
Chapter 812

hk800 Gossip! Pick up the man!

Dream Entertainment is a news maker!

The news media of the whole world is always concerned about Dream Entertainment, especially overseas media. They always like to watch Dream Entertainment and create topics related to Dream Entertainment.

Dream Entertainment’s OffiCIA l Website, updated the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition bonus setting, Li Jian Nation’s “Li Jian Today”, First time reported.

“Daveam Entertainment’s Brave’s World will set off the e-sports madness!” 》

Xia Nation Time, May 13th, 9:09pm, Xia Nation network Entertainment, Ranked First’s Company, Dream Entertainment Company officially announced that its only online game Brave’s World, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition , bonus settings changed.

According to this newspaper, Brave’s World’s First Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, the prize is promoted eight times, First Place’s highest prize is 3 Million US Dollar, and there are several unknown values ​​of Brave’s World Virtual Goods.

A Virtual online game, First Place’s bonus, even up to 3 Million? Dream Entertainment Company’s bonuses directly surpassed wgWorld’s eSports competition, esw eSports World Cup, and plProfession eSports League. These three eSports events have become World First’s eSports competition.

Dream Entertainment Company formed the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and the total award Jin Da went to 6300,000 US Dollar. According to the Company’s Official page, the winners of the event will also receive some Brave’s World’s Virtual Goods. According to some of the Gamer interviewed by this newspaper, the data provided by Brave’s World’s Virtual Goods is also quite valuable.

Brave’s World’s First The Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is the world’s top e-sports event. Dream Entertainment Company, in the world of e-sports, set off the madness of the Large Prize. [

Perhaps the Professional Player who participated in the wg, eswpl three competition events should give thanks to the Dream Entertainment Company. Because the organizers of the three competition events, in order to seize the Professional Player, they will certainly provide the corresponding bonus.

Otherwise, the major Professional Players may choose to embrace Dream Entertainment’s Brave’s World.

The report of “Li Jian Today” was very timely. They directly took the form of the network starter and sent the news out, which prevented the news time and the delay of the news due to the printing time of NewsapAPer.

As reported by Li Jian Today, Dream Entertainment’s Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, a greatly promoted bonus, spreads within Li Jian Nation, even faster than Xia Nation.

Li Jian Nation’s San Francisco has many, many Xia Nation people. The reason is that 1906’s big earthquake, almost completely San Francisco’s Destroy, related to the household registration issue, naturally managed to relax. Thus, the numerous Xia Nation people flocked to San Francisco and became a citizen of Li Jian Nation.

In a Dojo in San Francisco, a youngster who seems to be only twenty years old and has a tiger head and brain, is a rough voice: “Dad, I want to play games!”

A middle-aged man looks at the youngster of the tiger’s head and angers: “Playing games? Wang Xiaohu, you actually want to play games? You know, you have pinned our family’s Hope, we Wang Dojo future, you still need Support · You still have to play games?”

Wang Xiaohu scratched his head and said: “Dad, look at the news! A company of Xia Nation has developed a online game of Wuxia Category. Just get the First Place of Martial World Struggle for Power Competition in this online game. Get the 3 Million US Dollar bonus!”

“What?” Surprised than middle-aged, “Wang Xiaohu, you are a son of a bitch, you want to play the game, even still make up such lies to deceive Daddy, Daddy hit you believe it or not profuse bag?”

Wang Xiaohu said: “Dad, you can read the news yourself! If you don’t believe it, you can call Big Sis! Anyway, I don’t care. I just watched the video online. Those Gamer’s standards are too low, they are not at all. My opponent!”

It seems that in order to verify his own words, Wang Xiaohu made a fist and made a wonderful Fist Method. Although this set of Fist Method is only good-looking in the eyes of laymen, but insiders know that this set of Fist Method is very powerful.

“Dad, I learned the Heroic Tyrant Fist Method. I didn’t have any actual combat experience at all. In that game, it used the sense of “fucking”, that is, the physical movement of Reality, corresponding to the game. So set Let me get some practical experience in the game, Dad, how do you feel?” Wang Xiaohu asked again.

“Son of a bitch, you wait for Daddy, Daddy call first to ask you Big Sis. If you dare brat lied, Daddy do not you play become Buddha, Daddy is not your Daddy!” Shouted the middle-aged Ramp.

Wang Xiaohu smiled and scratched his head. He knew his Big Sis and would definitely see Brave’s World’s news from Li Jian Today.

Far away from Africa, Pretoria, which is Tshwane. The time here is six hours away from Xia Nation Time. Xia Nation has a little more twenty at night, and Tshwane’s time is only 15 o’clock in the afternoon. [

A dark-skinned young robot man, dressed in a very rudimentary manner, is standing outside a glass curtain wall, inside the glass curtain wall, dozens of televisions, and currently playing about Brave’s World’s news.

The sheer influence of Brave’s World has been reported even in Africa. After all, Africa also has a lot of Brave’s World’s Gamer.

The handsome, sturdy youngster, watching the news about Brave’s World’s introduction, his hands clenched tightly, whispering in his mouth: “Brave’s World, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, 3 Million US Dollar !”

Obviously, this young robot man also moved his mind. However, maybe he can’t afford to buy a “fighting” platform.

Due to the regional time difference, Brave’s World changed the bonus setting of the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. Instead, it was reported by foreign media. Most of the domestic media have not responded, or it has reacted, but the time is approaching. At ten o’clock in the evening, it is not suitable for reporting.

Some domestic media, in the past, the satirical Dream Entertainment Company, which is more than a foreign media. Because the theory is the Public Test Period city-all kinds of news release time, Dream Entertainment always likes to put Xia Nation Time late or early morning, and in most areas overseas, the time is just good during the day.

This time, Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website, the announcement of the homepage update, was released at 9:09 in the evening. It was once again satirized by some media in Xia Nation. On the OffiCIA l Website of their own media, they ridiculed whether Dream Entertainment is Xia Nation Company or an overseas company. Why do you always choose ‘overseas time?

For such ridicule, Shi Lei chose to ignore. A news announcement, he likes when to release, then when to release, as long as Gamer feels convenient time, why should we consider the media to be inconvenient?

Dream Entertainment Company did not explain the Xia Nation media under the direction of Shi Lei’s. Dream Entertainment Company is welcomed by Gamer and does not need to bow to the media to please them.

The company that pleases the media is just those companies that don’t do well and need to promote the company!

Xia Nation’s news media is lagging behind, and overseas media have reported in real time. Dream Entertainment Company is more famous in the whole world. Almost all Gamer knows the Dream Entertainment Company’s wolf ambition.

The total prize for the First Period Gamer Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is up to 6,030,000 USD and the prize for First Place is up to 3 Million USD. With such a high prize amount, some of World’s famous e-sports Gamer have announced their entry into Brave’s World on their personal website. Brave’s World is not open for a long time, World Top Level e-sports Gamer · expressed confidence to catch up with the pioneer Gamer.

As the information of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition became more and more hot, Li Jian Nation’s “Wall Street Journal” broke the news that shocked the whole world.

“MCompany is about to change hands and Dream Entertainment’s plot? 》

Company will be easy to change!

Reporter, Gold-medal Scooper David. Cobo, after a long period of careful investigate, found an astonishing information: mCompany’s Stock, has been acquired by some force, more than a percent Forty!

Currently, in the NASDAQ license transaction market, mCompany’s share price has risen to 306US Dollar and continues to rise. Compared to the price of 184US Dollar per share in the previous few days, the current real-time share price has increased by 66%.

In just two days, mCompany’s stock price fluctuated and there was a clear trace of human “fighting”. The Specialist analysis team at our Wall Street Journal is very impressed with the team that hyped mCompany Stock. The team has a very powerful “fashion” and has a large team member, they are accurate accomplish the hype

Company’s Stock, did not make a mistake together.

According to the Specialist analysis team of our Wall Street Journal and the well-known practitioners of Wall Street, the team that is speculating on mCompany Stock is very likely to come from Xia Nation, who is suspected of pointing directly to Dream Entertainment Company.

Throughout Xia Nation, except for Dream Entertainment Company, there is no company that dares to speculate on mCompany’s Stock. This is not to look down on the economic strength of Xia Nation’s other companies, but the rest of the company, no effort to win mCompany.

The company’s performance is a net loss every year and it owes more than US Dollar’s external debt. Acquisition

Company, on EQ uivalent to buy one get one free. Which Xia Nation Company dare to take over? In addition to the Dream Entertainment Company, dare to act as a receiver, what other company dare to be happy?

As of the publication of this newspaper, in the NASDAQ license transaction market, mCompany’s stock stock, there has been zero flow, which means that mCompany’s Stock, all held by the investors, did not invest in the Stock Market.

Is it so strange that Dream Entertainment Company is not suspect?

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei looked at this article at the Izual’s prompt. He just wanted to say ‘Damn’ to the Wall Street Journal. Now that it is the most critical time to acquire mCompany, the unopened Gold-medal Scooper has jumped out of the chaos.

This kind of Dream Entertainment Company’s acquisition of mCompany’s anecdote will definitely cause big trouble to Dream Entertainment Company! There are a few economically minded investment personnel, and you know that Dream Entertainment Company has the power to revitalize mCompany.

Just a Personal Game Server project, you can make mCompany come back to life!

Although Dream Entertainment Company and Intel Company signed a cooperation agreement with Second Generation Personal Game Server, the two companies have not yet officially cooperated. Dream Entertainment has not proposed the configuration of Second Generation Personal Game Server to Intel Company. The “sex” can be requested.

The two sides only signed a cooperation agreement and did not put it into action. The agreement is still on paper and has not yet begun to take effect. As long as there is no formal cooperation, then everything is variable!

It is definitely not a fool to pay attention to the investors of mCompany. The fool will not enter the NASDAQ certificate transaction market. They all know that once Dream Entertainment Company acquires mCompany, then mCompany’s Stock is going to be a big upswing. So, at this critical moment, who else is willing to sell mCompany’s Stock?

The fixed investors of the company only need to wait patiently for a while to know the final result. On what is the result, they are all acceptable.

If Dream Entertainment buys mCompany, they are right, they will make big money with Dream Entertainment; if it is not Dream Entertainment’s acquisition of mCompany, the worst result is that mCompany’s Stock has plummeted. They have experienced

Stock 184US Dollar One of the lowest historical stock prices, is it afraid that Stock will plummet?

‘Your Mother’s David. Cobo, you are the pick-up man, you have to be happy! Shi Lei cursed the Gold-medal Scooper of the Wall Street Journal in the heart.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗