NASDAQ proves that the transaction market and Wall Street have circulated news about the acquisition of mCompany, and this newspaper Reporter got some special insider.

Whether the acquirer is Xia Nation’s Dream Entertainment Company, this acquisition is finally implemented. Li Jian Nation “Government” aspect, will not be allowed

The company falls into the hands of others.

Li Jian Nation’s defense industry uses a significant portion of mCompany’s products, including custom-made chips, System design solutions, and more. If mCompany falls into the hands of foreign forces and Li Jian Nation’s defense industry secrets, it may leak with mCompany.

In order to prevent this possibility, Li Jian Nation “Government” aspect will be approved by the bill to restrict mCompany. And Li Jian Nation “Government” aspect, will also give mCompany, a certain amount of interest loans, help mCompany to tide over the difficulties.

If mCompany can eventually avoid bankruptcy, Li Jian Nation “Government” aspect will come out to acquire mCompany and turn mCompany into “Government” Holding Company.

The “Washington Post” report clearly shows the attitude of Li Jian Nation “Government” Li Jian Nation “Government” aspect, refused

The Company was acquired by the Force, and even did not hesitate to “government” to interfere with the operation of the Capital Market.

In fact, in any institutional environment, state-owned enterprises are inevitably present. However, the “sex” quality of state-owned enterprises is different. In the Capital Market environment, the Nation aspect of the state-owned enterprise represents only one Stockholder, and does not have any special privilege of the Stockholder, just like the rest of the Stockholder.

For example, Li Jian Nation “Government” acquires shares of General Motors 60%, and reorganizes General Motors. They only serve as the holder of the stockholder, and will not act as the manager’s corner.

Let the market decide the operation of the company, rather than putting the “Government” system in the operation of the company

“New York Times” and “Washington Post”, two influential newspapers, reported on the hrCompany acquisition incident and immediately let NASDAQ prove the transaction market, mCompany’s Stock has skyrocketed. mCompany’s Stock is optimistic about the major investors, or there are behind the forces in the hype.

In the original NASDAQ license transaction market, there is no stock circulation of mCompany. Izual automatically determines the current situation. After the law suppresses mCompany’s stock, it stops the internal sell and buy, and the mStock of the NASDAQ license transaction market is zero. This made mCompany’s Stocks appear in short supply, the price broke through 50US Dollar per share, and it continued to climb, without stopping the opinion.

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei used Izual to view the “New York Times” and “Washington Post” information. His face was quite ugly. His original plan is the acquisition of secretly “touching” and “touching”

Company, not discovered by Intel and Li Jian Nation “Government” at all.

Can be the result, obviously failed!

Whether it is the Intel Company or the Li Jian Nation “Government”, they all know the Dream Entertainment Company’s attempt. Even if there is no evidence that the NASDAQ license transaction market is Dream Entertainment Company’s acquisition of mCompany’s Stock.

But Intel Company and Li Jian Nation “Government” do not need any definitive evidence. Just suspect that it is Dream Entertainment Company, it is enough!

“shut!” Shi Lei snorted.

“How is the acquisition progress of Izual, Mu Shuang and Xiao Bo?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

Izual’s disguised identity Qin Lan and was directly involved in the acquisition of mCompany, so Izual knew the latest progress. “sMu Shuang failed in the NASDAQ license transaction market. On the Stock Market, there is no stock sale of mCompany. Xiao Bo’s acquisition plan is currently on the run. There is no fixed investor and willingly take the mCompany shares.”

For this result, Shi Lei is ready, but still said it is difficult to accept!

“Give me a high price acquisition! With money, I don’t believe it, no one doesn’t sell it!” Shi Lei said the glasses on the bridge of the nose, calmly speaking.

There is a great man who has said the ugly nature of capital. When there is a twenty percent of profit, the capital will be ready to move; when the profit reaches 50%, the capital will take risks; if the profit has 100%, the capital will dare to take the lead. Once the profit reaches 3%, the capital will dare to trample on all human law!

If Shi Lei has exceeded the NASDAQ license transaction market, 3% has a premium of more than 100. Isn’t the avaricious capital not trampling on the world law?

Capital Market has such a benefit, that is, with money, you can buy everything…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗